This Is Bullet Chess

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we got the same guy and now he aborts now he  aborts now i have warts okay   e4923 here here knight of three plays e5 i can play d3 maybe just  take play here target tonight go here hit the bishop hit the pawn  take the pawn take the knight should be winning hopefully he'll resign maybe he won't go here go back okay let's take the pawn here on e5  let's play rookie six maybe maybe here   just trying to force an end game basically okay let's keep going next game 2012. that's a free pawn wait that's a free piece  okay he should resign okay uh science keep going yeah i can't i can't  accept the rematch as much as i would love   to think about mega rich for the three i'm  a paul thank you canoe for the five and erin   count as well thank you so much going 21 29  okay i'm starting to get some good pairings   so here in a4 i guess i could have played  about five there maybe i should have yeah that's actually mistakes this night gets  stuck i had a game against ildar ibrahimo in the   world open many years ago where i had this with  reverse colors and the knight gets glued to h6   or he can just blender checkmate  that also works keep going okay i'm starting to play some good players now  getting better pairings i guess you could say   i'm gonna i'm gonna go i've gotta go for  cheese i've gotta go for the big cheese i guess there let's go here  i have to go for the cheese   at this point let's go check okay let's go  here hit the why did i do that that was bad a good move too i put pressure  on this king side here go here c4 i do have this maybe i think this works bring the king into the center  of knight a6 knight c3 maybe let's go here bring this knight back c5 i guess let's keep going let's go here let's try out some pieces i don't know b5 is right it probably  wasn't i just d3 which was just strong   i shouldn't have done this either but still  much better go here maybe knight d5 next move oh let's just take i don't care about the  materials here you won i guess i'll take and   go rook c7 get the bishop d2 at some point  to collapse the whole position for white   and now i'm gonna have rookie one at the  end okay we're gonna win this game too okay you can go rookie one just keep going go here in here let's take the pawn i just have d4 to win material  here i just take okay it's actually kind of   kind of iffy of me i shouldn't have done that  hey simplify the position let's go here pick   with the knight let's go here hit the queen  hit the rook it's actually a big mistake by me all right let's keep going keep going next game what is  andrew's rating these days yeah what is anders rating you guys take this one drop back and take this  one 28 oh i'm actually closing i'm   getting close again wow still an hour  to go that's still a long long time drop back that's a little bit too bold all right that's a free  piece uh let's just go here another piece okay we're gonna win another game let's keep going next game another disconnect another game where i'm  going to get my phone's going to timeout oh my gosh really yeah every game seems like i have something frustrating yeah that's happened like four  or five times already kind of annoying am i canadian now no i'm not canadian  let's go here let's just keep going i don't know this is ripe when i'm playing oh that's a free piece i'll  gladly take it let's go here this okay resigns keep going wait actually wait a second you guys i realize  can't can't the player just actually ignore   can't they just abort a game like if i got   paired with andrew couldn't he just  abort the game to avoid playing me oh this is a very nice quick mate come on just resign don't  don't waste 50 seconds let's go i need to follow nick for the tier one they  need to follow nick appreciate it let's   keep going all right wait that's  a terrible premium let's go here go here get rid of this knight start to push him backwards okay i guess so let's take a take this way well that's a mistake let's go here and  let's just go here max the pressure out why did i do that that was insane too completely  insane to do that but i'm still going to win   go here we're gonna get the  win here let's keep going so here in here unless this castle oops free queen okay next game keep going keep going next game get damn cool for the  five months let's go where's the next game keep rolling andrew said y'all are a lot no he said you're not  allowed to probably you aren't supposed to but i   just occurred to me that theoretically you  probably could you could be like okay i'm   gonna board the game treat it like the view treat  it like the arena kings or something um probably   you're not supposed to do that i assume but it  just occurred to me that maybe you could do that i'm gonna take with the pawn i don't  know if it's right let's go here castle i'm sure you're not supposed to do  it i just it just did occur to me that you   maybe you can so here target the  pond but it's gonna get really bad let's take here why did that take and take just to open up the position here okay should be another win keep going next game go here and take a knight g3 go here maybe and take ah he's  got queen c6 doesn't do it okay i'm gonna go over the same trick with knight h5  maybe to hit the bishop and like h4 or something trying to get really sneaky here again   okay with chuck oh i should have gotten a piece of  the first week but i can just go here and mate him yeah i should be winning what's the win count i don't  know we're gonna get another win yeah okay we're gonna win this one too not scan let's keep going i'm gonna do a3b4 here check on h7 i think let's go check let's take the queen d4  let's try to force an end game if i can   i just take and go check take oh chuck mate let's keep going next game keep going i mean i assume i  assumed to play andrew at some point   you would assume that i have to i mean i don't play angel it'd be kind of surprising something's wrong with the format if if  if we can go through this entire event   and andrew and i don't play until this knockout  phase the format is messed up i will say that   because that just shouldn't that shouldn't  happen i mean that just isn't right let's   go and add a four here the h5  touch the bishop win the game next game probably well but i mean  the thing is there's so many people   in the pool right now that's the  thing so there's like no guarantee yeah we have to like everything has to be right  and and we can't we can't snipe each other either   because we just have to hit next game as  soon as our game ends so it's kind of like   it's actually kind of what's  going on where's the game it's um where's the next game still still  don't play andrew okay go here and here i do have to be careful here of like some tricks go back let's take the f pawn here i  think wait what am i doing okay go here it doesn't take i'll go here and hit the queen  i'd be a little bit careful how i play this four that's a good move um not queen c7 i don't  want to trade i think i'm gonna go uh here yeah he's playing wild here  this game is a tough game there's a four okay i guess i'll  just play an end game here go here i bring my king over i think i'm better here i'm going to go work before obviously 52 go here in rook d2 and now i win the game let's keep going hmm okay fine 2300 okay this is good this is good we're finally starting to get  some pairings this is what i want   yeah games are dating a long time though now we're here on knight g4 i guess let's start bringing my queen in here i  don't know if it's good or not but it looks   looks aggressively aggressive let's go  queen h5 knight g4 maybe hit the queen i'm looking to sack of course on h2  of course i'm going to sack so fossil   free queen hopefully it'll resign yeah he'll  just resign here i think okay resigns keep going   the big win plus 12. next game  come on let's go let's keep rolling 22.95 okay now we're starting  to play some serious players this is pretty good go here i think that's a free panel i'm  crazy maybe it's not a free pawn but   it's something so here hit the  pawn here hit the pawn take be very careful not to blunder like some queen  d4 trick here oh let's just go here maybe i'm gonna just take and drop back again i'm  up two pawns so i shouldn't be too concerned   oh two pawns this has to be just winning for me   let's go here i'm obviously gonna  stack my queen on eight if he plays it my brook f7 check i mean everything  just wins me going next game   2170 starting up starting to  pick up some points in a hurry   i'm going to try to actually i'm going  to try cheese in here on the inside let's go h5h4 h3 well that's a mistake let's just take in a castle here play c6 or 97 maybe   that's a free queen i didn't see it for  a move but i spotted it let's keep going this is like watching stocks what do you mean  keep going the four knight c3 another 2300   plus 11 here we're looking at so it's pretty good so here go here h3 next move the  free pawn will take it gladly that's good i mean v4 is probably not  right but i'm going to try it anyway   so here in bishop c4 maybe diags diax diax for  the wind i don't see it so i'm just gonna take   case with a pawn that i did not expect trying to confuse matters here a little bit maybe g4 maybe h4 at some moment take check take take the rook go here hit the rook i think i'm just going to play f3 not  necessary but seems like a good move go here keep going okay let's keep going next game come on 2400 okay 2400 this is this is a big game also played a bad move kind of oh boy i did  play okay let's go here in here maybe   oh you missed it he had knight takes e6 he  missed it luckily now i'm just up a piece let's just go here and simplify let's just open up  the position i'm gonna go for the checkmate here   no checkmate okay whatever let's just check go  here and queen g3 i guess resigns keep going   i'd love to accept a rematch but you can't i've  never been more grateful than please 2400 yeah yeah normally it's like 24 the bros who  wants to play 2400 probably not right uh i'm gonna gamble the pawn here maybe wrong i should have traded  oh wait that's pretty pawn so here force him to trade  uh i guess i can play 58   but i can make a queen here so he trades i  take i can go here great jumbo pony on d4   so here lock it up go here i should  win this game now let's go here great let's go check and take and i'm  going to i should be winning this end game i'll check and take take go here oh here maybe 96 or 92   here and here should be winning now i missed  knight she remade i should have seen that there we go next game another 2300 good stuff let's take here that's a mistake i believe i don't  remember why but it's definitely wrong   it's definitely not the way  you're supposed to play this line and just trade and go knight c7 up a rook here   this is too much i mean it tries to  get a check but it doesn't do anything so here i can take that's just over we're gonna take  the pawn hopefully it'll resign go here okay next game let's keep going oh let's just castle i don't know if  it's right 92 i go here hit the bishop h5 and play for e5 here trying to attack here okay final 40 minutes it seems like and they just take and made  him i think it's just game over   okay let's keep going okay another 2300 very nice so hear me 94 maybe bishop g5 i'm gonna play  c4 here try to try to break the structure   it's not a very good move  let's go bishop h6 and take go f4 let's smash the center here positions  looking very very good just check take on go like here hit the bishop i mean i assume i can just take and  check in this game over pretty much   for free rook i resign let's keep you going a midnight swam for the prime minister's  midnight swim let's keep going next game come on go be careful how i play this  uh this could be very bad okay let's play e5 i'm or 97 i guess go here  be very careful here i think i'm okay though   especially if i get queen g7 and trade  some queens i'm fine so here g5 knight h5 i don't know what that does i'm gonna play e4 here   knight c4 i guess try to do  something in the center of the board this rook d3 i mean i assume i have something  here i'm going to go 97 and 95 maybe   go with chuck okay that's a strong dangerous  kind of move let's go back what am i doing he's also got no time now just checking mate game over next game keep rolling keep rolling i take take with  let's go e4 take with the queen   e6 next move should be pretty good for me okay  we're gonna take with the queen maybe go here   says trade go so here knight b3 i guess with the  bishop i think i just wait there's a rook here   go b5 okay i should be winning here the a6 or v8  let's take run the king over looks pretty simple run the king over keep running the pawn go here  let's go rook a2 take the pawn it should be zug's vault now  i can go here and scheme over here we got the wind let's keep rolling dude chambers for 300 bits any stops stops  lost for 300 bits come on don't tank here man what is this ever every time yeah it's frustrating things not 2300 but  still it's just annoying very annoying oh wait now i have this it actually looks  very bad i'm just going to take and go here come on just resign please  let's check me let's keep going 2390 okay we're starting to play  some stronger players totally here   here e4 play d5 i don't know if it's right  but whatever let's go h4 reroute tonight um i think i'll go here and hit  the bishop maybe shoot g5 now that seems a little bit bold i'm gonna go back i'm gonna go up four next move maybe  a five take be too brittle here thank you jay vasper appreciate it thank you   go here and hit the rook am  i doing okay let's go to p1 he's also got like no time here mate next game i'm gonna try to keep cheesing  here it's what's been working drop back maybe d5 maybe queen a6 here   actually let's go e5 d5 just consolidate  my center big center should be winning d4 create the pass pawn let's move the queen over i can collect the queen now i'm gonna go c2 okay we win again   you cannot for the prime thing  so much mechanic okay next game hit 2400 let's just attack am i on a 50 game win streak or something you guys go here it should just be game over hopefully he'll resign okay does resign next game hang accepted a rematch so  he has to abort the game then i guess i just take and take  on a four should be winning go here go here collect the queen now we get the lolly checkmate  game over resigns keep going okay 2400 is that's good how many can't play at banco gambit here  i know this is right but it feels right i think this is supposed to be bad for  white with knight e5 coming go here go here it looks very bad roy at  the very least let's go here go c4 knight c5 maybe bill's really hard to play for  white okay but now knight t3 here target the knight thank you appreciate man go next game let's go come on resign resigns keep going penguins 2310 yeah i mean he's quite far behind if  i keep winning my games i don't mess up i should   should collect it okay another okay  we're playing 2400 again good stuff i can take the pawn but let's just  play consolidated chest simplify it   the pawn upon us upon as evan chuck would say  so we might as well just try to play good moves   uh yes that is correct i just take and take okay we got another one let's keep  rolling can't accept the rematch next game okay let's go next game come on  what's going on where's the next game i did click it i did click it i it's it i did  click it but it's not going i did click it i   did it's showing the it's still showing  up top no i did click it go here in here 2500 is not gonna happen i think i can get 24.  i think e5 was a slip by the way let's go here   let's take and take should take him with the pawn so e5 maybe f6 this is actually really  bad bishop h6 hits the rook uh i have to be a little bit careful  let's go b3 except king h1 here rookie one i just take and i have multiple mates here can i scan this game let's go been connecting  you midnight swarm for the primes on let's go e4 i need some lucky  pairings to get to 2500. oh here no 94th of uh sp4 is not a  good move so here i get 96 though take i have knight f6 let's go here take the pawn i think i'll just take and take maybe okay 20-74 20 minutes to go keep going they're just still waiting for the  next game hopefully we got like a 2500   yeah we do get a 2500 very good pairing uh let's go here and hit the bishop oops that's a mistake go here um i think i can actually okay how fancy do i want   to get i don't think i want to get  two fans so let's just take take okay let's just go here i think i missed  something but it still should be winning   here oh let's just trade again it's more  important not to blunder here because if   i just keep it calm and i win all my games i'm  definitely going to be ahead the chuck and joshua oh that's a free night thank you very much very good stuff so far very  very good stuff okay let's go   check collect the pawn never push up  sixes gm benjamin feingold would say okay resigns keep going the good news is people at this level  do resign quicker go here on d5 maybe okay let's trade up one pawn here i mean it should  be winning but here hit the pawn   go here just bring my king in  i mean this has to be winning okay we're up to um we're up to 2402 um do you want to take go here maybe  my opponent's trying to force an end   game here like i see his idea but  i think i'm okay pigs for a queen yeah 2500 is gonna be my goal   damn come on next game let's go keep keep rolling  25 is going to be my goal we're playing mcgartey over here and take i'm gonna play queen g3 maybe i thought i had some trick maybe i do a knight h4 oh wait he blundered oh my god he just  blundered oh my god what was that by me i gotta move quicker what am i doing i think i'm winning here this must be winning with the two pawns  yeah we just went pawn supports it goal is 2 500. there's still 22 minutes to  go so still plenty of time   go next game come on okay  another 2500 let's keep going all the games take more time now which is  also worth noting the quick ones are gonna   be much harder to come by at this point i'm  gonna play e5 and try to open the center here it's kind of overexposed i think at  least the king side looks exposed   so here target knight ninety that  looks wrong let's go here target bishop let's go here go back i just take and take okay let's keep going um i don't know if there is  right but i'm gonna do it i can take and hit the rook go here rookie one go here bishop g5 just keep the pressure alive wait do am i gonna have the longest streak i look tired i've been streaming for a long time i think he just trapped his nut i mean i guess  he has d5 let's just take and go here maybe i missed that back take and go here maybe so queen of six go here stick with the pawn obviously   uh let's just move i gotta move thinking  too much oh it takes i did not expect that oh i blundered oh my god i'm  gonna have to speed it up shoot hey come on focus there we go keep rolling keep rolling let's go e4 knight c3 25.95 okay big  game here i think if i win this game i probably   win the event or win this this prize this is  like this is the opening i played to become   the youngest master in the united states at 10  years old in like 79 days or whatever it was   so it's an opening that i i'm very very  it gives me very very fond memories uh did i just wonder i think i did okay let's take the pawn drop back   it's a good move let's put the  bishop here maybe bring it back to f4 that's a bad move i think  because it gives me a jump i'm gonna go here i don't know if  it's the right move but it makes sense   you know oh shoot i have to do  this or else i lose the game okay   or else it's a draw so it ends my streak  so i gambled with the blunder there and   he didn't take he didn't trap my knight there  that would have been a three-fold repetition   which is why i trapped my knight in the corner  but he didn't he didn't see it so now he just   cruised now we're on cruise control to the  finish line oh that's a free rook keep going why did i look so tired because i  started streaming at 4am i've been   up since 3am you guys i've been  up like 10 hours at this point so let's go here let's go here and take just blast the center actually that's bad  because h5 i'd be careful here this could be bad it takes i should be okay here i just have to  play smart in this position let's keep going go here hopefully i'm about to blend or something i'm okay i can't be right um go here and hit the queen oh here touch the bishop maybe on g5 d2  he's trying to go to b4 i can obviously sack   oh let's just sack and go here  like the juicer with the pin   f1 can i go queen of two here or is this am i  just out of my mind insane i'm out of my mind   insane let's just go go here i want to go  queen of two but he could take on h6 that   would have been the 10-hour gamble for heroism  or heroism whatever you call it uh let's go here keep going oh wait a second i must have  something here wait check and take i'm not winning by force or  anything wow wait can i go queenie   wait a second should be a win here why am i  thinking so oh let's just take and go here if i take and i go queenie one i hold all the glue go here knight d5 with the fossil of course yeah i'm gonna try to get to  2500. i think it's almost without   it's almost out of reach for andrew even if i  were to not play anymore but i'm gonna keep going take the two bishops here let's keep playing  so here rookie one probably rick d1 next move   knight c5 that's a surprise move i thought it  would go to b6 there kind of strange let's just   drop back out of the danger zone i feel like  i'm better here i just don't see how to play it let's go back to e2 i guess 23 maybe that's my idea to line up  some kind of weird checkmate idea here that's obviously not going to work i can just  go clean up five and force queens off the board   so hearing this up three next move at the knight  should just be winning how do i trap the rook   i don't see how let's go here ah this is how  i trap it yeah that's how i trapped the rook it's like watching stonks why is this like  watching stocks you mean it's up up up up up yeah yeah we're getting close we're we'll probably get  to 25 okay karate karate baby adam we're playing   an nm here okay let's keep let's stay focused  c5 is definitely move i'm gonna take so here   i'm gonna take oh wait a second oh here on queen e2 maybe i think i just have a pawn here a good move here i'm gonna go here this  is actually very tricky   if i get rook v1 bishop d2 i should be winning  think i'm probably almost better here let's go here force the trading now now i should be winning okay how do i do this it's a little  bit tricky let's go here in here   as long as i don't blunder something i'm going  to win this game and now i get my active rook here ah that was very poor there we go now we're gonna win the game okay we get another one let's keep going okay same guy let's keep going that was a rematch i thought wait did i accidentally hit rematch um   whatever i'm gonna have to  win the game and then whatever   i don't have a choice though i can't resign the  game either so like i don't know what i'm supposed   to do there they cannot count they cannot count  the game but whatever good b5 and takes and 97   yeah i mean let's go 95 knight c4 yeah basically  it just means what happens is they just don't   count the game at the end fight knight eight  three they're good let's just take and take oh there's a free piece there oh okay  i think he knows that the game doesn't   count okay new one new one minute here we go yeah no there were no no no others yeah   that was how many points that was what  11 points you just subtract 11 points   i think you just subtract 11. that's it go here  yeah so basically you subtract 11 you subtract   one when that's it so basically it's minus nine  right which gives andrew a small glimmer of hope because that means i wasted two  minutes and he gets an extra win let's just go here i don't know  this right let's just castle let's go e5 and just try to smash uh i'm gonna go for some cheese here take and take i wondered f3 kind of not really i  just go back let's go have five here d2   i have a lot of pawns here on the on the king side  it should be winning for me too many pawns here start pushing this one too keep going andrew is 24 76 so still 39 so even if  he wins three probably can't catch me but   i need one more win one more win to lock it up new gold 25 50 no chance no chance   no chance of 25 50. i should have played  b4 when i played b4 let's take a take oh let's take go here i'm trying to open up  the position go here i have this trick too i mean this has to be losing for white i don't see anything for white  rook c2 bishop c4 that's game over let's keep going how do i reach out and play bullet not easily yeah i think that's it pretty  much one more game that's it okay keep going let's go next game  come on where's the next game let's go before okay 25.87 big chance here this guy's serious uh wait did i just blunder oh  no i think i just plundered what am i doing oh my gosh i'm just  throwing hard shoot pull it though   it's bullet anything can happen a bullet  just remember that anything can happen anything can happen in bullet even  though i really messed up this opening hardcore wait is this guy legit or not wait   something feels wrong wait  a second what's with the wait the time usage feels suspicious wait what's with the three  to four seconds every move there's something going on here i can feel it yeah   right right at the end of course yeah i  mean it's not even a question ridiculous yeah four seconds every move i mean okay  let's see if i can somehow still win keep going he's taking like four to  five seconds every move i don't know   that feels really suspicious that felt really  suspicious the way he was using his time   i don't know every move was slowing  on the very end he started speeding up   using like one second at  the very end very suspicious two to three minutes yeah let's keep going  yeah no i mean that's why bullet is the best   and bullet is not possible because you you can  only make like 30 moves that's the maximum amount   maximum amount of moves and we get the same guy and now he have boards now i have  boards now i have boards okay hilarious go here okay next game this is probably the last game that's going  to be played i think three more wins for   25.50 there's no way i'm winning three games  this guy's 25 50. like just not gonna happen i don't think i blundered  here did i i don't think i did go here i guess i'll just take and take maybe no no this guy i played one time one time was   legit the other game gets discounted  because it was an accidental rematch go here go here hit the pawn tonight  rookie one maybe oh i had shot keep going where is andrew andrus 2490 so it's  over okay i mean i don't know if i can get another   game off probably not oh yeah yeah i think we  win we won the two things yeah man i'm getting   this guy every time now so all right so we're  gonna win the highest rating we're gonna highest   rating and um highest rating and uh and um we're  gonna win the streak as well let's go here all the   hidden bounties were for under prizes that's why  there were no hidden bounties for the top players yeah this game's not going to count this  game's not going to count so let's do it   yeah let's go here uh first hit 2000 bullet i did not  win andrew got there before i did yeah i think we're done six seconds yeah   this game's not going to count  anyway but just for posterity goes for poster all right we  got the uh yeah we got the win   you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 792,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, bullet speedrun, hikaru bullet speedrun, hikaru stomping scrubs, nakamura speedrun, nakamura bullet speedrun, chess played quick, chess done quick, andrew tang, penguingm1, This Is How Fast Hikaru Is, This Is Bullet Chess, bullet chess, hikaru bullet, hikaru chess, gmhikaru bullet, nakamura chess, gm nakamura
Id: qFiOaoZpvDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 34sec (4414 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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