Gmod FNAF | Hide & Seek With The FNAF 2 Toy Animatronics!

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[Laughter] so some more animatronics think they can just escape the pizzeria and they think they can just run away yeah well not on my watch not on my watch I'll find them I'm gonna find them in to be able to find them I must bring out the most advanced vehicle of all no not the glitch trap mobile but the other good vehicle or whatever bbbb bleep yes yes the the door merge mobile yes we must I must use this vehicle because I am having the track down the toy in atronics and well see this is a Theodore Murch mobile and you're probably wondering how the Frick a second help me we'll see Theodore here is a little toy he's a little a little toy and I've to find the toy animatronics so it's the perfect collection and I'm a dragon backing I'm a UH this is the pizzeria uh as you can clearly see see look at this this this sign right here look look at what it says the pizza place see this is the oh wait um Frick [Music] there we go see it's the finale pizza place this is where the toys go and I have to I have to UM and see it's a lovely place see it has a it has a nice door and yes I have to bring the toys back home cuz they got lost in the woods oh noes oh no track them down so yes let the search begin so um so here I got my list I'm pretty sure it's all these guys and I will track them down every last one of them and I will bring them home yet again see they sent me after the other hand trunk so BAM I'm back again to look for more so on yeah I mean the the new and the new merch and the thetour remote merch mobile civil you know see if I can track down some some kittens today alright let's see I see a kidding hey get down from there if you don't get your theater I mean I'm gonna get your thetour March here today you want some Theodore Theodore merch joke's on you I got a grenade Oh Frick I hopefully didn't hit the little kids that were playing outside oh hey get down from there I got a gun Frick I have to go up there and touch myself oh I I mean come down and get your Theodore merch um hey I'll just uh go up there and I'll freakin on okay come on okay but since you're out where is it beautifu do you uh-huh here's this little toy think she can run and hide well not on my watch um give me that give me a door give me a door yes ouch I need a door for this one hey get down from there but it get poked get get down all right oh my legs dang freaking okay we're gonna have to go with the new strategy here hang on let me let me take the thetour mobile hang on beep beep back it up back her up and then go for it go forwards go forward oh my gosh dude automobile there and stuff okay wait you're on that I needed the door okay we'll use toofan app for door right here hang on let me just hop on it okay give me the door okay where's the stupid thing at where is it okay hey hey get back get down get down back back bad spider get off my wall dime ouch okay okay I did it I caught me a spooky spider a spooky spooky spider look at this spooky spy ah it's alive kill it kill it oh my head that didn't go according to plan um okay we just got it okay um is it I think it's dead I mean it's securely alive it's not dead I'd never kill anybody okay let's just get the rope and let's tie it up to the car in living room it's a life we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go with the life it's gonna touch me touch me engage thrusters ouch guys dang it what'd I do I'll freak I missed um your hang on let me yeah there you go now we're off to go off to go we got to go out Oh Frick come on come on we don't have time to screw around stupid mercs mobile yeah you want Landon Landon no yes back her up BAM we're back all right olks don't worry guys I have to I had to run it over like 12 tons to make sure it died get out from the fuel and go feel you don't merge mobile hey all right getting your cake in your cage out in your kick no get in there how do you make a ramp pretty it's gonna run away give me my door collection there we go now get off Rick it's trying to attack you back damn it great Oh Frick Frick what'd I do okay I put it in the cage quick wake it up wake it up though go ahead get in your stupid cage no not like this get back first in your cage in there in your prison cell yes good oh that's one down out of many more to go oh boy you alrighty let's continue the search to find the toys and to bring them home like here we go boys alright um hey all right we're off to find another spooky animatronic well where could it be though Oh Frick okay turn oh my gosh this thing is not good at turning okay where am I I can't see no I don't want to go to the stars can't see get see ya God dang it let me see I can't see where I'm going where am I at oh there I am oh I got to continue this search okay let's park the thetour mobile right yeah oh it took me I always take a detour ow Oh alright let's see is anybody inside this building hmm I mean oh there's floors to this building well guys got a good thing I brought my trusty portal gun again this helped out last night okay let's see here dupa dupa dupa shoot what anything I said I said let's shoot one you I I did it I got mad skills yo Oh brick okay where am I oh no I'm stuck okay um that one wait what ah come on come on work with me we're so close oh wait oh wait um aha I did it where am I at level three okay still nothing um sir even oh no there's probably somebody up here oh let's go boys the search continues oh oh there could be someone in one of these caddies you know okay no one's on the fourth level I'll let's keep going Rick come on okay let's see oh oh oh very scary level five okay I think this is too Matt maybe someone could be on top wait let's look around and look at the other buildings stare so anybody any spook ohms that I can see from here okay I don't see any spook there could be someone in there yeah let's uh let's set a trap let's go ahead and walk over here real quick let's let's make good use of our time anybody in here who's Brody who no okay I just gotta um what do I got I got a sniper okay gotta reload and uh I got a quick show hang on I got reload he's dead oh no there was a shadow walk time to kidnap him in the shadow already what's easier let's uh destroy this dude down there all probably broke his bones Oh Frick I should have thrown him in the cake now he's gonna run away get in the cage okay I often do that later here was the shadow one let's see yes more children for Michael I mean more animatronics back home safe and sound get over there Ulfric oh well his neck is broken okay let's just go back wait hang on I can see is there anyone in the cubby oh there's someone in the Cubbies gotta get where's my portal gut I got a snipe him all right all right I'm here to snipe the president all right I have I have him I can see him oil and sea are gonna kill this bystander all right here we go boys wait do I have any ammo yeah okay all right nice day and a lovely day oh boy oh wait free fall no you didn't follow me stupid King not to go portal gun over there portal gun portal gun hey there mister dietbody go ahead and jump off the building Oh a little spiffy fella well time to jump and jump yay wait I'm gonna break my ankle it's not this time I almost broke my ankles Oh No okay um brick uh-oh ah-ha there we go all right little boy oh you're coming with me yeah drag you back there's no escape there's no escape uh-huh I caught a dead little boy in my trap huh [Music] Ono's yeah quick getting your cage out dang it you little prick dick it's stupid stupid head God get in your prison cell that's right this is your new home now this is your new Peter I mean oh yeah yeah yeah and see look everyone get inside and um everyone sit by the table see there's um there's tables inside see see this is a pizza place you got your um your finaiiy Buhl's you got um got some more tables maybe yeah yeah yeah we'll just put this right here Oh get-get out in there see it's a pizza place y'all and then we got the UM the enchantment table everyone knows and loves that in the finale and then oh we need the the music box I mean yeah there's of course the music box you know for the UM for the pup all yes the music box right here yes oh that's no that's the enchanting book um we have a music a music box no we need something different something different something different okay we have the I mean the dead-ball I mean the other toys not the not the dead bodies um oh yes the puppets music the puppets music box right here alright puppet get inside your music box um yeah Derek there we go alright so I brought four I've gotten I've gathered four of the animatronics I've brought in them home they're now safe and sound oh good for them alright let's see where do i bleeped a hall it left it all the way up there I don't want to walk all the way over there get it all right there might be somebody at the top of that building I didn't get the check that out so where's my portal gun I think I need to do an orange hallway no I killed myself so BAM yes all right and oh oh I almost fell and broke my ankle spinner okay let's see Church um how are we gonna do this aha BAM are anybody up here anybody want to get killed so scary peppers that's a good reason to jump off a building okay I think I need a little break I forgot my portal gun dawg okay we're gonna have to oh my gosh dude is a spooky monster all right let's go through the portal oh no oh dang it stupid portal okay let's see dupa dupa phone oh okay oh god dang it okay all right here let's uh just go over here alrighty and then um okay there's depatment oh no oh no oh no oh no but connected to that building yeah you know what screw you mr. fat man we're gonna go through the next building alright what's over here oh okay be on the lookout somebody could kill you at any minute get the RPG for this one there could be anybody around one of these corners Oh scary hey somebody around this corner Oh everybody's over here there's somebody in the corner No in this corner no I'm very scared okay I see you mister person over there okay wait how do I get over here oh yes wait and then let's do instead of BAM uh-huh alright our boys were back we got to snipe him wait where's my sniper rifle give me my sniper that's not a sniper that's bubble gun he hit the fat person needs bubble look okay okay alright he's not gonna expect it alright we're gonna shoot bubbles in his face all right here we go boys taste a bubble oh no I fell off the building again Oh No hey bubbles Oh No okay all right guys you know I'm tired of using my stupid portal gun it's very inefficient so we're gonna we're gonna make a rocket chair I'm gonna yeah you know that's what we're gonna do we're just gonna build a rocket chair real quick yeah give me give me this no we're build a rocket platform okay we're gonna attach the thrusters to this and we're gonna go flying okay let's see let's get a thruster on this bad boy where's my thrusters at so that way we can just build like a platform it's like an elevator yeah see we're gonna make an elevator so I can just get up there really quick instead of using my stupid portal gun oh wait what'd I do okay I mean a portal this and let's make it max and then you know like you mean me a big boy through that big boy thirst oh that's my boy thruster alrighty here we go boys all right off to get you mr. fat man let's go away fruit let's go oh free let's go brick [Music] oh that's why okay here hang on sorry I got my calculations wrong I was like Weisenberger okay after a few maintenance worked I finally fixed my my elevator alright let's go boys y ou break my elevator oh my god dang it I just want to make that person smell my fingers is that too much to ask for all right you know what do we need a when you get our minecraft blocks a baguette no it's just for one person to know what is this thing I don't even know um mark here get me up there again oh okay screw I'm getting the you know we're using the second version of the elevator without the thruster where basically we just take this and we used to physics gun okay BAM throw this down I said throw it down on the floor okay dang your stupid fault bastard this is not how gravity works all right here we go boys all right let's go don't wait yeah I can fly I can fly oh no I'm flying away from the building okay just wait this right yes Oh Fred oh no I like oh oh oh we're gonna land in the Hall of telephones oh I did it Oh and there that's gonna descend okay all right um let's just let's just shoot this dude I should have earlier of Kapow [Music] yeah I got it reload God make sure he's dead the building will see you dang I wasn't quick enough I couldn't save the poor little boy oh no all right well it's time to add another I mean another child I mean another feed or you know somebody stole the feed or merge mobile and they didn't even take the merge God dang it all my little friend it's okay okay we got this dude it doesn't matter about him just throw him over there come on little Fedor oh I'm so sad I'm so sad that the merge mobile got stolen someone stole the merge mobile I'm so sad okay I'm gonna throw you right there oh I just threw him off the building whoops I hope that's still fallen see that's again that's not how gravity works but okay come on little come on little chubby child back to the place you go bonk bonk we will flip out hope he's having a stroke that's okay all right little Theodore um you get to be the guard of this place and you just get to sit right there okay there you go all right hey okay I think he's starting to wake up oh here don't worry don't worry guys I know exactly I know exactly what to do in this case you just leave a trail of McDonald's Big Macs and you'd be like hey yeah just yeah there you go so you'll sniff it out you be nao come into my trophies look you sniffing it now look at him like oh yes yes he's following the trail yes yes Oh is he gonna fall in the cage oh oh no he's having a stroke oh he's stuck oh oh oh he's oh oh he went in the cage let's go boys let's go yeah let's go let's go yeah there we go another child in my van I mean another animatronic safe and the sound at home at the new Freddy fazbear's pizza place yeah alright there we go so we've captured a few children and what the frick are you doing there mister that's okay I don't know free food anyways thank you oh yeah I gotta find the victims I mean the children I mean the the the people to bring home and safe who's here in this corner buddy no nobody's here okay wait I need a better gun I needed some way there defend myself um what's this no no I need a powerful gun hummons if I shoot this oh that seems powerful okay let's get this one in so wait is this it no that's the sword give me this one but yes so I'll charge this up and if somebody's here I'll shoot them anybody in here no one's in here Oh brick Oh God guys there's a little guys look it's a little cha I mean off Rick I forgot to I mean I died in it I forgot to hide the evidence I mean uh I didn't do this I have why would I do this uh Rick you here little little okay um take a look no see it's just a little child I know they were playing on the monkey bars yeah yeah and they got stuck for a while um it's okay little child it's okay you're safe now that's right get in the cage I totally forgot I mean I don't I had no clue that that was right there it's no my finger's oh yeah that's why I should do a little child you want to smell my fingers huh while you're in the cage now so yeah whatever okay tend to find more corpse I mean more chill I mean more people to bring home well let's see somebody hiding on the stairs without paying good spot let's see is anybody over no where are the little pointy wait maybe YUM hey let me get a car cuz I don't like the walk you give me this thing so it's cool yeah all right let's go all right here well all right I'm just gonna go on a stroll today and let's ease anybody over here oh I thought someone could have been in that corner wait do we ever find oh yeah we found that one stupid rabbit man in there all right that buildings clear did we ever clear that this we didn't clear that building over there and we didn't cleared the bill River yet wait a minute oh we didn't do the basement either or the dark room dang you got exploring to do alright first of all let's search in this room I know there's gonna be somebody in this room Oh quick give me the grenades wait don't give me the grenade give me the blaster disaster die balloon boy freak oh my gosh why was the Balloon Boy down there Oh Oh No he's now dead Oh all right come on little boy dang it why can't you been the one that was hanging I mean uh playing on the monkey bars come on come here come here you fat I mean little disappointment all right good thing I made a pit stop so that way I could find this little child I mean this little demon to the strimling Hey get off my bike okay all right time to go home those some cool trick moves but he's not trying to head that direction I almost went into the water almost did it again okay you know what this is stupid boy get off my bike stupid really enjoy my bike break how dare you hit my bike you stupid little get in the cage you can smell my fingers that's it get in the cage I mean getting the pizzeria yeah that's what I meant get in there there we go another another child safe and sound at home I mean tell me how we found we found one two three four five six seven seven have been added to my collection let's see how many are left we have I think we just have one more one more child to bring there's still one child out there that's lost in the world I have to find them alright you let's see they could be in the basement you know what mmm give me my bike there okay we have three places we can search search in the basement slash the dark room we can look in that lot in the last hour or we can look in the water I say we go into the basement let's go boys all right into the basement we do oh snap all right let's see the basement in the dark room turn on the light for this one I mean I can take my bike into the basement yeah bike time apart frick frick frick frick stupid bike guys Daniel I want to ride you um okay nobody's in there oh wait somebody could be down here better give my gonna get my crossbow nobody's down here Oh somebody could be over here um grenade brick that was too close Oh Frick oh wait oh no no put it out Oh Oh Frick wait why I'm putting that 100 rats nobody was down there okay nobody's in the basement um let's see where could somebody else be Oh up there hey put your hands up Oh Frick not camera white put your head god I suck at through grenades oh okay BAM I killed you no you're dead oh wait nobody's up here dang it Oh Frick oh no oh no oh no oh somebody in here guys it's dark and scary I'm gonna find a spooky monster in here oh no hmm well sir spooky monster in the basement I don't think there is there's no spooky monster in the basement there's no spooky monster in the base in the basement alrighty well there we go we've we searched one place now we got um lots more places to go so I gotta hop in the taxi and let's let's go for a ride alrighty let's go bb-bb-bb-bb-bb-bb-bb brick my taxi oh there it goes Oh slow down slow down you're gonna crash and then up well slow down oh oh there it goes um list it and go in the water okay let's see here and somebody could be in that Tower there's no floors to it someone could be inside of it or on one of the balconies I'm thinking either the balcony or inside anybody in nope nobody's up there feel like someone could be in the water poor Shiva - probably search the tethers let's see let's see let's see you know I hear give me my portal gun I'll just um look here I have an idea let's do re Oh Frick I wasn't ready for that Artie let's see is anybody on any signs over here Oh Frick ouch I broke my ankles kinda okay nobody sit over there and oh there's nothing on that side okay well that mysteries been solved go for it alrighty that means that there's the water left Oh what if I do this alright let's go for a swim I get Oh No okay what's this oh the last little child I've brought them home yes come home yes I found the last one you thought you could swim in the water you thought you knew how to breathe underwater well no you're gonna drown you're gonna drown mm-hmm all right come with me you might stick a little friend come here come here yes good all righty oh yes all righty all right come here you'll be safe soon you'll be in a safe flight no that's my door my down to my door get down here oh all right come here yes I've brought all the children home safely there is no escape for you there never was any escape for you [Laughter] I'm gonna grill it yeah all righty I've done it I let strap smell my fingers man has have once again Save the Children and put them into my base I mean I saved them brought him back in their pizzeria yes anyways make sure you look alike cuz that would help me yeah I know made me feel good and if you like maybe I'll spare you I mean I don't know poor Theodore I believe I like to get Fiedler a new merch mobile because somebody stole his other merchants mobile I can't believe someone steal as much mobile but at least everyone got home safely so that's all that matters in the end of the day but hey look look at all the we get all that happy faces now they're so happy to be back home and they're in their cage yes you're so happy they're so happy look at them look at me anyways make sure you leave a like check out the save in the description you're safe now forever
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 1,172,760
Rating: 4.73915 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, FNAF 2, Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Freddy's 2, Five Nights at Freddy's, Toy, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Mangle, Puppet, Balloon Boy, BB, JJ, Shadow Bonnie, Animatronics, Hide & Seek, Hide And Seek, Glitchtrap
Id: l13j72vbvPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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