“It's not what you're going through, it's what you're going to” | Rom. 8:18 Rev. Timothy Flemming Sr

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[Music] take them right now and turn to the book of romans romans chapter 8 and we will look at verse 18. but i think we ought to go up to verse 17 but we are keying in on verse 18. and if children then errors and heirs of god and journal errors with christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorified together for i reckon that the suffering of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us [Music] i want to talk about is not what you're going through is where you go into [Music] you may be seated it is not what you're going through but where you're going to i've had many tears and sorrows i've had questions for tomorrow there have been times i didn't know right from wrong [Music] but in every situation god give consolation [Music] that all my trials come [Music] to make me strong oh through it all [Music] through it all i've learned to trust in jesus i had to learn how to trust in god [Music] through it all oh through it all i've learned how to depend upon god [Music] i don't know what you're facing today but when you come out of it you'll be saying i thank god for my mountain i thank god for my valleys i thank him for all he brought me [Music] through if i never had no problem [Music] i wouldn't know that god could solve them i never know what faith in god we do i said through it all oh through it all i learned to trust in jesus through some things i had to learn how to depend on god oh do it all through it all i have learned [Music] how to depend upon god's [Music] [Music] i thank god for my trials i sat through it all [Music] thank you jesus i have learned you have learned hardly depending on jesus you got to have some tries to learn how to depend on god i said through it all [Music] i know sometimes you say lord why me why [Music] me i can just see god's power and i can depend on god's word [Music] everybody oughta sing it i had to learn i'm talking to somebody giving up [Music] how many of you been through some stuff [Music] a point i depend on his words [Music] sometime i had to just [Music] oh [Music] you know in this life we are all going to have tribulations and so many times we wonder why there's always been a why in our life and there's nothing wrong with saying god why there's nothing wrong with saying god why me but i want you to also consider this thought why not you and there's nothing wrong when people say why some people say you shouldn't ask god why well it's a human cry when jesus was hanging on the cross he said my god my god why has thou forsaken me now he came here to die on the cross truly we knew why but it was a human cry because he was a man in the flesh it was normal for a man to cry and he said why have you forsaken me and i know a lot of times i've asked god why i look at a lot of things i've gone through and what a person i know i tried to be i tried to give my best do my best go through stuff that i didn't think i had to go through with that a lot of folks didn't go through with but i took it and many times i said why and then i said why me why couldn't i have gone on and did other things but i'm pinned down and for god's reason you have to take what god throwed at you and the devil because as you hold on to god he will sustain you and he will keep you in all that you go through and here i'm going on 71 years old and looking back at some people that i knew that's gone on and i'm still going strong and i've shown you in two years preached every sermon every sunday morning had mr sunday haven't gone no vacation didn't go nowhere didn't want to go nowhere more concerned about what i need to do here but many times you get over some things as life go along but you do ask why and there's nothing wrong with that because jesus said it's all right to cry i used to tell people don't cry at funerals until i lost my mother and i went down there to be strong because i'm the preacher in the family and on the first one went out i mean i hadn't really taken it in i dressed i had my mother changed in another castle because i ain't like the one that my sister had in i went there said this is not mama and she not bearing in this cheap casket i called him i said get down and take it out here they said what's matt i said she coming out of this one they said what the undertaker said that's going to cost more money i said i got the check book in my head get out the bed before that fuel start i just went there to see because i tried to let them handle it they told me to let them handle it but they couldn't afford to do what i needed to do that was my mother and i put in a nice casket moved and put in a nice something and brought the body on there and i was fine until that primitive baptist church six preachers showed up and all preached if all if ten show up all going to preach and when they got their preaching and i was sitting there and i heard my daddy say something i never heard him say when he went there crying never seen my dad cry and when he went crying by a daughter-in-law why didn't go take me first and i know i think i didn't think dad loved mama that much and when he got to hauling that why didn't god take me boy i went out i don't remember nothing i just went to screaming but i went there to hold them together and i'm the one who went out listen that's a human i had to apologize and my members came right in two buses at that funeral i said listen i'm a strong pastor and i'm weeping because i'm weak but that's my mother but i you don't know what i heard when i sat next to my daddy so there was something bubbled up in me from a child that was cleared up when i heard him cry i wanted to know that there's nothing wrong with crying you need to get it out when my baby was killed my wife i was doing all the hollering i was doing all the crying i was all on the floor i just could god you couldn't do this to me no you can't do this to me i grew up with him we were on the children really and i grew up with him and was my best friend never forsaken me never hurt me but listen god went after him and took him away i was mad at god and i was saying why but then my sermon had to preach back to me that how many times you preached front of us and told people to be strong in the lord sometimes i had to wake up and see it even in my pain nobody wanted me to preach his funeral my sister demanded that i don't they flew down we don't want him up there he's gonna fall out in that pulpit and we don't want that to happen i said no i'm preaching his funeral to show god's will must be done and though it's been some rough times still even today i wake up screaming about it it's just human none of us want to see our children go before us but god's will must be done so there's nothing wrong but you're gonna go through things in life and i got several reasons why i'm preaching this message um uh sabrina king wrote this down and said pastor i want you to preach this sermon my favorite verse and i wasn't going to do it but after i started seeing her in the spirit and knowing what she went through one moment and how she was going through something the lord showed me you're going to preach this message today it's not what you're going through but it's what you're going to and i couldn't figure out and i called it yesterday i said i'm going to preach your sermon and i don't know why i'm sitting here meditating it and i didn't want to preach it but god just led me to it that was a man came in my office to do some work and he was a white gentleman and god just can talk while he was working on the unity in there god read and he got close to me and i was only annoying and i said so you got a calling on your life he looked to me what i said you're writing from god you're a preacher i said i already see your daddy he looked at me so star and he walked out he was never the same i said ministries on you young man you i said how old he said 46 i said well get back in church he said you don't know what you just did to me what you just shook me up and said i never seen him a day in my life because i saw the suffering that he'd gone through even with his father but ministry was in him you know what god is going to speak a word to some of you today even with the tragedy in miami florida as to why the building collapsed i hope i can touch on something to give a word of healing today to many of you that are going through trials and tribulation now let's get to a few things that i really want you to write down about when you why are you going through something and why do christians suffer write this down number one god wants to teach us what satan is all about this is why you're going through stuff let's look at job for a moment job went through a lot he lost everything he had lost his property lost everything but didn't lose his mind he didn't lose his soul he didn't curse god out so have you ever been where you want to give god a good blast to now but you can't you got to trust god god would allow in job to suffer to find out what a liar the devil is and you got to understand why god allows you to suffer through everything you love you've got to know who's behind it it may not be your children it just made the devil know how to get to you and how would he get to you other than through your own children how do you know why would one turn out something different from the rest why would one act the way they act anyway when you know what a parent you've been and what you could have gone especially you could have walked off a long time ago and didn't what made you stay there and take things and tolerate stuff when your life and your future was at stake what made you give up your career things you could have been it's because there's something greater going on in your life that god permits he wants you to see that the devil is behind what's attacking you and the devil doesn't want you to know he's behind it this is the point job did not even know god and the devil were there to meet him he did not know they'd had a meeting in heaven on job and when job was so powerful he took all that suffering and didn't know what was going on you don't know what's going on in heaven above you why you are under attack you don't know whether god and the devil has gotten together again they had a bet on you god said i bet you won't the devil say i bet you will god said i bet you won't and the devil said i bet you he will listen job had a bet on it and what's happening here's a man who lived a good life praying for his family sacrificed for his family and was a rich man and honorable and loved god and why would the devil why would god let the devil attack one who's faithful to him god wanted the devil wanted job to know what the devil is he's a liar he's a liar now why do you know why i was saying that the devil lied on job in fact after preaching again he's the biggest liar in town i preached the sermon years ago the biggest liar in town he lied about man in the garden he lied about man to joke then he lied to the guard man which is god himself he's just a big liar and do you know what liars all lie you like to make up stuff they like to make up stuff on you they may know how genuinely good you are but they don't want to give you credit now i want to tell you something that's theological there's some preacher stuff now why did the devil make a charge against job the devil made a charge against joe because god the devil knew god joel give me again right the devil knew job was a good man and the devil went to charge of god the only reason why this man been good to you you blessed him why the devil bring that up because the devil sometimes is right some people do love god because of blessing but the devil knew that was not why job loved god i think the devil was trying to discredit good and a man he wanted to show god there's no such thing as goodness in a man when god bragged on job that he's perfect enough right that wasn't perfect for me is that god talking you calling a human being a creature perfect i'm gonna show you how perfect he is let me get my hands on him i'll make him curse you not behind your back bro to your face now a lot of us have said a lot of things about people behind them but you didn't see it in the face now when somebody called you out something in your face they're ready for a fight and the devil said i'll make him curse you in your face i had a boss on my job i didn't like i said a whole lot of things about him behind his back but i didn't tell him in his face so one day he would give me hell and when i finally got me a big church and i walked to him because i didn't have no church leaving and i could quit and i said listen you know we have to talk he said what you want to talk about i said i just want to talk to you and i said a few things to him that i won't say up here and he looked at me and said i thought you were a preacher i said but i ain't preaching now you know what i've been wanting to get him told now you know why i tore him off to his face i had a big church i was ready to go so when he said fired i said fine you have to be careful what you say to people in the face i just want he would give me the devil he was messing me up where i couldn't go nowhere to church he would make me stay late and lock up the building he just didn't like a preacher and god fixed the way i could tell him what i want to say to the faith not i didn't say the bad thing you all thinking i already know what y'all think i said indecency i just let him know that i didn't like the way it was treated me this is how bold the devil i make him crush you in your face curse you in your face cut you in your face and you know what god said go ahead take it just don't take his life why was that so the devil was trying to discredit there's no such thing as good in a man you know why the devil said that ready for this he knew he couldn't be good he knew when he was in heaven man i did him he had all the angels he had pipes in his bosom he was around the throne of god and didn't know how to handle power and power went to the devil's head and he's jealous of you he's jealous because you can take stuff and come to church he's jealous because you can lose things and still hold on to god he jealous that you can do what he could not do the devil is envious of you he's envious of every man and woman of god and you don't understand why god will allow him to attack you and discredit you and say he don't want to give you no honor for the good you do why he's jealous why do people why do people discredit you when they know you good why do people try to attack you when down in their heart they know you got a heart with me because they don't have one and it's really prevalent in family against family i'm getting some deep stuff why your own kin don't want to support you why your worst enemies are your own kinfolk why do people that won't build you up or your own relatives are you ready for this they're your kids they slept with you ate with you i'm sure a president walk home around his sisters and brother they're not going to say mr president because they're buying them and they're not going to call them mr body they're going to say buy them go in and give me some water that's the president of the united states that's home they're not going to honor you like people outside but they did jesus that way jesus sisters and brothers that way i grew up with him god they thought it was crazy kinfolk are not going to honor you like people outside because they know you too well and they think they know you better than you know yourself and behind it let's be honest it's jealousy don't they get jealous of why you excel over me well you have what you have and i slept with you and i don't have it well you got a nice house and i don't have that why you got a good family and i didn't have that why your family together and the mind busts up it's envy help me holy ghost and you already know what it is and the words come out when they have these funerals when none of them there to help when mama was dying and then when she died they'd go after you of all you did it's just family expected who behind the devil wants to break that relationship he doesn't want that family tie because a tight family together is unbeatable and he won't division there because you really want your kinfolk with you you need your relatives and they're the worst one the devil behind stuff happening to you you need to see who's behind all of this he's trying to make you stumble curse god get out of church leave and turn your bible in he's after proving to god there is no such thing as goodness in a man so why are you suffering because of the devil now i need to bring this out no you don't shout today just listen you need to understand something else while you're suffering while you're going through something god permits these things to happen to move you to another level did persecution break out in the church in jerusalem why did god let all those people get fed the hungry lion and they're christian i'm sure you're gonna ask why did god let something happen to me and i'm his child why did god let all this i raise my children right and some turn out against you it's not about you number one you raised them and that was all you're supposed to do you cannot re-raise grown people i don't care if that's your baby or not there's no such thing as thinking you're going to be in charge of their lives and this will break a whole lot off a lot of families you are not in control all the time you can't raise them and raise them when they're grown you can't be in control of their life you know what's your problem you thank you god no your job was to raise them and when they get grown grown and gone go together then you have to let them make their own decision to go do what they want to do and be what they want to be and pray that god covered them your prayers say lord cover my child not bring them home lord let them go wherever you want to lead them but cover them wherever they are you be on your knees praying for their covering not for your dominance control sometimes we think because we brought somebody in the world we supposed to own them you don't own nobody [Music] but you don't even own you let them go and pray for that covering if you know we got to accept change yeah you gotta realize i have some people say i don't like this new change i don't like the way church is going i don't like the way they're looking today don't look like church well years ago i got something for you when we came up with something years ago we said that was new so when we had hymns in the church that was new to another generation you said these here we sing it now get on your nerve because they're old well that was new a hundred years ago so that was some song before we wrote these songs was new then to that generation what they're saying and now is new to us lights and all this stuff we see in the church that's new to this generation but it was new back then when we started churches looking like they looked now that's new when i came along we had no padded pews and patting on the pews and all that that that was new to us now is not new now they don't want theater suits so things was new now it's going to be old later so you might well accept the change i'm trying to talk to some older people that need to accept change [Applause] god is trying to grow you to another level by breaking out persecution this important message how did the gospel get spread does anybody want to talk to me how did the gospel get out no no no what why did god allow the church to get persecuted to spread the gospel they would have stayed in jerusalem it had been no persecution god permitted the suffering to be stoned in stephen all that paul did to the christians god allowed all that to happen so the church would get out of jerusalem and when they went to running from persecution the gospel went into all parts of the world god permitted the suffering to move us to another level he'll allow things to go bad in your life to take you to another level if things i think god uses pandemic to test our faith in a lot of ways see this this test with these pandemics are happening is going to really move the church to spread the gospel through social media if this had not happened a lot of churches wouldn't be online but because the church is now because of pandemic is spreading the gospel through radio television through social media young preachers getting famous now that nobody ever knew about because they can get on facebook and do the same thing i'm doing this morning at home and nobody knew them there are people getting famous nobody would have known because they're on facebook god used and everything for his own good to get the gospel out i know a lot of preachers and i want to say this and i'm going to say this in their defense i don't like these preachers with these airplanes why they got to have airplanes flying in these jets of planes and all that it's a generation of preachers that god has caused them to be mega churches that now the gospel getting out i don't see nothing negative about them flying and having a plane it's for the ministry god is putting the gospel in russia because we're going in places we would have never gone without these preachers having a make a church that could fly in all the world and preach i had two pastors saying man i don't use no plane to be joyride it caught me ten thousand dollars for fuel it's for the ministry it's for preaching the gospel when a preacher came in with his plane preached for me and he preached that morning said look doc i don't need no hotel i don't need nothing i said you don't no i'm flying in with my plane i think there was noah jones i'm flying in i had to pay ten thousand off of jet fuel i said i won't be stay i said what about hotel oh no no you don't need to be worried about all that for me i'm coming in my whole crew another preacher i think paula white some of us came in i'm bringing my whole crew reverend keep your money for your hotel i'm bringing it people don't sell my tastes i'm bringing people for that and when they got through preaching i said uh where did it go they say it just went over your head i'm sitting in the diner and what and he just went over your head in his plane i said why remember i got a mega trusty run i had to be there every day run my medicine capture play and go out and preach that night and i have to come right back and see about all this i got every day i can't stay ahold we can run all this that's what they do they fly here preach go home you don't have to put them into a hotel nothing don't have time for all that they're so busy spreading the gospel and god has used in this last generation we get upset with black menace we haven't played but there were a lot of white ministers that had them billy graham had one and many other who had to stay on the go and big companies of ceos as top people they all have plans to fly in because they're all over the country everywhere running these mega ministries it's what god is doing in these last days spreading the gospel and that's how i get it out through social media through a pandemic god used trouble to push you to another level abraham lincoln and his brother were playing with a mule and the mule wouldn't move and a horse fly got on the mute and abraham brother finna knock it off abraham said oh don't do that he said why his had his horse fly making him move when that horse fly hit him he went to play then before that some of you all need a horse fly on you god need to put a horse fly on some of you to make you move and plow because you stubborn as a mutant and you won't move god will use adversity to move you to another level and that's why we suffer that's why we're going through stuff to move you to a never letter to get you out of yourself and your comfort zone if you let a child sit around all his life and spoil it how he's going to watch and make it when he gets on his own you got to make him cut grass you got to make him do things and earn because when he get out in the world nobody going to give you nothing you better grow that kid up now make him what make him learn what getting up early means nobody is going to be there when mom and daddy go [Applause] and you have to work on your children early we wait till people get grown to raise them god's trying to move you to another level i want to say this about the tragedy we experienced in florida when the building collapsed and listen to me seriously why are we going through something why some people out there crying where's my mother where's my my father where are my children why are the babies all in rubbish and i'm sure some of them are going to sit down and say now where is god did all this happen where was god when 9 11 happened god was there through all the preachers joining hands republicans and democrats for the first time singing we shall overcome i thought they didn't like our spirituals but 9 11 they asked me to come up there and join them in prayer the moon river move center committed out here i said no i'm not going around with him so i didn't go but look i looked at look democrats republicans are in hand they hated each other we shall overcome i thought they did i thought prayer and all that were out of school i thought you weren't supposed to sing spirituals but out there in front of the twin towels down we shall overcome tragedy did that god is showing us in these tragedies and what just happened before you is nothing pinned down there's no such thing as things won't fall and collapse what you mean preacher why it's life nothing is doable in this world this building could collapse and kill us all nothing is doable but you got to know what's behind you already what's behind suffering follow me thy god man's choice when god made the world it was perfect and when he made man he was perfect anytime god says something good it's good and he said that's good he looked at man that's good how did the evil get in there man's choice [Applause] what made the building collapse man's choice what made people die man's choice well man wait a minute why i got cancer why am i sick with cancer i didn't deserve this man's job why so many troubles in the world man it's true i'm mad at god i don't like god i hate god you mad at god about something he didn't do [Applause] when god made adam and put him in the garden it was perfect [Applause] god didn't bring sickness god didn't bring these planes falling god didn't bring all this chaos don't blame god why are you cussing god out you need to be cursing man out [Applause] you need to be cussing yourself out look what i did my god did you did it i did it all of us did it wait a minute wait a minute you got me thinking that building collapsed anything man made would collapse is man me playing phil is man me cancer what i eat right there was no sickness until adam made a choice and god told him yes the day you eat you will surely die god didn't lie god can't lie he had to keep his word god's word is gone [Applause] and when he makes a statement he can't retract it [Applause] god can't say oh man oh i made a mistake no no he's spoken that's why god is careful what he speaks because when he's speaking he can't take it back [Applause] and he spoke and said the day you eat you will surely die and after man didn't take that seriously he made a choice and uh let's don't put it on the warmer men it hadn't been for you eve i wouldn't be in the mess no he decided to eat it [Music] now if he had good sense he should have told her now where did you get that from now didn't god tell her not to eat it now you take that fruit right back over there where you got it from and drop it before you eat us both out of a house in the home no he didn't correct her he was her teacher he didn't tell her you know what god said take that back don't eat that well i bit someone then that's you and what he should have done when he when she ate the fruit he should help intercede for her [Applause] he should have said god now listen god you know the girl young you look at it lord the girl just got here the other day you you know me and you've been walking together look at the pool child though the girl just messed up the girl that's y'all go unforgivable now lord look at him look at him with a head down okay aren't you a brother god let me let you he sort of interceded for her he didn't intercede for eve he bit it too and then as soon as god came out i'm talking about the woman you gave me like say i didn't ask for her to start with you [Music] and put it back on god you gave me now he didn't say that when she came out looking good bones on my bone flesh good good monkey this man now she mess up you gave me then everything started dying evil stepped in the lamb is now in the stomach of the lion when they used to lie down together thorns came out that's why you got thorns sticky the bible said god curse the ground and he said now you got to worry by the sweater you are bro from the ground because i made you from the ground now you're eating from the ground when you die you're going back to the ground [Applause] i'm working this thing now you watch this why are you going through something it's a man's choice and a lot of us are going through some stuff we going through now just be honest by your own choice you were hard-headed when nobody couldn't tell you nothing and you made a choice by going and bury it [Applause] you wouldn't go to school and get your degree now stop getting mad with your brother driving a bmw who went on and furthered his education and worked hard and didn't hang out all night and study don't end with him he's sacrificed and he's reaping his reward i want you to pay a close attention to what i wrote down this morning god wants you to go through suffering to see just how evil evil is that's heavy flaming word came from god to me do you know how evil is look what happened to the building crush babies crush old people that's evil you see how people driving by shooting innocent people that's evil do you see how they killing young men that's evil do you see how they're just going murdering people you could be just going to the store and somebody will drive up and just bam bam bam that's evil why crime is going why young man take a a gun for a toy you better be careful even saying something to a 10 year old you don't know what's in his pocket it's evil do you see how evil evil is watch that's why god let you suffer to see just how evil it is it'll corrupt your own body it will put you down on your bed and you can't move it'll have your lying they'll suffer and can't die god wants us to see just those i want to say it like this theologically god is using something to unmask the ugly face of the devil see the devil got on a mask and you don't know how ugly he is but god on calvary on master god i got some preachers rolling now god said i want to unmask the ugly face of sin on camera look how they treated the innocent look how they nailed him in the hand look how bad man when pissed him in his side and look what men would piss him in his feet look how evil people laugh at him and say you call yourself the christ look how the the man is doing his voice on god's best look at how man can treat the best man in the world never harm nobody never did nothing wrong and look how they hung him on the cross look at evil i want you to see how evil evil is so when you're playing with it do you know how it is to play with evil and on calvary we saw evil on mass god the father pulled off the mask you see who the devil is now watch me watch me listen if you see how evil is then you need to know what hell is like god wants you to catch hell so you know what hell is life and i don't know why you want to catch hell here and then go to him i was at summer here yesterday and i was picking up stuff cleaning up around when i had some people doing something and i walked out on the porch and this lady was sitting on the front she said that reverend timothy fleming she was at the porch house right in front i said yes she said you know what reverend fleming her daughter this my daughter standing here and moved in the house i said how are you we're going to open up soon in uh uh the last of august hopefully she's a good she's a red flaming she's hollering at me i don't like holland in his neighborhood unethical i said uh yes ma'am i kept a low tone uh you know what i heard you had a funeral i said really she said yes and you said something i never forget and my daughter said you need to hear i said what did i say you said at that funeral it's better to be in the church with a few hypocrites than to be in hell with all of them she said after that i joined the church i got a laugh she said my reverend fleming i know i never forget you saying that i said that's the truth is she said i wasn't going to church talking about hypocrites in the church but after you said that it's better to be in the church with a few hypocrites than to be in hell with all of them because in hell there'll be weeping national teeth you ought to see how evil is now to make you don't want to go where he believes that no way i want to live somewhere forever intolerable that no way i want to go somewhere and god can't even hear me praying because he won't be there no i see enough how evil is him now to see what hell in life god wants you to experience it to get a touch of what it's really going to be like if you go there look at somebody and tell i thank god i'm not going to hell i may catch hell but i'm not going there that light flickers mean i got to quit i want you to hear me why you suffer you suffer sometimes because god wants to show you he's able to keep you in it it's not what you're going through it's what you're going to why is god allowing this thing to happen to saints breaking the ground you can't grow nothing if you don't break the soil god wants you to grow in grace he got to break the ground you cannot get a pecan if you don't crack it you can't get some stuff until you crush it i understand now you can look at that nut all day i sure want that water now and that walnut said i'm inside this shell and if you want it i'm not breaking over because you hollow my top top y'all thanks speaking in tongues i was a crack to share you think because you got the gift of speaking tongue god ought to just come do whatever you say no god said it's a struggle the anointing the more anointing on you greater the price you've got to suffer for christ's sake god is breaking the ground for you to grow god is pruning cutting some stuff off you when things don't go your way so you can loom fully blue god is allowing you to get out of your comfort zone to think he's just your heavenly bell boy that all he's gonna you need god for is a blessing things must be wow thank you lord for this revelation god had to let us go through hell and suffering to know what it liked to get healed to know what it liked to be appreciated when he healed you god had to let you go through things and let things go bad so when you come out you'll say god did this god had to let you go through suffering so you know who god is the doctor didn't heal you god did he may have used that medicine god delivers you things you depended on didn't do this the prayers of the sex did [Music] uh how are you gonna how are you gonna come in here and shout right unless you caught hell i know why some of you are against people who shout and run up and down the aisle you haven't been through nothing but if you've been all that sick brad and the doctor said you only have a few days to live and god bring you up you're going to come out of that bed and say i give god the glory i can't be quiet i must praise him he let me live through this and you didn't do this god did and i give him the glory if i have to run up and down the ass and shout hallelujah i'm not ashamed some people think some people thought you'd put it on but they weren't there when you were struggling they don't know i don't know what it like to have cancer and going through treatment and weak losing weight but i can imagine that i got some cancer survivors and you talk you think they're going to be quiet when they see so many didn't make it and they came out praising god you need to be quiet and let them praise god you didn't do that god is showing his glory god is short in power god is showing up able how would you know god is able if you didn't go through it [Applause] see all all this suffering we go through proves who's the real you the real you coming out when you suffer you either going to come out with the devil or you will come out praise it [Applause] god cannot afford to let you think you got to heaven now he got to let you suffer so you will appreciate heaven when you get there [Music] [Applause] i got a quick but i i didn't even get that a verse [Music] that's what paul has said i reckon that the suffering that word recommended i counted i counted i calculated you got to sit down and get a calculator calculate what all god did and when you calculate yes i lost my job and yes i i lost my home uh yes i i lost my health let me calculate but when i calculate and i add all this stuff up i reckon that the suffering of this present time are not worthy to be compared with what i'm going to get is not what i'm going through it's what i'm going to when i get to heaven when i get through all of this just one moment in god's kingdom they're gonna pay for it all just one moment when i get to heaven they're gonna pay for it out because what i'm going through and when i get through it and get to it i'm gonna thank god it happened it put me over these it gave me a testimony because when i get to heaven there's a land of no more no more pain no more crime no more death no more sickness no more the suffering i'm going through it's taking me too what i want forever but when i get to heaven all this we're going through gonna make sense you just wait until you get to heaven when i get to where i'm going then you're going to say lord i'm so glad you let me suffer and the lord's going against why i found out what your power is [Music] i found out what you were doing with me i found out when you let me suffer i would glorify your name in my pain said oh did you catch it now i know now lord what did you learn you wanted a witness you can't witness that you don't know god said i wanted a witness out of you and when i let you go through all that and i didn't let nothing happen when i let you go through all this and you didn't die well i let you lose your car and you still got your legs when i let folks turn their back on you and you made it without them i'm showing you my power i didn't take you out of it i kept you in it [Music] i needed a witness [Applause] you can't glorify god in nothing if you don't see the end justifies the means [Applause] when i was in college that's a big worry the end justifies to me when you get to the end you're going to find out what it all meant god can't reveal it yet paul saw heaven and when he saw it there were words he couldn't describe watched it came back and god slapped the thorn on him what when he was gonna tell everybody i were worried when i saw what god let me peep and see and god slapped a thorn on it instead of letting the man talk about it god's not unless you shut up so you don't get caught up in yourself i gave you a peep not the view [Music] it's going to be worth it for the saints not for the angst your time now are you saying this on your time now but my time is out the wild [Music] your time now but my time is out the wild or lettums he begged for the calms of the floor now the rich man is knocking at ladders door no time now but my time is after a while [Music] that's all i got i'm over my time i could have said a lot more why we suffer it caused what god has for us is going to be worth it i don't think some of us realize don't think about it the best is the last god know what he has for us but what's so unique about this you got to get this this thing what we're going through now is just temporarily [Music] but where we're going is permanent i'd rather i'd rather go through all my hell and trouble now so when i get there i won't see it no more you won't see none of this when you get to heaven forever miss crawford scared me about hell and what makes me happy about heaven is the word forever i want to go to hell because it's forever can you imagine forever somebody ought to repent right now if you miss heaven and go to hell it's forever i can't conceive of something being forever i'll give you a little tip of it forever is like taking a teaspoon and emptying the atlantic ocean and putting it somewhere else that would be the beginning for forever if you can take a teaspoon and enter the atlantic ocean and put it somewhere else that's the beginning or forever now think about one teaspoon how long you want to dip in that that's the beginning of forever and if you go to hell laugh at us talk about us all you wish when you go to hell god won't even be there so you're going to be crying to die and can't die you're going to burn and won't burn health i don't want to go to heaven you better come on in now you may laugh at us now but one day you won't be laughing we will be going through something because we can take it when you know where you're going to i mean i don't care what you you might look you may get caught up in traffic and everything messing with you you'll sit there in it because of where you're going to you'll tolerate the traffic you tolerate everything because on your mind hey i'm going to a party and it's going to be fun what makes you tolerate all that traffic i'm going to something so when you know what god has for you it'll make you go through this stuff i got two sermons on when you're going through something you take that sermon on youtube and listen to it when i sat in a chair and said when you're going through something what to do when you're going through something listen to that one and come back and get this one paul said i when i calculate it where i'm going it's going to be worth all of it and i don't have time to tell you but what makes you go through this as a christian you've been adopted that's right i'm joining i've been adopted you'll be surprised know how many people you probably know how many people that are important who were adopted eleanor roosevelt was adopted babe ruth was adopted he was the president of south africa the black man maybe who was the first president of south africa black who mandela do you know mandela was an adopted child babe ruth adopted that some of the most famous people in the world were adopted raised up because in the bible teaching when you are adopted into a family you were as good as the one that was originally raised so when that person died you get paid part of the share that's right because two witnesses came there and somebody said who you are we don't know about you being adopted two women say i was there they were adopted and they can they have to spread it all out with you god is saying since you've been adopted whatever i got i got to spread it with you sometimes it's better don't get mad at me it's better to be raised in a mother's heart than to be raised in a mother's womb you can carry that baby in your womb but can you carry it in your heart and a lot of people carry you in the womb but you're not in the heart there are some better parents adopted you than the parents than the children that they had and you're also chosen i think about this morning when i come here i knew i was chosen i i got to thinking about something i didn't want to talk about nobody wasn't going to church but my mother and i'm five years old i remember five years old when i went to little rock baptist church on easter morning i was just five years old my oldest sister took me and my baby brother to easter service because my mother was primitive babson they didn't go into missionary baptist church my mother primitive baptists want her to come in here we don't believe what they believe and she wouldn't go to our churches but she would send us on easter to little rock baptist church right up street where we were born and i remember sitting there i can't forget it that little boy and that preacher got that reverend westbrook i won't forget him 55 years ago or more 60 years ago and he was preaching about jesus died and i was sitting there a little boy i couldn't even put my feet wouldn't even hit the floor and something ran over me and i went to shake hand with my baby my sister looks at you all right timmy yes yes ma'am i saw that preacher preaching jesus died and rose from the dead i didn't think nothing about it then when i got around nine years old i started preaching that and i would preach the sick people and i would tell them don't tell my friend i can preach and i close my eyes go to preaching and people in a sick room after i remember preaching to a lady in the sick room i closed the door and everybody was going i went to preacher and she got the shouting in the bed and i opened my eyes i said please don't tell my friends i'm a preacher they're laughing me and she just screamed and then the daughters came mama what's wrong she said lord a little boy just walked out here preaching she died the next day and i think about it when i went to raw street i just found the old lady man at pearl she's 99 years old he called me last month his pearl is living i said what the lady who first was reading me the bible when i was 11 years old my pastor's wife is still 99 years old and got worried tell little timothy i'm still alive i can't wait i lost the number she gave me and she looks good she's i'll be 100 years old soon i can't wait to get out and find the woman who read the bible to me when i was 11 years old she had to do with reading and i'd get up and preach it and i look back at all those years when i preached my trial sermon at 10 years old 11 years old at that little church wall street baptist church my chapel is not even that big bernie's nose about it called me another day i know about that church we were in the family wow she took me way back i said i was chosen i didn't pick this with nobody in the house to get it from ain't no daddy preacher no brother well nobody preached i don't know if a fleming was nowhere as a preacher i'm glad i was chosen for it i can't do nothing but preach i'm like the great spurgeon said he was glad that god chose him when he was in his mother's womb because if god had let him come out the womb and see how it was he would have never chose it preacher's probably laughing y'all be glad god picked you in the mother's womb because after coming out there he probably wouldn't have picked him all right let him stand some of you have been chosen to go through stuff yeah i've been thanking the law for somebody like sister crawford not calling a woman or god a pure woman of god who just you don't never hear saying that negative about nobody she don't turn nobody away she'll love you no matter what overhead more like that yeah and bragg's on her husband builds up old knuckleheads that's my baby all right as a child of getting blessed you see that keeps a man going she'll brag on him in front of everybody y'all tell your husband love you don't tell him in secret no children that's his child god sometimes doesn't give you children to show your greatness [Music] how many children you birth and i'm sure a lot of them she's birthed and laid hands on it make it be into each other not just a child you all don't realize somebody don't have children you know how much hell they can be take you to your grave i want children are you ready for hell look at what god is using you for not what you don't have but what you got he bringing out something in you you probably would never have through suffering i can't i don't know how i'm preaching this but i want to open the door to church do you like me teaching i later typed on facebook when our teachers just said well i'm so glad he didn't haul her [Music] and i i would like to tell her back what you need to keep listening one day you won't be glad i hope i don't and when i get happy it's just what you raised here i would raise around those type of preachers is what you were raised in i'm not against people who don't who just want me to teach i'm not against people who like me to celebrate because celebrate it's a culture you mean i like it but somebody else likes it everybody not like you and i can't preach just please you i'm gonna get happy sometime and sometimes i'm going to teach and that's what i'm turning into the pandemic the change your pastor to give more teaching and get into people hard and that's what i'm doing didn't know i had this gift will you join the church now will you give your life to jesus right now and when you say well pastor i can take my suffering now when i know what god is bringing out of it through me okay it's not what i'm going through is what i'm going to and i understand sabrina when she was going down some form of cancer and how god see i said what is your birth realm i've been through something yeah that is that hurt over there there she is and pastor right now he is preaching great verses that you might want to tell him bob said pastor this is my verse will you preach it while i'm on it all right just tell bobby let her know and give him his chapter and reverse what you want and if god leave me i'll expound on it i'm open to the georgia church now it's time for us to go praise god from whom all blessings flow let me get out of here now i'm supposed to be out i'm 10 15 minutes late i'm sorry [Music] all right just got a little personal today praise god remember all blessings all blessings [Music] oh creatures [Music] oh oh man [Music] while i'm in this verse next sunday if god be for us who can be against us still in the book of romans see you next week you
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 4,396
Rating: 4.7818184 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Timothy Flemming Sr, MCBCATL, ATLANTA CHURCH, PREACH, AMEN, Standing Series, Praise Move, God's Strength Records
Id: 4K549Pmqrc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 25sec (4585 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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