Goku vs. Gojo is UNFAIR…

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could Gojo beat Goku yeah well that's the short answer there's a lot more that goes into this in his own series Gojo is hail as the strongest sorcerer in his time but will that Mastery of sorcery be enough to beat the Mortal who surpassed the gods of course in terms of raw strength Goku is way more powerful but Gojo's abilities are more than just raw strength and a lot of people misinterpret what he's capable of as well as what Goku is capable of too so even with this massive difference in raw strength there might actually be a chance for Gojo to win here we're going to cover Gojo's abilities and how strong he is as well as what he can do against Goku quick disclaimer for this video too I recorded this in November of 2023 right before my YouTube channel got hit by the copyright strike domain so apologies if any of this is outdated but thanks to the people on screen who helped me write this video and gather some info as well as my editor Josh simply put I think pitting Goku against random characters with powerful hacks usually doesn't lead to intriguing outcomes I said the same thing in my Goku versus joro video on my other channel which also led me to make this exact video for fun I know this topic has been pretty much covered to death and I also know know that this battle is hilariously lopsided so this video isn't a standard versus Battle video rather it's a video specifically made to bat for Gojo and theorize or maybe even cope how he could possibly win this if at all it is a long shot but that's the point of this video and I did want to do it for fun I also added some stuff at the end to for my actual thoughts on the battle but the first section of the video is meant to just show how much you have to lowball Goku and stretch Gojo's powers for anything here to work I uploaded this before and I don't think I was clear enough in the last video but this battle is ridiculously in Goku's favor so I want to make that really clear here I'd recommend watching until the end before commenting because I'm probably going to address what you're thinking anyways for the sake of this video to outline how dramatically out match this is we're using Goku's low ball and Gojo's high ball and we're also going to assume Goku has Trace Amounts of cursed energy like most people in jjk since it's born from negative emotions and regular people have it too it's not a crazy assumption and the battle just becomes even more lopsided for using the technicality that Goku's not from JJ K's verse and one more thing jjk spoilers ahead obviously so let's start this with the obvious Goku of of course does outspeed Gojo and it's not even close there also he overpowers Gojo significantly and in terms of durability that's also going to be a big issue for Gojo now of course if we start the scenario and Gojo has Limitless off for some reason Goku can Blitz him and easily kill him there but if he has Limitless on like he usually does that's going to change things a lot so some people think that Goku could just go right through it and they bring up two ways that he could do so for one some might say that he could Instant Transmission through it and bypass Infinity but it doesn't work that way Instant Transmission first needs a key Target now now of course Gojo is so strong naturally that he might have his own signature of key even if it's very small compared to what Goku has he just needs a source of key to teleport to and that should be enough okay so let's say he has that if for some reason Goku's speed isn't enough to break through Infinity which it likely is one way he can break through it is just simply teleporting into Gojo to completely bypass Infinity as is he might be capable of it but it's also kind of not like Goku to do this type of execution because this would be like something out of the boys not something that Goku would do and that's assuming he can do it but let's assume he can teleport to Gojo he'd have to have an instant attack something that moves so fast that it could bypass Infinity he's never been shown to attack instantly just move instantly so that's the big issue here for him sure he did have the Instant Transmission Kamehameha but that attack wasn't instant he did have to charge it beforehand and when he teleported in front of cell to launch it the attack didn't just instantly execute there was even a brief moment where cell was able to react to it even though he wasn't able to move away in time and you'd probably think okay Gojo won't have time to react to Goku's attack he still outspeeds him but the point is he's in Infinity he won't be able to move any further he's going to be slowed down so much that he can't do anything there's a misconception that Gojo's Limitless is basically some sort of barrier but no it isn't it's basically just slowing down whatever's coming towards him and the closer things get towards him the more they get slowed down to the point where they're virtually stopped instant transmission won't change any of this it might get him closer but Goku's actual speed is what matters here so regardless of inant transmission if he doesn't have the speed to break through Limitless instant transmission won't really do anything for him but this all doesn't matter though if he blitzes gojou at full power surely he can attack more than quick enough to bypass Gojo's infinity and this is where it gets a little bit muddy now Goku's speed can be wanked to be Infinity but there's also antifeat against it I can make a whole video alone on Goku's speed but let's cover it briefly right now at least so in terms of attack speed and how quickly key spreads out Goku might have infinite attack speed at least when it comes to using key attacks in the tournament of power alone just from transforming an omen his power was able to shake the infinite void and even all the way back in Battle of Gods the power of His attacks threatened to destroy a five-dimensional infinite universe so Goku himself might not be infinite speed but his attacks definitely can be now like I said there's an argument that he can be infinite speed but that's a little bit more muddy especially because if that were the case things like the tournament and power wouldn't have been timed a fight between Goku and jiren at infinite speed it would have been over in an instant yet there clearly was a passage of time in the tournament also another thing to support this is when gas flew across the universe we don't know how far he was flying but we imply that it was a finite speed and it did take him a finite amount of time to actually do this and gas was of course stronger than Goku at this point so this means that both in the anime and the manga at best we could say his key attacks are infinite speed and with infinite speed they won't be slowed down by Limitless of course this is all assuming that Gojo's Limitless can filter this out anyways we haven't seen Gojo try to counter something like Goku for example so even if he doesn't have the speed to break through Limitless maybe Gojo's Limitless actually does have some sort of limit at least in terms of what type of power it could block Gojo has stated that he could filter things out based on their mass speed and shape and based on the danger of the object so we you can't really say for certain if Limitless can actually block a force like that now someone might say that in Dragon Ball hacks don't matter you could simply surpass them by being more powerful and that's also kind of a misconception it's also a little out the scope of this video and I plan on making a separate one for this too but let's cover that briefly too most cases of hacks being overpowered in Dragon Ball are just key overpowering key A lot of people point to hits time abilities for example but those are explicitly stated to be key based so yes he's warping time but if it's a key based ability theoretically someone with a stronger key could just break right through it or some people will talk about ties too like Frieza and Goku overpowering it this is also something you can't really compare to other series because yeah while this might not be a case of key overpowering key since it is sort of a different type of key it still is another type of key and it's being overpowered within its own verse same goes with Vegeta being able to move around as candy this is one power system overpowering another power system within the same verse and especially with how limited the examples are and with this never being outright stated that this is the case you can't really argue that hacks and other verses could be overpowered like this too sorry to overanalyze the meme but yeah there are some holes in the argument but again none of that's going to matter if Goku's speed reaches infinite so this looks like Gojo's cook then right since it seems like shock waves and key from Attack could actually move at infinite speeds in Dragon Ball at least when viewing it like this that means Goku should just launch a Kamehameha at full power that could penetrate through Limitless right well in this exact circumstance yeah he should be able to win here especially because clearly as we've seen in the manga so far too there are multiple ways to penetrate through Limitless albe it either through a special curse tool or the insane hacks that skuna has right now and the effect that with mahar's help he's able to adapt to this so there's ways to break through Limitless and Goku probably has a few of his own but let's assume Goku can't get through Limitless for one of the few reasons that we discussed here Goku can't hit Gojo but how will he hurt Goku red and blue would probably be worthless here now these attacks are powerful inverse but against someone like Goku that probably wouldn't even do anything to him remember Goku takes Universe busting attacks on the regular so despite the supernatural properties of how red and blue work and how they're not just simply regular attacks the raw power of it not really going to do too much purple on the other hand though might be able to actually do something but it's unlikely if we stretch it Hollow purple could actually be scaled really high it's essentially a void of imaginary Mass that'll destroy anything in its path and there's a chance that Goku might not even be able to perceive it since it's an imaginary curse attack that has no key to perceive either it erases everything in its path and Goku might be able to survive it due to his sheer strength and the fact that he has overcome hakai in the past too granted a hand me- down haai but still a haai although back to what I said about overpowering things that aren't based on key techniques this isn't a key technique so it could be different here especially because this is imaginary it's a void that doesn't even really exist in a way at least with a hakai Goku can see it and there's energy going into it and it's something that's somewhat key based even if it's different but still it's similar to what he's used to hence why Goku was able to resist that more likely than not purple's not going to be powerful enough to hurt Goku because we'd have to interpret it as existence eraser and even then Goku has resisted that before but let's wake it here and look at its best feet and assume that's how it works we'll touch upon purple's power later on too purple was able to affect a four-dimensional space not destroying it but completely wiping part of it from existence with no resistance at all the inventory curse that toi was carrying that's a four-dimensional space scaling the power of this attack is strange especially with how little we've seen it but with it manipulating matter on an atomic level it could be argued that this also bypasses durability like I said before this is basically wanking it but if we wank purple there is a chance that it could hurt Goku and completely erase him for that fact but only if it actually hits him of course and that's assuming all the wanking is accurate too and it bypasses Goku's durability there is also the fact that Goku still does outspeed it although that could also be worked around too let's give another scenario let's say Goku can bypass Limitless and purple could hurt him but he's going to outspeed it so much that it doesn't even matter especially with him having Ultra Instinct he just Dodges this stuff on reflex wouldn't it be convenient if Gojo had a way to guarantee a hit on him and that brings us to Gojo's trump card his domain expansion unlimited void this could actually guarantee a win for Gojo for a few reasons when you're caught this domain unless Gojo's touching you your brain's automatically going to be overloaded with info infinite info too in the shabuya incident it's stated that after2 seconds it gives you an estimated 6 months of info and you could rejoin Society about 2 months later but it completely incapacitates you in that moment granted this is for normal non sorcerer humans and Goku definitely isn't a normal human also Dragon Ball characters do have Feats of resisting some sort of Mind abilities like this Bobby's the biggest example of this with Vegeta resisting his mind control but this is really different this is an overload of information with a guarante hit now Goku could try to counter this by killing Gojo or trying to break out of the barrier but he'd have to act basically instantly with this if the fight starts with Gojo just activating his domain it might be over right then and there domains are meant to keep people in and they aren't unbreakable just very durable and Goku could definitely break through something like that with his raw strength but would he even know about that would he even know what he's inside of especially with what the scope of the domain looks like Goku might not realize right away that he could just break out of this and yes he's a battle genius he probably would realize this eventually but he'd need to realize this instantly Goku does have the reaction speed and the physical speed for this but that's if he knew right away what he was getting into there is also the fact that Gojo might be able to hit him with Hollow purple in here he would need cursed energy to Target and it's hard to say if Goku would have that or not but since it's something that's Laten within people and a lot of people don't even realize they have cursed energy there's a shot that he'd have some sort of Trace amount of cursed energy in there but if we go back to what I was saying about key overpowering hacks let's also assume the flip side in saying that Goku doesn't have curse energy because he's not from this verse that won't matter he's going to still be trapped in in this domain and still get the overload of info but even in this situation Goku does have a way out of it all right let's turn off our Gojo wink now I outlined the ways that Gojo could possibly win so why is this battle lopsided if I have all those ways for that I know I'm reiterating this but I can't stress it enough throughout this whole video we're purposefully upscale and Gojo and also lowball and Goku the point of this video is to show how lopsided this battle is in most circumstances Gojo cannot win and this is even with all our wank for him the amount of Hoops you have to jump through is astounding his best chance at winning is by using his domain and the crazy part is that's not even a guaranteed win Goku has the chance to break out of it and also has a chance to activate Ultra Instinct and kill Gojo within it regardless of his brain being overloaded and that's still with the low ball that's while we're overstating Gojo's power and understating Goku's power even when I was talking about Hollow purple we're still overstating that as well since we don't really know how it works like we didn't even address the fact that sukuna arguably tanked a 200% Hollow purple although it is unclear if he really dodged or not but still there are more than enough arguments to say that this attack works like a regular blast and it's not just existence eraser although it technically should work that way but shown in the battle versus sakuna it doesn't really work that way all the time so just to be very clear the points are Limitless won't do anything to defend against Goku even at the low ball of Goku speed it's not an impenetrable barrier it's not even a barrier because some people think of it as such but Goku has multiple ways to work around it even when underestimating his speed and power another point like I said before Goku's speed requires its own video because there's so much that goes into it but there's multiple ways to get Goku to immeasurable speed or infinite speed or anything like that this is really lowballing him here and again even with that low ball he still has ways to break through Limitless with speed alone you have to stretch Gojo's power so much for him to even have a chance of having Limitless work another point two Goku's durability and his attack power they're just absurd Gojo can't damage Goku unless you severely wank purple and use the Phantom's idea that it erases matter and ignores durability which isn't really confirmed anywhere and it's just based on how it should work theoretically and still on top of that you have to remember too that Goku resisted a hakai in base which is still existence aaser so even if you want to assume purple works like that Goku is able to work around that too point four Gojo's domain would work on Goku as he likely has some Trace Amounts of cursed energy and it's his only realistic shot at winning and even then Goku still has multiple counters for that so taking everything together with those big points here Goku NOS like nine out of 10 times probably even like 99 out of 100 that slight chance Gojo has it's a perfect scenario where he could pop off his domain right away Goku doesn't think or try to escape and Goku's overloaded mind doesn't shut down into Ultra Instinct immediately and kill Gojo Gojo can win but he needs the Stars to line for it while Goku basically wins as is the main takeaway from this video is that placing Goku in a battle with characters like this just feels a bit unnecessary like if we look at jjk alone the strongest people in JJ K's verse besides like a handful of them they're all surpassed by early OG Dragon Ball and by the time we're in Z pretty much everyone surpassed and the Goku that we're using here he's from Super where there's many characters who are multiversal with five-dimensional plus abilities at lowball it's the same situation with my Goku versus Goro video which is even more lopsided in my opinion Gojo's hacks aren't even imp pble in his own verse I love both sides too by the way I think the last time I uploaded this people got the wrong idea that I'm just trying to Hype up jjk and downplay Goku but come on my channel Avatar's Piccolo and on my other channel cell this video is purely for fun to try and give a different perspective on this fight to prove how outmatched Gojo is but also to see what his limit of power is when we highball him I love both series and me doing this very weird power scaling scenario for fun it's not me trying to disparage one or the other basically what I'm saying is don't set up Gojo like this Goku and goo are both powerful in their own universes but go is heavily outmatched here anyways let me know what you think below keep the comment civil because it's power scaling so I know how this goes drop a like if you want to see more things like this and be sure to subscribe too thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: The Salad Bar
Views: 27,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salad, saiyan, anime, manga, gojo, satoru, jjk, jujutsu, kaisen, dbs, dbz, dragon, ball, super, db, goku, ui, ultra, instinct, limitless, infinity, domain, expansion, versus, vs, power, powerscaling, hax, wins, who
Id: HfdqSPA2e2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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