Glock 19X

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Hickok 45 here and you know I like a Glock 19 I especially like one in the extreme yeah I don't how extreme it is but you know considering and comparatively it has an extremely long grip doesn't it for a Glock 19 yes it is the 19 X as you can see there and you guys have requested it and gals that we take a look at it knowing what you know about me that I'm a bit of a Glock person well that's an understatement isn't it I do like the locks I have been with them for a long time and so I guess it makes sense that I should try this thing out the 19 X the Glock 19 X and I want to tell you about why it it is in this configuration a little bit and we'll talk a little bit about that but anyway we appreciate the buds gun shop comm sending it to us so that we could try it out and then let you all know what we think about it so appreciate that go check them out lots of good stuff going on there also go to the description if you're not an NRA member and think about joining at a discount okay let's go over here and take a look at it we've got a bunch of federal ammo loaded up in 125 gram Full Metal Jacket and all these mags so I shouldn't have to load mags because that leads to me just yapping about oh gosh random things right so we got some ammo loaded up the blog 19 X okay we're having to come about well it was one of the military submissions okay for the modular handgun trials or whatever you know and of course sig won that much the Glocks this way you know and then everybody else's everybody wanted to win that military contracts are lucrative and you know desirable of course and this was the essentially the AFN submission you know the 509 what they called the military version of it but you know so that's where these two firearms essentially came from you know because a lot of us criticize farms like this when we're looking for carry guns the slide on that's just fine but it's got the long grip it holds 17 rounds just like this this Glock 17 frame holds 17 rounds you know but it's got a more moderately sized slide a Glock 19 slide see but it's because that may not be the entire reason but they were military submissions okay so I'm not gonna bash this configuration too much that it's where this came from it was it grew out of that so then they offered it to us mere civilians okay and you'll get the nice coloring different color and everything understands the first time Glock has offered a you know factory you know slide coloring you know like that yeah it's right from the factory it's not sarah code or anything on the slide so that's that's the rationale for these and as you know by now I've surprisingly onto this five over nine even though it has a bigger grip and I'm usually not a fan of big long grips you know for a carry gun neck sort of thing and I don't carry this much but boy it's a great shooter you know like it and you also know if you've been around a while I'm not a huge fan of the Glock 17 because I don't like the hump hits me at the wrong place down here the one reason I like that 509 so well the grip feels good even though it's a long grip so for me the Glock 19 which is this department right here feels much better to me so in terms of a carry gun this is not as desirable to me this 19x it might be to you because you get more ammo in it in a flush magazine and everything so it might be exactly what you're looking for so that's that's what you've got there basically I brought my Glock 17 out with the peeling grips again got to get those tightened up so you've got a Glock 17 frame and you've got a Glock 19 this is my June 5 you got a Glock 19 slide in fact it'll fit on here you can now you can't can't put a June 4 slide on it okay not that you'd be doing this but just to show you my my Glock you know 19 June five slides works just fine here okay cuz that's what you have all right they might even look good - yeah the 2-tone there okay so you've got a kind of a Gen 5 gun here for the most part I'll put the regular slide back on you yummy it's a typical Glock you know 17 there you you've got some better coating as I understand because again this was going to be a military firearm they hoped and so it's got some hotshot the coating on the I think internally and externally you've got the that enhance rifling you got the crown barrel it's got some of the things that the gin.5 Glocks have a lot of those things you know reversal reversible mag you know releases and all that you get your amber and II slide lock and all that thing you don't have is you don't have the magwell which is nice okay you don't have the mag well they didn't put that on there okay but in a lot of ways it's just a Gen 5 Glock 17 frame on a 10-5 block 19 slide or under a Glock 19 slide okay that's really what you have okay so videos over if that's what you think you want that's what it is okay so just kidding you know I'll go for another hour don't you until it gets dark and you've got the better sights maybe you've got the metal sights of night sights I think yeah kind of a night sights on there so you've got some things that it's an enhanced firearm in a lot of ways I don't think it's it's gonna be a highly popular carry gun I might be fooled I might be it might sell really well but it doesn't appeal to me that much the other thing too is you know me and my trigger preferences I like a crisp trigger if I can get one it's hard to find one on Glock I've got a few that have them though and this gun has one has a pretty crisp trigger you know it's got to take up get back to the wall pretty nice Chris break that's what I like another thing I like about that you know I like about some of my Glocks this Mach 17 is kind of like that yeah nice Chris break that's why it's my best side gun and it's loaded to the magazines loaded okay I don't get that with this one it's got that rolling on through and finally it breaks okay and all the ones I picked up at shot show were like that too so if you're looking for a crisp trigger you may not get it on this you better check the trigger before you buy one okay I don't that's just the way it is okay I was joking with them at the Glock booth about it looking at it already I already shot one out at range day and had the same kind of mushy trigger and I picked up up I think it was a training gun one of the blue gun maybe it was a blue gun you may remember John now pulled the trigger on it and it was nice it's like that 509 or like my Glock 17 nice Chris break it was a training gun or something and then he had one of cutaway guns you've seen those where they got it all cut open and everything I picked it up I'll be darned if that thing didn't have a highly desirable trigger it's really nice so I was giving the reps a hard time about putting all the good triggers on the guns you're not even gonna shoot you know and you pick this thing up and okay when's it gonna break finally I just yeah so anyway that's my trigger preference all right you know I'm biased in some areas and that's one of them but so I'm not crazy about the trigger that's one of the negatives on it for me and every one of them that I've picked up it's probably just been four or five but they all seem to have that same I don't know what you call it there's just nothing crisp I mean you can't even use the word crisp in talking about it okay but some people prefer triggers like that they actually do apparently a lot of people because a lot of Glocks they have that kind of trigger so that's what you got let me shoot it some more it comes with with three mags you know the standard glock 17 mag and you got the plus one or two there so you get three magazines with it and let's see if they work okay we'll put my ears back on here yeah threw some stuff at that paper yeah threw it all over okay nice got one bullet left let's put it on to go on another mag in here let's go back mr. gong because of those sights I have to hold a little bit differently that I'm used to with a Glock but they're fine I'll get used to those two litres all right stop stop I mean they work I complained about the trigger but you can make it work it's not absolute look what I found the real advantage of having a Glock right you can put in one of these so that would be a nice combat piece wouldn't it oh boy let's smoke some pot with that thing I went to one hand I had to get it easier target let's try the tree here again just cuz I got this giant magazine you hang out out of it I think shoots all day and it works doesn't it well that's one thing you get with a Glock if even if it has of course the the frame that might be bigger than you would want and the trigger not as highly desirable as you or I might want things work the things work in aphaia if I'd been on those adoptions and if I were in the military and I was going to be carrying one of these pistols the sig or any of these well now that FN you know we've been tempting but even with some of the negatives I've talked about with this thing I would not have been upset if they told me hey guess what instead of the beretta 92 whatever you're gonna be carrying a Glock 19 X with two or three spare mags I wouldn't complain you know because the dumb things just work they just do and you just you just know when you put a magazine in it and pull the trigger it's gonna work that's always been my experience and so so when I complain about some things it's the the trimmings you know like the trigger and like even there it was a little hard to get it shooting as fast as I think I could shoot a Glock if it's got a nice trigger but it works so so that's kind of thing well have I forgotten to tell you about it I think they sell for I think they're actually going to be on the market probably for around 650 something like that it'll just a pen they're not I think too widely available yet I believe them MSRP is like seven something so we'll see what what actually goes for may go for 700 750 I don't know but if you like the slide of the Glock 19 and you want that capacity with a flush mag you know this might be what you're looking for generally speaking people who carry concealed carry or just carry a pistol even these let's open carry or whatever like a shorter grip and a longer slide the slides not as much problem is a grip is if you're concealed carry okay and you all know that if you care but you know a lot of people carry Glock 17 so if you maybe if you look at it as a Glock 17 if you've always liked the Glock 17 size pistol then and you carry a Glock 17 size pistol then it's not that big a deal you know you said we shall rely on this gun intensive kind of perspectives it's like everything how you look at it but that's what you got you got a Glock 17 with kind of an enhanced Glock 17 with a Glock 19 slide on it okay the better sights you've got a nice finish and you get the chin some of those Gen 5 features that I was talking about that a lot of people request it wants to shoot this what we think about it everything and and it's it's almost reflexing in a way because it's it's it's you know if you've shot a Glock 17 you know you you know what it is there's not that much difference and I've shot on both side by side and I don't see how much difference but in terms of recoil or anything like that I don't notice because it's got the long grip having a little less recoil then he go to 19 I can't tell how much difference I've shot them all it's a fine gun it's got those negatives and those pauses I talked about but you know the color is pretty cool right like that might be something you want to consider because if you're a lefty of course you've got your slide lock there and everything and on both sides otherwise known as ambidextrous so there's some advantages there that some people you know will like so I'm not going to bash it that it's probably nothing I would be interested in purchasing okay not this particular configuration but anyway the 19x you know the failed military submission I guess we could call it but you know Glock has submitted firearms I guess the lots of different times and they don't always win you know and probably didn't expect to with the US military but and that always gets political you know the gun that's chosen it's not necessarily the ultimate gun of all time just because the US military chooses it we all know that you know politics work and pricing and all those sorts of things not saying there's a lot of corruption or anything involved it's just you know how those kinds of things work when you get right down to it the top two or three pistols under consideration you know once you get past that there's you know there's pricing and service and parts and you know whether they like you're not or whether you beat the other bid you know by a nickel or something who knows if you're in the military at a high level you probably could talk about that for hours right so anyway 19x you know not a bad guy just just wouldn't be my my choice okay don't hate me for that hate me because I'm beautiful don't hate me because I don't necessarily love this guy life is good hey dad we throw me another pot all right cool yeah I'm just sitting up here for another video one to remind you guys to check out our friends over at SDI the Sonoran Desert Institute they are a fully accredited online distance learning program where you get certified in gunsmithing and get an associates degree in firearms technology they also accept GI bills so check them out over SDI edu and also check out our friends at vault X safecom you've seen the pistol safes on the the main shooting table of some of our videos so check them out if you need one of those and also go to Hickok 45 calm and you can find basically everything that you need to know about us you can see all of our some various supporters over there and stay up to date on our Facebook pages and Twitter take i-45 on Facebook the real Hickok 45 at Instagram there's also the Hickok 45 and son YouTube channel all that kind of stuff and full30 calm we've got videos over there so just go to Hickok 45 calm and that's where you can basically find anything else you need to know and also our store don't forget that
Channel: hickok45
Views: 953,344
Rating: 4.9209294 out of 5
Keywords: Glock 19, Glock 17, Military submission, Military trials, service pistol, 9mm, G19, G17, Glock Gen 5
Id: DuwMRCoe_x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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