Glock 43X

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Hickok 45 here and even though nobody's requested us to look at the Glock 43 X we're gonna do it anyway yeah you probably haven't heard of this firearm it's the Glock 43 X yeah that was a joke we probably had more requests to give our opinions on it than any gun in recent history that's just the way it is when a new Glock comes out a lot of people are curious aren't they and including myself it's just we don't we don't rush too fast you know we get when when they come out and take a look at them but is the Glock 43 X and fondled it at shot show have one waiting for me when we got back because they were released to the public and have been shooting it for a few days and I've got a news flash for you load this one I'm telling you I have not had a malfunction with it you think that might be because it's a Glock yeah we got it from buds requested it and when they came out everything we appreciate they're helping a salad a great deal I'm gonna fire some federal ammo 124 grain here mostly a little hollow-point action to to make sure it will feed a hollow-point and if you're not an NRA member go to the link in our description and join up remember it the NRA is is our organization if you're a gun owner if you have any concern for the Second Amendment so join up so you can have a voice okay and you can go to the link in our description or our website and join up block 43 X clock 48 came out same time he saw a man shot Joe you probably seen them already you probably know a little bit about them already it's not a big secret of course and but you don't know what we think about it okay and I might not tell you I just might keep it a secret I might just shoot it and not even give you a clue what I think about it all right now I won't do that now trying to make too long I this is oh boy a lot I could say about it first of all you probably know the specs but it's the same I've got a Glock 43 here excuse me it's a it's the same width in the slide same length in the slide okay the slides will interchange I've done that I've taken the slide off 443 put it on the 43 X and vice versa that all works if that floats your boat maybe you you just think that's a cool-looking slide and you want to put it on your 43 you know buy a gun to do that or whatever or vice versa I don't know maybe you don't like the the color of this you buy a 43 X and you put a Glock 43 slide on it so anyway just let you know that that tells you a lot about the size doesn't a the the frame is a little thicker in general you got to swell on the Glock 43 there and the 43 X the whole slide there is just a little wider just a little bit and it takes a wider magazine okay 10 round magazine and it was scuse me it will not fit in the Glock 43 by the way these magazines are not interchangeable alright so it's a it's another magazine you would need okay so you know if you put the yeah this is one of my carry guns there's nothing but uh it's a gonna do oh yeah I'm gonna put it in this guy say it's just loose and everything is this it's just smaller alright so it's a different system in a lot of ways and it's a bigger frame alright that's the biggest difference the slides the same size but the the frame is longer the grip is longer to accommodate the 10 round magazine alright and just very quickly we'll do a separate video on the 48 that block 48 is essentially the same gun it's the same frame exactly okay I even put the Glock 43 slide on it I believe I mean it's the same it just has a longer slide okay so we'll shoot that and give you some insight into that one too same frame ten round magazine takes a mess why I have four magazines out here so two came with each firearm and two plus two equals four even in Kentucky and so that's kind of nice having that the magazines so same gun just longer slide okay so we'll take a look at that one too so about anything I say about this is well not anything but it's true for that when in terms of the grip and everything alright so well let me shoot it again what the Hat lets you small alright it's she's fine I've not had any malfunctions poke a little pot with it it smokes pot let's smoke some more pot let's hit that target yeah do I have any more ammo yes didn't bring my mag pouch out he's like John no mag pouch uh hey shooting tree let's shoot the tree I got he before he settled down I'm proud of myself yeah I mean it's a good little shooter and it's a reliable shooter amazing huh since it's a Glock that's just a pure amazement again Glock hey ders you're not gonna like this firearm so I need to even say that there are people obviously who just kind of exists to hate yeah I mean it's just what they do they sit in the base wouldn't hate everything and we love on the they need all the love and affection we can give them the best thing I can say about this the pastas and I'll give you my pastas my negatives is it's a nifty little gun it's a Glock so it's going to be reliable it has the commonality of features and the way it functions and the way it breaks down of course you know it's all Glock okay so there's no learning curve on this farm it's a Glock all right they've been around a long time I've owned them a long time they my experiences they're just utterly reliable boringly reliable while other people complain about how they're they lack innovation Jon and I many of you we praise blog for their lack of innovation you know there are all kinds of innovation out there if that's what turns you on yeah more power to you I want a small firearm that works and reliable I want a good tool a great hammer that's what I want okay now you get into competition guns or something it's a little different matter I picked up a wall there I only remember the model on the thing steel-framed something if I think it was a new release a competition model at the SHOT Show oh my gosh she's just melted into my hand I just wanted to get some ammo and shoot the thing you know you know so I mean there are a lot of really cool firearms out that are so much fun to shoot and easy to shoot well because of the beautiful trigger and the sight all that kind of thing but for a defensive firearm primarily a defensive firearm you know it's hard to be you know in real shooters know that okay serious shooters know that whether they like them a lot or not but there's always something to complain about the polymer sights which I've never any trouble with in thirty years you know polymer guide rods as well this partly polymer I guess I've never had trouble with those or any of that stuff that some people seem to have trouble with but so in it so anyway I'm praising block right now okay it's a neat little shooter now the negatives I don't have a use for it really I don't think because and that's why I've got all these pocket pistols out here you wonder why I've gotta I've got the P 365 chord I've got the the Ruger lc9 I've got the PM nine a car I even got my these are carry guns on rotation like that one's even loaded I've got you know my little 642 I got even got the Glock 19 for a reason okay I've had a cold excuse me but uh perfect timing for shacho but uh I've got all these pocket guns out here because guess what you can't put them in your pocket now you may not agree some of you want only the really smallest firearm you can pocket carry but I mean I I know it prints a little bit but I I carry any of those those firearms in my pocket the Glock 43 the PM 9 the the P 365 the 642 Smith & Wesson the LC 9 be a Ruger their their pocket guns for me their pocket guns if I want a belt gun on a holster like this then it changes the game in a big way I can carry anything I can carry this Glock 19 without any trouble if it's gone now this is for a smaller gun but I can carry a Glock 19 on my belt by any trouble ok I can carry a Glock 20 Glock 21 I carry a big fat block I'm carry a million different firearms on my bill okay so as I have pointed out before as you move from pocket gun or once once you get a firearm that's too big for your pocket then it opens up a whole new array of firearms that are potential carry guns right okay so for me the Glock 43 X is in that category look when you add that much to the grip and I'll show you that I'll just put the I've got it my pocket get the Glock 43 back out when you when you move from the 43 to and of course this one I'll take the mag out so you can see that okay when you add that to the grip let me stand them up there we go better look at it when you add that to the grip for me it you know I stretch it on Pocket guns most of you will agree right this one gets out of the pocket okay it's not a pocket gun maybe some giant jacket pocket or something but that's not a pocket gun so probably a lot of people compare this with the 43 I see no reason much to other than give you the specs and how it's similar in a little different I see no reason to do to over do it on comparing it with the Glock 43 this to me it's another belt gun like the Glock 48 like I say the only difference is the Glock 48 has a longer slide so if you're trying to decide on a carry gun you must be and you're even considering this well you're looking at a holster gun you know so it comes down to which you would prefer this barrel length or say the Glock 48 okay in a longer slide and I've got mags loaded here so let's use some more it's a good little shooter no doubt about it it feels good now it's a little thin for my taste but I could get used to it many of you who don't have a giant hand lock I do it probably would feel pretty good I always have a tendency to pull left on these I wasn't missing intentionally so if I have a grip that's kind of thin and you would probably have a tendency to do the same thing if you your head oh say say you have normal hands normal brain unlike mine and you found a pistol like this with even a much slimmer grip you would probably notice the same thing you tend to just pouch pinch you tend to want to pull left if you don't really focus let's see if it's gone worthy [Music] sounds like it let's try a buffalo come on there we go I even got a pig I think I was hold a little too high there so it's accurate enough and you know see our video so video called accuracy you know whenever I say accurate that's really what I'm referring to so so what what you have for me I'll bring the Glock 48 back in here what you have here are a couple of pretty neat little firearms that are great belt guns or maybe you don't carry them you're not even allowed to where you live or something but you've got a couple of nice firearms and you have come to the conclusion you like these why probably because you think the Glock 19 is a little fad for you you go to the double stack grips so if these firearms seem a little thick to you then that's probably where the this market lies right here for these kind of a slimmer 9 millimeter you know you got less capacity but you know I mean you can't cheat physics so if you want a slimmer pistol that's what you get with these you get a you know a slimline 9-millimeter yeah for your belt or for home defense or whatever it is and and of course I focused a lot on carry but you know you might just want a home defense firearm and a Glock 19 or any of those firearms who has a Glock or a CC or whatever it is they just are hard for you to grasp then these might be just the ticket so really so I'm not gonna bash them too much just because I don't see a place for them in my battery okay but a lot of people don't have hands like I do and you're looking at it maybe as an alternative to these other thicker firearms that just don't feel good to you and ten rounds doesn't bother you doesn't seem like low capacity to you and maybe you even have as john was pointing out earlier a lot of people do and i hear from you a lot you have trouble i know it's kind of ironic that i shoot these all the time and I like these firearms with short grips because I have such large hands but I have worked on it for years to try to be able to shoot them well because it just saw so many carry problems if you can and I put tape on them and i Frankenstein up the grips and try to get them just right for me into where the firearm just you know feels good and I can shoot it even though it has a very short grip but a lot of people part of it is just less experienced part of it just just can't get used to it now I talked a lot of experienced shooters they just they've got to have the long extended magazines on these firearms they just can't handle I don't want to try to handle you know and so there are a lot of people that just need a bigger grip don't want those short grips can't shoot them don't even want to learn to shoot them have no reason to maybe okay so so you know these these firearms have a place I think there are the blocks they work they're reliable and that's the positive side of it you know again the negatives your magazines don't interchange or you know with the Glock 43 and no no the other lock mags you have Glock 19 mags or anything else they're gonna work in it block 42 nothing is going to work in it except the mags for these firearms okay so what other negatives are positives mmm the 48 put it back over there you know some people don't like the looks or that silver in PVD or whatever it is finished and afraid it will chip off or not where I guess I don't know some people must be a lot harder on their firearms than I am it doesn't bother me I'm not gonna be throwing light through the mud or crawling through the desert and the sand probably it doesn't matter to me on a carry gun if if it gets worn you know that that's okay and I'm not worried about rusting even if it's bare metal I'm gonna keep it wiped down anyway I've got cults and lots of old guns they don't have a piece of rust on them and having thirty and forty years that I've owned them because I keep on wiped down you know where they're carrying them or not this gun is warnings to carry it a lot that pm9 my other 642 is really worn it doesn't bother me it's a tool it's a tool okay now if you are looking for a firearm though again I can't I can't keep from talking a little bit about this 6-3 65 the P 365 again this is my carry gun it's loaded in the magazine stays loaded I've been carrying this for when I got a month ago or two months ago because I think they've got them tweaked to where they're working okay now we didn't have a trouble with even the one we had what's been a year and I guess right we didn't have any trouble really with it I think a time it didn't go back into battery maybe and I realize that was an issue it's anything anything about it but but that that would work they'll fine they've done some tweaking to them and I think they're okay I've asked a lot of gun shops and people and they say no they're they're not getting him back they're not hearing about problems so that's encouraging the John and I both have them now and we've been shooting them and we've got any issues and I hope we don't because I love this pistol okay so I can't help it but do a little comparison here because not to bash o'clock because you know I like Glocks generally but yeah I'm not carrying one of these days I'm carrying this sig because it has ten rounds with what you see you know and look at the size difference look at that buzzer these firearms hold ten rounds and in you know the the 43 is a little longer it's not a big issue but could be in pocket maybe and so and this this holster is actually for the P 365 then I have here the pocket holster and and so I've got ten rounds and I got in a pocket gun it's in my pocket okay and that one is not gonna go in my pocket okay and even if I carried on my belt I actually like this P 3 665 better I'm not gonna fire it here but I like the trigger better and you know it's just a really nice pistol thing should work and let me put the 12 round now going to show you - it's out here so there's 12 rounds I think that's probably about this well even with 12 rounds so you got 12 plus 1 in the sig and even that's a little shorter so you know it's a very competitive market and this sig is probably the reason Glock came out with this right so to me the sig is a better choice right now provided and they got the bugs worked out of it and I think maybe they do I'm willing to give them a chance until I have issues with it and which I've not had so so anyway they're just again that's just another indicator more reason why I don't have a purpose for this firearm even though it's a nice little pistol all right nice little pistol it really is it's thin and you got plenty of grip for about anybody and you know she's well know I'm wearing can I shoot one more mag before I let you go and that's kind of where I stand on it one thing you pay us big bucks for here although I I'm not getting checks from some of you but hey it's they just give us give you our opinion and that's kind of where I stand on the thing nice gun but probably not one I would purchase unless we just wanted to have one around here to shoot and to compare with other firearms or something sometimes I hang on to firearms for that reason although this one goes back to Budds for the gunner and kind of low two mags I'll shoot a couple more a lot of fun it's it oh one thing I forgot to tell you it's what you get with unedited videos you have to survive the forgetfulness the stupidity and all of that things my sniffles is that it does pinch my finger John said John shot at Sean of some two and it pitches his it gets to him a little bit too and he doesn't have a tendency for that and I generally don't either I don't have like a bad tendon or my finger is always hurting a little bit and you know then when I shoot some firearms it's exaggerated I don't have anything like that going on I don't have any a weird thing with my finger nothing ever hurts it I can shoot all day shoot all these other firearms no problem even the Glock 43 so go figure I could shoot this thing all day I don't get the weird finger pinch or hurt with this one I do okay that's why I've got the band-aids on there that's why I kind of forgot because that takes care of it it's just a little bit of padding right there where it hurts and again part of that is me my large hands because I stick my finger through there further than I should if you're a firearms trainer you probably are spitting out your coffee when you're watching me shoot that I sit my finger through there like that which are not supposed to do you know but that's just the way I do it and I've always done it and always will I how I might have told you I ran into Clint Smith shot show got to talk to him it was great I should have demonstrated some of my bad habits to him he he could have given me a hard time that's good little shooter and as long as if you have hands as big as mine and you have plenty of band-aids or tape to put on you will have a problem excuse me no if I really like the firearm that would not be a deal killer it felt kind of like this yeah like this P 365 if after I shot this eight or nine ten times I hurt my finger a little bit which is what happens with this one if I don't have anything on I it wouldn't keep me from carrying it okay that's a small problem okay if it fits right it's reliable it's everything I want in a firearm I can live with that all right especially as a carry firearm no it's competition and I'm going out and firing hundreds of rounds and competing practicing you know I couldn't put up with that but for a carry gun I can so the Glock 43 X I'll kept you long enough it's a nifty little pistol and I would highly recommend you pick it up you there'll be lots of them in gun shops go to a range try it out try out the 48 try out all these others and and see how it fits you okay it might just be what the doctor ordered because it is a nifty little firearm yeah it's definitely not going to be too thick for you it shouldn't be too heavy for you ten rounds ten plus one probably enough not too much recoil for you it's gonna be reliable so I mean you can bash it all you want to I guess but it is a nice little firearm just it doesn't beat the 365 for me or the 19 like I say I'm going to my belt I'm probably going with this the Glock 19 or something you know like that might as well have 15 rounds if I'm going to my belt is this just as simple to carry unless you want the you want less weight I mean you could argue that too I guess and unless you want something a little thinner because right so it's nice that we have a we have a farm for everybody a weight thickness capacity a grip size for everybody right so it's all good glad y'all came by today and listen to me ramble I appreciate it Whittle thank you guys enough gals and guys met a lot of you at shot show know when you'll see this probably when you click on it and you know get it going on your computer or TV but we saw a lot of you at shot show and along the road there and back various places gas stations restaurants gun shops and it's always great to run into you and always say hi and we'll come up some insult for you whatever no we preciate your support and thanks for coming out today to watch this life is good my favorite country-western song while I've got you here I want to remind you to check out our friends over SDI the Sonoran Desert Institute you can find them at SDI edu they are a fully accredited online distance learning program where you can become an associate's degree in firearms technology or become certified in gunsmithing so if you're interested in a career like that please go check them out SDI edu also while you're on the internet please go to Hickok 45 comm and see everything we have over there we have all of our social media links all that kind of thing like like full30 comm links to our store have t-shirts now that you can you can acquire for yourself through Bunker branding mat from demolition ranches new company it's check out 45 on Twitter just to save you the time from going to the website hey got 45 on Facebook the real Hickok 45 on Instagram there's a John Hickok YouTube channel there's a John other score he got 45 Instagram where I post some stuff so please go check that out then I'm gonna give it back to playing this country song
Channel: hickok45
Views: 1,041,768
Rating: 4.8983355 out of 5
Keywords: G43, G43x, Glock 43, Glock 43x, Glock 48, CCW, 9mm, single stack, holster, Gen 5, Gen 4, P365, SIG, Glock 19
Id: p4B5FOCrc_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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