GM Beth Harmon vs GM Hikaru Nakamura

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i i didn't know you guys you guys you guys i  didn't have a fork thank you if i go knight g6   check there's king g5 and it hits the rook it's a  night it's a draw you guys thank you very much for   that comment thank you it's a draw thank you there  was no other fork yeah if knight d3 white blocks   knight blocks white blocks rick f5 dude come on  let's be serious chad's trying to backseat me all right let's go again we're on the last one   let's play beth harmon 2700 i will  start with white okay let's play e4 not the berlin or not berlin the petra  should i play the cochrane gambit or not   for the memes should i play the cochrane gambit um   no i'm going to play knight c3 let's do let's  just play the uh let's play this no i mean it's   probably losing though it's probably too  shaky let's just take and play bishop d3 fabiano is that you good one let's take did did  let me beat it with the main opening you guys   or was some kind of bunky bunk that was actually  my question let's play this line it's one of the   earliest lines i learned in the scotch opening  i'm gonna go here in bishop c2 let's go here no levee did beat oh i thought  levy beat 2700 bath i thought   wait what oh he didn't beat this one oh i thought  he did oh i guess chad was debating me oh i was   sure that he did oh he didn't beat this one okay  whatever i i thought you guys said he did um okay let's think so if i take and take  there's take and take and check in here   and here and here it's an end game that's good  but is it actually winning is the question um   i don't know but i want to go for it i want  to see just how good this this engine is wait what wait what is queen f2 wait a second  what is queen f2 i did i just blunder this   wait a second this doesn't look right at all oh did i just blunder a draw or something  maybe i go queen b3 but then bishop c6 queen e4 is the move i want to play with  there's f5 but then bishop b3 c4 takes   king h8 and i don't have a good continuation  somehow or do i wave sideways like queen e4 f5   there should be three king h8 queen  e3 queen h4 queen e3 there there   there there there there there there there  okay that's good um 24 g6 24 g6 bishop b3 not so clear um it's only a bot though i mean so i  should just chill go here okay so wait   so now i thought i could throw in a juicer  check and block i checked take the juicer if   the king goes over i go here here here here  there there and it's good and it's winning   see am i right or am i just insane one or the  other okay wait okay but now i check and take   am i insane or am i am i a genius let's  see most likely i'm insane but let's see chuck take i don't understand i'm just like a juicer aren't i what am i missing here i'm just up a juicer  yeah this is just winning i'm just winning here   okay now i just have to not do anything insane  and i'm just gonna win this game let's go check   okay let's go here let's block the juicer  no nonsense this sort of thing earlier i   was blundering against bortnik just like  last time some stupidity stupid trick out   of thin air for no good reason okay so i'm  definitely winning here i am play rook d1   which exchanges exchanging is always a good  thing at this point in time knight c5 feels   cleanly safe but i'm playing an engine so i'm  less likely to play knight c5 although i think   it's just winning with knight e6 96 rookie  8 queen f4 yeah i think it's just winning   okay yeah this is definitely winning so now i just  oh although i gave rick h5 kind of careless of me   okay let's see 96 is obviously moved 96 rookie  8 94 quirk h5 is not trivial although again this   is a jumbo horus on them on e4 i saw that  but i thought i could go knight f2 maybe   oh is there some rook at d2  nonsense now wait okay let's go here   i feel like i'm i don't know what i'm doing  this game because rick d2 i have rookie two   okay yeah luckily it's just yeah this is  just winning now or d1 rook d2 almost created   a checkmate threat but now yeah now i have  too much too much juice let's go rookie one okay let's just push okay yes here we go here  we go win number one win number one so i drew   the 2500 one so that's the only game that  i've messed up so far okay good let's go here let's go here okay let's go here i actually don't know why i'm doing  this i mean this was very easy to win   and it's still winning but like why am  i doing this exactly let's just take   go here this b7 next move  actually work a4 pretty easy should i make it i was thinking  if i should make a bishop there   to win bishop tonight against  king but i'm not going to do it come on beth's resign go check here here there we go all right okay let's go again hopefully the final one um do i want to be solid  or not i think i think actually i'll play hippo   to see how good the ai is in this engine because  if i play the hippo and i get away with it then   like let's do this oh i shouldn't  have done it it's still kind of theory   let's go here let's play e6 roommate just ask what  juicer is a juicer is whatever you want it to be   the juice is the juice we're going to put  the hippopotamus here so these are like the   front hippo teeth you know how it has the  like the the three sets of the teeth this   is like the hippo these are the hippo  teeth so we just play the hippopotamus   okay bad move this is a good start please play d5  in a second i'm gonna try to um how do i do this   let's go here i can't castle so i'm gonna slow  play let's go here i don't know what queen a3 does okay let's go here come on d5 you can  do it d5 i'm joining d5 you can play d5 ugh okay let's just go back whoa okay so so beth is kind of insane   like queen eight like she's like really insane  like she's just sacking for no good reason   uh oh i just blundered oh my god i'm  gonna get smashed by e5 let's go here wait a second is this actually good or not wait   wait a second if i take so here i have bishop e6   e6 i just take wait how good  is this actually this doesn't   look great for white i was sure white was  just winning on the spot no i'm not sure i can also just yeah i can't go there i  can play bishop e6 in 96 maybe or just   e64 king of seven f working g4  rookie eight eight f5 takes takes i feel like i'm close to being okay but  i'm probably not okay you can play bishop   e6 and queen e6 like with king running i  just wasted too much time on my king moves let's see um before let's see okay let's think  96 it's actually very very aggressive it's   the the bot the ai is extremely  aggressive which is kind of surprising i guess i go here because oh i was expecting f4 f4 i was going to go  kingy and rook fv but this looks dubious somehow   this doesn't look precise at all let's go here   oh god there's knight f6 oh yeah yeah  there's knight f6 i didn't even see knight f6 that's okay then i'm just losing let's  go yeah then i'm just losing for sure i   didn't see knight f6 check so i thought i could  kind of plug the dam here and i would be okay yeah i thought i thought i could plug the dam  but it's just it's just lost then yeah then   it's just completely lost i'll try h5 but i'm  i'm going to lose this one yeah let's go here f1 yeah it's just too too little too late here  okay so it's not bad actually it's not bad when   when you provoke it to attack it will attack  it's good to know replace c6 maybe do this it takes i'm about to lose some wow c4 is not the  best move however it's definitely not playing at   a 3200 level because i'm sure that it missed it  missed at least a couple of wins already like like i mean if this is komodo i would have i  would have resigned like 10 moves ago already how lost is this i wonder if i go queen f7 i'm not even sure i'm losing actually  anymore this is weird let me just go here i don't think i'm actually losing anymore if i  play this correctly i can take and go knight f8 oh he's got queen e7 but then work h7 let's go  here this is actually not losing anymore this   definitely isn't losing if i play this correctly  i'm not sure if i can win maybe i can even win now   wow this is insane i actually have winning  chances somehow this is bizarre truly bizarre see complete queen e5 and then queen b3 queen  f7 is still very very tricky queen g3   ah does not make sense king f7 does not make  sense queen e5 does not make sans queen e6   does make sense why am i hissing like a snake um  okay okay um maybe queen e5 is a move then queen   b3 kj queen f7 rook g8 welcome to the world of  streaming you guys i'm starting to lose my mind   i don't know why yeah i'm like hissing  like a snake or something so queen e5 um   okay um uh what am i doing  here why am i losing my mind um i think i'm just gonna move my king  out of the way maybe like king age   eight or something i don't know if it's  good but i'm just like out of the way he's losing it yes i'm definitely losing it you  can tell that for sure um it's very hard to win   this i actually think i'm probably winning here i  bet the computer says this is winning objectively   but proving this is a win or something is  gonna be extremely hard i'm gonna go b5 here okay rook d1 oh that was maybe very stupid of  me actually wait but i can no queen b6 i hang h5   this was actually probably very stupid of  me but maybe oh yeah because now there's   rook d5 oh yeah this was really stupid with me  wait but i can go queen g5 make a draw maybe is there anything else i can do like a4 a4 rook d5  and i guess i can make a draw rook g5 or d8 i mean   so hard to play this queen b2 rook d8  queen c1 rook d1 queen g5 rook d8 queen g58 queen b2 is queen e5 is the move i want  to play and i guess it's just a draw   the question is will she take the draw  will she play something bad and blunder   hmm this is actually probably i bet i bet around  here this is probably winning now i think it's   now i think it's i don't have more than a  draw although i can also go here and there   what about queen b6 what about  just a for the a king g8 maybe   looks very very dangerous but i think it's  worth a shot let's do it oh there's just rook d5   oh whoops it's still just a draw i guess i  think i have to i have to make the draw now let's check yeah let's just draw unless i  can play queen b3 and king g8   it's it's it's for for the  um for the memes let's do it because worst case this should be a draw  i mean worst case absolute worst case   it should be a draw there's no checkmate  right i just take check my block okay um   wait if i take 25 oh man can i win this surely  it knows how to draw rook and knight versus rook   it i mean it must know okay whatever  let's see wait what let's go here wait a second what is it doing is actually  a draw or do i have tricks and chances   wait a second i feel like there should be some way   that i should have some chances here  just to swindle let's go here maybe ah there's queen of two yeah and here i'm trying not to blunder i know i'm very  close to making a blender somewhere in here   okay h7 loses to f7 h8 might no h8  or g7 are the two squares i can go to   oh wait but he just oh she just takes a4 so i  don't actually have a choice i have to go here okay so i mean this pawn is going but my king is  so open here that i probably still can't do much   if i play a3 what is her move though queen f4   queen f4 and then i have no  good shacks um work f6 queen g5 a3 is the move that i desperately want to play  but it does not quite work or does it i have check   check check check to hit but then it's no  good because there's queen f3 at the end   oh man it looks right but i don't see  i don't see it i just don't see it   it's just a draw probably i i  think i have to make the draw now wait but it's still not making it  wait what why is it not making a draw   okay queen b2 it just takes i'm  wondering why does it keep playing on   actually is there something in the algo  that's telling it to play on i wonder um okay checking i i really want to check  somehow and reroute the queen or something   it doesn't look like it works can i  go rook f6 queen g4 here in block or   something doesn't look right i can also go  like rook g3 and queen f7 doesn't quite work i think i have to just make a draw  though i don't really have a choice here wait a queen b2 i just actually waited  did i just blunder queen c4 i think i did   wow i actually just blundered so i wow i just wondered um okay whatever  let's just make the draw let's be save   and go queen five and we'll  start over with the next game i mean surely it knows how to draw this right oh she's programmed not to okay well  let's go here create the right triangle um okay let's go check i mean she's got to take the draw  no maybe not okay let's just go   here let's force the queens off the board i mean this is what i'm saying does  it know that this is a draw or not   like can i actually trick her probably  not right do i waste half an hour trying   to trick her in this end game  or not of course i try okay okay let's go here odds of a fork are extremely low i mean the only way that i can win  this is somehow i mean like i trick it   wait what oh there's nothing  sad very sad okay let's go here i i didn't know you guys you guys you guys i  didn't have a fork thank you if i go knight g6   check there's king g5 and it hits the rook  it's a night it's a draw you guys thank you   very much for that comment thank you it's  a draw thank you there was no other fork   yeah if knight d3 white blocks knight blocks  white blocks rick f5 dude come on let's be serious chad's trying to backseat me exactly  okay now we're going to start over   i'm not going to waste time though  because if if if she knows how to   draw this then like there's really  no point um let's go here maybe yeah there's there's really  no point so i'm just gonna let's cut the king off let's cut the king off let's go here go here let's go 95 next move actually my king  is my king is coming closer as is my knight this is actually wait my king is getting kind of  close now let's go here just check me how hard can   it be wait a second this is actually quite tricky  there there might be some way to win let's go here   i guess it's i can't win yet but it's it's kind of  close let's go here if i can somehow get the king   stuck i have a shot thank you to kitturich for the  frying flow with the prime pluto with the prime   yang with the prime uh jubo with the prime extra  track of phonies with the prime thank you so much   let's go check this is so close but it's just it's  still a draw even with this i mean i'll go here let's go i guess i go like maybe here   uh it's it's thought that's the one trick i  have is like if i can get the knight to c5 it's the only real trick i have okay  let's go check let's go here maybe let's go here ah this is just draw check it goes  to b6 it's just yeah there's nothing i can do almost yeah it's just a draw yeah i mean i won i won the first i won the  first one with white but this is just um   now the question is can you go to a5 or not i  don't think she can again there's just there's   just yeah i mean this is a draw oh is this a  draw it was just 50 50 moves i think it was okay   oh wait but i i wait no but i already won with  white didn't i i already won with white so i'll   just play two moves and resign um because  i already won the first game with white so   uh how do i resign okay because now it should  be yeah okay it's black okay good here we go   okay because i already won with white so i have to  win with black knight d4 instead of knight c5 yeah   um okay let's play the hippo again  i got a good position that game no way that end game is always a draw  you guys but if the computer doesn't have   a book it might it might make a  mistake that's why i played it out let's go here 97 97 i think the pr person with the  prime labyrinth the 12 with the prime thing a yaki   valley with a five scrupter with the uh with the  two months humps and sword with the two months sam   dukkha fan for the uh for the two months they use  snooze for the four thinking skydragon for the six   bubblys for the 16. thank you to bubbly's  appreciate it thank you man okay i played   a5 that does not make me happy i'm gonna have to  what why is she so aggressive this is insane this   is crazy how aggressive she is i mean i have to go  like all in immediately and attack let's go back okay i mean i'm up to two pieces here i believe  okay i mean this this has to be winning right yeah   this is just winning what is beth doing beth is  insane i mean like truly insane let's go knight f6 rook f8 okay good we're gonna  win this one let's go here   okay seven logical now i just have to make  sure that i don't let these pawns start massing it's the pills yeah i mean i can probably  sack material but i want to win this cleanly   c6 looks pretty reasonable i think i  just chip with the center and if i win   this i mean i'm up two pieces how bad can it be oh but i gave b5 knight a5 b6 or something i can  also just take i mean i think i'm just going to   take and go like rook c7 just for some kind of  end game here oh i could have taken c6 that was   actually very stupid of me but i'm still up a  juicer so i should win this pretty routinely   let's go here maybe on rk2 that was stupid  too why didn't i knight c4 maybe quincy   five is good there are no good discoveries i can  take e4 they're no fossils right here night here   i can also just go rook b8 i see no  fossils here are no fossils knight e4   knight e4 i see no fossils knight c3 queen d3 e4 but maybe i should just play with b8 and  just be safe and let's just go queen i   don't know here maybe okay f1 now i mean now  it's just definitely let's go here in id6 let's go here kick the bishop away and now i  can take i mean this this must be winning right   queen eight even yeah queen eight looks great okay  let's go queen b8 and queen b6 to hit the pawn   that does nothing let's just take let's  just go here whoops okay let's take a three wow wait how does that even move  whatever okay seven huh she found the only   move that doesn't lose immediately but i think  after 94 this should just be oh there's knight c4 and then queen b5 and it looks winning let's  just take and take this i'm gonna win this game   now for sure i'm gonna win this game this this  should be ggs here because e3 okay yeah okay and   just a fine little touch of technique and this  will be over let's just take and now i just go   um rook to a3 or d3 bishop 820 okay i'm winning  here i just need to think for a second and not one   blunder this okay rook b7 is the idea that is a  pretty good idea i can play bishop f8 and rook b7 okay okay this is actually  weirdly difficult to win   it seems like it shouldn't be maybe  i just go here i take and go rook b3 let's go here hit the pawn g5   of course i can't bring the king back  so there's a check and she makes a queen   let's go e4 now i'm gonna go here and here and i  think i'm just winning pretty routinely king f6   king g6 and um this is gg's okay we take the  juicer here we go we got the win we got the win okay we got the win let's go here go here actually why did i  do that stupid let's go here here and here up here let's go here let's just go here cut  the king off by the file now let's jump in over here and this is all she wrote i think  that giovanni thank you so much giovanni for   the tier one appreciate it man let's just go  here i'm gonna do this just to show you guys   the winning end game so we go i'm gonna do  this this cut off i'm gonna do the cutoff of   the uh the lateral cutoff from the rank to show  you guys how to win or did i just blunder oh my   god did i just blunder my infinite wisdom to try  and make this look good oh my god i just blundered oh my god i just blundered in my infinite wisdom oh my god that's pathetic thank  you giovanni for the five gifteds oh my god that's terrible i can't believe  i did this to myself i had to show off   i just had to show off and because  i had to show off i just wondered it maybe or maybe not wait wait maybe not actually wait a second is this still no i think i'm winning actually again wait here is this oh no king after there's rookie  straight oh yeah that would be terrible   that'd be a disaster no it's  still a draw i had this against um one i can't believe i did this i really  can't believe that i did this i literally can't believe that i  did this king f3 is a draw isn't it   if i didn't show off this is  just a draw but i had to show off   i died yeah i can't believe that i did this  this is so obviously winning oh my god oh i   yeah that was so bad i mean those i that that  was ridiculous let me just resign this okay okay let's play the same thing i mean  i literally can't believe i did that   i i was i was still winning if i did the other  cutoff too or whatever okay let's go here i mean it was a draw so it's fine but so bad so so bad go here let's go i mean it's gonna sack like i know  she's gonna sack so that's why i want to be   ready for the sack when it comes  yeah like i knew this was coming what is i mean what what  is this this is just so bad   isn't this this is just like white just  download down a piece for nothing okay   i think it kind of hasn't for the prime thank you  so much appreciate it man let's play bishop h6 just take let's go here just castle rook g okay i mean  this one's definitely winning g4 just f6 let's just play castles g5 i just take i wanna have knight f5 here  or something maybe maybe not why did i allow this very stupid okay  let's go over she aid and trade some rooks okay that's logical um maybe queen f8 h7  knight f6 looks reasonable this looks good knight f6 hit the juicer no e5 say take  take okay this time i'm there's gonna be no   messing around i'm just going to finish this  game correctly i can play d5 but i think 27   27 looks good but i don't know if it's right   okay what's this i just take okay now i'm  just up i'm just up the whole piece now so   if i take i have knight g495 or something or  there's queen g3 or some trick mg3 rook g7 okay   let's go here go here again i've kind of misplayed  this i gave bishop a6 which was just insane   um maybe wait no no wait a second don't blunder let's go here try to trade  some rooks what's that okay let's go here i mean this is actually really tricky to  win wait is it tricky wait no what's the count oh no oh my god i just blundered this oh my god   oh my god this was so easy to win again i just  made a terrible blender out of thin air oh my gosh oh my gosh right here another game that i was completely  winning and i just flubbed this let's go here okay that's a move i actually don't think i take  i think i go here and here okay now i have to take wait did i just blunder somehow did  i blend her into a checkmate almost   i almost just blundered into a  checkmate out of like nowhere   literally out of nowhere i'm  actually now i'm lucky to make a draw wow that was so bad let's go here unfortunately knight d2 makes a  draw let me check let's go here oh it's just a draw uh no this one this one also i should  have won i mean let's just draw so pathetically bad no i mean the previous one is the  one that i should have won this one   was not like this one was not the dream  but the previous one i should have won   this one was hard to win although it was winning yeah okay i have been winning every  single one which is a good thing at least okay closes the structure is it is  it going to do the same thing i mean   is she really going to play the same  line okay she is i guess apparently   i'm gonna i'm gonna go f5 c4f5 okay it's  gonna play the same thing apparently okay okay i'm gonna win this okay this is it i'm  gonna win this game and this will this will be it yeah bishop c4 okay still nothing let's  just go work a fee let's do this actually   it'll play the exact same line won't it is  it literally gonna play the exact same line okay yeah okay what is this okay i go here okay good and now this is over let's just  play precisely bishop d7 what am i up go here let's trade the queens let's go here go  here yeah i think i'm not even gonna i probably   can just take the pawn but i'm not even in the  mood i'm just gonna really just shut this down um go here okay let's be careful not blender   i just want to technically get to a winning  end game so queen e4 is probably just winning yeah okay this is just winning  let's go knight f8 let's go here let's go here okay and now i'm in this must be winning  again okay let's just play here knight g6 i'm up a whole juicer here whole juicer   so here or i was up a whole juicer now  i'm not up a whole juicer let's go here okay let's go here and play id5 i mean let's  just go check let's go here a knight of five or   knight d5 looks pretty good let's go rookie  six guard knight of five knight d6 up here okay g4 is a good move actually i think with  the way i'm gonna place i'm just gonna play   this into the end game because this is  this is definitely winning with king e5   i think it is this must be winning let's go here wait what take yeah okay there we go   okay no messing around this  time literally no messing around there we go king f3 would be a funny one  i play king f3 and it's a draw   but no messing around  literally no messing around now please show off no there's no more showing off um let's go here there we go and there we go touchdown there you guys go that's  it we win finally after messing up like after   messing up like three times and games i should  have won i finally got the second one with black you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 3,027,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, TSM, queens gambit, beth harmon, hikaru and beth harmon, hikaru and queens gambit, hikaru nakamura and queens gambit, Hikaru nakamura and beth harmon, the queens gambit, anya taylor joy, queens gambit netflix, beth harmon chess, Hikaru vs Beth, hikaru vs beth bot, hikaru vs beth harmon, Nakamura vs beth, nakamura vs beth harmon
Id: MGngqXTgyo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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