Glitching Around In Tri Force Heroes - DPadGamer

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welcome to the wonderfully weird world of hytopia where fashion is everything and links travel in packs of three it's the setting for the equally weird game that is the legend of zelda triforce heroes and that game is the focus of this video where we'll be messing around with glitches to make things even weirder so if you don't know and i'm just gonna assume you don't this is one of those multiplayer centric zelda games sort of like four swords adventure but without purple link in this one players venture into the drablands alongside two human players if you're in multiplayer or two doppelgangers called doppels in single player you can probably guess which one i went with [Music] when you go out into the draft lands you can wear one of many different outfits which each have some sort of added effect the only exception to this is the default hero's tunic which is what i wore for most of this video still the power of a good outfit cannot be overlooked as you'll see some help in pulling off glitches and others are just useful in other ways the tri suit for example gives you extra energy dodge chance heart and roofie discoverability when worn with two links also in the tri-suit it's pretty cool and it also lets you decipher the secret message in high toby town which is the secret to everybody some of the outfits double as fun references to other games like the hammerwear and cozy parka most importantly the timeless tunic lets you cosplay a minecraft but not really still its boxy visage is quite fitting cause i'd like to talk to you about the sponsor of today's video squarespace as you may know squarespace is a great way to make a website it's flexible meaning you can make any kind of sites and it being an online platform means you don't have to worry about plugins updates or patches ever you can get started with one of their awesome website templates which you could then customize to fit your needs as such creating a stylish website is a breeze also squarespace sites use a responsive design that automatically resizes based on the size of the browser window being used that along with their device view tool means you can be sure your website looks good on every device every time if all of this looks good to you head over to d-pad gamer using the link in the description and start your free trial today then when you're ready you can use code d-pad gamer at checkout for 10 off your first purchase once more that's dpad gamer and code d-pad gamer also also thanks to squarespace for sponsoring this video with that we're ready to tackle the drablands there are eight different areas each made up of four different levels each of those levels are split into four distinct stages the then of trials is also a thing but it has its own rules so we're just going to sort of ignore it all of the levels have specific items that can be used in them but sky realm sky temple is sky unique and that all of the items are available that's great because i want to learn new thing about some items for a quick rundown bombs are bombs boomerang lets you thwack stuff as well as pick up and retrieve allies bows blast the arrows fire glove throws fireballs which uses the sound effect for mario grip shot is like your standard hook shot but it could also use link as a grippable post gus jar is basically the air zooka your parents understandably never let you have as a kid magic hammer is a hammer and water ride summons a simple water pillar which is actually one of the most broken things in the game items all use part of your energy bar which gradually recharges all of the items have a certain amount of end lag which limits how fast you can use them the boomerang and grip shots end lag cannot be circumvented but all of the others can be all you gotta do is move after using the item which cancels the lag which means quicker item usage this same technique also lets you cancel the end lag from throwing a link which lets you do silly things like seeing how long you can go until you drop the link my high score was three throw lag cancelling also lets you grip shot onto a thrown link over flat ground this doesn't do all that much but it does let you get some real momentum when flinging yourself off of a ledge that same technique can also be used with this raft in the cove transitions stage 3. if you just throw the link in the right spot grip onto him you'll get a hero powered speedboat i don't know if this is how physics should work but i'm glad that they do here going back to the idea of flanking yourself off of a ledge i should note that link can always dash by using the l or r buttons when you dash off of a ledge link falls almost immediately meaning you don't go very far if you cancel your dash just as you reach the edge link can actually maintain his momentum which means that you travel much farther on that topic sky temple's stage 1 has multiple floating islands the third one has water which oddly enough sticks out just a few pixels beyond the edge you can actually very carefully fall into this water by slowly walking off the edge and then tread water mid-air or even sort of swim through land which is neat also i should note that when swimming link can pop out onto land by moving against low ledges if you are right up against one such ledge and flick the analog stick towards the ledge you can actually store the water exit action next time you move against a wall link will jump up in hightopia town if you use this glitch you can get out of the water right about here and inside this bit of the bridge if you fall you'll reappear on land so it's super easy to retry from here you could head to the west to reach the edge of town literally when link is beyond the edge and the camera's dipping that means link literally fell off of the edge into the void and then respawn at the edge you can't do much with this but hey roaming out of bounds is always sort of neat as you may notice jumping out of the water makes a splash and noise if you're very careful about your positioning against the corner of a ramp that goes out of some liquid you can spam the animation very quickly using the goron garp lin can swim in lava which also lets you serve a spam ah it's like music to my rapidly deteriorating ears tangentially related throughout the various levels are levers and water wheels which both act a bit on when a link is thrown onto one you can see that they sort of lock up and maintain the momentum until they fall off the other side that's because these are objects that you're not supposed to be on which makes them great for playing monkey in the middle with yourself anyways if you fall onto them without any momentum like by using the water rod you'll become stuck if all three links get into this position you'll be forced to restart the level entirely while messing around with this i realized i could actually use link as a projectile to dislodge the other link which is pretty handy over in water temple stage 2 the link force starts in a room with three metal platforms which retract upon landing on the floor below once down on that floor all three can press the button which raises the room's water level you can do something weird here with the following setup send one link down onto the button and then have the other two totem and then summon water pillars on the retractable platforms then you can fall down onto the third link which retracts the platforms and raises the water level at the exact same time which can actually freeze the water pillar in place surprisingly this isn't just a visual glitch the pillar's hitbox is still there which makes fighting the enemies quite easy that said this room is also a great place to show off the water rod's broken nature you see water rod makes link go up if link go up here and then up again and then link throw link and then link grab link boom you're out of bounds this also means you could just walk right over to these stages exit it's worth noting that the water rods pillar can be bigger if wielded by a link wearing the torrance robe this makes some bits much easier like here in infinity dunes stage 1 where you can move around at the invisible barrier head to the left pillar toss the link out and out of bounds proper there are many places where the water rod can be used to get out of bounds but sometimes you don't even need an item in the forest temple stage 3 you can toss a link out of bounds by simply standing on this ledge i'm not sure where else to put this but hey you could do some more obnoxious sounding spamming using the minecraft in henox caves stage 4. you see this is one of those things that requires all three links to stand on which kicks off a fun minecart's writing encounter if one of the links stands on one of the back corners the game seems to think he's constantly falling off then back on then back off again and so on once the third link walks on you get this the speed of fall determines the speed of spam go fast enough and you can soft lock your game what fun from there we'll hop over to the ice cavern area which has levels that utilize the magic hammer the hammer lends itself to some fun glitches one of them is actually sort of useful the hammer's animation briefly locks your vertical height that means that with decent speed you can use the hammer to essentially levitate across certain gaps the hammer is also used to smack mole springs which can then launch link into the air if you use the mole spring to launch a totem of links and then grab them right after they can actually briefly zip from nearby if your timing is right if both the totem and the solo link are on springs when doing this it could actually displace the link totem somewhere else um so i don't have enough brain power to understand why or how it's a thing but it's a thing also a thing in silver shrine stage two once all three links land on this platform a number of terror pins pop up for a nice turtley ambush a few of them are actually in a totem stack of their own if you send a link up and have them hammer in this spot as the terrapins pop up it'll ruin their stack then if you quickly slash them you actually doom the game now the next time the hammer is used the game will crash in that same level during stage 4 the game goes up against some dead rocks those are enemies that when hit with a sword briefly turn into stone smacking your sword against a solid surface like a stone give lynx some real recoil speed when on ice if you do this in a corner then you get a perfect way to build up enough speed that link will shoot right through stuff which is also a great place to visualize the hammer levitation much like almost everything else in this video it's basically pointless but look at him go jumping over to the illusory the illusion mansion which is the first level in the ruins the game introduces color-coded platforms these are only solid for the link of the corresponding color other links will fall right through surprisingly you can delay falling by repeatedly pressing b l or r preferably all three to make sure that you're always hitting the right timing link will continue to repeat the animation and get drawn towards the center of the platform if you are somehow playing with like actual humans one of them can save you which avoids losing a heart a potentially more useful glitch involves fences you see when tossing something or someone add a link naturally he will catch it the catch hitbox is quite forgiving which means that a link can actually catch his friend while on the other side of thin walls like with fences this might be useful in some of the challenges maybe on that topic in this game after sort of beating the game you unlock drabland challenges these are optional tasks which modify the various levels in various ways some of the levels have challenges to escort an orb to its pedestal which is usually near the triforce exit panels the pedestal for the orb and also pot which i think has the same logic seems to have an equally forgiving catch hitbox at a certain distance the orb will always land in the pedestal this even includes when you're tossing from a vertical distance that should just not work but does i guess link is almost as good a basketballer as mario because you know in the words of the wise old man whoop there it is now i don't think i want to try force the runtime to be any longer so let's end things here thanks for watching this video big thanks to my channel members for their support and a totem sized thanks to pseudonymous germanger achilles rhodes and captain crayfish for being super fans if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a like comment maybe even subscribe there are a bunch more zelda easter egg and glitch videos on the channel so check those out if you want that's about it for this one i'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 100,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Triforce Heroes Glitches, Tri Force Heroes Glitches, the legend of zelda, glitches with dpadgamer, Tri Force Heroes, Legend of Zelda Glitches, The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, Glitches in Tri Force Heroes, Glitches in Triforce Heroes, Zelda Glitches, DPadGamer, The Legend of Zelda, triforce heroes, tri force heroes tips and tricks, tri force heroes tips
Id: fRXo-DfDR9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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