Jujutsu Kaisen's Black-Flash is about Mentality

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you can't control when you land a black flash with everything we've seen so far that's completely true nobody can just force their cursed energy to flash black out of nowhere it just doesn't really work that way even with Gojo six eyes and his Limitless curse technique you'd really think it's just down to luck or maybe not completely nobody lands black flashes by mistake it's never a coincidence it's jiujitsu kaizen's own critical blow it's a game changer even for special grades Landing a black flash fundamentally isn't just luck there's definitely ways to increase your chances it is never guaranteed but it's also not completely random it's not like people just hit black flashes by accident but even then Gojo says it just comes down to nothing but luck even while playing by the rules you can't just win a black flash but if we look at moments that happen right before igniting the black Sparks there's one similarity each time before cursed energy begins to flash black there's a certain aspect to every mindset of the sorcerer that's all too consistent it's like they're giving into a certain state of mind that begins to create the most uncontrollable aspect of cursed energy today I'll be covering exactly what makes black flashes happen and why they might not be as random as you think with the correct mindset please make sure to leave a like on the video because it's really important to continue making content for you guys subscribe to the channel below if you're not already subscribed and comment down below some video ideas that you want to see be done because I do look at those cursed energy flashes black when it's applied within a very short time frame if you can connect your physical attacks with cursed energy within 1 millionth of a second or one microc second you might potentially land yourself a black flash ever since chapter 48 that's really the only explanation we ever got for what exactly created the Sparks of black even Gojo admits that this definition is a bit lackluster it doesn't even really explain most of it according to Gojo it's not just about reinforcing your strikes with insane efficiency or even Precision if that was all it took to land the black flash then Gojo would be able to land the black flash with every punch but that's obviously not the case since Gojo's got the six eyes reinforcing his strikes even within that original time frame that were given which is 1 millionth of a second or 1 microc second is definitely not a problem for Gojo he FL out says himself that if that was the only requirement to land a black flash then he'd be igniting the Sparks of black at will when Gojo was around and you know not cut in half he also held the record for the most black flashes but jaded that's never been stated once why are you riding you know half Joe got exercised so if we were to just count Shinjuku Gojo lands a total of four black flashes one of them on sakuna two of them on mahara and another black flash on aito well then again nanami and Yuji have both held the record for the most consecutive black flashes but even if n has landed more black flashes back to back Gojo has still hit more black flashes overall when it comes to Black flashes that were landed individually and not consecutively Nomi has never landed a black flash on screen he did land a couple in the jiujitsu kaisen volume Zero movie but in terms of just the manga we've never actually seen him land a black flash we know nanami held the record for the most consecutive black flashes so we'll assume that his total number just to be safe is only four Gojo Flatout says that he's landed more black flashes than nanami so we'll assume that before Shinjuku Gojo's total record of black flashes was sitting comfortably a five against tmy Yuji lands a total of five black flashes he lands another one against ESO and catchu on the bridge and then another two against mahito and shabuya so Yuji lands a total of eight Nomi for sure lands a total of four but Gojo landed a total of nine black flashes I had to go back and add this part into the recording but Yuji landed another black flash against sakuno this means that both Yuji and Gojo now have the record for the most total black flashes which honestly kind of strengthens my argument later in the video so just keep that in mind for now the reason behind why Gojo could land so many black flashes is because out of every sorcerer Gojo especially is really good at raising his chances when he does reinforce his punches and loads them up with cursed energy there's three different types one is the type that will strengthen Gojo's Fist two is the type that will crash into his opponent but three is the type that will manage to do both number three is the part that's responsible for creating a black flash it's not just about strengthening your fist or crashing cursed energy into your opponent it's doing both with extreme Precision remember yuji's Divergent fist that attack completely separates both the first and the second type of attack that Gojo's talking about Divergent fist was a phenomenon that only occurred because of cursed energy lag doing this completely by mistake Yuji separated both the first and the second type of cursed energy he can still obviously exercise cursed Spirits so it's not like at any point when using Divergent fist Yuji is completely leaving behind his cursed energy we get a diagram of what exactly is going on when Yuji activates Divergent Fist and it clearly depicts both types of cursed energy that Gojo was talking about the first strike that we see with Divergent Fist and the first strike that's depicted in the diagram is one of the types of cursed energy that Gojo mentions the type that strengthens your fist when Divergent fist releases its secondary blow that's also the second type of cursed energy that Gojo's talking about the type that crashes into your opponent there's a point way back during the Goodwill event where Yuji was cured of his Divergent fist Toto actually managed to teach Yuji how to properly flow cursed energy all throughout his body the lag that was created from yuji's terrible cursed energy control completely disappeared by controlling both types of cursed energy and syncing them together he created the third type of cursed energy that Gojo's talking about after this happens he goes on to land five black flashes against tmy Yuji even matched nmi's world record for the most consecutive black flashes making him the second person to hold that title synchronizing both types into manifesting the third isn't a small feat those who have landed a black flash would be instantly put in the 1% of sorcerers now let's say hypothetically you mastered Landing the third type of cursed energy with extreme proficiency you can combine the loaded cursed energy in your fist with the kind that crashes into your opponent even within a microc there would never be a point where you're Landing black flashes with someone 100% successory having the greatest cursed Energy Efficiency of all time still would never guarantee you a black flash Gojo himself is living proof he's the only living person who can manifest a third type of cursed energy whenever he'd want but he still says it's nothing but luck it's just a tossup depending on the blend within each situation there's likely different factors that can raise your chances you have to consider your environment it's going to be different for every black flash you have to take into account way more than just your surroundings your current physical condition is one of those determining factors Gojo doesn't get specific on what he means by that but it's definitely important your opponent's cursed energy is also a determining factor for landing black flashes for some reason and while it might make you laugh Gojo says he thinks that room temperature has something to do with it that last part I just mentioned is actually a key detail that you need to remember but for later in the video but just like Gojo says there's no correct way to unleash a black flash and he's also completely corre correct it doesn't really come with its own textbook answer however there is one aspect that seems to be consistent to nearly every black flash we've seen black flashes they never happen by accident everyone who has landed a black flash probably knew that they were going to land a black flash even before they landed the strike when Yuji was about to land his most recent black flash on sakuna the narrator flat out comments that mahito had felt an incoming black flash way back in shabuya clearly have their own oncoming premonition it's also implied by Gojo that you can actually try to land the black flash he explains what happens when he says he's really going for it we see the same thing during yuji's black flash on Hanami Yuji clearly has to try to land the black flash when Landing a black flash you actually have to try to go for it one determining factor in landing black flashes that Gojo doesn't mention is determination itself cursed energy nearly never flashes black when the moment isn't right during the Goodwill event Yugi lands his first black flash after being so focused he literally begins drooling when Wing King was about to reach nobara when the narrator said he must be defeated that instant Yuji landed did another black flash nobara who also landed a black flash right here was focused so intensely she didn't even realize that eso's poison was still running through her body the pain only sharpened her Focus before igniting a black flash in shabuya mahito landed his black flash after realizing himself as a true curse he found his own talent to be extremely exhilarating when Yuji gets back up he black flashes after remembering nm's final words and deciding against using his sins as an excuse to run away Toto landed his black flash after seeing his rather left behind by the one who couldn't touch the Sparks of black sua's black flash happened against Maki he was given a role by someone other than himself it's the first time he says he ever needed to prove himself yuji's final blow against Mao Gojo's first black flash against sakuna every single black flash all seems to be consistent with one idea determination can definitely raise your chances of Landing a black flash it's not being determined to save everyone but rather determined to win yuji's first black flash in Goodwill didn't even happen immediately it definitely wasn't his first attempt he goes in for a wide open shot on Hanami but completely misses he gets caught up in thinking about megamy and June and misses the opportunity completely Toto explains to Yuji how even those weaker and inferior can be provoked into putting their opponent on their back foot when their power is being fueled by anger but the opposite is just as bad Toto says that mishandling cursed energy because you're too angry to focus is just a waste of skill Yuji needs to suppress his anger and rage from EG's pain and focus on the goal that's when yuji's concentration became so sharp even Hanami can sense how incredible must be again Gojo's not wrong there's definitely different factors for landing a black flash that change with every situation however the luck aspect he's mentioning isn't really as random or unlikely as it sounds when characters begin to engage with their determination while also fulfilling the other fundamental Parts in creating a black flash it can raise their chances dramatically all throughout jiujitsu Kaizen there's been moments where characters giving into certain mindsets can determine their future as Sorcerers there are certain moments that are created from your own ability to control your focus that leads to Victory I've already explained how determination is one key aspect to Landing black flashes but it doesn't end there it's not just being determined to save others as much as it is being determined to win in the jiujitsu Kaizen fan book gay akutami the mangaka and author of the series explains why Megami never landed his first black flash it's explained that Yuji after the Goodwill event ended up pulling ahead of the trio between him Megami and noara at first he thought to give the rest of the group the same power up but decided against it for Megami it didn't suit him gaygay said but it's not like Megami wasn't a close-range fighter he definitely had his fair share of opportunities to land a black flash noara had landed a black flash too and Megami fought in close quarters combat way more often than she did not to mention it's not like noara landed her black flash with a punch or a kick all she did was activate her curse technique while also using a curse tool Megami was also just keeping up with Maki zenin when they both double teamed Hanam you can argue that because Megami is a shikigami user he's not suited for hand-to-hand combat and that's why he's not suited for black flash however he's a Shiki gami user that's more than capable and even gets into hand-to-hand combat more often than you think it's hard to argue that it's megami's combat style that made him not suited for black flash when we have people like noara who are hitting black flashes with cursed tools the bigger problem with Megami Landing a black flash is more likely his mindset during this time Megami definitely did not have the mentality to be landing a black flash one key difference between meami and Yuji was their mindsets it held meami back for a very long time until this moment Megami had gone to Gojo for some extra training after feeling left behind By Yuji before his fight with the finger bear and after the Goodwill event but Megami already had the wrong idea Gojo makes it clear that both his potential and skill are higher than Yugi and it's just the mental aspect that separates them both Megami just doesn't know how to bring out his best self during the baseball game Gojo notices something about megami's strategy that reflects something much deeper he decides to go for a sacrifice bunt to make sure that noara could Advance it's not really a bad strategy for baseball but it would never be smart to act on that mindset when trying to become a strong sorcerer baseball is a team sport and everyone's expected to play their own role it's the complete opposite to being a sorcerer when you're a jiujitsu sorcerer you're playing an individual sport being a jiutu sorcerer isn't a team sport it's an individual sport unlike baseball Yuji and Gojo will always be swinging for the fences till the very last second they'd never choose to sacrifice themselves so somebody else could save the day instead of them both Yuji and Gojo believe in their own ability to win even if it's selfish however current meami doesn't think like that at all sat Gojo has an even higher black flash count theonomy Yuji eori just landed five black flashes in Goodwill which is the entire reason why Megam is even having this lecture in the first place both Yuji and Gojo also hold the record for landing the most black flashes in history you could consider Yuji and Gojo the 1% of people who are already in the 1% their anomalies even considering other people who have also landed black flashes it's nearly completely unheard of to be this proficient with cursed energy manipulation and general but Yuji and Gojo make what's already unbelievable even more unrealistic it's important to outline and spotlight this clear similarity between two of the greatest to ever touch the Sparks of black Megami has been underestimating himself and others around him instead of envisioning a version of himself in the near future that's already surpassed his current limitations if Megami doesn't change the very nature of how he thinks he won't match up to Gojo or even anomy who's another black flash specialist for holding the record for the most consecutive black flashes both Gojo and Yuji understand that there's a pretty big difference in winning by dying and winning even if you die but Megami didn't seem to understand that these are two completely different things Gojo says to Megami that it's okay to be selfish weak Sorcerers don't have their own sense of self Megami is directly set aside from Gojo and Yuji for not adapting this mindset and it's why he was never suited for landing a black flash when Megami does apply himself momentarily and changes the way he thinks to get a better understanding of what Gojo's talking about he finally expands his domain Megami gained the determination and send the self that Gojo was trying to ingrain but again he's not as adapted as Gojo or Yuji whatsoever Megami still goes on to sacrifice his own life in Shabu and he's going against the advice that he just been given Megami obviously did grow a bit the times that he does choose to sacrifice himself and summon mahara are much more understandable compared to before before Megami got that lecture from Gojo he nearly summoned mahara on Toto so I think it's safe to say that he's come a long way Megami also does try to Envision a stronger version of himself to overcome the challenge in front of him against toi which is just like the advice that Gojo gave him so in the long term Megami definitely did develop a little bit from that conversation but the main difference still between Megami Yuji and Gojo is that Gojo and Yuji they're always swinging for the fences there's never a point where they'd ever give up and summon mahara unlike meami when it came down to Gojo having to use an unlimited purple or his2 second domain expansion he chooses to risk it all in the name of Victory when Yuji only had one option to take down Mao he chose to bet on the black flash even when they're backed into a corner they don't ever choose to sacrifice themselves like Megami but that's also exactly why he's not suited to be landing a black flash when malito had landed his first black back flash it's after he realized himself as a true curse it's his own sense of self- manifesting and it's similar to what Gojo mentions mahito it also became the type to swing for the fences till the very last second just like Yuji despite sakuna being a lingering threat he chooses to take the Gamble and expand his domain for2 seconds just like Gojo who he says he learned it from in the first place giving into that selfish mindset it's what manifested the determination to be landing black flashes and it's a constant theme when successfully Landing a black flash Sorcerers enter a Zone like State similar to what athletes experience you're basically just extremely locked in manipulating cursed energy becomes as easy as breathing Yugi Mao and Toto all reached 120% of their potential by Landing black flashes all three of them they all entered the Zone Mayo says after landing his black flash he can now finally feel the true essence of his own soul when he landed his next black flash mahito literally reached his true form if reaching his true form isn't the clearest representation of self-affirmation with his overwhelming sense of self- clear shining I don't really know what is nobara says that feeling those Sparks is feeling the core of cursed energy itself that's also the same thing that Gojo mentions before claiming that he alone is the honored one it's a comment that gagay himself mentions that Gojo makes that really reflects his arrogance black flashing has always had some connection with determination in reaching your true sense of self during yuji's final round against mahito the narrator comments about how black flashes are still incontrollable but Yuji is so amazing that he'll make you think that he's doing it at will when he's forced to bet on himself in his own ability to win with his only option being to land a black flash Yuji bets on himself and touches the Sparks of black when he fought against Maki zenin sakuna had felt for the first time that another role had been forced upon himself without his own consent when he needed to prove himself and his jiujitsu against one of the strongest physical based fighters in history he landed another black flash sakuna decided to bet on his own punches against the strongest pound-for-pound fighter in the series against the strongest physical Merchant in the series sakuna chose to bet on the strongest possible physical attack in his is Arsenal the determination spawns from betting on yourself and that's partially what ignites black flashes it's why black flashes don't just randomly happen however this determination that comes with Landing black flashes only really applies to the first black flash usually when we see characters land them the following black flashes don't really have their own black flash moment per se and there's times where determination really isn't all too present there's times where black flashes can seem a bit random compared to the first black flash that we see a character hit but that could just be chocked up to being in the zone and having an easier time manipulating getting that cursed energy to land the black flash this idea of betting on yourself is pretty similar to Kenji haki's fever hakari surrounds his life around the idea that life itself is a gamble hakari says that everybody gambles but what they hate is losing and going to ruin hakari believes that gambling is just another part of life and everybody is hungry to win something big hakari gives the example of a scammer trying to scam an innocent person to buying information that will make them Rich he says that both the scammer and the person getting scammed both chase the same idea and it's what motivates them to live their lives the way they do and make the decisions they choose to make both the scammer and the person getting scammed they want to take the gamble by making an opportunity for themselves to change their lives forever that's what aari calls the fever everybody can feel it it's a rush of exhilaration that comes from the determination to create change that drives people to make these crazy decisions gambling has always been a more direct way for dealing with the fever according to aari but it's risky people just get simply carried away and they end up making rash decisions when chasing their fever but without the fever people can't even fall in love both the fever and the determination to land black flashes they sound more closely linked than you think going for a nearly uncontrollable gamble to change the battle and essentially your own life within seconds that's a black flash being determined to succeed by swinging for the fences till the very last second by envisioning a stronger version of yourself is exactly when Yuji and Gojo perform their best and likely creates black flashes Megami who was never suited for a black flash according to the author himself didn't have this trait like itadori he rarely took the risk to changed his own life forever and instead decided to throw it away Megami wasn't as worthy as Yuji to be landing a black flash the topic of Gojo's conversation with Megami directly comes from yuji's own growth by Landing those black flashes against tonami gaygay himself says in the fan book that it's the part that just pulled him ahead of the rest of the trio Megami goes to Gojo to find the difference between him and Yuji he doesn't understand why Yuji can do some things that he just can't do Megami wants to understand why he's being left behind and Gojo explains exactly what separates meami from Yuji the one who touch the Sparks of black nearly everything that Gojo's mentioning is likely in direct correlation to those black flashes since that's what sparked Yugi's growth in the first place and pressured Megami to ask Gojo for some extra training it's not just advice to grow as a sorcerer but also partially explaining what it takes to become someone who lands a black flash Yuji Gojo and nanomi are all outlined as people in this conversation who Megami can never reach if he never changes the way he thinks it's not a coincidence that all of these people mentioned in this conversation are all record holders and some of the most important and greatest people to ever land the black flash up until recently Gojo had the record for the most black flashes ever landed and nomy and Yuji both had the record for the most black flashes landed back to back there's only one other person mentioned during this conversation and it's nobara who's the one to advance in megami's place during the baseball game to be the player who wins for Megami and coincidentally a person who has landed her own black flash Gojo nanami Yuji and even noara they all represent places that Megami doesn't seem willing to follow and they've all also landed their own black flashes which makes everything I'm saying even more consistent Gojo makes it clear that it's okay to be selfish being a sorcerer it's an individual sport when Landing black flashes nmi says it feels like the world is finally revolving around you Landing black flashes puts the sorcerer in their own individual sport haki's fever is chasing the desire to change your own life forever not the lives of others playing by the fever is also an individual sport it's just as selfish Gojo mentions that while he finds it funny he thinks that room temperature actually has something to do with Landing a black flash it's a small comment but with everything I've just mentioned it makes this interpretation even more consistent Gojo might not be feeling the actual room temperature but rather the Heat of the Moment from chasing the fever it's that determination that's created with Landing every black flash you definitely need to have proper cursed energy control and there's way more factors than just one and while luck might be important never forget about the mindset that's clearly required to land the black flash
Channel: Jaded
Views: 202,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JadedSatoru, Jaded, JadedJJK, black flash, black flash jjk explained, how to land black flash, jujutsu kaisen manga, jjk, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jaded Satoru, Jaded JJK, jjk manga, JJK, broken ronin, xmere, jujutsu kaisen analysis, Jujutsu Kaisen Mindset, Jujutsu Kaisen Selfish, Sukuna Mindset, yuji black flash, jujutsu kaisen, Yuji, Jujutsu Kaisen Anylisis, Black-Flash, Jujutsu Kaisen's Black-Flash, Black-Flash is about Mentality
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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