Which MCs Can Pass the Hunter Exam?

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let's take a couple iconic Shonen MC's and put them through the same test gone went through which of them can pass the hunter exam for this I actually asked you guys what characters you wanted to see in it and here are some of the popular suggestions that I liked Kid Goku isuku midorya yusuke ureshi which feels really fitting here since we're talking about Hunter Hunter Yuji itadori with no suuna obviously Monkey D Luffy and we have two JoJo reps in here with Joseph joar and jod rokujo to do this we're actually taking each MC from their first Arc since that's going to yield the most interesting results most of the people taking part in this exam didn't have their nen abilities after all so we're trying to simulate that here it's going to be based on their intelligence and abilities from that point and we'll also treat these characters as if they're from this verse so another interesting request I got is to split this up in two ways the first is by just looking at their raw stats in their first Arc if their abilities aren't based on something they're born with they're not going to have it so for example yui's not going to have sakuna here but he has his innate raw strength Luffy is not going to have his devil fruit deu is not going to have one for all etc etc they'll be taking the hunter exam just with their raw stats if they end up failing the exam then we're going to be looking a buffed version of them either with their stats equalized to go or we're going to give them their powers back so basically if they fail the first time this makes it a competition of intelligence and adaptability instead of just focusing on their physical abilities this will give everyone a chance of passing because as Neo stated in chapter 33 the exam does score People based on physical ability mental acuity and impression it wouldn't be fair to snub a character just because they scale lower especially with how much the scaling varies for everybody here since the exam changes each time for the sake of this video we're going to be using the same exam that go took we'll also assume it has the same exact participants so people like alumi and hea will still be threats among others and the exam will go all the way up to unlocking n not just obtaining a license this is part of the exam after all so it will be included to make things easier on screen I'll show each phase of the exam with their pass or fail status of course they need to pass everything in a row in order to get their license here's the phases we have the preliminary the first phase which is the Run the second phase which is the egg hunt the third phase at trick Tower and for trick Tower we're going to assume that whatever MC we're looking at is in the same exact group as gone replacing Tona the fourth phase at zevel island and the Final Phase which is that tournament where they need one win followed up by them discovering and unlocking n of course needing a teacher for that who has what it takes to be the next Hunter first we'll begin with kid Goku right off the bat one thing he has an advantage with is his tail since we're trying to fit him into the series we could say he has an unknown origin either related to the Dark Continent or some sort of mythical Beast with Goku we're not removing his powers because this is something he's born with him being a Saiyan is an innate trait with him it's not something he got after he was born of course if there's a full moon during one of these phases that could be a really big for everybody figuratively and literally but his tail is really nice to have because it's an extra limb and he might even be able to figure out how to use it for flight like he eventually did in the actual series basically spinning it like a helicopter and even without that stuff Goku's already advantage to begin with in terms of attack power right in the first Arc we see him crushing Boulders lifting and destroying cars defeating huge animals and just overall being a real Menace he's pretty fast too roshi stated he should be able to run over 40 mph and it's hard to gauge his combat speed and reaction speed here but based on animal he's fought he seems to be at least subsonic Beyond those stats he's obviously a proy and is able to copy things really quickly and he's lived in the woods alone for years so he has the survival instincts and skills that he needs too overall I think it's really safe to say Goku could pass the entire exam with no issues at all none of these phases really pose any sort of challenge to him and really the biggest issue is him being able to turn into a great eight because this could happen at any time and that would really screw things over although mostly for the other contestants not really for him if hea antagonizes him that would be an issue given his strength at this point but I don't see him or getting in his way at all the craziest part is this is all pre-training literally right from chapter 1 Goku is just him next we get to deu so this one's pretty interesting because we're looking ATU being quirkless here it's a bit hard to scale chapter 1 Deku in terms of Feats and he probably wouldn't pass this so we're going to be using him post training after going through all the training for one for all also this is just fair in general because every other MC here basically has some sort of physical gift or prior training and Deku is really the only exception so this is kind of a necessity anyways due to chapter 1ku probably failing right off the bat and the lack of Feats and lack of fairness and I thought after his training maybe it would still be a challenge for him deu doesn't really seem too strong in comparison to the others in his verse at least on the surface but then when I started looking into it I realized he's cracked like scary cracked I'm doing a rewatch of the series right now mainly for some other videos wink wink and while I've scaled some things from the series before I was never really familiar with scaling for the first parts of it I never paid attention to it the whole reason I'm going on this tangent is because Deku scal look surprised me so much that I decided I'm going to make a completely separate video scaling him without a quirk that'll be coming out soon by the way if you're liking this so far be sure to drop a like it lets me know you want to see more like this this is just to convey my shock how strong he is like yeah if we use him pre-training he's probably screwed he's a below average guy he's pretty intelligent but he's a quirkless weak kid but with his training to prepare for his Quirk his stamina speed and power are actually pretty high especially when you consider that he was doing decently well in his training at UA without using one for all much like by regular human standards he's the strongest person on Earth so for one his stamina's really high he always pushes his body to the Limit constantly and isn't stopped by extreme pain and he's got incredible willpower that's going to be really helpful for this exam in combat he's Su Sonic and his reactions are even faster his travel speed is much lower comparable basically to an athlete but in combat he really shines and none of this is due to one for all either he even tells all might at one point that he only gets a small Boost from it he can't even control 5% of it at this point without breaking his bones and he rarely does use it and humans in my hero Academia are just Strong by default for some reason even a certain character later on becomes quirkless and is pulling off good Feats I won't say who but if you read that far you know and like look at his training with allite he's carrying a nearly 600 lb allite he cleaned up an entire Beach which includes moving a truck on his own through sand and other trash he's taken Point Blank explosion from bakugo whose building level at worst and has traded blows with him too and knock the wind out of him and this is all kind of lowballing him again I plan on making a completely separate video for this just because it's interesting to me but his raw starts are really impressive but the most impressive thing is his brain not only is he incredibly battle smart he's just relatively regular Smart in general especially in a setting like this he should really Excel he's incredibly driven he's motivated he's got insane willpower he's got the raw stats to back all this up and he's a really analytical and adaptable Fighter for that reason I think he actually makes it through the exam fairly easily at least looking at him after his training and he'd definitely be able to unlock nen at some point we saw how quickly he was able to learn and adapt to a quirk especially one as complex as one for all learning and controlling nen wouldn't be an issue for him next up we have yusuke and full disclosure here I only just started watching uu I'm about three arcs into it thankfully this video is only based on the first Arc of each series but I've also never scaled anything to do with this series before and I don't know if there's some info I'm going to leave out like some World shattering reveal later on that actually does apply to the first chapters like for example people finding out Goku's a Saiyan which changes the entire context of the manga before it I don't know if there's any of that here so this is solely based off of what I'm seeing in the first Arc if there's some sort of inaccuracy because of that that explains it anyways based on what I'm seeing early UK actually kind of struggles with this he has a lack of experience and how he carries himself I think at this point in the story he's not really too fit to be a hunter and he's on the weaker side of these characters that I've chosen as well I wanted to include him here because despite me not finishing the series yet I'm really liking it so far and it has the same author as Hunter Hunter so it feels really fitting to put it here he definitely has the potential to be a good Hunter but pre-training it's going to be a bit tough for him to pass the exam I'd say he probably makes it through the preliminary and he definitely has the stamina for the Run he has the guts and bravery for the egg hunt but I feel like beyond that he might face some sort of struggles there's definitely a higher chance that he's going to lose the tournament for example for trick Tower I'd say maybe maybe it's 50/50 and for Zev Island it's going to be really tough especially up against the people that he's going to be facing so let's take him after he does his training if we equalize his stats to goone who actually scales a bit higher than him or if we just flat out give him his Spirit abilities and say their n abilities instead I think his strength after training definitely will help him here and he should be able to pass it his attitude in nature might still pose some sort of issues here but he's definitely capable of passing it especially post training so even though I feel like he'd fail if we just take him right from chapter one he would definitely have a decent performance and surely would have the potential to to eventually unlock nen I think his issue here is really he's just too green I guess that's kind of a pun next up Yuji of course no skuna here but like I said biological things are allowed to stay so I'm not going to be spoiling anything for the manga here but we do get more info about Yugi's past later on if you know what I'm referring to you know so that explanation for his strength it stays here but even right at the beginning of the series Yuji is freakishly powerful not to mention yuji's perseverance it's really going to help him pull through here combined with his physical prowess so like right in the first Arc before he even gets to it has made very apparent that yuji's really strong right off the bat it stated that he could reach speeds of nearly 40 mph which makes him the fastest human on earth by a pretty big margin too we don't know his reaction speed or combat speed here but if his travel speed is that high likely his reaction and combat speed is much higher because that's usually how it goes with those things he even was fighting a curs spirit that was destroying his school and even meami was impressed by his strength we could say he's around small building level I think Yuji would pass the exam pretty easily zevel Island might be an issue and maybe the tournament as well give given how strong the people are that he's going up against but the first few phases definitely aren't an issue for him and his perseverance alone should help carry him through a lot of this and in the end I think he should be able to unlock Nan as well next we'll look at Luffy you might think Luffy is pretty disadvantaged here by me removing his devil fruit Powers but even if you take that away and just look at Luffy right at this point in the story he's still pretty strong the reason I say this is because of his backstory stuff with Ace and Sabo these kids are freaks of nature and I know Luffy had his devil through Powers at this time but he didn't use them much because he couldn't use them well it took him a while before he could even throw a proper punch with those Powers as for Ace and Sabo we know for a fact Sabo didn't have a devil fruit here and Ace presumably got his after he left home granted we know Ace is just strong in general especially due to his parentage but still these three share a lot of Feats together and are pretty much relative like they outran a tiger and beat it up and it was a pretty giant one too and remember we're using Luffy from East blue we're not using this kid Luffy if he was that strong as a kid imagine how strong a hypothetical 177e Luffy would be if he didn't have his devil through powers of course weaker than normal but he still should be freakishly strong at least by normal human standards he even does have some Feats without using his devil fruit too like during East blue we see him outrun an explosion as for his attack power of course some of it is buffed by the fact that he has the devil fruit and can give his attacks a lot more momentum and such but at very worst I think without a devil fruit he'd be large building level and that's being really conservative it's a pretty huge step down from where he is at this point in the story with his devil fruit frankly I'd argue he's even higher but even being conservative he's really strong for this exam and he should be able to make it through with no problems like he has the personality and mindset to make it through fine his strength and speed aren't an issue he's got good battle IQ and I think he would make a good impression not to mention he'd be able to unlock nen in the end he seems to be a good learner next Joseph joar since we're using the first appearance of everyone here naturally this means we're going to be using part two Joseph the one issue with this is the fact that a lot of his power is derive him hone even though he does seem to be naturally strong regardless however Joseph has also been stated to just naturally use hamone well and has done so from the GetGo and even using hamon is just really a breathing technique the efficiency with it seems almost like something he's been born with still he hadn't mastered it by this point and he also doesn't have a stand so obviously we're not going to be using hermit purple here but I was debating on how to adjust Joseph here although hamon being kind of a natural thing to him and just based on breathing it could kind of fit as is like I don't think it's unreasonable to treat it basically as a form of martial arts here we could assume his physical power is just as is shown and we'll just remove the weird aspects of hamon like how it affects water for example of course he's strong as is hamon just Buffs him further either way you look at it Joseph is a favorite to pass this exam as it his raw power even without hamone should be pretty good good his charm and personality could really help him go far in forming relationships with other Hunters here too so he probably won't be on anyone's bad side unless they think he's too full of himself for something but the most important aspect of him that I think will really carry him here is his mind I don't need to tell you how smart and resourceful Joseph is this is like his defining trait at least in part two I'd even go so far as to say out of all the candidates here he's probably the smartest and most adaptable like not that the others are dumb it's just first of all Joseph is more experienced he's the oldest of any of them but Joseph is just stupidly smart too and it's absurd how quickly he could think and act as well as forming plans for things like maybe I'm glazing a bit I love Joseph he's my second favorite JoJo behind Johnny but I don't think it's unreasonable to say he could probably pass this really easily if we look at the different phases none should inhibit him preliminary is fine the run is fine the egg Hunt's fine trick Tower is built for him same for zevel Island I'm sure he can form a great scheme to get badges as well and with just one win needed in the tournament he should be fine even if we make him a little bit weaker without hon I think his natural strength as is should be good enough for this unlocking nen would be his biggest challenge because his attitude of need correcting like we saw his training under Lisa Lisa so some of that would apply here but in the end he should be able to get it it just would be the hardest part of the exam for him and to finish off the video one more Jojo Jo to rokujo just like Joseph we won't be giving him a stand unless he fails the exam technically he was quote unquote born with the potential to have a stand but a required de was Awakening for it to awaken as well while it is related to the Joe star bloodline he only manifested it after the fact and since it requires that external Force plus the fact that he gained it so late into his life we'll assume that he doesn't have that here which isn't a problem because thankfully he actually does have some Feats without his stand too and JoJo characters don't get absurdly strong with stands anyways although jodor is kind of an exception because a lot of his stand is just raw power but he does have some Feats on his own Feats applicable to joto not star Platinum it's not like we're taking a Galaxy Buster and nerfing him here jotoro without star Platinum still is pretty strong like at worst he's actually somewhat comparable to gone in terms of strength and maybe a bit slower but that's like at worst stats wise he should be pretty fine here superhuman speeds really quick reactions although some of that might be attributed to Star Platinum but also his raw power just as jodo is pretty good like he beat up in a rang Tang easily and sent a Man flying with a kick into a garage he breaks a metal chain with no effort and like one other really funny feet my friend brought up to me it's the fact that when he was a kid he' beat up aie even as a kid he could beat up a grown adult so I think normal human jordo is more than fine here in terms of stats and multiple times within JoJo across all the parts he's in he's been shown to be really smart he's a great strategist he's Dependable he's really good at tricking opponents and just in general he's a pretty intelligent guy personality wise he definitely has the willpower to make it through this too just like Joseph I say he makes it through this pretty easy in the end I think it's at least important to note that these MC's all should be able to unlock nen after all in Shonen it's pretty common for MC's to go through hero Cycles like this or just development like this in general passing some sort of test or training to unlock their crazy Powers they're literally built to be capable for that and these MC's they all have that you may have also noticed I overlooked one thing in the preliminary honestly I think that would be the hardest part of this test not the ship part or the part with the Kiros assuming everyone takes the same exact test as gone how would they react to the question about saving someone each of these characters has a different outlook on something like this I went through the video assuming they'd all passed the preliminary to begin with but this is the defining moment to answer this question correctly you need to stay silent but would any of these characters actually do that I could seeu picking up on the trick question same for Joseph and jodo especially the latter he'd probably choose silence regardless but as for the others what would they do Goku yusuke Luffy and Yuji would they possibly try to answer the question in their own way they're outspoken and especially for someone like Luffy or Yugi they have an immense determination to save others close to them in their own ways of course this isn't a fault for any of these characters either and I'm not implying they're dumb from missing the trick question the whole point of the question is to trick you and to provoke you but it does make me wonder if they'd fail from the start because of that it really speaks to the nature of who they are would the simple thought-provoking question be what makes them fail it almost happened with Leorio and for a good reason too he didn't want to answer the question not to say they'd have an explosive reaction like this but probably some reaction one that isn't silence we could power scale all we want but at the end of the day if you don't pass this question you don't get into the exam and this question is the perfect example of what it takes to be a hunter it's meant to provoke the heart and mind and for that it's tough to say how they'd respond I would like to think they all answered this correctly but just some food for thought their unique aspirations and personalities that'll decide how they answer this even even if some of them might not be able to pass certain parts of it right away or if they at least struggle with it in the long run they definitely have potential to be Hunters they all have the heart dedication the potential the battle IQ all the factors needed to eventually unlock nen through training once they find their teacher and as you saw most of them were able to pass a good chunk of them went through it really easily as well but that isn't to downplay what gone and his friends did it's just these verses start out kind of strong to begin with but remember personality mindset and intelligence also play a huge role here and that's the thing that all of these characters have in common particularly sh sharing this with gone as well as other successful Hunters let me know what you think below do you think some would struggle more do you think it would be easier for some of them and also would you like to see another one of these I only covered a handful of MC's here and there's way more I could talk about so if that interests you let me know below anyways thank you all for watching and I'll see you all in my next video
Channel: The Salad Bar
Views: 427,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salad, saiyan, anime, manga, hxh, hunter x hunter, hunter, gon, freecss, nen, exam, goku, son, dragon, ball, db, one, piece, op, luffy, yuji, itadori, jjk, yyh, yu yu hakusho, jujutsu, kaisen, yusuke, urameshi, jjba, jojo, bizarre, adventure, jojos, joseph, joestary, jotaro, kujo, deku, izuku, midoriya, mha, my, hero, bnha, academia, versus, vs, shonen, crossverse, battle, scaling, power, scale
Id: DWU0j95dSBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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