Biggest Sausage Disaster Ever

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well we're we're we're charlie we're we're sort of back at the charlie compound no we're we're here at the house of uh where are we charlie the old house of hydration you know standard landmark these days well what is it oh we we don't get into the particulars of that it's it's whatever you want it to be it's a fantasy factory that's the beauty of it well it doesn't matter what it is because today we're here for a specific purpose that's right uh and that purpose is to have a cookout and then sausage the cookout and then try the sausage cookout yep and that's really the only plans that i had for today it also rained a little bit so that's a good omen you know we it's so hot out here and uh if you watch the if you watched the last video then you would know just how hot it was for me in a house with with with really strong air conditioning oh yeah and now we're out here and it's at least 90 degrees and why why did we why do we live here charlie why do we live in florida it's a beautiful land where dreams come true it makes no sense but but we do it anyway because it's it's just oh yeah i just don't know why we live in florida there's no good reason to live here it's like a furnace i highly disagree i like florida all right yeah well tiffany to each his own then so we're going to get cooking here we got some ingredients that we got the marshmallows look like they're cooking on their own in there so let's do a little introduction of just exactly what goes into a cookout so we have our uh our our hamburger patties which you know i wasn't going to form these on my own of course because you know who likes touching raw meat not me says the guy who does sausages for a living we also have these special sausages which charlie has not seen the episode where i made these sausages so that's he's he has no idea what these are right he just knows that i made them so he's gonna try and figure out what those are i also know they've been sitting out for like an hour they've been sitting they were free frozen so we're going to cook out all the bad stuff ideally i'm not going to ask you what uh you know how you like your burger because where that thing's going to be like well done uh that sounds wonderful all right we did drop a couple of things on the way in too yeah we got we got uh coney island uh hot dogs these are really warm these were those were uh cold i got those out of the fridge section before i came here and now they're warm so the best part is we have a cooler like right there and none of it's in there this this might need to go in there this is a there's a code right that's beyond that's beyond saving that's more cooked than it is cold now you're going to be doing us a disservice i can't open it all right and we got we got and we got the the accoutrement to make the this stuff we got we got buns we got bacon we got fresh corn have you ever had grilled corn before oh yeah oh yeah well good because this one's just as hot as the hot dogs from sitting out in the sun for over an hour before we decided to shoot this uh you know we're not great at making plans but but we are good at executing them yeah our hearts are in the right place so i say i say i could i could smell the gas leaking from here charlie that's the smell you love to see to experience at a cookout i'm feeling it i'm feeling the cookout so i'll i'll say you know we'll season the patties and get this party started yeah let's [ __ ] run it whoa how hot are these these are these are the coldest of any of the meats out there that's good news so you know well you will take one of these and uh now if you want to season your patty i gotta open these up first a little marshmallow paste as well however you like your burger this is this is our cookout this is no one else's gonna get some of the pepper i would if i could there you go oh that's one did the salt come out yeah all right chill wells and you just slap it on the grill right we're gonna slap it on the grill i love that sizzle he's ahead of me here i'm going to use the the where it all comes out and it doesn't there's oh this is the thick this is the thick grind and uh did you get both sides of the burger or just one i only like one side it's just one side seasoning no way he got the second side yeah okay well you know what they say about hamburgers you you get you already broke it no i just prefer it that way hold on here we go hey well that one didn't make much of a i think you stole all the seer on the on the first burger yeah that's fine though my burger's gonna be a superstar that one yep all right the one that's broken is charlie's it's already coming along nicely beautiful yeah you know i rarely cook on the grill that's you that i'm more of an inside chef you know where it's air conditioned yeah i'm just more of an outdoorsy kind of guy i love the elements i love the heat the animals well that's where that's where we differ you know i i enjoy opening this on the first try that's what i enjoy i walked away for three seconds and that's my burger that's charlie's charlie's burgers are you surprised no that's nice did you do both of these no he did that one part was this shot hitch hitchhike all right and and the hot dogs uh you know oh baby that that sounded good we don't want to cross-contaminate yeah in front of charlie my burger's getting more raw he's very serious about his his uh uh hamburger here let me help us out a bit these are they're a little they're room temperature yeah they're lukewarm they're here we'll put these right up there yeah just enough heat up there i think you don't want to burst the skin and uh there we go there's ours i was just about to touch it is this hot do you think what you mean the grill yeah good good news all right all right we got our cookout going what do we use the onion for well we'll top our burgers okay well uh have you ever bitten to an onion you should i mean can you demonstrate yeah i think charlie just does that you're gonna bite into that onion yeah i'm a fan like shrek yeah i could get the clothes off of it yeah there's a lot of there's a lot of paper that goes on with a an onion you're really gonna bite into that huh well never mind would you like some help yeah if you can open that so onions have layers true i have been told if uh this onion though is a little wonky oh i can see the good stuff now you're salivating over the oh it's nice and wet oh the the no i didn't shawshank to say anything when you were doing it but i was like i i don't think that's going to do what you think we'll just put it directly on the heat nothing's ever gone wrong there you want to tend to this while you bite into your onion that looks like a grilled dad the man's gonna help you yeah just call me grilled meat oh like your hands i won't bite into the onion actually thank you for accidentally reminding me well it was it's fine well onions charlie they have layers right so what you can do is peel off that layer oh no i don't know but listen i came here thinking that you were going to bite into this onion and i'm not leaving until you bite the onion that's it well maybe we can uh that's not happening not anymore i'm afraid of raw meat now he's not kidding either he won't need anything else on the table because there was burger near it really you're not gonna try the sausage i'm gonna have the sausage that's getting cooked yeah it looks good i'm not yeah yeah the key to a cookout is hand sanitizer i forgot that you were gonna make it oh you got it i'm gonna quickly well i was just getting i was just gonna see how we're doing on the sausage room you know it's uh it's great it's i guess it's cooking make sure to get some good food b-roll here yeah we're getting some nowhere this is nice and make sure to get b-roll of charlie leaving too he's going to get rid of the raw meat that is somewhere near him charlie was so disturbed by having raw meat yeah that he had to go in and and cleanse himself i'm so excited to make a video today with you for charlie's channel how have you been i've been great good oh man this is wonderful i think we need to turn it up yeah i agree you want to flip look at i this over so charlie you've grown seven inches yeah no i i've really been that jeep you all really want to sprout you know grow a lot i feel great i've never felt so good should we close it yeah you want to check on that no there was me in there we're fun oh yeah what's in that sizzle this is great so while charlie's gone do you want to clue us into what's in the sausages he's going to try oh never mind he's back bad timing i'm here to save the cookout i couldn't find the hand sanitizer it's back in our little area oh okay i'll go later are you sure you don't want to wash your hands charlie i already did with what soap and water there we go we got some corn on the cob my burger's almost i don't think nope i just want to show another magic trick can i just drop it oh yeah you put it on the crazy on the lid i wonder what happens when you close the lid but that's what it's for it's i think you cook it while it's open up here while it's open yeah no that doesn't make any sense really yeah but if you slowly close it no because is it supposed to stay vertical it might be set up wrong but i don't think so you can also use this one if you want put them right on there all right whoa it's going well in there let's just keep this cold let's go make a different video it's going about as well as our thanksgiving episode charlie no this is somehow much worse i didn't even think it was possible where are the tongs how do we keep losing equipment this is also just going to light straight on fire by the way that means it'll cook fast man put it on a mat put it on the fire got a light this looks like a molotov cocktail in corn so here's the thing corn corn has layers yes and they're on fire so just drop it right on in and the layers will protect it and i'll close it no it doesn't no you don't close that one we're creating a bomb and you thought it'd be on i think there's room for one more on there yeah yeah you want this i know you want this all right what i want to know is how aren't these burgers cooking i think there is a lot of wind where we are so keeping it open is just going to take a long time my burger is pretty close keep it closed yep that's on fire that should be good then don't don't you touch it it's finally cooking you want the cone the you want the corn roasted oh that's how you open the corn you just put it up in flames yes it's great it comes from just giving it a friendly check yeah nice and flame yes you just and we'll put some why is this wet i think that might have been cold at some point guys the corn is on fire that's how it's matt what do you know about cooking no no nothing leave it to the perfect told me not to talk in this video today i'm sorry sir yeah all right we'll leave the corn to the corn professionals maybe maybe turn it a slight can't forget to turn it there we go yeah let's make sure to burn the other side too that's right so well we'll make some uh some remind me real fast is this the raw meat onion yes there is there is no other onion it's just the raw meat onion there's one that's enough yeah that should be good how many do you like a lot of onions use the knife and just cut out like a big part of the outside and then charlie can bite into it i don't trust it at all what do you mean it only touched the outside the raw meat has scared me we can get a fresh onion at some point and i'll do it stop turning it man it's doing good you heard the man mad jesus christ how are you listening to your chef all right you're right i am the sous chef i'll be quiet do we have a fire extinguisher because this corn i'm gonna have to throw this on the ground as well you know what i just want everybody to be ready for that what an absurd amount of smoke matt are you sure you've got it set to the right temperature i think the temperature is on that is so you're you're really going to eat that hummus eat what the hamburger oh my god the hot dogs are ready uh that's a bit bold to assume well i can still see color on them it should be charcoal but they are falling apart you wanna no you want one you're gonna hit like corn ash yeah that's a good one here we go that that one can be we're gonna leave these on for a little longer seriously these burgers you think that's looking done no not at all she just needs a little more time maybe you put them on the corn flame get in there oh you guys do your thing i'll keep cooking your meat all right what else do what else do we need to whip up here watch out there's a corn ash flying around oh i thought that was like a bee or something i'm gonna try this hot dog she's good i can tell did it taste like coal yeah what does it taste like it can't be that bad right or is it raw oh it might be water yeah i was gonna say they're um it's hot just be a little careful the corn is popping i just got a while to go it's just raw hot dog itch uh it's hot it's uh it's a good hot dog it smells like fourth of july it's a little charred i can taste some of the hamburger on it that's usually a good sign but look we got we got to start we got to start prepping uh the uh immune system we gotta we gotta start thinking about how we're gonna sausage all this oh right so i'm thinking i forgot that was a part of this so one of us charlie forgot their grinder oh yeah show we're gonna you're always forgetting your grinder yeah without it so we're gonna be using this uh uh this black and decker chopper food processor so you know not everyone has a grinder at home uh but surely more people have a fruit a food breathe oh my god that's just that's just your corn it's okay i know i know it's just that's how corn usually acts this is what guy calls flavor town this corn looks so bad they're getting they're getting they're getting burned on the outside but somehow it's still raw i would like to just call back to the fact that i was forced to do this this was not my decision peel off the charred layers there and you're going to see beautiful corn watch do it no not yet no no he's he's not believing there's an argument with the chefs no no you'll feel off a little bit you know what keep going oh you want more oh the the best part is that the corn is absolutely not oh that's just on fire give it a sec here let me turn it over so you can see the good side yeah it's burning the flavor right into it yep we're almost to the corn it's like a loop box that you have to wait a couple hours for oh oh the corn is all other it's shredding all over into the marshmallow delight oh yes close that luckily we use the tongs that have been touching raw meat to close it hey you should touch the box that's still too much for me i see the problem let me see these you're not getting proper distribution oh my god you're gonna blow something up you're right i like to i like to really cook the butt of my corn make sure the other side is raw everything everything smells like burning at this point no the burgers will be fine oh well now you've ruined my corn i'll put it back after i check on the meat see it actually is looking good that is looking much better though the left side is much hotter than the red side is the right side on it was no it's definitely on i can see fire that's a good sign the hot dogs are looking good too oh that's looking much that's a nice dog you know what it's actually it's actually looking good i mean the hot dogs are a complete disaster but everything else looks good let's call those hot dogs done what's in this sausage it's a secret we have to guess based on taste but i think the hamburger meat will overpower nuts all right we'll get all the burgers right on the flames there we go do we have any of like um that flammable liquid they spray on things for like a big fluid yeah gas do we have any i don't i don't think so no i don't think we have like what is that like we've seen flammable stuff that you i guess could pour on here we might want to consider that we must yeah i think you should gotta get some on the corn too yeah the corns just not cooking as well as it should well the corn is cooking just fine you see what's happening in there charlie is that it's steaming inside of the husks so you're getting you're going to get yourself a nice steamed corn out of this i don't know why i didn't think of that actually the steaming is magnificent this is why he's the x right here i'll burn that top off real quick yeah you can just take that off oh gosh i don't know what do you want from there oh i'll go in what do you want quick and quick out yeah why don't you load me up with some bugs yeah with some hot dogs all right maybe just one more hot dog yeah that's good oh she's a beaut and then it goes right in there you go [ __ ] yeah and now we have to go to the special food processor where are we well first we got to get more stuff we got to get more stuff in there yeah don't spoil the surprise sorry yeah matt yeah i'm going to peel off the layers to make sure it really gets a good cook yeah it didn't even penetrate yet yeah oh it kind of tried that's some good corn it's a good corning i do say that's some of the best corn i've ever seen actually it smells like the state fair was caught on fire and you use the the husk down here as a bigger flame you use the corn as the kindling itself yeah i like that that it smokes a lot yeah and then i'm gonna have to take like three showers after this because the barbecue smell just doesn't come out this is like when you go to a concert and somebody's smoking next to you and you just reek of cigarettes for a while we're just going to smell like corn people don't open that yet it's not ready all right my bad i've been timing it what are we at uh at least more than six minutes since what since i started counting [Laughter] oh i'm just gonna keep peeling back oh that's looking good in there oh i can't smell god damn it can't estimate where the flames gonna be since it's everywhere yeah i think the corn is done you think it's done yeah let's let's take one off and yeah i'd also argue he's this is feel how hot this is yeah feel the warmth oh that's a nice steamed bun that is a very good steamed bun yeah where did you steam those in oh the florida heat okay that's why it's nice and even look we're finally actually warming up oh we made it through the core it's it's pretty hard still so let's give it a little bit and you were working no no it's done come on all right you want me to just pull it out here let me show you the right way of doing this thanks should i stand back you just gotta get it underneath the uh metal part here just stick it into the fire yeah this is oh we can take the metal metal i think it's done what is happening he's cooking that relax all right i gotta check the meat i'm sorry that's looking good i think it might be done yeah the hot dogs are done and most likely the sausage as well forget the buns coming around to see the meat let me get a nice meat shot real quick oh flip of the meat oh yeah let's see it let's see let's see whoa all right you want me to flip one in here i'll flip the chunk there we go oppa i thought oh now it's in the corner excuse me you didn't tell me you needed a handicap let me show you how it's done matt once you finally get that in all right like i should flip this one and then you're gonna i'm not so sure we want that one all right are you ready yeah no [ __ ] the [ __ ] oh boy oh no the meat's on fire and chad good work where'd the corn go it's right there no no he took it off before oh okay let me show you look at hibachi chef does it really oh that one's burned that's good you think you can flip one up and i'll catch it out of the air oh yeah and then slam dunk it down into the processor all right let's [ __ ] do it just like in master [ __ ] well look that looks good oh no oh no all right ready matt all right the superstar hey oh another there's one more freestyle wait wait you tell me when you're throwing it all right i'm gonna do behind the back [Music] like that oh no well here let me see i'm going to eat this one did you get hot dog buns yeah wait which one are you eating let me see is it the burnt one no it's the one that looks edible all right matt's trying to hot dog tell me that's the best hot dog you've ever had from grow hot dog does it taste like corn no no hamburger that's our secret ingredient those are gum by the way what do you know about corn when it's when it's black i think it's i think you want me to just reach in there and grab it that's what i was thinking the palms are over there i think yeah they're over here how hot could that possibly be oh no it was just on fire i think we're ready we're ready for a um well we got i guess we got a burger in there let's try one of them sausages i'll give you the best one you don't want me to throw it no all right that's looking pretty good i would you like to throw some tomatoes and oh we have to yeah i guess a pickle normally i make the burgers but this time i feel like it's just right to chuck them all in i agree there's some pickles definitely want like a big onion in there hamburger bun i never go wrong with more onions some hand sanitizer maybe some hand sanitizer do we have any charlie's got a big problem with raw meat touching everything yeah never hurt anybody before charlie right there well we'll just stick this right on there give it a couple oh that is good technique it would be here just stay just i didn't trust anything that happened so i'm just burning the burgers just that's fine just so you know and we got grilled corn that's right i don't think so yeah charlie said it was good technique and i got excited they're right often there the idea of corn being in there is gonna help the taste just just think about all that corn in there oh we even have a friendly visitor a big molass everything's disgusting all right then this is good to go we got corn everywhere we gotta hook this up yeah so where are we doing the processing matt you know i think i know just the plug i can't wait to see it let's go there now charlie do you want to do the honors of uh grinding is it working make sure to hold it when you push it because all i picture is you're turning it on and food going all over it doesn't work uh oh is it not snapped into place i'd be careful because i do have it on high could it be that it's not getting enough power from the truck yeah try revving up the engine it's like turn it on or something it is on it's own here let's try this follow me we're going straight to the okay it's going to go all over his truck is this going to stay in the processor yeah all right hang on let me get the other side you know what yeah just set it there on the seat a little closer set it up yeah that works all right nope nothing one sec should plug like a charger in it or something to make sure it's working it might not give off that much power yeah damn it your truck sucks matt take it back can't even run a food processor trying to see if i messed something up all right this is plan b oh that'll work how does the processor itself not work yeah oh no is it not snapping into place or something is it too full try a different outlet there's this naughty little girl over here i think the processor just might not work right out of the box it's still warm is there like a tab or something you have to remove from it to make it go or something i'm gonna look at the instruction manual next it looks very dungeony so where do you have enough light for it can you see it yeah i can see it there we go that helps too so we're gonna we're gonna sausage dish in in the back room where it's you know air conditioned and uh show here we go that's like a cookout have we ever wondered if the food processor isn't on no we just try to work i'm gonna just go right for high yeah go for it well that's that looks that looks good enough for me i gotta go home before i have to eat that it stinks this is just like every cookout i've ever been to oh it stinks ah yes some good food so at least they're having fun at the cookout or at least i was done with the corn i think they like the corn i didn't foresee this no we're going okay where's uh charlie i think it's time that we have a celebratory cup of mana chevit of course you know that's every barbecue he's got to have some mana chevitch i'm a big fan of dishes this has been sitting in the hot sun for two hours so uh that's when wine really gets to its best oh yes it smells like pure hand sanitizer yeah it's my favorite car all right cheers my first sip of alcohol in three years i miss it that's a great one to have the mana chef it's made you miss alcohol i did not know why i spit you i'm sorry yeah you spit on the truck you spit on me i'm enjoying this video here just take it right from the bottle oh this is for me just take a little shot it's all any man can handle oh that's a lot i think he likes it do you like it it just tastes like it's bigger sweet tastes like concord grapes and alcohol i wish it wasn't hot no that's how it's supposed to be that's how you know it's good it's a hot one steamed it's like sake yeah it just tastes like sweet red wine well thanks charlie that was good very good all right let's see here's the sobriety down the drain you can't swallow true i think that's the ride right it's already hitting me well here's our the the work take a good whiff of that oh there's even a nice full hot dog chunk in there oh don't worry about that guy get along oh i just missed entirely yeah if you could start the fries or at least they're loving the cookout god it smells so bad get it all oh we don't want any morsels left god i hope you're gonna hose this table down when you're done with it oh no she'll be fine she's seen a lot worse but not by much the good news is it's not even ours it's hers so oh yeah it's her table cool guys there's never been a better time to be a vegetarian than right now yeah it's all over my hands it's uh it's really it's a mess just throw it out there and feed the animals we already have rats it's fine really yeah at least one yeah super spicy rat yeah all right let's oh i'll get some bacon going for us too yeah if you don't mind slap it no the sausages are looking good yeah they've been cooling for about half an hour so the flavors really sealed in oh i forgot you were supposed to taste one of those sausages well they're right here yeah this one right there you want me to heat them up a little bit for you oh yeah if you don't mind just putting that directly on the flame this will be nice and warm soon i'm sure there's no food borne illness in there why would there be this is already really warm yeah i guess i don't have a dumb thing to think it's pre-cooked that doesn't make me feel better have devolved so quickly we had such a good start with our food too does anyone want the last hamburger that's a hockey puck that hooks up to the the casing but we're going to give it our best shot anyway yeah charlie's just going to hold it open you're just going to stuff it in with your hands you got to rinse this out too you got a bathroom we could rinse this use the wine we have no abundant materials right here and some g fuel if you want to use the bathroom you have to go into the big one in there and branch a shot in there yeah i'd say just use that glass and we'll pour some g-fuel there's some water that's a ridiculous idea you wanna yeah oh yeah of course oh that's cute he can like put it in one end and charlie can suck it out the other oh that's a good idea with the [ __ ] some pork casings i don't hear the sizzle it'll get there is it actually on seems really hygienic how strong is this can i jump rope it here ready how much is this again the casing yeah oh it's it's cheap enough okay make sure it scrapes the ground on the way by yeah we have to get a little lower here ready matt i don't think i'm going to jump over all right ready now you have to jump you you left it on my back my bad oh that's pretty good i think we could keep using this what do you think you're about to wash it with water it's fun got it so harder it's so much harder when you don't have running water out of everything we've done since chelsea joined i've never seen her look this mortified you gotta clean out the salt it's a salty adventure look how the water is pooling at the bottom you don't want salty pig intestine you don't want germs more so than anything yeah that's what it is hanging out there i just want to know like how do they make it so that it's a continuous like what do you mean i think this is just how it comes yeah it's just an intestine that's gonna hit the floor if you don't hold it there you go let the bodies catch it in your mouth charlie no don't oh i thought you were going to hold on to it well that's pretty good we got a little bit wrenched there we go right on the ground okay this is gonna taste very good i guess you should just stuff some hand sanitizer down there it's not too late all these flies are really buzzing right now we're just gonna prep it wait you had two more glasses of wine and you made me drink out of a wine glass stem yes oh jesus it was a it was a leap thanks jesus christ oh you should have added some ketchup to keep it a little moist oh it's not too late that's what the wine is for clearly where are we adding nope no wine to it it looks fit it's gonna be a little rough i don't think it'll fit around there charlie we're gonna have to hand stuff this all right the old-fashioned way this is one of the biggest disasters i've ever seen yep it's it's you know it's not supposed to lean sideways like that i find that hard to believe i hope i'm gonna be able to get that out of there there we go although there was a fly stuck in there yeah yeah he was hanging out that's what i like in my sausages yes live insects all right so how the heck are we gonna stuff this without a stuffer we could just start by squirting ketchup into lubricate and then finger it down yeah you could if you don't have a your sausage plastic stuffing tube you gotta figure out how to sausage without it we're rogue sausages we're rogue sausaging well it's like a little balloon if you could just hold oh i'm gonna grip on tight as [ __ ] ready ready in three two one lit shawshedge i think it's working wait no it broke bro that was the worst feeling of my life here start turning it's really awful save them surging okay yeah it's not working it's not working oh no don't quit on him we got a little sausage he died on the table the flies are really enjoying this one what do you think went wrong doctor well you you free i forgot uh you know the utensils to work on this oh man the flies are just all over this if you're gonna shove this piece of hot dog in here look all we need is just one piece to try so that's all the human body was meant to handle good god these flies are really picking up they're picking up steam charlie is it good maybe like half one it's too hot to eat bacon i'm like swimming in this shirt oh thank you well it's it's not going to go so we're going to call this our sausage right here i think that's plenty that's all that's all i planned on eating anyway it's a nice concentrated flavor burst these flies are they're swarming here let's try and cook this air sausage as well while we have it good idea fruits of our effort right here that's beautiful that side's not on oh oh yes i'll turn this side on it's getting a nice sear already yeah no that's looking good i mean you've made air sausage before you know you know better than us i well i boiled mine that is true how was that well that's a zero out of five no of course that's disgusting but he never grilled it yeah grilling is gonna really bring out the laden umami here let's let's trap in the flavor very good idea let it get up to temperature the smell is so disgusting well i think it smells wonderful i'm just happy i put it on my grill i was always i was surprised when you said you were going to bring your grill because i was like you know what's going to happen to it i figured it was just easier i didn't feel like i can actually watch this guy oh there he goes yep that's one disgusting mess and we're going to take your air sausage really oh yeah it's whistling it's something oh my god matt what the [ __ ] was that for sorry i was trying to be really gentle to not deflate it where would you like it no it's not done oh you're a mess really bumming me out right here it's so gross and there's so many flies i wonder if i'm skilled enough no i'm good just go for yourself you seem hungry you think i could chop a fly in half yeah probably out of mid-air yep now they're all free to me gross would you say this is one of the best videos you've done this is probably i thought it couldn't get any worse with the thanksgiving episode i always save charlie for the good one my cooking expertise do you have a hose we do have a hose this down because in my car i don't want it to stink charlie now i think your errors oh it's crispy oh wait my air sausage is done now we have a plate by crispy i mean it's dry to the untrip oh it's beautiful have you ever filled sausage lining with helium and then grill it and see what happens i don't think anything has ever gone wrong with helium yeah i don't think so either you want some bacon i made all of it i'm feeling pretty ill have you eaten anything yet no it's not true he had the manischewitz and the um hot dog yeah oh good things to put on an empty stomach all right chop up your air sausage and try it yeah here let's dig in before the flies get to them i i already know the taste of an air sausage it's weird that the fly is heaven okay you want me to pull it down the blade is that a good sign there you go take a bite no no i'll let you go i'm okay i don't want it either i can't do it if i wasn't so afraid of a foodborne illness i would it's cooked though yeah yeah it's gonna have a food board we only jump roped with it well you put it on the grill afterwards though that's what he does is he kills stuff yeah not kidding that's what cooking stuff does is he gonna eat this i think he's gonna eat that oh that was the point you have to guess what the mystery sausage is right no you're talking about the one we just made oh but you have to try to try that you have to try it too you helped yeah i did the cooking i'm like the f the chef doesn't eat his own food at the restaurant yes he does your air saucer just fly away right there oh no i i'm thinking i'm taking a sideline on this episode today you and me charlie split it in half you're gonna feel real left that there's so much sand and grime on my hands it's unreal what did you do that was sandy and gravy well it's not like sand it's more hot dogging hamburger parts oh i see which doesn't make any sense yeah there's no sanitizer right here charlie yeah that's what i've been using there's just so much like [ __ ] particles on my hand all right let's let's be switch let's split this what can i do for you we're gonna split away was that not used on any raw meat today no that's good news i'll pull it off first purely for you guys nothing about me so we got half a sausage and now a quarter of a sausage all right there you go look at that that looks real nice he's for a king cheers i taste hand sanitizer nope nope uh you're single-handedly one of the grossest things i've ever eaten wow i'd rather do the psycho serum than ever eat that again i think so like a two out of five i give it a one you're gonna give it a one yeah it tastes like a little hot dog i haven't had a hot dog since i was a kid so jeez i feel like i'm going to throw up where's this what a disaster can we do an in memoriam piece this one hasn't touched the ground yet eat it [ __ ] that was a good piece of bacon we just wasted unlucky unbelievable never ever felt like throwing up as much as i do right now after eating that sausage is it really that bad like the most burnt thing you could imagine and then fill it in a gross casing [Music] we still have some food on the grill if you went down instead that was absolutely revolting i was i was really fighting the urge not to throw up i'm dead serious that was the worst tasting sausage that i've ever tasted i can't imagine why we did everything by the book i'm still not over it take a bite man i don't want that piece because there's something weird in it well that's what i've been into can you please take a bite there keep in mind there was a fly in the process we almost crushed it if it's a good day we didn't because we almost crushed the fly now uh take a bite take a bite that's doing it oh come on man let's go matt good bite very good yum yum yum am i right big man good good good there's something cooking in in the back yes there's your hallucinogenic it's it's it's it's 100 that's a raw onion yes there is a lot of those in there i put those there i thought you guys were being babies but it just oh he's got a box well that was charlie that was that was a zero out of five you gave it a one out of five because you are you're you're uh you're you're a you're a saint you're uh it's just there's so much passion put into that uh what's it called uh uh uh uh not a pessimist well i saw the good in that sausage that was i i apologize on behalf of sausage makers everywhere because that was that was that was i just don't know where we went wrong i need to rethink uh life choices after that but charlie look we got we got some fan mail yeah we got it you know i we always we always do fan mail on the show i want to make sure that this let's see what we got here today it's a lot of stuff it's garbage yeah some more garbage that was a ceramic pot oh there's a little little sausage oh that's actually really cool that is cool there's one on the other side too where's that that and there it is that's that's our sausage thing says uh dear ordinary sausage i'm not reading all this yeah and [ __ ] you too i just watched something on botulism from a gas station nacho thing where the cheese was heated to a very specific ph and it caused botulism in eight people which literally paralyzes you like for a long time i'm really concerned it's absolutely worse yeah i'm really [ __ ] concerned to be honest this is this this is from micah uh this is from micah and micah can be reached at uh at the address here so thank you uh micah no no it's massart96 at so there you go there uh uh mr sausage with wings bowl cute looks good i'm really concerned about botulism so where would i almost threw up so it took me there was after i ate that sausage there was about a five minute period where i walked around the parking lot thinking could i get away with throwing up and no one not noticing and i decided that no i couldn't so i held it in and i'm a better man for it check out those videos about diet coke cleaning rust so imagine what it does to your stomach so i figured this was a perfect time to yes of course we should have dumped that in the casing yeah you don't think botulism can just form out of nowhere right it's a little it's like a little parasite i know i think they're good so there it is charlie thanks again for helping of course helping me make one of the worst sausages no i'm going to go and say it that was the worst sausage that i've ever had on the show i haven't tried all of them but i would wager they can't be worse than oh did you try the uh this the oh yeah yeah the other sausage yep they're gone it's all gone i just couldn't get enough of them no i need you to try it oh if only there were some left is it all gone yep really hungry it was good what was it oh okay well now i'm gonna have to cut that out uh so it was it was six jars you're ruining his videos all right matt you're gonna let me get like down the shaft you're gonna need it right in the middle yeah why it's not bad can you guess what it is tastes like a sausage mixed with a sausage and then another sausage is that actually what it is that's exactly what it is it's six johnsonville sausages that's what six johnson beans i guess it's six johnsonville sausages combined into one sausage so you got a beer brought you got uh you got a tailgater brought you guys spicy a towel i'm afraid to eat it because of botulism all right listen i i don't blame i don't blame anyone for not wanting to eat any of this mess yeah you made me scared of botulism all right let's button this up yeah let's get a little closing thoughts here uh well the marshmallow delight cooked in the sun oh it actually did just melt and bubble all right let's charlie let's button this up a shout out yeah let's talk about what went right this episode very few things we're done i think what really prevailed was our perseverance we encountered a lot of obstacles today and we found the optimal solutions at each uh impasse this is why i don't grill uh but uh but so so anyway so we're gonna give this cookie we're gonna give this cookout sausage here all right well i'm gonna give it a zero out of five and charlie's gonna give it a that's a one a one out of five all day with a combined score of half a point pop up
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,184,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I9brw1YtNo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 21sec (3741 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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