The LIE About "Health at Every Size" (Glitter and Lazers Spills Tea)

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what is up you guys welcome back to the channel thank you so much for clicking on today's video all right so today we're going to be talking about a video that was sent to me a a good amount of times this is from the influencer uh known as glitter and lasers so her real name is actually anna o'brien if we go to her instagram it says her so her name is anna o'brien confidence queen sassy storyteller makeup dabbler and fashion addict and apparently on tick tock she has 6.6 million followers so that is a lot of people there so anna is a you know a plus size influencer for lack of a better term she posts a lot of stuff about you know being confident in your body no matter what size you are and things like that if you've seen her tick tocks and stuff like that she moves around she you know she shows that you can be uh you can still move even if you are you know overweight and i think that that's you know a great thing that she's doing but again this video is actually in response and kind of talking about a video that she released on her own youtube channel so the name of that video is called weight loss diets and fitness i am spilling all the tea hey everybody uh today's video is really scary for me i am scared to talk about what we're gonna talk about because the fact of the matter is a lot of you have noticed that i've lost weight um a lot of you have noticed my body has changed my habits have changed and you should notice because they have so starting off the video she talks about how she is incredibly nervous to actually make this video you know because as you guys will see later in the video she talks about how she is actually losing weight right now and she uh you know she's she's trying to get her weight down so she can be a little bit healthier and we'll get into why exactly she's doing that but again she is incredibly nervous in this video now before we get any deeper i want to say that the video that she made like the video that i'm talking about here i think is great and i'm i think that she did a great job explaining herself and so this is not at all me trying to attack uh this woman by any means i think that the video she made was awesome and actually as i was watching it i had a smile on my face the whole time well not the whole time but there are some times where it's definitely sad but i was it was a really interesting and i think it's a really interesting video so let's start at the beginning i was diagnosed with a condition called lymphedema and i don't even remember exactly when i first found out i remember how i found out a doctor who specializes in treating lipoedema reached out to me and said i'm pretty sure you have this and then from there a nurse reached out to me someone who worked in the charitable armament of an organization that researches lepidamia reached out to me basically i i had a lot of professionals in the area of studying lipedema reach out to me and tell me that i have this condition so at the start of the video she says that she was actually diagnosed with lipedema now if you're not familiar with what that is i'll read off the wikipedia article that says uh lipid lipedema is a disorder where there is an enlargement of both legs due to deposits of fat under the skin typically it gets worse over time time pain may be present and sufferers bruise easily in severe cases the trunk and upper body may be involved uh lip edema is commonly misdiagnosed and when i first found out i was like annoyed and mad that these people had reached out to me this is true i was like why are you telling me this how can you possibly know that i have this condition um and i ignored it and i was just like screw you i'm gonna do whatever i want i was just like whatever i'm gonna progressively gain weight forever i might as well like have fun while that's happening so i did exactly opposite of what someone should do when they are diagnosed with a condition especially a progressive disorder um that was a very immature response to this diagnosis and in the beginning it really didn't affect my life that much to be to be entirely candid originally it was like oh my butt and thighs are bigger than the rest of my body big whoop but then things started to change things started to change and this is a condition that usually will stick with you for the rest of your life from what i've read and so it's just something that you kind of have to deal with and you know obviously you want to try and reduce it as much as you can but from what i've seen there's no like you take this medicine and now there's a cure and there were just all these really extreme diets that were suggested and honestly a lot of the people who are actively talking about lipoedema practice those diets so i chose keto because i like meats and cheeses and i did keto and i actually developed a really terrible keto rash all over my body i was itching and twitching for days and it was literally the worst one of the worst experiences of my life was the like couple months i did keto and i remember crying to my friend on the phone like literally calling her up and bawling my eyes out and basically being like i can't do this i can't keep this crazy diet i couldn't do it you know before and i can't do it now and it was weird because i was doing a crazy diet for the right reasons but it was still a crazy restrictive diet and it still had all the terrible physical and mental consequences even though the intention of doing it might have been pure so when she talks about trying out keto and you know even though she was trying to do it for her health right she says it's for the right reasons it was still too hard for her now i can make a whole video about why i'm not a huge fan of diets that require a lot at the start especially you know someone like her that was probably kind of eating whatever she wanted and then to try and go to something that is so restrictive uh like keto it is such a normal thing for people to you know jump into a diet that is way too restrictive and then it ends up just not working out and uh you know obviously she kind of fell into that trap and i hope that she's obviously out of there now with lipedema there is no cure there's no pill you take you have to either adapt your lifestyle to stop the progression or limit the progression or you continue to progress and eventually lose mobility i felt very defeated and for like six months i probably felt super defeated because i felt like it lost control of my own body and i was not capable of doing the things i needed to do to get in control of it and i remember this big chair i said and i'd love to sit and edit in that chair and i remember sitting in it and it got so hard to get up and it was more the pain in my legs than anything and i just remember feeling so defeated so after i got my food under control um i was like i can't stop here right i still feel challenged in movement so i just said i'm gonna walk a mile and a half five days a week ended up being more like six days a week because i started to really love it but no matter what i'm just gonna get up and i'm gonna walk a mile and a half and i don't care how long it takes i don't care where i walk i'm just gonna walk a mile and a half and i love that she brings up at the start of her journey you know her lipodemo was really bad it was a lot of pain and she had a lot of back pain but the fact that she was like okay i am going to walk a mile and a half every single day right and that's something that so many people don't realize how incredibly powerful just walking can be right especially for her but for anyone right i go on long walks all the time i i enjoy walking and i think that so many people think oh walking isn't enough cardio or it's not hard enough it's not intense enough but if you can go out and walk you know for her a mile and a half but you know for me if i go on like a two-hour walk i'm able to be outside it's going on walks is so underrated and so i'm i'm really glad that that's where she is starting uh because it's so so so common uh for people when they decide i'm to start losing weight or i'm going to start getting healthier i'm going to start some sort of routine they go in and they jump in head first and they again it's like with diet but with exercise they do too much and then you end up being super sore or it's just too much for your body to handle and then you know you have to go you have to take two days off and then you're like i don't even know if i want to go back but for her just starting out with going on walks i think that that was a great idea for her so i started all of this never with the intention of losing weight but to try to balance my pain now in the beginning i did weigh myself i'll be real i weighed myself because i was trying to reduce my inflammation when you lose 10 pounds in two days that's not fat that is inflammation but then i like stopped weighing myself regularly i also found that i was starting to get like a little connected to that in a way that made me uncomfortable and i think took away from the reasons why i was making these changes now hear what she's talking about weighing herself i think that you know a lot of people they demonize the scale and like i'm not here to say that she should start weighing herself more and that she like whatever she can do whatever she wants but i think a lot of people have demonized the scale and i understand like it can absolutely 100 become way too important to people and it becomes it becomes more than just a number right but if you're able to look at the number on the scale and just see it as data and be like okay i'm just going to track this data and see where i am in a month right if you're able to do that i don't think that you should be oh like demonized because you want to weigh yourself every day like especially if you're like what she's doing or you are on a weight loss journey i don't think there's anything wrong with using the number on the scale as data but i do think like she said herself if you start to notice that that number becomes more than just a number and you start like stressing over it and all this stuff maybe it's a good idea to not weigh yourself as often but i don't think that you everyone necessarily needs to demonize the scale i do feel like um there are two polarized views on health right now there is this view of constantly optimizing for performance in a way that's not maintainable by the average person and that's the opposite which is like give up do nothing who cares and i realized that at every point in my life i had been playing to one of these polls i had either been restrictive and controlling and and losing the joy of my life solely to maintain a diet or a physical regime that met some type of ideal standard or i was completely ignoring my fitness and eating habits to maximize supposed joy right now i love that she said this right here you know because a lot of people i think they a lot of people like to think in black and white or an absolute so it's like either over here you're super fit you are you know crushing every workout and you have six-pack abs and you're the man and you're absolutely destroying it or you're over here and you're a couch potato and you don't do anything and you don't even care right i think obviously where we need to be is in the middle that's why i say like for the most part i believe that you can't look at someone and determine that if they're healthy or not just by looking at them right someone could be 20 pounds overweight and be completely healthy just like they can be a little slim and be completely healthy but again it's when we start to look at the uh you know the extremes on that spectrum you know someone that is really really large where you know they're like she was almost getting to that point where her mobility was being affected by her weight right and by her obviously by her disease that she had you know that's not healthy like health isn't just oh i don't have diabetes and i don't have heart disease all this stuff right health is being able to move throughout the world in a in a easy way right i think that's a part of health you know not having uh joint pain not having all of these things that that happen when you get uh to a point where your weight kind of gets out of control and it's the same thing if you are you know way too thin that's you end up having the same issues right if you're way too thin you're not going to be doing a lot of stuff because you don't have the energy and so i think that again i've always said for the most part i agree with health at every size i agree with most of what they say if i have a conversation with someone that is healthy at every size that's not like some crazy extremist i'm sure we would agree on more things than we disagree on but i think when we talk about those extremes that's where i'm gonna disagree like well i mean if you are you know really really overweight and you're having problems with your body because of your weight then i would say yeah you can probably look at that person and say hey they should maybe lose some weight if they want to be a little bit healthier someone commented on a photo of mine they said sometimes i don't know if i say no to something because i don't like it or because i'm afraid i can't do it and that just like hit me so hard because i had been saying no to things because i was afraid i wouldn't be able to do it and that that stops now that part right there just hit me in the gut because i remember when i was when i was at my heaviest there were so many things that people would ask me to do that i would say no to and in my head i would or what i would tell them was no i just don't want to do that thing right whatever it was but i was genuinely just afraid that i wouldn't be able to do the thing you know like going to an amusement park afraid i wouldn't be able to fit into the rides i remember when i was in i think i was in 10th grade i went to an amusement park with a church group here and the first day was a two-day trip the first day there were like a few rides that they literally could barely click the machine on so i could actually fit into the ride and so the next day this is embarrassing but the next day when we went back i just acted like yeah you know what i have uh i have diarrhea so i don't want to go on any rides but it was it was really because i was terrified of getting on a ride and them not being able to click the little you know lever down so i could actually ride it i was terrified of that happening so i just made up a lie and like hearing her say that i just i i remember that day so vividly so that is that is my health fitness life whatever you want to call this journey uh i understand this might feel like a betrayal for some of you especially because these topics are so hard and uncomfortable to talk about it's it's also annoying because i know there's gonna be some troll out there who's like we finally did it we broke her and i want you to know that this has nothing to do with anyone else's opinion of me so it's crazy to me that she has to make that disclaimer at the end of the video right where she's like people are gonna think i betrayed them she like but what she is doing is literally trying to take her life back from this disease that she is dealing with but the fact that there are people that are going to comment and say i can't believe you're losing weight you you've turned against us like that is absolutely insane and then again she says like there might be some trolls out there you know hopefully she doesn't think i'm a troll that's not what i'm trying to do with this video i'm just trying to share you know the fact that uh it's okay to want to lose weight like i know that sounds like most people watching this is like well of course it's okay i don't want to lose weight but there are a lot of people you know probably a lot of people that follow her that really think that trying to lose weight is a form of self-harm or it's a problem or it's problematic and the fact that she has to even have this disclaimer it really is sad to me so all in all i think that this video was absolutely amazing i watched it like four times already um i think that the emotions that she shared and the realities that she shared are are very important for people to see and the fact that again that she had to put that disclaimer at the end that people are going to be mad at her i i hope if she sees this video anna i'm happy for you and i'm i'm glad that you are you know thriving right now and i only hope only wish for the best for you and i i'm seriously very very happy for you and if you would ever like to talk and you want to maybe come on the channel maybe we could do a live stream together i would be down if you want to do that just let me know um but yeah an amazing video but with that being said that is going to be the end of the video i would love to know what you guys think down in the comment section down below before in the video i do want to say thank you to all of the uh big chungus channel members on the channel uh so big thank you to immoralis determine danny johnson sixto sounds and emily thank you guys so much for uh being big chunguses i very much appreciate it but with that being said that is going to be the end of the video make sure you like comment and subscribe there was one other thing that i wanted to say oh yeah look up i am the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig wags don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 313,135
Rating: 4.92696 out of 5
Keywords: glitter and lazers, john glaude, obesetobeast, fat loss, weight loss
Id: 4zDhWN2NyxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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