Rock Lee vs Toji...! That's It. just Rock Lee vs Toji

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I left Rockley out when I originally did toi versus the Sasuke retrieval team and when I did that a ton of people got mad at me because technically Rock Le should be there so here is me correcting that mistake in doing toi versus Rock Lee this video is going to be split into two different rounds the first round will be toi at full power with all of his curse tools versus Rock Ley with his weights on without access to any gate except the first one and in the second round we'll remove this handicap from Rock Le and he can fight with his weights off and open up up to the five gates we know he has access to aside from that these characters will be in character for the actual fight meaning I'm only going to say they would employ tactics they've already done before or logically would do going off with past actions before we begin be sure to leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel as I greatly appreciate it to begin round one we'll start out with speed since both these guys sort of specialize in it tog speed scaling is fairly straightforward but Rock Le can be a bit complicated to go over mainly due to inconsistency but regardless of inconsistency while weighted Rockley is either vaguely beneath Mach 1 or vaguely above it but let me stop yapping and actually get to explaining it in chapter 23 of Naruto he saves Inari from a couple of no names while in the process of that he speed blitzed them and one guy went out of his way to calculate how fast Naruto would have to be in order to pull something like this off in 013 seconds using the average reaction time of a young adult and it comes out to around from mock 1.19 obviously Rock Le would be faster than this considering how he completely embarrassed Naruto just prior to the truning exams and it gets even more consistent when you remember Rockley was dodging sound in the forest to death against dosu and the other sound n except that isn't what happened in the forest to death Rock Ley never actually dodged sound and it's actually implied that he's slower than it by dosu most people would recall Rock Ley dragging a tree Roo out of the ground to block doss's attack as Lee is moving fast and sound but what Lee reacts to and blocks is dosu himself he even admits that he can't see the attacks they're throwing and thinks they're just Illusions dosu later says that Le's moves might be fast but theirs are supersonic that wording obviously implies their attacks are faster than Lee but let's be completely Fair supersonic could be anywhere from Mach 1.1 to Mach 2.5 and these sound attacks seem to be guided by the sound Ninja's chakra which could possibly make them faster if you lowball the sound ninja to the max of Mach 1.1 Lee not being faster than their attacks makes the Naruto C from earlier invalid if you interpret doss's words to mean the utmost of SuperSonic then the speed scaling could still be consistent and having Le some vague amount beneath Mach 2.5 applying even more context Lee had already used the first gate at the point dosu made the statement applying their attacks are faster than Lee and the first gate is implied to be a five times multiplier when it's described by guy who says it gives you access to 100% of your muscular energy when you're normally only able to access 20% even assuming Lee is the max of SuperSonic being Mack 2.5 he'd have to be mock five or slower than sound in Bas for that to be the case with this all being stated we have a couple different ways to look at this either Rockley didn't go his hardest on dosu even when using the first gate basically saying even though he had access to 100% of his muscular energy he didn't use it or rocki is slower than sound with his weights on reminder that Lee being faster than sound does have some consistency with the Naruto Cal I mentioned earlier but aside from that like I said you can look at these however you want but it ends up just like I said in the beginning rocki is either vaguely beneath Mach 1 or vaguely above it this will become more important after we talk about toi who like I mentioned is very straightforward when it comes to speed scaling toi is equal to Maki and Maki was dodging Cur Spirit Noya who can move it Mach 3 and even tagging him with punches on certain occasions this does put us in another vaguely above situation where toi is vaguely above Mark II but this isn't without its inconsistencies either Maki when she was much weaker performs a feat above being Mark 3 but she got Blitz by noia at Mock 3 after becoming stronger but not yet equal to toi gaygay doeses mentioned that they think defeat was too much for Maki so I think it's fairly safe to say that it was either rcon or Ma's bullet just isn't all that fast and Maki catching it isn't very impressive there is a very weird statement that gay makes during weekly shown in Jump in 2022 where after the Maki and Noya chapters he says you went from infinite to mock are you okay for all you thinking that I agree with you this statement really seems like pure Yap to me I'm not going to lie I kind of can't figure out what gay is talking about it's possible gay is talking about Gojo's infinity or Gojo sitting in prison real where no time exists however there is no correlation between those things and when Nya went Mach 3 other than the fact that they are both in the jusu Kaiser manga but at this point in the manga Gojo had been sealed away for over 100 chapters in close to two years of in real world time it should be clear from here that toi is normally going to be faster than rocki in this round but that's obviously depending on your opinion of if what I went over earlier if you think Rocky is slower than sounding base or around mack5 or lower like what I went over then even with the first gate open he's not going to be able to hit toi and that has pretty direct consequences for a reason I'll go over in a minute if you think Rockley is faster than sound in base while weighted like I said then his speed would be able to go as high as MOX six as a low ball just scaling him off the Naruto C we talked about earlier and assuming he goes all out when using the first gate taking advantage over all the five times boost it allows him access to this would make him faster than what toi has shown capable of reacting to but the thing about Maki and Noya is they were never close in speed after her Awakening she effortlessly dodged him while still getting the hang of her Newfound power meaning toi would be able to react to the thing even faster than Mach 3 how much faster is a bit unclear but Maki is able to react to kuna's New Way lightning which is consistent with hakar reacting cimos lightning strike that has been CED anywhere from Mach point7 to Mach 8 to Mach 547 to Mach 4,670 to Mach 6,855 any of these could have their own consistency built for them but I think Mack 7 is the most inconsistent so I'll be ignoring it for the rest of the video regardless which of these other ones you subscribe to they're all faster than Lee and to should scal to them via Maki scaling to them aside from that toi also has precognition via the atmosphere telling him how his opponents will move so I think it's safe to say even if Rockley is faster than toi that anything he can be scaled to wouldn't be faster than what toi can react to and if he uses the first gate it's obviously going to Tire him out making it even easier for toi to win about how he wins we'll talk about the soul split Katana the katana that allows toi to quite simply negate durability and cut the soul these are two separate abilities of the sword As Told in a different translation by lightning I'm sure anyone who has read jjk is well aware the insane mistranslations done by viz lightning is the translator that corrects most of VI's mistakes for the community and is an official translator who has actually worked for viz before he actually officially translated jjk chapter 236 the only time this sword's ability has been called into question is when sukuna was seemingly parrying The Sword in his fight with Maki but not only had it been previously established suuna can grab blades using his curse technique to summon many slashes similar to a chainsaw we then learned he can activate his technique without even moving a muscle so I don't think it's farfetched to say he was simply protecting his body with slashes and not only that we see after he drops this Maki is able to cut off the same arm sakuna was using to block the blade making this even more likely it is also possible which being cut has to have a soul in order to be sliced through by the sword or that even if it does have a soul the soul has to be targeted in order for the durability NE getting aspect to work either way we all know that Naruto characters have souls and souls that can be perceived at that so the sword should work on Rocket leag if toi uses it that being said I think it's pretty irrelevant to go over each character's attack potency or how hard they hit at this point I think it's pretty consistent that toi moves faster than Lee or can react to What Lee does via his precognition and can slice him up with the soul split Katana so round one goes to toi toi does have higher speed scaling than what I mentioned but for the most part I disagree with it so I didn't bring it up in this round but I'll be sure to go over in round two although it's most likely just going to be me debunking it and just to go over again this round will be toi at full power with his curse tools versus Rock Le unrestricted in his Arsenal with his weights off and access to all five gates since Rock Le is the person with the most new things this round we're going to start with him with his weights off and progressively work our way through the gates as needed roley with his weights off is considerably more impressive than even his gate one self with his weights on based on a cal of gar blocking an explosion with his sand at about Mach 29 you can scale Rockley even higher for his ability to Simply bypass the sand through Shear speed alone just with his weights off exactly how much faster you have to be to do this is unclear for all we know rock leag could be mock 29.1 but we'll leave him at Mack 29 for Simplicity sake this already puts him at a higher speed than toi by a considerable amount since toi can only provably fight normally at Mach 3 if you remember all the other Feats hakari performed or Maki performed with lightning reactions were either evasion Feats or blocking and to be honest makis is considerably less impressive than hikari's at least from the Cals I've seen that put the feat anywhere from Mach 3.5 to Mach 6.7 but Rock Le can get literally dozens of times faster from this point as we already mentioned before this rock Le's first gate should be upwards of a 5times amp when he's at his maximum doing the math here is easy 5 time 29 puts Rock Le at Mach 145 when doing a move like the primary Lotus the second gate isn't in so much as just a Rejuvenation gate that restores the user stamina third gate however is another massive boost depending on how you interpret guys statement here this number could get kind of crazy guy says that the Lotus enables the user to draw upon strength dozens of time his usual level at its most insane this would me the third fourth and fifth gate are all individually a 24 times amp given the dozens statement which is kind of insane that would make rock Le starting from Gate 1 mock 24,48 but this is obviously overboard that number is around 1 b537 m436 160 mph or about 2.3 times the speed of light and not what guy meant at all clearly that makes rocket League a good bit faster than majority of the Naruto verse for example Kieran is stated to be light speeed in numerous data books and even bringing that up people get mad and say Kieran can only be the speed of lightning but regardless of which one you think it is that makes kid Le faster than Itachi which I'm not going to get into explaining why that's inconsistent anyway it's a bit hard to tell what Lee's usual level is since most of the time he's usually wearing these heavy weights but I think it's fair to say it's his unweighted self in this instance since the weights are more like a Nerf than the removal of them being in the amp if you get what I mean so going from Mach 29 and then saying Gates third through fifth which are all needed for the Lotus are 24 times you get a much more reasonable number at Mach 696 but is still about double the speed of lightning it is fair to point out guy only mentions the strength of the user increases by this much and I've only been assuming that the statement include speed because of Lee's insane speed increase but in reality that number could be much lower and I probably agree that it is roley being two times the speed of lightning doesn't really make sense regardless of Kieran being light speed zitsu did think the speed of a lightning strike would be too much for Itachi to evade and granted this was Sakura in Eno's reaction but Kakashi cutting lightning is something they saw as pretty crazy anyway I do think it would be kind of ridiculous for the gates 3 through five to not be as much of an amp forck as the first gate so at least five times but this is an assumption so you don't have to take me at my word it's also probably a bit higher but I genuinely have no idea what number to put on it so I'm just going to say seven times for Mach 203 remember though this is a pure assumption like I mentioned already Rockley should be considerably faster than toi even with just his weights off but there is a light speed meta in jjk that I'd like to comment on for this section I'm going to be going under the assumption that Maki is still equal to toi during her fight with sakona if you don't think that it doesn't really matter anyway since like I said I don't believe this section of the video it's just an argument I want to cover and debunk but if you don't want to hear that you can go ahead and skip this section the light speed meta and jjk comes entirely from kosimo and it's really stupid so for the sake of the video I'm going to agree that electromagnetic waves move at the speed of light on Earth it's stated that kosimo can fire these off whenever he's using his curse technique and so Coulda happened to dodge one while seemingly being unable to dodge kosimo himself this panel people have CED assumes that the spark in Kimo's hand is him firing the electromagnetic wave instead of him charging his attack why do they assume this I don't know I think it's pretty clear sakona is dodging an attack that is about to come instead of one that's already coming they try and use the next chapter as consistency for this since sakuna sent a world slash and cut Kimo's beam in half but for all we know this isn't even a blast of EM waves the startup sure doesn't look the same so saying it's the same attack is kind of unfounded anyway it's not like kosmo yelled out electromagnetic wave blast and then sent a wave at sakuna the argument then goes to kosimo not being able to completely Dodge the world slash despite being able to tag sakuna when his light speed waves couldn't and then Maki Dodges the world slash well I do agree Maki is stronger and faster than kosimo I simply do not think these characters are light speed based on sakuna may be dodging Kimo's electromagnetic waves for the sake of Simplicity as well I think it's fair to say that rock Ley can hurt toi with the hits he's going to be landing at high speed if you want a specific AP tier for it Rockley is probably around multi City Block Level just scaling off of kid Sasuke and then applying the relevant multipliers for the gates and removing his weights toi's durability is a bit hard to scale personally I couldn't really find any Cals about it that I agreed with while he definitely has some impressive inverse Feats durability Feats like taking Gojo's red it's still kind of hard for his crossover scaling I don't really know where I would put him versus B Wiki has his durability in the same tier that I put Rock Le's AP multi- City Block Level so even going off that rock Ley could harm him so toi wins round one and rock Le wins round two pretty handily even if toi did react to all of Le's moves in weightless form he'd never be able to actually land a hit on him due to his vague above Mach 3 scaling that doesn't even get him close to weightlessly and like I said before toji doesn't actually have any evasion Feats on the level of the Cs I brought up earlier the best is hakari slightly moving his body in reaction to lightning so he'll be resorting to blocking in this fight mostly and Rockley can easily combo him like that because he can just keep wearing at his defense
Channel: Six
Views: 47,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toji vs rock lee, rock lee vs, gojo vs sukuna, rock lee, lee vs gaara, rock lee vs gaara, six naruto, six jjk, sixfromtokyo, six from tokyo, rock lee vs toji, gaara vs lee, toji fushiguro, lee open gates, jujutsu kaisen chapter 207, jjk reaction, jjk anime reaction, jjk manga spoilers, jjk spoilers, maki zenin, maki equal toji, maki toji, rock lee inner gates, rock lee vs toji fushiguro, rock lee vs gaara chunin exams, chunin exams vs toji
Id: IFP2fuPU8fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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