Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard

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i would just watch the cross-examination that's what i'm looking for that's what we're gonna be catching up with we gotta talk about her [ __ ] dr evil outfit she is unironically dressed like dr evil it's crazy i saw so many comparisons kim jong-un dr evil mao zedong those are the three main ones this is exactly what the outfit looks like though she looks like an angry dictator wearing this i don't know who is like guiding her here i don't know what what the [ __ ] they're doing they must be a real big johnny depp fan those are some weird clothing choices i like i can't even imagine why she would choose these clothes it just it makes no sense yeah so all i know going into this i tried to avoid spoilers uh i know they caught amber heard on her lie about donating the 7 million that she got from the divorce settlement she just kept saying she was pledging 7 million from the divorce settlement without ever actually donating it over the course of however many years she's been divorced from johnny depp which is a pretty big lie to catch someone in just looks like an unbelievable [ __ ] he promised you he would never you would never see his eyes again isn't that true i don't recall if you said that one of the last times you ever saw mr depp was when you met him in san francisco he was coming out swinging 16 right yes this lawyer goes in it seems like it she's already kind of come out the gate firing you want to enter in i have to imagine though that's not the reason johnny depp doesn't look at it that's like some anime [ __ ] i promise she'd never see my eyes again it's probably he really doesn't want to look at a woman who has uprooted his entire life with all kinds of crazy [ __ ] please i just wanted to hug you and say bye so it sounds like they have new evidence [Music] he will not see my eyes again oh well i guess that was real that's you and mr death in that recording that is tell them johnny depp i joined up man i'm i'm a victim of domestic violence and the man you beat up numerous times i could never hurt johnny vicious you're here in this courtroom because mr dude only told the world that he is a victim of domestic violence or as you said to him in that recording who was going to believe that johnny depp a man is a victim of domestic violence my god they're cooking amber's cheeks right now he's kind of going in because he's a man i was saying because he's a man who beat me up for five years he is an abuser and you can look either of us up online and figure out who's being abused online that's a really bad play amber because when you look up your name plus domestic abuse even aside from johnny depp you get the actual criminal lawsuit with you and your ex-girlfriend where you beat her up so like you wouldn't really want people to look you up plus domestic abuse even outside of johnny depp she's she's on the ropes right now the big [ __ ] yikes it is she has a legitimate case against her from 2009 where she beat up her ex-girlfriend but then she said it was actually overplayed she didn't beat her up she'd simply hit her or something like that so there's no medical records reflecting any injuries to your face after hit he hit you several times i did not need to go to the doctor at the time despite hitting you several times that you lost count with rings on your on his fingers that's correct i did not seek medical attention other than my therapist well there's no injuries to the face as she just confirmed which means that statement was a lie you didn't produce any photographs after that alleged incident did i i don't know if i took one or if it's included it's the prime minister's objective i didn't show any pictures to the jury after describing that incident that your your lip went into your teeth you don't remember that right you didn't show any pictures to this jury after describing that incident right i don't believe i've seen that picture admitted that picture doesn't exist i i don't know which one you're talking about there were we have pictures from march 2013 what do you mean what the [ __ ] the only picture that you've probably who is coaching amber for like debate team here like a high schooler this isn't granted i've seen very little but this usually isn't how it happens right usually it's a lot more concise and pointed as opposed to obtuse because she's already completely thrown out this entire picture with this strategy she confirmed that this is the incident where she claimed johnny depp hit her so many times in the face she forgot or she lost count and then the picture to back up that evidence is a bruise on her arm which shows no injury to the face which immediately discredits that photo she is terrible at this i know she fired her entire team beforehand but didn't she replace them or is she just going solo that's a real question i don't know did she like hire a new team after she fired them oh it was oh that's right it was a pr team oh that's right i forgot it was the pr team you didn't take any pictures of your bloody nose either did you i did not but pictures were taken of you in russia though isn't that correct yes that that's correct we had a press or a dinner um let's please pull up plaintiff's exhibit one two four eight and this is you and mr depp in russia for the lone ranger premiere correct oh man what a stinker of a movie i believe for in promotion of the movie wasn't the premiere if i recall you don't have any visible injuries to your face do you none that you can see exhibit one two four nine all right one two four nine in evidence then paparazzi is actually really helping this case russia for the lone ranger premiere right that is correct and you have no visible injuries to your face do you none that you can see even though mr duck whacked him in the face so hard that your nose bled uh he did while wearing chunky big rings right that's correct ah sounds reasonable i have to imagine now granted i i'm no pugilist if you're getting blasted by like rings on fingers it'd probably be kind of similar to like brass knuckles in a certain extent right that caused some serious damage right and she's still gonna sit there with a straight face and be like you just can't see it but it's there this is only an hour and 55 minutes and i feel like it's a speed run by dismantling half of her claims already that's already through like three of them man she's really going in she said all right i'm gonna take this down but i also have a lunch scheduled for three hours from now so let's make it quick it also helps that amber heard is doing a terrible job at defending herself and you haven't produced any pictures or any medical records reflecting a broken nose after the met gal in may of 2014 have you i have given everything to my lawyers everything i've turned over literally everything you need to fire those [ __ ] this is a picture of you and mr deb man that makeup really fixed that broken nose right up allegedly in the face so hard you thought he had broken your nose he did whack me in the face and i did think it broke my nose ice will cover up swelling ice reduces swelling normally the swelling after that kind of injury is not as bad as you would might imagine and what it wasn't that bad if you even get hit in the nose with like a basketball off of a bad pass that [ __ ] puffs up let alone getting hit with a giant ringed fist that these are not good claims to be making miss turd man it is there are so many pictures they came prepared they did their homework a picture you haven't produced or shoved into this jury right miss heard i absolutely i've produced everything but you haven't shown it to the story i would very much like to it's not my job and she hates her lawyers too i mean i would do after this to be honest yes pretty smart though to use the lawyers as a scapegoat but also pretty stupid considering they're the ones that are trying to keep you 50 million dollars not in the hole amber heard using chug jugs before taking photos okay then yeah i guess is she going to jail too uh that's not the purpose of the trial so no unless she somehow like implicates herself in a big way like something straight out of a cartoon like yeah i did it and i'll do it again too and then lunges over it johnny and starts beating his ass there's a chance she may with perjury i highly i mean granted i haven't finished this but i don't think there's any case of perjury against her is there oh wow amber heard perjury investigation continues holy [ __ ] and a dog smuggling lawsuit don't know what that is i was checking on my phone um after the event to see to make sure that nothing they couldn't see anything your testimony was that you were checking in the car on the way to the event to make sure that there were no marks on your back perhaps i misspoke or misunderstood it was on the way back from it was after i was concerned after you know concerned that there would be marks in any photograph since we were photographed at johnny's press event this is you in the backless dress at the mordecai premiere in tokyo right that is correct you would agree that there are no bruises or visible marks on your back in this picture no not that i could see i'll show you one other photo if we could please have plaintiff's exhibit one two five seven i see a mark that's what i was wondering i thought this was a scratch and i was like oh so she she did have a scratch but i'm guessing this is a tattoo i i don't know what that is it is a tattoo she has red text tattoo oh it's just actually supposed to be red why that's weird i've never seen red text tattoos before makes it hard to read i imagine is a tier one grade tier one red and tier one lombra man there's some quicken kyle and shoe spelling error oh true yeah i guess maybe her original text tattoo was spelled incorrectly so like a teacher she came in with the red ink above it for all the corrections there aren't any medical records reflecting that you sought medical treatment for any of these injuries are there i did not seek uh medical treatment after australia no not for the rape no i did not want to tell anyone not for the cuts no not for the injuries to your face i didn't need to you also told the jury about an incident on december 15 2015 right so that incident right there with the writing on the wall so she took pictures of that that [ __ ] she was talking about with the paint were giant or right where johnny depp was like writing weird [ __ ] and paint on the wall is that the same timeline with his finger oh that's right yeah yeah with this finger where his writing was in his like finger cut it like his finger cut or whatever okay so that's the same one okay yeah it's a lot of broken nose claims with no medical attention to time she's got super regenerative powers it's like the deadpool i can please direct your attention miss her to page of day 16 4593 the jury trials transcript don't they still have someone on staff that transcribes these in real time or is that obsolete now with technology weird time to pause i'm just curious yeah it is still just a person that's trans man hats off to them that was such a fat bundle of papers and to transcribe over eight and a half hours worth of deliberation is crazy that's correct and chunks of your hair out i remember yes and that you have quote gross [ __ ] and quote bruising around your temple uh in my scalp yeah now for this incident you did take pictures that's correct and we will look at some of those in a minute but i first want to talk to you about your appearance on the james corden show oh [ __ ] can i close you you weren't lying james corden makes an appearance oh let's please pull up a clip of your appearance from that evening we could plaintiff exhibit thirty five two two years for the record we will only be playing a portion of this so we will call it uh plaintiff's exhibit 35a all right any objection r35a and evidence we may have it please published okay thank you apologies if we can please start that over oh double dose of james corden oh my god i grew up you know in texas riding horses and oh really you know it's not a big ballet community out there in texas no no not so much shooting guns yes but ballet so and my face though is like i've got that you saw in the clip like this beautiful 1920s you know stage makeup on and hate like flowers at the very least james corden's not talking much in my face it could be worse [Music] uh move to admit and publish plaintiff's exhibit 98. any objection all right you could move the microphone and turn it on for you so judy and i are having trouble hearing you sorry about that all right thank you all right 98 in evidence thank you if i got my ass beat like hardcore and then went on the james corden show i'd say the james corden show would be more painful i could get hit with a [ __ ] sledgehammer and james corden would still be worse right that's correct you did take pictures of your alleged injuries on after december 15th correct you showed those to the story these are four gifts let's please pull up defendants exhibit 516 which is already in evidence you testified that this is a picture of you after the incident on december 15 2015 right it was this is also a picture of you after the incident on december 15th that's correct oh they're using a people magazine article for evidence oh it's this one the one that started people magazine in june of 2016. isn't that right misheard that's correct you gave these pictures to people magazine after you publicly accused mr deb of domestic abuse didn't you i didn't personally know no this is him calling me a liar and me forcing to prove it so you did give these pictures to people magazine no i gave these um pictures actually to my lawyers and my representatives at the time so it's your testimony misheard that your lawyers and representatives gave these pictures of their client to people magazine in the middle of a contentious divorce i certainly did not personally give it no man they're about to be disbarred i'll tell you what okay this is the entirety of the medical record right yes what i meant by partial is i didn't talk about what happened to me i didn't get into my injuries get into what happened or um ask for anything other than should i get some sort of scan done but this record doesn't document any physical injuries on you does it uh i'd have to read it in full but i i don't know well let's do that what was your thought process there like i'd have to read it later i mean obviously we're going to read it now it's right here like there was no way of getting around that it is just they have the whole thing what a horrible idea like what a dog [ __ ] strategy it also says i'm a well-nourished male right i have no idea what that means i i think this medical record is missing a lot of things you don't have any medical records reflecting that you broke your nose during your relationship what was she talking about with the malnourished male part i don't see that here it was the top line oh malnourished may oh yeah malnourished male in nad alert and oriented times four yeah what does that mean anyone more knowledgeable than me what does that mean nad stands for no acute distressed oh so it's okay then there's no way that's malnourished male i imagine it's going to be well nourished male 1 moisture wouldn't that if it was a malnourished patient wouldn't that immediately be like some kind of acute distress i would think it reads intact normal color moisture hair distribution texture trigger oh you're right i just saw it i saw it right before it went up i can tell it says well there's no medical records reflecting that you broke your nose during your relationship with mr depp is there a misheard i don't know what made it in evidence but i do know that i documented that visit and that everything was given to my attorneys miss heard you never went to see any doctor she hates her leadership surgeon or after you were with mr depp as a result of any injuries you sustained as a result of mr depp afterwards yes i did and you didn't produce those medical records in this case i wouldn't eject your honor she did i did i i don't know all right they have not been produced they've not only so are they here are they not here where are they at is her lawyer wiping her ass with him what you do have misheard are pictures of mr depp sleeping though right the jury saw a lot of those yes he's the prime mag professor in the bits which is already in evidence you took this photograph right miss heard that's correct and you testified that this was taken in tokyo in july of 2013. correct yes so you decided to take a picture of mr deb asleep on the floor and sometimes security would carry him like a baby into bed and get him changed and he would be none the wiser so i started taking pictures of it so that he knew prime tornado that it was real that it had gotten this bad and this is a picture of mr dupp taking a nap on his tropical island i believe he was on the nod but as he would say let's also take a look at defendant's exhibit one zero i don't get the point of that one he's just actually sleeping no drug related anything he's just sleeping picture right misheard that's correct i did and this is another picture of mr depp asleep in a chair no he was um nodding off uh sleep is different when you're nodding off you're high on drugs didn't even feel the cigarette in his hand that had you know been burning on his leg for alarm for me naturally um because i cared about him does she not nap is she like an android i've fallen asleep a million times just like that granted no cigarette though i also don't see one in the picture either to be fair it's he's literally just been sleeping in a chair for the last two photos that's it god damn it's your testimony under oath that mr depp is holding a cigarette in this picture he had been and what happened to it seem to really like taking pictures of mr dot while he's sleeping don't you i hated it i hated it he was nodding off and um i was worried about how bad the medications and the medication change and the drug uses had gotten where he wouldn't even feel ice cream or a lit cigarette on him and it scared me what the [ __ ] does that mean when you fall asleep and you spill something on yourself you're not gonna like feel it either he's wearing jeans just ran down his legs i i really feel like she should have just went a different angle like yeah he drank himself into a [ __ ] coma that night that i'd believe but she's trying to spit it away like i cared so much so i took a picture of ice cream running down his legs while he fell asleep it makes no sense i too have gotten drunk and spilled [ __ ] on myself while falling asleep [ __ ] happens the pictures i i'm not an expert i'm not part of their legal teams but i believe the pictures were to prove that johnny depp wasn't in control of himself sometimes due to substance abuse and alcohol so these pictures are supposed to show him like the aftermath of a bender or something but the only one you could even make an argument for is the one with ice cream on his leg the other two is him just asleep in a chair in the bahamas and asleep in the chair at his own home and even the ice cream one there's so much left for interpretation because it's just him sleeping and ice cream is on his leg she could have put ice cream there and spilled it on him to make it look worse like anything could have happened he could have literally just fallen asleep while eating ice cream it doesn't really set that character profile like i think they wanted it to so it's just a bit goofy way to the cocaine picture i saw that i'm i mean obviously johnny that voice crack was a druggie is it druggie maybe we approached okay i'm just saying these pictures don't really do a good job of showcasing anything she's trying to get them to do johnny claimed amber handed him the ice cream as he was falling asleep oh well there's no way of proving that one way or the other regardless it's very weak for evidence i know this is johnny depp's lawyer it's a show amber taking a bunch of useless pics of him but zero picks of her so-called wounds yeah i know and his lawyer is doing a great job of setting that up because for some reason amber has a thousand pictures of him sleeping but only two of injuries at least two that we've seen so far and the injuries aren't consistent with her statements one of them she claims she was beat by johnny depp so many times in the face with his giant rings that she lost count of how many times she was punched and the picture is a bruise on her arm then the other one is the split lip one with the black eyes you know it's not good when she hates the people trying to save her that's another thing i think i think three times now she has blamed her legal team for the absence of evidence she claims to have produced and she and she got real dicey when she claimed the lawyers were the one that sent those pictures to people magazine during an active investigation or an active case which would be a big no-no and it's your testimony that mr depp left this breakfast table just the way you took it that is correct so this is what the table looked like after mr dev had been doing cocaine uh well clearly he has yet to snort these lines there are four lines of cocaine on this table right mister in this picture i see four lines there isn't any cocaine residue around those lines right uh i not that i can tell no it doesn't really look like anyone's been doing cocaine off that table does it oh i see with all due respect i'm not sure you know how that works she's claiming this with stage you do and when you sent it you said thank you some space man look at my so you have a habit of sending stage photographs to your friend rocky don't you i had a habit of communicating with my best friend about what was going on in my life i don't think i have a picture of him mid snort no you don't even have any pictures of mr depp with cocaine what do you mean by that holding cocaine standing next to cocaine um sitting next to cocaine i don't know wow well this is an awfully bold line of questioning to the jury have you i so i wouldn't have chosen this approach i'm pretty sure johnny depp knows his way around some cocaine but it is a really good point to make since she took pictures of everything and went so far as to take them of him sleeping she would have absolutely produced evidence of him near cocaine if he was truly like a monster snorting himself into deep comas and and blazing disregard for human life pretty interesting tactic here i would have never thought they'd try and pick apart this picture but i'm not a lawyer that's a pretty big brain you settled your divorce from mr depp and i was i want to know 16 right son of a [ __ ] could be anyone that sounds right and in connection with that settlement you received seven million dollars from mr depp true oh this is the one there's the one 6.8 exactly your settlement amount was seven million dollars that's correct crazy tier one teddy and recently and then you released a statement in which you claimed you would be donating the entire seven million dollars to charity right that's correct you stated you would be donating half of the seven million dollars to the aclu that's correct and you would be donating the other half to children's hospital of los angeles that's correct and you also stated with respect to the seven million divorce settlement that money played no rule except for the extent that you could donate the money to charity yes that's correct who could please pull up plaintiff's exhibit one two oh god she has the receipts to prove she never donated oh this is so painful she tried so hard to look like a good person with the charity pledge is that the statement you released misheard that is correct your honor i moved to admit the statement and the article as redacted objection hearsay it's her statement it this is not her statement this is something she just testified your honor may i see the full uh everything else is redacted um oh my god then i have no objection all right one two five nine and evidence has redacted [ __ ] chuck made it there i guess as reported in the media the amount received doctor thicke dollars and seven million is being donated this is over and above any funds that i have given away in the past and will continue to give away in the future did i read that correctly that is correct i don't remember that last line but i have no it doesn't stand out to me is wrong there's nothing inaccurate in the statement not that i recognize no mr depp donated 100 000 of the divorce settlement directly to the aclu is that right right at the beginning of the divorce settlement he donated a hundred thousand to each charity on my behalf or towards my contribution so hundred thousand dollars to each to the aclu and to the children's hospital and in response you publicly demanded that mr depp pay the divorce settlement directly to you instead of the charities right that was always the agreement actually is for him to pay me directly it was not his money as per the settlement agreement to give away and reap the tax benefit from i said if he wants to do it and give to charity all of a sudden then he should pay the correct amount and not try to get a big tax break for it so effectively for his tax bracket he should be paying double that amount to the charity directly and if you wanted to pay the charity directly he could he could do that was fine with me but he would need to pay the adjusted amount ultimately the rest of the 7 million divorce settlement was paid directly to you right over time yes mr depth didn't end up paying the rest of the 7 million divorce settlement directly to the charities you identified that is correct he paid the installments to me you stopped that from happening didn't you i don't understand what your question is i'm sorry you just stopped mr depp from paying the charities that you had named directly that is incorrect i said if you want to pay the charities directly pay the adjusted amount or pay is per our agreement in the settlement or in the divorce as per our agreement you also chose to do the former not the latter i mean the other way around you also publicly stated that the 7 million divorce settlement should be paid to the charities immediately in full right if he wanted to pay it in the way that he was suggesting yes and and he said publicly that the payments to the charities should not be drawn out i already know right again like i said i already know how this part ends because i saw the cliff notes on twitter since it was such a big deal [ __ ] this is this is painful this is rough this is an amber turd classic right here is the greatest hits and that's because you wanted the entire world to think that you were donating every penny of the seven million dollar divorce settlement as soon as you received it from mr depp isn't that right no i was going to be receiving it in installments and i would be paying in installments the donations in fact you released a statement in response to mr depp's hundred thousand dollar donations to the aclu and chla didn't you i don't recall let's see if we can refresh your recollection if we could please pull up plaintiff's exhibit one two six zero god that was just such a scary line refresh your recollection so snappy this is an article entitled amber heard in johnny depp row over divorce donations and if i could direct your attention to where it says i believe it's on the second page her spokeswoman responded in the statement the language that follows the statement you realize you don't hear say spokeswoman it's not her right a spokesperson is an exception your honor you want to come forward damn she's on she's on a streak right now suddenly she's very energetic and talkative yeah this is a rough one uh i won't i guess i won't spoil it if you don't know but this is a sore spot for miss turd in her efforts to look like a saint she looks real [ __ ] dumb you released a statement we approach again okay i'm begging you your honor please don't let her say this god anything but this don't let her do it oh my god please amber's going to beat my ass don't let her say this man this one piece of evidence here he's got there her whole legal team kind of shook for good reason uh obviously well i understand but we'll take care of that okay as of right now can we continue we can hear but i have an objection okay come forward oh my god jesus the stalling tactics holy [ __ ] as if a lack of a copy means we have to stop that right now oh so i only read what happened on twitter and i'm really excited to see how it plays out in court here because i'm expecting like audible gasps from like the jury in the crowd here once they dropped the bombshell and magic chance of j mac gg and waffu her spokeswoman responded in a statement the language that follows her again she can't read it she has to show the language that follows right jesus christ the desperation i don't disagree with anything in the statement but i just simply don't recall what the statement was we were released is there anything inaccurate in that statement mr no okay i'm going to move to admit objection you're on a lack of foundation i'll overrule the objection to what one two six zero and every five your subs anova thank you ron hippy and pride statement reads amber heard appreciates johnny depp's novel interest in supporting two of her favorite charities the aclu american civil liberties union for domestic violence and the children's hospital of los angeles this is great and unexpected news we would also insist that the full amount be paid immediately and not drawn out over many years anything less would be a transparent attempt by johnny's council laura wasser and patty glazer to reduce their clients true payment by half under the guise of newfound concern for charities that he has never previously supported and quote nothing i drop it hit it hit it did i read that correctly yes okay is yours about donating your divorce settlement on a danish tv show uh i believe i said i had um there's some vanilla and elbow i believe i said i donated it to charity but it was already printed or already if we could please play plaintiff's exhibit 346 which is a portion of your appearance on this program and we would ask that it be moved into evidence and ask for commission it contains it's has here say it contains other communications with other individuals your honor if we may approach very briefly oh my god jesus this is taking this is taking so much just to get to the big point that she wants to make because her amber [ __ ] turds lawyer is desperately trying every objection every approach and getting overruled at every step but just drawing it out holy [ __ ] in the prime ash kin so what's happening so far she is setting the stage uh with this charity thing with the divorce settlement amber made a big song and dance about how the money needs to be donated to these two specific charities from johnny depp oh if he so chose if he so chose to but he needed to do it all in one lump sum instead of drawing it out over the course of installations uh making it a big deal like he has to do it right away it should be done right away otherwise it's not done correctly at all instead of being like paid out over time and instead of allowing johnny depp to do that she forced him to pay her money instead so that way she would do it with the money we haven't gotten to the big meat of it because her [ __ ] lawyer keeps interrupting getting to that point because she's had to set all this all the groundwork here to show exactly what amber heard was claiming she wanted to do and would do and what johnny depp had to do and should do versus the reality of what happened and it's just taking a long time to get there because uh dr evil's lawyer over here keeps objecting everything unsuccessfully objection they're about to say something that will win the case all right please honey seven million dollars in total was donated to i split it between the aclu and children's hospital of los angeles clu is a human rights organization sorry aclu is a prominent um organization non-profit organization in the united states it's called the american civil liberties union and they work on behalf of marginalized communities uh on the ground and and legislative reform to you because that's that's something that i've never wanted nothing that's a dagger oh my god yeah i didn't again i haven't actually seen this i only got the cliff notes right miss herd i don't recall when it was it was in 2018 right miss heard i don't remember when this was done this was after you had received the full seven million dollars of your divorce settlement for mr depp wasn't it again without knowing when it was recorded i have no idea that so just i'm gonna take an approach here that is the stupidest thing to say it's a recorded television show a very popular one obviously you can easily just look up when it was recorded this is an awful defense and it's not even a good stall because they obviously have the date that it aired jesus christ 7 million divorce settlement was paid to you in full by february of 2018. right that's correct objection to her testifying to what mr white testified to them it's that actually he literally testified to it in court all over world objection thank you your honor mr duff's accountant edward white testified that he made inspirationally to the aclu and chla correct i believe stop what the [ __ ] why does it keep doing that weren't they that is correct mr white testified the payments were all made on schedule i'm an object to her testifying to what mr white testified objection good thank your honor what was the strategy there it's the same test you were hearing oh my god she's dumb mr white testified that the payments were all made on schedule right my question was you were here in court when mr white testified under oath that all the payments were made on schedule i was here every day in court i i heard his testimony yes okay so in this october 2018 interview you said that you had quote donated end quote your entire divorce settlement to charity right that's correct and in fact your exact words were seven million in total was donated to i split it between the aclu and the children's hospital of los angeles and quote right that's correct i made that statement as soon as i got a divorce and we reached the settlement that's when i pledged it right then and you say this because you quote wanted nothing end quote that is correct but you hadn't donated your entire entire seven million dollars settlement to charity at that point had you that's incorrect sitting here today ms heard you still haven't donated the seven million dollars to charity isn't that right incorrect i pledged the entirety of this settlement seven million to charity and i oh she knows okay she knows she knows please she's now saying sitting here today you have not donated the seven look at the movement now from the audience not pledged donated the seven million dollars divorce settlement to charity i use pledge and donation synonymous with one another no one does it's terrible that's a terrible defense that's how donations are paid misheard respectfully that's not my question as of today you have 3.5 million of your own money to the aclu yes or no i have not yet and as of today you have not paid 3.5 million dollars of your own money to the children's hospital of los angeles correct i have not yet johnny sued me so as of today doesn't matter it doesn't matter paid seven million dollars of your divorce settlement to charity right i have not been able to fulfill those those uh obligations yet and that's because you did want something didn't you i didn't want anything and i didn't get anything you wanted mr duff's money didn't get it wasn't interested in it i loved johnny that's why i was with him you wanted praise for donating the money right well he's like right out of a movie holy [ __ ] you wanted good press you wanted to seem altruistic publicly wasn't my interest my interest is uh in my name and clearing my name and at the time i was being called a liar and my motives were being questioned i then you lied again it's important to clear that up i wanted to make a statement to make sure that there was not any doubt that i couldn't be labeled these things just because johnny was a bigger star and had more publicity tier two every one of your claims of domestic violence against mr depp right no i wanted to move on with my life you wanted to make those claims seem believable they are believable they were wanted them to be seen you wanted to be seen excuse me as a noble victim of domestic violence i have you never never wanted to be seen as a victim nor have i ever called myself one [ __ ] this is such a slap down jesus the entirety of your divorce settlement was donated to charity end quote that is correct i pledged the entirety i'm gonna move to strike everything after yes you testified under oath quote the entirety of my divorce settlement was donated to charity end quote that statement wasn't true it is true i pledged the entirety to charity the statement when you say you buy a house you don't pay for your entire house you pay it all the time all right next question well okay i i'm coming in with my own here even if that is the case and she wants to use that line it completely goes against everything she set up in her other statement where she told johnny he's not allowed to do that because it's not by the rules she wouldn't allow it so now she's now backpedaling into that same line of thinking where it's like oh actually i plan to do it in overtime installments which is exactly what she forbid johnny from doing in the first place so that nothing she's saying even [ __ ] works you didn't donate it's a yes or no i haven't been able to obligate i mean to fulfill those so that's the note right i made the pledge i want to be very clear i pledge the entirety i haven't been able to fulfill those pledges because i've been sued you had all of the seven million dollars for 13 months before mr depp sued you and you chose not to pay it to the charities you pledged it too i disagree with your characterization of that i disagree with the facts it makes me look bad so i object [ __ ] that's such a bombshell completely pokes holes in everything that she says because it ruins her credibility which is why it's such an important piece quote i've remained financially independent from him the whole time we were together and the entire amount of my divorce settlement was donated to charity oh there's more that is correct did i read that correctly the hymn you were referring to is mr depp that is correct oh most of the money that was donated to the aclu and chla in your name came from someone else isn't that right i don't know what you mean by most of well at least five hundred thousand dollars that was donated to the aclu in your name wasn't paid by you right uh i believe elon made a donation in my honor on one one of the years yeah and it didn't come out of your 7 million divorce settlement right no nor did it count towards my pledge and at least five hundred thousand dollars that was donated to the children's hospital of los angeles and your name wasn't paid by you either but those were made at the same time and it didn't come out of your seven million dollar divorce settlement nor did it count to my 3.5 obligation those 500 000 payments came from your new boyfriend elon musk right uh he i don't know if he was a new boyfriend at the time irrelevant but all right you got him to pay part of what you promised to these two charities didn't you incorrect oh that's such a brutal line of questioning seven million divorce settlement for yourself right i'm very wrong about that i think this if you're honored this is a good breaking point okay that's fine all right ladies and gentlemen we'll stop here for the evening remember tonight do not do any outside research and not discuss the case with anybody i know these days are a little longer and i appreciate your patience patience and and you know you're taking care of everything here please take care of yourself tonight okay and we'll see in the morning at 9 a.m god what a [ __ ] beat down well johnny depp's lawyer's wild she's really good meanwhile amber turd has like a geriatric senile lawyer she didn't get a successful objection a single time in the entire hour and 55 minutes and she tried so often that is i can see why she keeps throwing her legal team under the bus damn near getting them disbarred on the spot by claiming that they sent the photos to the [ __ ] people magazine during an active investigation i can see why she's so upset and salty about it they are trash well that was pretty [ __ ] intense that was a lot more intense than i thought it would be i didn't think they'd go so hard nor did i think there'd be some kind of like new evidence in here that we hadn't already at least heard of but apparently that entire chair anything was just a goddamn lie from amber which is so weird why even bother making that pledge when you're never gonna fulfill it she had it for 13 months and never donated a single penny from the divorce settlement even after claiming twice she already donated all of her money publicly and then desperately trying to say that she views pledged and donated the same thus she didn't lie when she said she donated all of it yeah that was that was expertly done by johnny depp's squad and even somehow james corden and elon musk came into this this was a wild action-packed day in court denture dentorius what are the amber heard zombies saying in her defense about the charity thing because i can't imagine anyone would be like oh no that's totally reasonable i obviously knew she meant that she had only pledged her whole divorce settlement when she told me she donated all of it watch the end oh is it not over i assume to just be them walking out there's a post credit scene okay johnny depp's lawyer gets recruited to the avengers they're cheering johnny on as he leaves meanwhile amber heard gets nothing but crickets oh it's so [ __ ] adorable they literally wave him off giving him a standing o on the way out [ __ ] me man that was so wild that was so wild everyone unironically clapped holy [ __ ] yeah that's like one of those reddit true stories that's always a lie and then everyone clapped but actually happened i can't i actually can't even believe that
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,069,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pe7Om6j3opA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 8sec (2828 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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