Gojo vs. the JoJo Gauntlet - How Far Can He Go?

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let's have Gojo fight the main protagonist and antagonist from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure in order is he strong enough to make it through the gauntlet or will someone be able to stop him in his tracks I already made videos placing these characters in jjk but those were fun non-scaling Focus videos this one it's a straightup versus Battle formatted as a gauntlet we're going to see how far Gojo can go against these characters for this we'll be looking at the main JoJo characters and their main villains as you'd probably expect things start out pretty simple but it gets more complicated very quickly by the way if he stopped at any point we'll cover others beyond the stopping point just to see if he can go beyond and like usual we assume that domains affect everyone and stands are visible here the latter isn't a crazy assumption given the six eyes so we're going to use that regardless we're going chronologically so let's begin with part one starting with Jonathan Jonathan is screw I love you man but you're cooked the only Advantage he has here is speed but that wouldn't matter because he can't get through infinity and he can't avoid an attack if caught in a domain Gojo's raw stats outclass Jonathan by far besides speed next Dio Brando the part one version it's pretty much the same situation as Jonathan nothing he does could reach or harm Gojo and Gojo has the superior attack power anyways as well as his domain I know it seems like we're going really quickly here but it's pretty straightforward with the first few characters next on to Joseph Joseph I love you you're probably my favorite JoJo but you're not doing anything here once more it's the exact same thing as Jonathan no matter how much Joseph could everything he can't get through Infinity with that it would be pretty funny if he found a way though next up we have cars by the way from this point onwards we're going to be using everyone at their strongest so this is cars at the end of part two physically cars at his Peak actually can be a big threat to Gojo if Infinity weren't a factor this would be an interesting battle we don't know the true extent of what his powers can be like and maybe it actually isn't enough to harm Gojo but still in terms of raw stats he's one of the few people that actually has a good Arsenal here the thing is once more Infinity is a factor Gojo does an easy stomp here again now on to part three with jod and this is the point when the gauntlet isn't as straightforward things get more complicated and in a fun way mainly in the sense of hacks versus hacks I think jodo could actually get some hits in by exploiting his time stop plus his speed far exceeds Gojo's so if he keeps his distance he could play it smart by dodging attacks of course this wouldn't matter in his domain but given how perceptive precise and fast his reactions are jodo could probably avoid the domain expansion in time but back to what I said before how is he going to get hits in with infinity well I'd argue jodo could actually get through Infinity at the very least one time Gojo's Infinity is automatic but in the sense that it's a filter it automatically detects threats coming at him and Limitless filters them out with the power of infinity based on that what jodo could do is activate the world from a distance while Infinity isn't filtering him unless Infinity is already filtering everything away from Gojo jodo could attack him because there would be no Infinity filtering him it's automatic and always active but more so as a reflexive thing so if time is stopped and so is his brain there's no threat to perceive which means he's not filtering out with Limitless and if you want to stretch this even further you could say jodo might even be able to get through Infinity because in stop time there would be no Infinity Limitless creates Infinity by constantly dividing space but how would it accomplish this in stop time yes it's automatic but how would it work unless Gojo's brain is still active and his cursed energy can be utilized to divide that space his cursed energy wouldn't be moving nor would this automatic process be happening so in stop time I see no way for Gojo to stop jodo attacking him this is all assuming Infinity would detect stands by the way which I think it would be able to since this is a cross first battle and we're assuming Gojo could just see stands we'll assume he could perceive them too especially with the six eyes and maybe the fact that St could have some late cursed energy to begin with so Infinity would just filter it out to begin with I would think regardless this would apply so before you could say jodo could just fudge it by passing star Platinum through Infinity that's not how we're treating it here not that it matters because like I said time stop could help although jodo has three big issues first issue Gojo has higher durability with joro's attack power being lower jodo caps out at large building level while Gojo is City level at Absolute Baseline even if we take jodo in his prime it's going to be hard to harm Gojo second problem Gojo has a reverse curse technique so if jodo is able to damage him somehow Gojo could heal he would need a Surefire kill in the time stop and third problem jodo can't chain the world back to back there's an unspecified cool down for it because otherwise he could just infinitely stop time one thing working in joro's favor during the time stop is the fact that Gojo can't anticipate where the attack will hit him and reinforce his body with cursed energy accordingly he will still be fortified to some extent I'd assume Gojo just automatically reinforces himself with cursed energy to some degree but in stop time he can't focus it on a specific area to defend more effectively this fight would be tough on both sides on one hand jodo can avoid domains outspeed attacks and even physically hurt Gojo or at the very least make contact with him but to kill Gojo he'd need to hit him with a series of critical blows in a spot where he's vulnerable because his raw attack power isn't enough to begin with like a barrage of punches to his unfortified head during a time stop might do the trick since it's too many attacks at once with no defense time stop Drive buys might be the key to Victory here maybe because there's also the chance J's attack power might not do anything after all but I still think a time stop stand Rush with a completely unprepared Gojo would at least harm him although he could just heal it right after and on the other hand if Gojo does trap jodo in a domain somehow he's cooked if he starts the fight with this it'll just stop jodo from activating the world and then he's screwed I wouldn't say The Gauntlet stops right here because there's too many factors it could stop here but Gojo has ways through even if jodo can make contact with Gojo this fight definitely leans in Gojo's G even if it isn't a 100% Surefire Victory and with part three di it's pretty much the same as jodo even if we use high di with his full power the only difference is he has his vampire powers too like maybe a flesh butt during time stop could work if it could somehow get through Gojo's head temperature manipulation could help too because if he freezes Gojo for example specifically in a time stop that could help mitigate durability like freeze an arm then shatter it or better yet do it to his head not to mention he also has regen which could help him last longer in the fight and who's to say Gojo's blood wouldn't even buff him further unlikely but possible what if he were to get Gojo's blood due to his versatility we could say maybe it's a tiny bit tougher than jodo just because he has many other ways of winning besides time stop Drive buys either way same result I think it still leaned in Gojo's favor but Dio definitely has a few more ways to win just because he has a greater Arsenal by the way drop a like if you're enjoying this so far things are going to get progressively crazier well not immediately because cuz Jose is next and sorry Jose you're probably screwed you too just like Jonathan all he really has is speed the best he could do is subscribe and hit the Bell icon too that way maybe I'll decid to glaze him and say he wins here but he's pretty screwed here maybe you should subscribe too now on to Kira this one is definitely weird actually most of these are Kira's bombs can bypass durability but the catch is he has to make contact with a Target obviously he can't do that here even with JoJo characters being as fast as they are Beyond faster than light or even massively faster than light that doesn't mean you can get through with raw speed alone you need something beyond that plus Kira's own durability and regular attack power don't do anything here to begin with he's vulnerable to any Gojo attack sheer heart attack isn't going to reach Gojo either it would just keep chasing him but never get to him Bites the Dust is the one caveat it seems Bites the Dust can activate on anyone and isn't tangible when we see Rohan try to counter it we see his hand go right through it even other stand users can interact with killer queen when it's activating Bites the Dust so we could assume it's intangible and can't be blocked by Limitless either like maybe it would detect it and keep dividing space in between Gojo but what's the point of dividing space if Killer Queen is just going to pass right through that regardless or maybe not even be detected in the first place the issue is that requires another person to use so let's say Killer Queen can somehow get to Gojo and make him the host of bites the dust this would trap him in a loop but all he needs to do is kill Kira to stop it to be trapped in the loop in the first place he needs to know Kira's identity so he'd be fine in that regard he just has to find Kira and kill him but we only see Killer Queen being intangible when it's jumping from a host to another person we didn't see it planted on hayo in the first place so we can't say for certain if it's intangible to to begin with but again not that it matters if Gojo's the host it does nothing to it and in these types of battles they're usually 1 V ones anyways if there were actually other people around Kira can make somebody else carry his stand and then transfer it to Gojo killing him that way he actually reaches Gojo with his explosions and just deactivates Bites the Dust to finish the battle making it so Gojo's dead but again that requires another person here his power is perfect for Gojo but Gojo is also a perfect counter for Kira Kira could overcome durability issues and he has one way through Infinity but since he can't physically make contact with goj and in a 1 V1 setting he can't use Bites the Dust on someone else he loses really easily it's just worth mentioning he does have a way to win next Diablo with King Crimson and Epitaph he could see what will happen and basically remove himself from the equation this could help him survive unless Gojo somehow traps him in his surprise domain before he could activate King Crimson or with a wide enough range and long enough duration so it Outlast King Crimson obviously Diablo's pow is not like jodo or deal where he stops time and therefore stops Infinity I'm going to assume you don't need the explanation of how his power works but in short he's basically cutting out time but that fate of Gojo using Infinity still happens he can't get through infinity and frankly if he could again it's the same case as jodo and Dio therefore Gojo wins pretty easily best thing Diablo could do is somehow stalemate it by just constantly avoiding attacks again he has speed on his side and epith will help too as for Bas jorno that won't do anything unless his life creation includes being able to create some sort of deadly microscopic thing in the form of pathogen of course here we're going to be using gold experience reum which of the two is stronger the power of zero or the power of infinity I'd say the power of zero it really comes down to the question of whether or not joro can make contact with Gojo which is possible but on the other hand I don't think Gojo makes contact with jno G automatically would revert any attack so it's not like Gojo could do anything to jono but the inverse is true for example the death Loop either requires killing the Target or at the very least striking the target so he need to make contact with Gojo somehow and that's the big issue with putting jorno in any versus Battle his limits with G are too vague we've only seen it used once and don't know the true extent of what it could do everything is based on the hypers specific circumstances of the battle that he had with Dio like we have other supplemental info but it's mostly based on that and based on what it did against Dio it looks like it won't be able to do much against Gojo either but Gojo can't do anything to it well at least on the surface first of all he'd revert Gojo's willpower to zero so he wouldn't even fight in the first place and the one way I think he could get through Infinity is if he deactivates it because by reverting Gojo's willpower to zero would that deactivate Infinity Gojo uses it passively and reflexively like brething you could argue that gr stops every action down to the reflexes like that so it would make it so Infinity doesn't activate in the first place which would obviously give joro the edge here gr is always pretty strange to use in these battles because of how much it relies on hypotheticals and the fact that it's not really straightforward to begin with I'll leave this one up to you guys comment below what you think personally I'd say it's an inconclusive match I would think neither has a way to affect the other which means Gojo should technically move on jono's power is just too potent for Gojo so he 100% won't win I think it really comes down to whether or not it's a stal jno I think actually has ways to defeat Gojo while on the other hand I don't see what Gojo can do to jno even with the domain wouldn't G just revert that to zero and make it so the domain didn't happen best case for Gojo it's a stal me worst case G finds a way to win he 100% won't win here like there's no way for that the power of jono's nah button is really too strong but since there is a chance of a stalemate let's say he moves on so we won't say it's a hard stop and we'll move on to the next person Jolene and jolene's not going to do anything against Gojo either although I want to make a side note here obviously we're not covering any Joe Bros but one thing interesting about part six is weather report is actually really powerful he could poison Gojo with oxygen and he's actually one of the higher tier characters in terms of attack power so just a small side note maybe he could win but disregard him next on to pooi pooi also doesn't do anything until he gets stronger so regular white snake pooie not going to do anything Seamon needs actual contact to invert something and infinity isn't something Tang maybe you think Seamon could just invert Infinity but it can Seamon also does change the gravity around puji so maybe Gojo would just get launched in a different direction but like boom strong domain expansion Gojo could be see Moon pooi and with made in heaven you might think oh yeah that's a Surefire victory for pooi and Gojo would definitely face a challenge here depending on his actions if pooi could speed up enough he can infinitely accelerate and basically Brute Force his way through Infinity at some point or just Loop the entire universe and win that way the issue is pooi would have to not die immediately like obviously this is possible he outspeeds Gojo from the beginning and progressively gets faster so we can at least avoid Gojo for a bit Gojo would need to kill pooi before he speeds up enough which is definitely possible especially with a domain no matter how fast he is there's a guaranteed hit in there Gojo does have some way to win here so it is an hard stop in a longer battle he loses in a shorter battle he wins and now we reached the actual hard stop Valentine even with regular d4c Valentine is n Immortal and he could just create an alternate Gojo to cause Gojo to die he could even find a way through Infinity via dimensional travel whether used on himself or Gojo and with parts of the Saint's corpse he could actually warp space so directly counter Infinity you know what's even crazier that dimensional travel can be used on Gojo too get Gojo between two things and then boom he's done or maybe Infinity will even work against Gojo here so for dfor C to activate the target needs to be between two close things Infinity is not a physical barrier or object but still it's created by Gojo infinitely dividing space between him so maybe this would generate some cursed energy around him and this is very hypothetical depending on how d4c interacts with Gojo but what if d4c interprets Infinity as Gojo being between two things at least if it's activated on both sides of Gojo and that way just from using Infinity Gojo gets sponged and dies that's purely hypothetical but a funny thought regardless and if we go to d4c love train it's a 100% hard stop arguably if Gojo tries his domain here you could say love train might even just recognize this as its own realm and the only other person to direct Misfortune to in that realm is Gojo or it would just place someone else in the domain redirecting The Misfortune to them so it's not like a domain works here either and like Valentine could Escape it regardless Gojo can't kill Valentine Valentine has multiple ways of killing him so that's where Gojo ends the scotlet but I'll briefly cover the next three people they also kind of hard stop Gojo anyways so we're just going to keep it short Bas Johnny can't do much but since we're using their peaks act four can get both bullets through Infinity with spin even act two or three has ways to get through it but act four is definitely way too broken to counter it negates abilities it negates durability and it destroys the soul Gojo loses against tou and Wonder of You Calamity can affect Gojo Wonder of You also affects so many different laws of the universe including logic that Gojo is out haxed here I'd pretty safely say Calamity kills him and then for gappy soft and wet goond can manipulate logic plus it has infinite spin like Johnny so gapy has ways to bypass infinity and durability but that basically sums it all up obviously haven't seen enough of part 99 to include here but that wouldn't matter anyways Gojo faces his first issues against jodo and faces his first true loss against joro with a 100% hard stop at Valentine let me know in the comments what you think as usual be civil I know how versus Battle things get anyways thank you all for watching and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: The Salad Bar
Views: 58,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salad, saiyan, anime, manga, jjk, jujutsu, kaisen, infinity, powerscaling, satoru, gojo, scaling, versus, vs, gauntlet, jjba, dio, kars, joseph, joestar, kujo, jotaro, stand, johnny, pucci, made, heaven, mih, ger, gold, experience, requiem, giorno, giovanna, valentine, d4c, tusk, spin, gappy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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