Gmod FNAF | The Mythical Bikini Chicken

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oh hey dude oh maybe my flinch uh well first of all I was check thank you for that we have my friends over for a sleepover oh no one over all right and well we in my plan I mean am i fine for wondering if we could go outside and play oh yeah sure what the frig that noise hey I think that's 900 is all good grandma fell down the stairs again so oh yeah yeah you look you go up wait wait a minute what time is it what time did oh it's still day oh yeah yeah you're looking so guilty coach that blood just just get home before dark don't go outside during dark yeah yeah yeah yeah we won't go outside during dark yeah yeah but it's dark out and it's right oh yeah yeah oh come on guys let's go outside and play before it gets dark yo y'all better be home before dark cuz I need to feed you supper grandma doesn't like them when I don't feed you I think it's find out feeding y'all okay guys come on let's go outside and play I don't really want guys I said cool man yeah man don't be such a loser oh shut the door guys it's really dark and scary outside but it's not that dork I mean it could be slightly darker but I mean it's probably fine what but he gave your dad can we just go outside while it's dark shut up man look I've never I've never gone outside during the dark show it's not that bad boy it's really scary what are you afraid of the dark yeah man come on man come for you to become a man yeah what he said well what are we going outside I mean what are we gonna do oh no we're gonna go explore in the woods huh my my dad never lets me go into the woods and the Hubble or scurriers what's out there so oh yeah yeah man come on well you got you guys sure you you think this is a good idea not telling your dad about where we are just can't what if we get lost or something we're not gonna get I live here I know where we're going as long as we go in one direction and then if we come back in the same direction we'll make it back home now we're not gonna be gone for too long so come on I just want to go explore are you sure we should do it be doing this during the night while it's raining and thundering and stuff it's just shut up already come on man let's stop being such a wimp just be glad you got invite us to this oh okay well yeah come on guys it's time for us to become men into to man up so that way we can fight her bullies okay yeah yeah we gotta find our bullies okay yeah come on guys oh yeah yeah or it guys oh-oh-oh it kind of figured there would be a lot more out here than just the woods I mean there guys come over here uh only I can still see a house from here stop worrying about getting lost we know where we're going yeah but guys sits there's nothing really out here in the woods I was kind of expecting something better something uh you know the woods are kind of this is actually kind of boring so we should go back home hmm hey we could play hiking chic yeah they'll be Olson to play on see what oh that's a terrible idea reaching at play hide you seek oh come on man come on we should play hide and seek yeah we should play hide and seek you know what it's just being such a crybaby buddy how about you you um you count to ten and then you come find us what oh my go will you play go mmm oh you know what fine since you're being a baby powder I'll count to ten actually I'll get I'll give you a few more second you all count to 20 all right I'll count right here you'll go hide one you're all right come on man we gotta go - okay I gotta find somewhere to hide behind a tree aha wait for me five six seven twelve thirteen yeah where'd you go where'd you go Oh weird foxy go foxy oh I think I'm lost 20 red you know you reckon all right to tell by their footsteps they definitely went over here somewhere when I wear with a foxy spring-trap where you hide it oh I feel sure you're alright dang it oh you caught me y'all but I'm afraid that's that's not the main point here did you keep you down though we will Frank you made me scream so would I mean it oh yeah I guess it would be better Springs I've heard no fight fight fight fight what do you want Frank Frank Frank there's somebody in the woods what I mean it's probably just it's probably just spring-trap don't worry about it don't become a scaredy cat to know we're not afraid I'm actually beat come here look Oh what what there's somebody over there I could see you shadow somebody it's probably just the branches on the trees stop worrying about Freddy I'm scared I'm scared for anything I'm scared come on oh okay I think I think we should go back home come on man it's still beating sense of what the first spring-trap no you cool man huh well I mean I I will I mean I am kind of a wimp but I'm not I'm lectures a wimp at spring try me oh I wish mr. Wigglesworth was was here who the Frick is mr. Wigglesworth he's my teddy bear you'll have a teddy bear hello little loser well he's alive and he's the only family I've left we would Oh teddy bear come on foxy a teddy bear can't be your brother oh he's the only family I have left wait what do you mean like my family is dead oh boy are you serious yeah that's why I came to hang out cuz I have nowhere else to go oh well then [Music] what was that sound I don't know cool hmm come on foxy I'm sure it's nothing let's go confront this right Freddy I think there's a bad idea I think we just need to find screen shop and get out of here it's bully I'm sure sweet you're fine come on come on wait Frankie what is that ain't got spring-trap go doing it don't worry about it come on let's go investigate here oh where am I oh we're spring I actually have to find spring-trap springy oh he's over here somewhere I hit him too well and I can't find it where's spring-trap I think Oh a net were springing we're spring-trap pretty foxy over the free I lost spring-trap that are I'm blind and he's just camel I'm serious oh I can't do this I can't do this I'm going back home I'm going back from Freddy house I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this yeah oh boy wait wait wait direction with the house in oh oh no I think I've lost Frankie Bucky where are you guys oh they're scared it'll only no worse than ours oh come on foxy let's go come on come on it's nothing come on it come on over here foxy okay I see guys guys wait up for me what is that thing bollocks see it's [ __ ] you're right I think that is somebody but so is clarity looks at Bullock see all right Freddy Freddy we should go home we should go home who would about spring trip don't worry about home we should go home I'm out ding trees or we should go home you know let's go home let's go home let's go home let's go home oh no I know what now let's go home forget fighting the bullies I'm going on boy wait where Freddy Fox you go oh no you did you I you didn't see that you're our what was that noise hey which one of you 10 kids broke the freaking freaking window with your baseball bat I'll be the baseball all right here's your monster in the woods wait where's Freddy look Freddy we're ready to go Freddy mmm Freddy where are you Freddy dang it did you freakin Freddie Oh Freddie what's going on pochi Freddy did you throw a fall to you at the window - holy Frick it's night what did I tell you kids Oprah is there a solar eclipse freaky happen out there Cory come on kids inside right now it's stormy a thunder got freakin dang it why does this pretty you freakin didn't fix yourself it's always this one this one just did it just do it again no Boyd this is not the right way and it broke why does it do this where's the house where's the that's the lamppost here's that okay got where Freddie get up Oh Joe here belch baguette Oh hit that tree ow oh my head hurts Frank well with the futures helping mr. Freddy's dead oh look pretty good wait why wait then who are you oh no I just like company that's all what anyways mr. here there's a monster in the woods eh a shrink I didn't get you to Freddy what the monster the woods oh oh hey oh all right let me get my shotgun oh no way oh come on little Timmy take this pistol wait wait a guy we're gonna go foot we're gonna go a Bigfoot hunting or smexy hunting come on little kitten let's go into the night and hunt down this monster can I just stay in the house you can if you're a wimp I am a win I'm a wimp what did you do come on kids let's go look dad I think I left my keys in there okay kid open the door I can't go through the windows because I'm Cupid dang she's freakin kitchens locked me on my house oh let me go take care of this monster so that way stop being so scared and where'd that monster go what we're did it kill yo wait where did which this sup are talking about this map is that is actually hard to find people well let the hunt begin okay the monster way let's see I saw a little Freddie over to your boy Freddie I'm going to save you Freddie where are you if you hear me make some type of sound got my shot going but if there's a Milan start here I'm gonna shoot you dang it way to go well just take forever to find him hurry up I wanna go home oh he's just stupid watch for that bull gone too far hmm wait a minute I know what I could use let me just take this bulb off of here and let me get my trusty dandy dandy lamp lamps and dupa do oh wait that's the lamp and dupa dupa and trusty lamp I got my trusty lamp there we go that's why I thought it was day I forgot I had this thing oh I know that I got this spotlight I can actually see everything or into the woods I go oh wait I think I see something on over here hmm it's the monster where's my sugar be good monster Oh freak I missed hey hey get back here with little Freddy I don't want to be responsible for losing another child this week well get back here with the freak of those sounds what the Freak Freddy I just saw them go flying through the sky come out with your hands up oh you're gonna reload come out come out with your hands up where are you demon show yourself now where's the lamp force the freakin lamp and why does your freaking much free content the freakin freakin break here we go all right tonight wait hang on wait let me tonight I just got rid of towards Freddie's lamp whoopsies and then no collided everything ignore that oh where am I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there is it the monster spring-trap swings rap oh you're still alive the monster the monster y'all I told you I saw a monster too it's a big scary monster out in the woods I know did you see a very scary scary monster away from him there are what the heck are get away from him you demon muncher our stay away from him oh heck no shoot my my my expensive lamp ran out of double-a batteries oh well I guess that's what I get for using double-a batteries instead of D batteries but uh the wall way way way way I'm just gonna oh look it's working again now where am I Oh Shh like Dudley I got mylanta Ward's uh-huh freak stupid baggers freaky no I'm just going home well guys I couldn't find the monster so Oh yar get away you monster dang you use oh damn you damn you stupid cities look I made a Tang you use like you just don't you get off my lawn get off my property leave these poor children alone they're the only people who've cared about me in centuries and I will not let you take them away like you okay I'm okay what about you me Jeff look three you okay I think I think I I think I'm sure I like iced wait where's Freddie we'll have you seen pretty you know if y'all haven't seen Fred last do you know the multi-cylinder with Freddie afraid I saw him where is he he's by the lamppost she was trying to you know and I screamed and I just dropped it everybody but I think he's still out there by that lamppost oh heck okay your kids stay here lock the doors and only open if it's me okay I'll be right back I'm gonna go get Freddie okay come on spring-trap got a bear cage place after scared come on man we gotta do something here I'll always lock the door oh okay okay by the lamppost I know what lamppost is talking about it's that really creepy one over here oh oh voice Freddie they're gonna find him Oh boop boop boop I'm gonna save the toddler's ten nights [Music] or the where the Frick is the lamp that's the that Oh oh you stupid chiken get away from him fruity run my leg I'm let me get out of your room you stupid monster go away go away you spooky monster begun spooky monster I'm warning you hey my bullets don't work it's too sexy oh wait where'd the Frick did Freddy go [Laughter] [Music] Garr what it's the monster who's there you're Freddie can't you meet Olivia oh heck sorry Freddie wait wait wait wait you have to fight the monster right now oh we should probably stay in here wait for him to get back okay are you okay you need anything well you're right we shouldn't play we shouldn't be men we should just be wimps we should never go out I'm scared of the dark forever else oh they put my ear my ear my wittle ear we gotta go shake my leg like I think I broke my leg to a limp all the way here really birds oh yeah I feel kind of me up - I feel bruised up your I think we need to go talk to the hospital mm-hmm-hmm I hope you get a toy for any case back soon [Music] [Music] [Music] your Gallardo monsters outside the monsters outside your get the table somebody get the table look I got their Gator wind-up you don't weigh much your go [Music] yeah okay you okay wake up Winkle ah alright what is happening you're I'm calling the police I share just calm please the people which is 9y Moy Ling Ling Ling Ling hello hello what's your emergency uh-huh oh there's uh there's your mind there's monster outside in the wind Oh a little child do you have an adult or somebody you could put on the phone oh good he's waking up uh yeah yeah just give me one chance give me what I yeah oh oh oh oh oh oh I take it Stoics hello he's still there I'm still here I think I broke the phone no huh it's your case oh okay oh oh boy don't worry about me I got ya I got the police on the phone and tell them what happened sure they don't believe that there's a monster in the woods oh hello hello this name online what's your emergency oh you know there was a there's a sick she would stir out in the woods and it's it was attacked me in these three children in oh no Appy we won the date they hung up they frickin hung up oh my gosh Oh doing it took my freakin clothes God dang it stupid six Eastwood's monster dang you oh dang alright well let's try let's try to go too slow actually I don't think we're gonna fall asleep oh dang it I just wanted to come here for a vacation mr. hugs would have said that this mr. hood said I needed a vacation and whatever and when I did all my clothes got stolen now I have these injured children oh I can't have injured children on my hands all right kittens uh I'll take you all to the hospital to my old job you all off at this at the hospital tomorrow and I won't come back to pick you up because you none of y'all are my children I don't know why your he'll I mean I appreciate the company but ya know I'm gonna drop you off at the hospital one big dip my freakin float well pretty much most aware until I'm gonna have to find a way to get my clothes back good dang stupid human oh all right kittens uh try to try to I mean actually I know you can't rest or maybe we can find out a bedtime story here so I don't know oh no you're just gonna be okay kids I don't I'm never gonna go out into the door to get I learned my lesson I learned my lesson just let the punishment be over with oh yeah I told you we should've gone out in the woods look though I'm sorry I should've listened to you no I am wish mr. Wigglesworth was here but he said he had to go to tend to something I hope mr. Wigglesworth is in its doing something better right now cuts to mr. Wigglesworth in like a strip club or something oh well well at least we have each other at least nobody died oh yeah that's a good sign the least there wasn't any death in this Oh ticking noise Oh Jericho de solution oh oh you fell asleep all well well guys um I guess we're gonna go to a hospital in a while well what should we do after in the hospital I don't know I know what we should do after after you're back we go to the hospital tomorrow why what we should all get therapy yeah I agree me too we we need therapy AHA yeah yeah well hopefully the night gets over soon oh so then all the kittens fell asleep and in the next morning they all they all hopped in the white van to go to the hospital so yeah but legend has it that the smexy beautiful mythical bikini chicken compact chica is still out there in the woods and maybe one day maybe one day not sexy just mmm just the nice curves and just everything you might see about her maybe one there yeah it's rumored that one day she will find a way out of her prison find her away find a way to climb over the fence and escape the fence and then go out into the real world will this be the last time we see of the mythical bikini chicken No this is only the beginning
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 530,547
Rating: 4.8047686 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Roleplay, RP, FNAF World, Adventure, Forest, Scary, Toy Freddy, Hot, Sexy, Toy, Chica, Mythical, Bikini, Chicken, Compact
Id: LfhqBDUwZYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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