FORCING the biggest streamers to compete for $5,000 | Mogul Money

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welcome to mogul money [Music] and here's your host what way hey how's it going guys welcome to mogul money we're back with three of my favorite streamers on really excited for the episode we have in store here today i can hear you breathing heavy chance no if you guys kick it i'm getting it i hear you breathing heavy no okay all right well let's let's start with our first guest here the one i was most excited to come out today sear what's up baby how you doing i'm doing really good i'm excited uh you feeling good about your chances my what that's my it's my name that's literally my shirt well you're not on the shirt you're not even on the shirt so i don't know x felix you're already serious i'm knowledgeable yeah there's nothing i just came here to claim the prize it's an audio quiz so the reading glasses uh i'm going to i'm just here for the money okay you're just here for the money here for the money and chance you're here for what to establish dominance okay are you you're on your tippy toes no i'm not okay all right we gotta start the show we gotta start the show i don't even think they can see your face you're probably not even in the shot they just see your neck i hear him breathing so heavily through the law breathing heavy chat hears you i wanna know chad hears you they don't they also can hear the sweet prizes we have to win today roll the prizes because there's there's a lot first place will receive five thousand dollars in cash second place will receive a custom mogul moves bidet third place will receive three used double-a battery machine to get rid of those recycling program we have yeah that's it that's what we're doing here we're gonna have two trivia boards okay the way it's gonna work is the trivia boards will have different varying point questions the higher the point the harder the question the second board will be double the points whoever has the most points at the end the top two will move on to quick money bottom eliminated let's take a look at our board starting with mr worldwide ttv who is that it's our first category i'll explain them no worries mountains that's just that's mountains that's easy pepper panes i i know that one i'm buzzing in i know i know that i want it can we it's him okay next category is words in mogul money and then final category juicers yeah i think we got two categories for you here it's over as always we have a tradition on mogul money the tallest person gets to pick the first one sodapoppin please could you pick our first category here and what point total you would like well let's go ahead and do uh 500 mr worldwide ptv all right howard here it is buzzing when i'm done reading the question this is the third most popular language on twitch based on average viewers in the past seven days seer what is spanish that is incorrect are you buzzing can you read the question again what's you didn't buzz soda buzz though i'm gonna go with um oh man french that is incorrect you're so stupid chance he [ __ ] you're so [ __ ] because x you can't cuss please excellent what is portuguese that is correct portuguese is the third most popular language down here i don't have a phone hey hey no no i swear i okay x you got it right you have control of the board now you're in the lead by a thousand this is a great spot to be in where you want to go so i'm gonna do what uh chance should have done it i'm gonna start with a soft one i'm gonna take um mountains for 200. okay mountains for 200 this tallest mountain in japan is visible from tokyo on clear days that was soda rushmore that is so incorrect you've been to japan not really you what do you mean nah it doesn't count you were filmed there yeah but it doesn't count okay all right that's that that is incorrect it is not mount rushmore do we have another guesser uh you get a rebuzz after search yep what what is i notice in the game i i i buzz i buzz again right now he's already got it right already got it right now that's called brain lag again did you really not know that chance i had no are you are you i had literally no clue chance what do you think of when you think of mount rushmore what do you what do you imagine a mountain you know there's faces on it right yeah it's not four japanese dudes i don't know this isn't naruto where is mount rushmore i think one of them fell down wait yeah maybe maybe he's thinking of the hokage i think that's what they say uh it's in north or south dakota you take away your points yeah it is your board now's here in that case let's do mountains for 400. okay miles for 400 here it is the second tallest mountain in the world that is x do i talk to them yeah yeah um your answer uh uh uh kilimanjaro that is incorrect oh i know what it is are you guys buzzing in are you guys passing this um the time is up time is up what was your guess k2 that is correct just needed a few extra seconds so it wasn't everest it what well no this is second tallest not that it's your board still seer can i take uh mountains for 100 please you can you can uh it's gonna be dumb though this is the tallest mountain in the world you know soda everest form of a question please what is the tallest mountain in the world oh that is correct thank you so much it is about everything you got the point yeah you get 100 points there mount everest is correct where would you like to take the board now let's go with uh mountains for 500. you were so good at that so i think this is good for you i'm excited for you here the tallest mountain in the u.s used to be called mount mckinley but it's now local name that's also the name of a gmc truck cowards go ahead no no i but i bust you early so it locked me out so i'm sorry you guys i have the answer so easy are out of time obviously he knew i'll say it on his behalf mount denali same car that nick ran yes it's okay nobody lost nobody gained steal your board soda oh i get to go again you want to finish off mountains i finished off your mom last night [Laughter] 300 no let's do you know what sorry what's up words and my ghoul money 200 okay remember every answer has to be a word within the letters of mogul money you can't have like the letter q in there or the letter s he's so dumb chance is so different so comprehension skills are all time low can i use w because that's in words no no no only mobile money so so you could say something that you do at go-karts hey i would say win win no there's no w in mobile money but there's an n yeah but you said there's there's w oh oh it's only mogul money so all the letters have to be in mogul money yes not in awards in them words and mobile money no because then it would be called words and words juicers doesn't have to make sense a lot of juicers this one's going to be about juice pretty straightforward let's take a look at this 200 uh no this is this is juice uh hold up we pulled up words and mogul money look this is an easy one though you guys got this i'm good not a gnoblin i'm good not a gnelf i'm a hold up aha soda gnome that is correct no no no my light went off first no chance still has so much damage control let's do um pepper panes for 300. all right pepper pans yeah it'll be straightforward this is the hottest pepper in the world according to guinness book of world records boasting a 2.2 million shu x what is the carolina reaper i got to look this one up because i forget confirmed that is correct dude right now that stream's hearing people losing it but you know they're not hearing one person clap by themselves they're losing it right now it's not your board and you're in first place by a wide margin uh i take mr wild wide ttv for 300. all right let's take a look this is what the tv stands for in soda television that is incorrect oh oh i can't believe you didn't know this i don't know what i'm i'm locked out of it i i did too early i'll give you one guess right now no the correct answer i know do you want to say it tornado volume he buzzed that in that texas this was actually the uh the monthly multiplier so who's the one who pulled this one up uh this is your board right my board this technically then soda this is that you've been saved by the graces of technology because monthly multiplier means only xqc is allowed to answer this question so you actually can't lose points for this only x is allowed to guess but you can wager as many or as few points as you'd like uh i weighed you're a zero for this one all right zero points we'll roll the clip hey guys pokey here i was actually gonna be on today's show but i'm not feeling too well so figured it's best to stay home however i do have a question for today's contestants this is where the tv in comes from good luck and i hope to see you guys next month wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what what what the [ __ ] she was supposed to be on the show what just happened so one of us is not supposed to be here she say a word differently no it's just like a celebrity it's like you know injecting a celebrity saying that we don't know the show that we get run the clip again it was actually you that look at this guy instead i actually added you on last second it wasn't me no i it was x this is what the tv stands for in twitter yeah how do you guys know i know this um tornado volume televised virtual it's it's it's a it's a small nation island all right tarantula voices it's a small nation island known as tuvalu and the initials that they got for all their domains are tv ten percent of their income the entire country's income comes from selling domain rights and usages including yeah i don't believe this country by far the most boring answer we've had on the show yeah this is just not interesting that the website you are on is not telling ludwig that was really boring what this is interesting this is like keywords resident sleeper huh boring i'm taking us today to mr worldwide ttv for 200. let's take a look this metropolitan city is the most populated in the world and is a familiar stomping ground for various irl streamers like retro gaijin and jake and bake live and the buzzer goes too that doesn't make sense no this is boring what is japan it's incorrect it's soda why does it say seer it's [ __ ] up okay yeah do you i know i'm not pokeman okay i'm sorry i can't be here what is tokyo that is correct city you dumb [ __ ] why'd you say japan bro stupid answers in front of me for this one who doesn't know tuvalu or bro you're short and mad i'm taking my glasses back all right i see literally the same thing please all right let's hit up uh 400 juicers don't say it like that all right this is juice not branded as juice this tropical fruits liquid has long been popular in tropical countries and recently has become marketed in western countries there's something wrong with this this is broken trust me there's lag trust me it's perfect who buzzing first here nobody was did nobody buzz i didn't buzz yet did time's up do you want to take a guess for fun for fun uh what is that stupid those little like blue blue thing little balls and what is it called okay i'll go for a guess they get like little little balls it's like i think it's an indian drink it's little packets what is coconut water no no that's not that's the answer that's that's the answer coconuts have been in the world for like ever i know but it said recently i know it's been marketed in the west wait i'm sorry what coconut water coconut that's not recent i was gonna say capri sun that's the package recently coconut water has been around since before coconut water is technically the juice of a coconut yes yes technically and that's been around in the west for i don't even know how long how can you market that it's not it's not a brand name there are coconuts in california there's branded coconut water no you don't honestly see why pokemon give it everyone give get i agree yeah how about we just see the next category here you know you guys are doing a great job it is still so does board yeah i'm gonna hit up that don't say screw it you say fire yeah that's true actually so skrilla uh-huh let's hit up pepper paynes uh-huh for what 400. okay here it is what's my name it's not the question it's actually mrs pepper from the hit show blues clues comes from this country it's here what is france that is correct dude why the [ __ ] are you watching blue's clues because i had a childhood and i was like in my parents did you hear what he just said he said you're adopted is that true yeah you must say that to him if i have a minute yeah take it take some time it is your board though oh like just time to like con come on let's go back and we're like here come on you guys you got this let's uh hit up you do cusco let's uh hit up words and mogul money for 300. all right here it is often used to refer to someone acting deranged or out of the ordinary this insult is derived from the latin word meaning moon and shares its name with a common aquatic bird that was here he's seriously here we need lanterns he interrupted me and i forgot what i was going to say he just interrupted me and i forgot what i was going to need an answer here please you're running out of time um loco that is incorrect are you buzzing in yeah x what is loony that is correct why didn't no idea dude you were literally on the tip you were saying it take it back rewind it it says here in the script it says here in the script don't look at my script looney tunes chance i don't know it's your board now x i'll take words and mogul money for 400. all right let's do it words and mogul money for 400 increasing mistakes here it is typically uh recited at funerals to uh to praise and remember the deceased this speech may include accomplishments or personal stories about a person sir why did you guys all fake no one are you don't do the thing where you buzz and you don't know it what is uh na na na na na that's so exciting that guy remember the titans he's got it he give him the points all right that is incorrect it's called the obituary like an idiot also incredible obituary also incorrect they're correct for fun for fun and omen no oh my god how do i have my 600. what is a eulogy i don't even know that eulogy it was in the movie zoolander they did a googly eulogy he's trying to think of a french word no i'm thinking about a car okay it's your board x where do you want to go you know what i'm spicing it up words in mogul money for 500. okay you're done so take a look hey see your tip for this one take your thumb off the buzzer geologically this short unit of time refers to 1 billion years historically however its use refers to a comically long period of time see here what is an eon that's correct [Laughter] this is only because he plays role play and they say um eons of role play and it's burned to his mind i have not known a single word that you all have said since like because you have three brain cells you nailed everest there is no way it's your board here i'm letting these millionaires take home five thousand dollars yeah that's our job you know that right to make sure you don't become a millionaire so we we stay millionaires words and mogul money 100 all right you know what round out the first category here this yellow citrus is characteristically defined by its sour taste lemon that was soda it is correct that is lemon this is so stupid this is a game show so you have to say the form of a question i feel like it's a little bit limited for him to have gotten away with that multiple times yeah yeah we need some sort of strike system listen it's it's three times five times three times i know what the definition of a limit is so now i get it right so let's use words that are within my definition okay all right we'll say we'll stick with that definition range it's your board you can go for another hundred let's go with a 100 mr worldwide ttv all right here it is worldwide ttv this state capital boasts a low cost of living and is home to many well-known streamers such as molina tutti and crazy slick seer what is austin texas yeah that is correct and i'm glad you knew that it is your board now sir you're at zero points you're in second place where do you want to go that's a very good question ludwig um i'm looking at the board here i'm thinking maybe let's do juicers for 300 juices for three let's pop it don't look at me wisconsin is the world's leading producer of this fruit associated with thanksgiving whose juice is arguably the healthiest out there soda or whatever cranberries yeah that's cranberries cranberry cranberries soda i please ask that you ask an informal question after you've buzzed in you didn't take some time no i just i i i feel people care about they don't care they don't care they care about the show they don't care about the question part you can't act like this you said they care about the show live flip back chance it is your board please it is my board let's go with pepper payne's 200. all right here it is pepper pans for two this popular pepper comes in many colors including red green and yellow and doesn't create capsaicin that was seer what is the bell pepper that is correct hey blood uh i would really love to do let's go to juicers for 200 juices for 200. let's take a look at it doctors recommend you drink more water if your urine is the color of this juice soda uh what is banana juice you said that out loud in front of people see here what is orange juice that is correct no it's not i thought that i was like that's orange no that counts acceptable answers were orange juice and apple juice the outside of a banana is yellow how many times you eat the outside of a banana many they try bananas white peel is more healthy than for you than the actual banana do you eat the whole thing yeah i do you don't eat the peel i do this just in ladies and gentlemen if i eat really vanilla give me my points if we get a banana and you eat an entire banana i'll give you the point that sounds unhealthy okay here you go here you go yeah okay come on you got this really on the show yeah please on the show right now yeah all right do you eat the stem part yeah you're kidding me you do this often can we give him a couple hundred points can we do we have that in the budget no no no first of all cyril's at 200. he shouldn't get those points no he gets this point still no he doesn't i'm sorry if you deep throated a banana doesn't make it automatically get my points i proved my point you're gonna have the whole world you're gonna finish it what's going on here come on you gotta finish the banana you know we just ate on the way here i know i know you did this is why it's extra funny now he doesn't want to commit it is your boards here please take it away okay let's do juicers for 500 juicers for 500 let's take a look can you speak louder i know you're upset right now this green and pointed tropical fruits juice has been called a mixture of strawberry apple and banana it was also quoted as being a bogus cancer treatment by the u.s federal trade commission i don't know you guys did you take a guess here do you buzz in yes oh what's your guess what is the kiwi that is incorrect it literally says green and pointed oh no i i got it no i got it i have it i'm so sorry i had it i'm so stupid yeah yeah what was yours what would your guess have been what is it papaya um dead ass what's that what's the fruit again i have no idea what fruit is let's talk about let's start did you just gag no let's talk about something not fruit i'll come back to what it is it's not papaya i forget something it's a weird fruit a durian uh let's move on next category to steal your boards here cool can we do pepperoni for 100 please pepper paints for once what was it what was that i didn't hear it for a hundred here this is look at the screen oldest major soft drink in america that was seer what is coca-cola that is incorrect soda you buzz oh x um what what is um what is pepsi that is incorrect oh i'm gonna go with oh for fun doesn't matter i know i know i'm like what would i have gone dr pepper that's correct what that's rigged this is rick this is actually right no he didn't get it right this is for fun oh yeah but i but i think this is actually rigged guys do you know the category name it's pepper payne oh that means pepper and pain has to be in the world no not necessarily but you know kind of um with that said i'm gonna have to go for the big money here juicers for 100. all right let's do it what a boring contestant two parts this juice combined with one part vodka creates a screwdriver um soda what orange juice is the what is orange juice that is correct he's so uncommitted in his answers yeah that would i don't know how to word that question your board now chance let's go with uh pepper pans for 500. okay big one huge lead for someone here pepper spray is a powerful tool that can render victims immobile it is legal to own and use in this many u.s states it's here i'm going for the big one here this determines whether you actually win or lose but do i have to answer yes you buzz then please okay take a stab what is how about these states that's correct what no no oh my god that was a shot in the dark it is true pepper spray is legal to own in every single u.s state don't we have 52 states you didn't know that that's so there's 52 stars on the flag zero to be fair how many states are fair you're thinking of deck of cards is your board final category doesn't matter let's take a look i'm no i'm telling you 352. there's not 52 48. that's an old one 48. this volcano in southern washington state was known for erupting in 1980 that was seer what is mount st helens that's correct and with that sear takes the lead after trivia board one we have a second trivia board with double the answers we'll try to roll through that one a little quicker here oh i still play and we'll be right back after this break okay so you're not getting lost no you're stealing i ate a [ __ ] banana and appealed [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right boys uh i think i'm gonna end pretty good stream though um hope you guys had fun i'm gonna head out go to bed but i'll be live tomorrow and i'll see you guys then and hopefully you come hang out one more time see you later maybe forever who knows if i don't show up just kidding unless imagine see ya mulder it's me slime i'm the cat now slime what happened so i ate one of the gummies on your desk upstairs oh those are strong man you shouldn't have hormones so strong very strong it's not a big deal but there is a little problem uh i finally decided to get a coin base account but i'm a cat now and i don't have hands that's the problem the problem is you are a cat and you can't get on your coin base account not the whole you're a cat thing it's fine i have hair now so i'm good the thing is i just need you to help me set up an account you know all right i'll help you out man okay yeah awesome coinbase if you're a cat you can't use it unless you're a guy who became a cat then that's probably oh okay oh [ __ ] we're good okay hey what's up welcome back to mogul money brought to you by coinbase had a great trivia board one these they tried to attack me in the break room got to keep the small streamer small so he said it testimony is two against one that would not hold up in the court of law yeah that didn't happen he said my brain's too big give me one host i'm on your side chance he's got you all right deal so we got trivia board 2 coming up it's double the points it was uh 500 for the most this time it's gonna be a thousand right after that it's gonna be a final trivia question where you can wager as many points as you have top two are gonna move on bottom eliminated let's take a look at the categories for trivia board two starting with daniel's gaming next up we have eating ass yeah i'm good at that yeah that's that's mine before and after i'll explain that one for you guys president's middle names category five who's that pogamon all right all right all right wait why would you not know about pog if this guy's boring he doesn't he doesn't get any pogs wow his only category is a president's middle name that's one though chance it is your board eating ass one thousand wow bold let's take a look the pork butt a cut consisting of the upper shoulder is often used in southern pulled pork barbecue although it is considered a specialty of this new england city get a eating ass like you're eating pork butt yeah i get it that's not what i thought it was gonna be about would you do you think these are gonna be five questions like sex you guys are out of time the correct answer what is boston boston yeah would red sox have counted no because it's close it's in there but it's still your board no one lost anything you can keep the ass category if you'd like eating ass 800. okay here it is in addition to the controversy over its status as a sandwich the meat component of this american dish is rumored to contain pork snouts lips and anuses i'm just disappointed you guys are out of time and there was a chicken it was a hot dog oh i was gonna say that because like we had the other day yeah chicken hot dogs you're thinking chicken hot dogs right yeah yeah yeah chicken because controversy people don't think it's uh because you've been done so well so far all right nice this one might be more your speed in her featured verse on uh oh marion's post to be jean a ico says he gotta eat the booty like blank like blue cheese what no no that's [Laughter] what made you think of blue cheese you guys are out of time this sounded like it rolled off the top you gotta eat the booty like groceries it rhymes it rhymes not only was that not the answer i don't know how you would come up with that how do you wait how do you eat beauty like groceries uh look i'm not you don't eat groceries i'm not gonna defend the song i'm just gonna make fun of you for getting it wrong can i get half no blue cheese i'll give you okay give it to me or if you eat ass on stream okay i'm not gonna do that on stream because i'll get banned i'll get banned you'll do it on my stream yeah but then he gets the content you get banned yeah do 400 please eating ass 400. this is the medical term for the largest muscle in the body that was seer what is the gluteus maximus that is correct what is the what gluteus maximus that's not even what were you going to say you buzzed in so fast oh what is the heart i was going to say fever i was going to say femur that's you're in first place where do you want to go let's uh finish off that ass perhaps with uh eating ass for 200 please all right eating ass for 200 let's clean up the category adding to the unicode uh in 2010 this emoji it's commonly used as a substitute for butt due to its distinctive cleft that was xqc uh peach good job speech that is correct good job one strike all right great job x you're in second place where you want to take this who is that pogemon come on for 600 when you see it buzz in you can immediately guess it's gonna be a blacked out emote let's go 600 pogomon uh soda yeah i know what this is and i don't know what the name of it so do we need an answer yeah let's um yes man that is incorrect ouch you don't know it you stupid [ __ ] you guys are out of time it's pound yeah some stupid [ __ ] like pound still xqc where do you want to go who is that pogemon for 200. all right let's keep it simple let's just get let's get our feet warm 200 here's the image that is correct i actually knew that one are you not an emote users here i've not been in the twitch game long enough to be that familiar how long have you been in the game all right fair enough the reason why i know um most of the time i'll do something bad and people say my streamer saj yeah my streamer they will do that and it hurts it doesn't affect me yeah no not at all x it's your board where you want to go um i'll take that one for 400 all right let's take a look x five head that is correct [ __ ] man form a question please i knew that one too who is that pogemon for 800. all right let's take a look here it is x oh that's right what is copio dude excuse me with glasses buzzing it for emotes and then acting very smart greatest thing i've ever seen that i do that too i keep waiting for you to like say a sentence no me too it's just here let's switch it up i'm gonna take um who's that pokemon 1000 oh here it is when you know it buzz it um soda you buzzed before you knew it first yeah i had to [ __ ] do it man i gotta risk it risk the biscuit here all right we need a guest though yeah that's gonna be um definitely going to be easy like that's your guess easy are you okay no it's going to be an easy guess okay what is your guy i didn't guess yet please give me your guess yeah it's definitely alien plus that is incorrect x are you guessing oh is it for free uh did you buzz oh i buzzed what did you buzz in yeah it shows that you buzz in here am i incorrect for assuming that you bust in what i'm buzzing yeah you press the buzzer right um he did and he's regarding okay i'll just go for um what is what is fungi that is incorrect [ __ ] is it correct answer what is ohio global emo oh my god i know that one see it looks like fungi with a glitch on the bottom it looks like the ears of the front of the the the foundation that was it was a tough one bro i almost i i just about give up but where you want to take this daniel's gaming for 600. next question the legend of zelda's majora's mask forces the hero link to save clock town in this many days that was two days soda that is incorrect also formal question you're wrong on all accounts xqc what is three days that's correct great answer you'll you'll get one of them don't bite it don't touch me daniel's gaming 800 damage gaming for 800 uh i believe is going to be uh another question how many inventory slots does a player have in runescape classic soda 10. that is incorrect oh damn you dude you are you are driving this car into the ground i don't answer questions i don't know yeah 50 no what is 30. it's your board here xqc where you want to go dale's getting for a thousand good choice big one in 1972 this game became the first competitive esport the prize for winning was a year-long subscription to rolling stone magazine pac-man that is incorrect you also didn't do a form of a question so if it was correct you wouldn't have gotten it anyway okay okay correct answer i'm assuming you guys aren't buzzing in um out of time oh you were gonna though what is pong what is space war oh my god i would have not i'm glad i no no he had it he told me he had it i was close ex still you're bored daniel's gaming for 400. all right here it is this is our monthly multiplier oh god you are the only person who is able to answer this question you can wager as many points as you have what would you like to wager you can wage your zero if you'd like or 1600 don't be boring 1600 all in oh i'm only helping all the chips all right now let's get the video question pulled up again x you're the only one who can answer this and you have to answer here it is what oh what's up guys it's me your celebrity vsauce daily monthly guy because ludwig couldn't get okay just go on with this line all the famous people that he knows whatever this is the amount of times ludwig has had a nocturnal emission and the same year that super mario brothers was released the original super mario bros i'm so sorry for your loss this year the original super mario bros came out what is that year xqc look at that he's frozen i think he could get doesn't even you have to guess precision though stop the timer at super super mario brothers um the original super mario bros yeah what is 2000 that's pretty close dude no i would have gotten that i would hey what super mario 64 came out before two thousand does that mean that i lose all my money i'm so sorry x he's not even comprehended what's happening right now four thousand yeah you wagered them all do you not remember the conversation where you were here you said oh yeah i won and then said wait draw all your points don't be boring and you went oh okay 1600. and then you lost all of them do you remember all of them yeah that's what you said you said 16 look here's the thing you have a lot more points i only have a thousand points you can get it in two answers xqc it's your board danielle's giving me 200. he's sad now this indy game was created by toby fox and had characters and music added to super smash brothers ultimate undertale soda is what is undertale what is the undertale it's so insignificant to take away the points at this point that'll add them to you let lem get it the answer was undertale nice didn't he just lose a lot more points it looks like that but no he he's so far down it seems like everybody yeah you know he wins he is just mad that i got it right two boards left four and after one thousand okay before and i don't give a [ __ ] anymore i'm going to give you two hints you will need to give me answers to both of them it'll make a lot of sense as we get into it here it is this cartoon remake about a boy growing up and living to protect the jungle is part one is a 2021 film featuring dwayne johnson and emily blunt on a journey to find the tree of life i do know the i know so the answer will be both of these combined soda give it a shot what's the answer to the first one cartoon remake about a boy growing up in the jungle book and then what would your answer to the second one be jumanji jungle jumanji you somehow got both of them wrong is anyone else buzzing in here well that actually wasn't it no wait you were very close to both of them the correct answer george of the jungle that's what i said no oh george you did not say that you said jungle book and then the second one it's better jungle cruise can we agree that it's better content if i get it right because then it's closer it wouldn't give me the point please you literally mathematically are out of it chance you can't just beg for points and get can you believe this guy's begging now yes so it was georgia the jungle cruise do you get how it works it's both answers combined no george of the jungle cruise soda president's middle name's one thousand all right you are trying to get back in it and i respect that here it is richard m nixon jefferson i don't know any other i don't know any last names what m what about it richard m nixon you said jefferson i didn't know you're going to give me a hint so most most words that start with m sound like mary i didn't know richard michael nixon that is incorrect bring him down to 7 000. richard martin nixon that is incorrect come on go good no i don't answer questions i don't know that's how you win did you just see that did you just see that here we just saw you buzzing we're gonna need to guess it doesn't [ __ ] matter i'm in seven thousand negative all right madison that is incorrect the correct answer what is milhouse but that that doesn't count oh no that's a world of warcraft character wait no i guess hero it doesn't matter he buzzed me what do you mean it doesn't matter well you guessed no but he wasn't he lost this guy i'm going to hurt him we gotta get the show on the road okay we gotta we got a pajama party to hit let's do president's middle names for 600. barack h obama excuse me hussein that is correct no no no no no i actually hit it you cannot sabotage me and that's that's a correct answer which one in there is just stop stop stop did you hear what he just said what does that matter it doesn't in his first stage you saying not but it rhymes next one please answer this one xqc it's your board where do you want to go president 800. i'm feeling hot let's take a look george h.w bush steer what is herbert walter that is incorrect no [Applause] soda it is your guest here yeah you do uh harold walter no that is incorrect um [Laughter] it is herbert walker 400 here it is harry s truman soda susan that is that is incorrect it has a good ring to it who is sullivan no that is incorrect if this buzzes it is not me the correct answer what is s it doesn't stand for anything what because there's no dot cause there's no dot i don't get it it's a trap question not bad uh it is your board x president's middle names president's middle names for 200 you literally have not gotten a single one correct except for hussein maybe this one franklin d roosevelt sir what is delano that is correct franklin delano roosevelt i came away from here from canada to do this stupid show and this is cultural insensitive there's no no way i could know any of this american [ __ ] it's crazy there's so many people in this room and nobody asked that's that's the that's the craziest thing about it you got to take the yell at that one see it's your board where do you want to go that's a really good question i'm feeling pretty hot right now yeah let's do before and after 400 before and after for 400 let's take a look this gaming organization based in austin texas is about the daily life of a humble propane salesman in his family what two-part question the first part what do you think it is soda this gaming organization based in austin texas is otk okay and then the second part daily life of a humble propane salesman and his family who okay about it it might help if you say the full otk out loud um you don't know what it stands for asmin gold yes incorrect one true king of the hill that is the correct answer yes yes you were forgetting the king of the hill okay okay okay okay so it was about asthma you thought as when gold was the daily life of the propane salesman it was about he is yeah he is the propane salesman before and after 800 this is the big one this could get you the lead before and after 800. here it is this challenging platformer has you playing as a king climbing a single map to reach the top after he split from the catholic church in order to divorce his wife no no no there's eight buzz on its own it's um first part first first one is with the jump king and then um he splits from the catholic church in order to divorce uh uh oh oh oh jump king henry i got it five that is incorrect okay so super meat boy and martin luther king what the [ __ ] challenging platformer catholic church martin luther king the director you're very close it is jump king henry viii i am so sorry that's like me and herbert walker it's your turn here x before and after for 600. all right here it is let's take a look the latest installment of the dragon ball franchise on television features an expansive cast of the characters fighting to deplete each other's stock counts to zero soda dragon ball z uh super and then power level his power level and you gotta drain it to zero you're you're trying to find an expansive cast of characters fighting to deplete each other's stock counts to zero start count to zero the numbers thank you yeah that is incorrect what is dragon ball z super smash brothers that is incorrect no yeah no no no it is dragon ball super smash brothers that's not what he said so what there was a letter in there you said it wrong there was a z bro you said it wrong it was dragon ball super smash bros how many points it was only 600. you're still in first oh my god final one's 200 let's just take a look here okay this cartoon network animated show about a katana wielding prince trying to free his kingdom from aku has performed in classic films such as school of rock in nacho libre okay soda samurai jack uh and jack black so say it together now samurai jack black that is correct all right that's a way to end on a win all right you can talk all the [ __ ] about you want about soda but he's never gotten under over 10 000 negative 10 000. that brings us directly to our final trivia question now for this trivia question you guys are all in negative points you are able to wager up to a thousand points however we're going to jump right in so pull up your phones you're going to go to the discord right now put in how much you would like to wager is going to be numbers hop in the discord say how much you want to wager it's up to a thousand categories math numbers could wait the categories math yes you want me to do it too please i would love to see your answer i'd actually make my day all right the question is going to be how many characters who are gonna do they use in roman numerals your timer starts now how many characters does the roman numeral system use to fully represent all of its numbers someone said not in your soda you're in the wrong are you in the check there's a channel called okay thank you michelle there's a channel i'm not i don't want to cheat okay he put his answer in my channel and i saw it did you actually guys there's only one channel available for your name they made it so easy but we weren't looking at that we had our heads in the game i'm sorry you're good you're good take your time so what did you know once you've submitted your guesses you can just put your phone down and then we'll move on by the way tomorrow kickball is going to start at 12 p.m pacific time offline tv 100 thieves team america and team communism all going against each other for ten thousand dollars awarded to the winners charity of choice good luck good luck to you like a trophy or some [ __ ] i think we got what about me nobody cares about you you're at 19000. all right you lost so bad you lost for tomorrow's kickball brittany we are out of time contestants we're going to start over with seer let's first check what your answer was you guessed five that is incorrect no yes it is x v i d m are you arguing me super bowl they cram all of them in there let's see how much you wagers here one that means you are going to end up with negative 1200 and one point ah xqc it's negative nine it's negative eleven ninety-nine point no no he he lost a point so he's 12-1 if he got it he'd be 11.99 that's what i said x you see it is yours let's see what you guessed here what was your guess five that is incorrect let's see how much you weigh a good guess a thousand oh that's tough you're gonna go down to negative three thousand i v x m l mm-hmm d there's a d yeah what is it six what did you get that is also incorrect the correct answer seven oh andy okay i don't need to know that let's see how much you wagered they did not have to count that a thousand you're down to ten thousand negative ten thousand nine hundred i believe it's c century right it's probably a hundred so why would they ever need to count that high back then they probably have the soda pop of their day that the count how many women that sort of pop into their day you know stupid i didn't exist back then well either way guys hey very good job so it's going to be siri you're going to go first for quick money xqc you're going to go second both you have a chance to win five thousand dollars so to bob and you're you're you're done today do you have to go hide zombies i don't hear the answer yeah you will have to go hide somewhere we'll take care of that but we'll be right back after this quick few minute break don't go anywhere it sucks great show you like the show say you like the show [Music] why do you why do you think they all call it his chassis like ludwig's chest [ __ ] yeah but why why would they call it that i mean if you like well if you look at the anatomy of a [ __ ] no but it's not it's the [ __ ] isn't concave actually don't do that with me i feel like this shouldn't be difficult a chest holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god oh this is so bad you'll be dead please don't be there please don't dude dude this is ted nevison we killed ted nevison he's like famous right oh dude this is so bad this is so bad we gotta call the cops dude no no no no no no dude if you call the cops right now the podcast is done then what do you want us to do [Music] oh do your [ __ ] what'd you together do this weekend um we uh we killed a guy imagine yeah can you guys stop fighting you've been fighting the whole entire break can we get welcome back to mogul money everybody we had a um first half and we are now gonna have our final section it's quick money gonna be between seer and xqc the winner gets five thousand dollars where is he real money he's not going to be here for this because we don't want him to hear your answers it's going to be a surprise i'm going to ask you five questions and you'll have to answer them within 30 seconds that's pretty much the gist of all questions within 30 seconds all the questions within 30 seconds you can skip one if you'd like we can go back right after you can just do the boom boom boom boom okay i want you in my room get it i want you in my room i don't want you in my room okay for team america anyway that's the gist of it you uh just should know that i asked 100 twitch chatters we found they don't vary too much from regular people they're kind of just normies well actually i guess it's probably because it's my chat anyway uh are you ready okay let's get 30 seconds up on that clock i'm gonna start the timer will begin after the first question okay see here let's get to it okay for five thousand dollars name an item every camper must have flashlight what is another way to greet someone other than hello handshake name a u.s state that touches the atlantic coast new york how many hours a day do you spend on social media me personally twitch chat hundred twitch headers uh seven complete the phrase break blink bad break bad hey mr white you're just gonna break bad like that is that what he sounded like wasn't there a wasn't it like a breaking yeah yeah no no but you can break back break bad break bad break bread break bad look let's take a look we're gonna pull up we're gonna see exactly how well you did i'll tell you what i don't think you got zero on any of them okay if that makes you feel better okay let's pull up the board and go through them right now starting with your first answer i asked you to name an item every camera must have you said a flashlight flashlight's pretty key you're saying i said flashlight well that's what soda popping would've said yeah but he's not here right now survey says eight why do all those people wanna you need a flashlight i actually have i'm a camper all right do you see this that's still a flashlight though i know but you don't second question look eight points isn't bad don't you can't charge your phone when you're out don't be sad about eight points this is great next question what is another way to greet someone other than hello you said handshake yes actually nobody greets someone and you don't just walk up to someone and shake their hand that uh let's check the survey on that one i do that i just wasn't in your chat at that moment yeah stop laughing the next one you're going to kill i know the next one you're going to kill name a u.s state that touches the atlantic coast you said new york new york i'm walking walking you know i love it let me guess 100 people said that close survey says 24 24 that's a great answer yeah okay was that jason bourne no there's a kid who says 21 but i said 24 instead that's such a hard reference to get yeah it's a deep cut all right how many hours a day do you spend on social media personally what is your answer personally uh on social media or like on a social media platform because on twitch i do like 11 hours 12-hour days yeah depending on if chance is still on or not i would imagine watching i don't think streaming counts there seven is what you said survey says four four people said seven well i'm sure i would get along well with them complete the phrase break blank you said break pad oh you're just gonna break bad like that that's actually a really good impression survey says science [ __ ] see you in 36 total points now here's the thing you can still win i'm not a millionaire yet this is a drop in the bucket for him they are millionaires yes this is i want that this is literally like like we added a drop of water to the ocean and the next is like oh cool man the thing is if he wins i don't have to pay him out he won't know i don't think he even knows this isn't me that's like a brand deal let's bring an xqc here i don't want to reveal how he did yet but it's okay i'm cool let's just say that you're up against a formidable opponent you don't oh does poor baby xqc not know what formidable means you look really smart with the glasses on good luck you know how it works five questions 30 seconds of the clock if you say the same answer that's here said you'll hear this noise perfect and uh you'll have to guess again the timer will start after i read the first question you're ready to go uh is it through the answer the whole squad i'm gonna go through them the moment after i'm done the first one is gonna go go go if you wanna skip you can skip i'll go back to it timer will start after the first okay yeah ready yeah x name an item every camper must have tent what is another way to greet someone other than saying hello shaking their hands uh waving name a u.s state that touches the atlantic coast new york uh south carolina how many hours a day do you spend on social media four hours complete the phrase break blank uh break time a lot of similar answers to see her there very similar was that good though was that you know i think you tried your best i think you did well which one do you think you did really well on uh the first two which one okay all right the hello thing what is that that's the hello that's a universal one way to do it this might have been my fault how i phrased it that's like how drive your car with my hands and what else uh my foot like what else is that i feel like he's like the one thing he's being hostile right let's pull up the board the good news is for you sear got 36 points what so all you have to do is get 37 points and you win your number one answer was really good i think name an item every camper must have you said tent tent was your answer i just lost survey says yes that isn't enough yet you still have 12 points to go what is another way to greet someone other than saying hello you said wave by the way tent was the number one answer survey said for wave one point the number one answer was yo other than saying hello is that an action can you yo somebody okay yo me yo no you said yo yeah other than saying hello not other than speaking oh my i just said other than saying hello you can greet someone without saying hello by saying yo hi what's up what's up man this might be my downfall howdy doody look 10 points to go name a state that borders the atlantic you said south carolina you wanted new york you couldn't get it south carolina survey says seven not bad number one answer for that florida don't take this money away from me uh listen for everybody at home watching this is how we keep them broke i'm not broke this is always at the top i just want it we cut the legs off before they get there just like clarify like i have a lot of money in the company i could buy something i'm wealthy i'm just not a millionaire okay all right i'll be wealthier after this i don't think you'll notice if i pay you we asked you how many hours a day do you spend on social media you said four now i is that true for you yeah well let's see what the survey said what it's over it's over it's done it is you do beats here let's take a look at the last answer right real quick number one answer that was three hours three hours our final question complete the phrase you said break time time like break time everybody survey said for that one three points number one answer was break a leg break a leg somehow xqc got 53 in one mogul money you get five thousand dollars x thank you so much for playing your champion of mogul money seer i'll get you it's a 500 it's a nice bidet thank you so much it's a nice bidet it's a nice bidet thanks for the money sort of popping i'm going to buy a great job thank you so much i don't need the money i don't need it i want to buy nothing with this thank you for watching we'll be live on sodapop and stream in just a bit check it out forward slash so to pop in [ __ ] can't dodge you get your merch there we got a new podcast episode coming in a few days the yard that's all it's enough we'll see you guys in a month or something see you later goodbye now [Music] promotional consideration provided by coinbase
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 4,898,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: dWjP99xjy_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 7sec (3487 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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