Minish Portal Magic - Glitches in Minish Cap - DPadGamer

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hey there I'm deep ed gamer and it's time for another video Before we jump into things though I'd like to give a big shout-out to the Minish Cap speeder in community because without their diligent work this game would not be as broken as it is also unless otherwise specified the glitches that you'll see me showing off in this video have been recorded on the Japanese version of the game with that in mind I hope you have our talking bird hat ready because it's time for some glitches in minish cap to start us off grab a bottle and toss something inside water fairies dirt a princess whatever it is dump it out and press a to interact while in front of a sign reading the sign will interrupt the bottle emptying process and you'll find that links hitbox will no longer work he can pass right through enemies their attacks and whatnot without taking any damage if you leave the screen or roll the glitch will be undone and you can take damage again this can be replicated on Mount crenel to keep the mineral water after use just drop a bomb right here and open up the bottle before the explosion goes off a secret will be revealed and the vinyl grow but you still keep the water circling back to that fairy thing first there are two spots on either side of this fountain where you can pick up water and if you drop it the fountain will activate as if you had tossed a bomb this works anywhere in the room even in the front of this corner if Flinx pulls some water the fairy will be unleashed on the European version of the game there are two caves which seem to be connected through quantum entanglement basically if you dig it out in this cave west of hyrule town and go all the way to the cave east of Hyrule town without passing through any white loading zones you'll find that the towels have become corrupted digging some more here and heading back will show that it goes both ways aside from visuals and pointless collision not a lot changes in the West cave but in the East cave the corrupted tiles actually allow link to travel outside the cave you can't go very far but you can travel back through the entrance which is fun I guess as soon as you go through white loading zone the caves will be reset and thus fixed screen transitions givethe in screen transitions taketh away later in the game after obtaining the rock scape link and learn the down thrust sort attack when used Lincoln moves slightly after landing before the game updates his height so somewhere like the palace of winds if you down thrust off the ledge and then move forward through the screen transition pink will immediately fall to his well he'll actually just keep falling after falling the game wants to place him back to where he was before falling which is usually a solid surface since we transitioned the screen mid air link will remain falling here infinitely you can't even game over if you wanted to over in the Royal Valley there are some spooky ghost called Ginny when they get close they'll wrap linked up with their tail and lick his hair gross if used a gust started to suck went up at the same time as he grabs you the grab will still happened but also not the slink is stuck in place not taking damage but also cannot get out so we're somehow not done getting link stuck and stuff I think the last time a character took this much abuse was Luigi at my smash 64 video rest in pieces looky anyways in the wind ruins at the very bottom left of the map is this our most blocking the way forward you're supposed to shrink climb inside activate him grow big and show him simple as that well if you instead actually him and lead him over to the right you can get links stuck in a hole if the Armos deactivates while blocking the way out try gem to left no dice right nothing that sucks to be you link our most can also be used for good not just evil in the fortress of winds you will come upon this room after activating our most if manipulated properly he can be placed in this specific spot and rolling into him with the correct timing will pop link right through the blocks now to a casual like me this is basically useless as it takes me a long time to set up but as toe do it proves with some RNG manipulation this is a reliable trick thing and save roughly eight seconds be sure to check out this video for more information on that now this is all leading to one of the two major glitches that we have here today first of which is portal items a glitch that involves both minish portals and items start off to either the left side or right side of the portal will do left hold up right to move against the portal diagonally and press B to use the moments after doing so like go up right and press right after the Minsk laying off the portal if done correctly link should end up on the portal we're in a moment but then he'll use them again automatically pushing himself backwards off the platform there's a lot more that goes in this clich which we'll look at later but for now note that you can press the direction to hop off the platform which can be used to almost put link over the wall so place a bomb perform portal items use the moments and then jump towards the wall so that at the highest point link is damaged giving him just enough boost to get up and over the wall this trick actually allows you to go to the masalas bathroom without needing the boskie which saves quite some time still be careful if you go directly north into masalas bathroom he'll start exploding which means you've won however this solves locks the game which means you've lost instead travel west into this room hopped down from the doorway and head inside to fight the boss for a proper skip if you head into the room without hopping down the follow : like normal but link cannot interact with the boss at all he can't take or deal damage as because hopping up onto the wall change links height to some this may be obvious but it's worth mentioning because this is a top-down 2d game it's not always clear where link is vertically while using these glitches still more here if you enter his room without changing your Heights leave by going south head east and head back north into the room directly the fight will start but his hands won't respond properly also this is where the game softlocks for me the other important glitch which leads into a lot of other stuff is the ocarina glitch or og for short it allows link to walk through certain objects walk across bottomless pits over rooms out-of-bounds all kinds of stuff first off one of the easiest and most common ways to activate the og is to press up on the d-pad in front of a staircase and play the ocarina one frame after this is so that the act of playing the ocarina it's interrupted by trying to walk down the stairs when you do so you can see that the room has basically become frozen NPCs and enemies will not move and you cannot pause the game and doing number of things will softlock the game such as rolling bunking with the Pegasus boots or talking to an NPC this time to stop part of the glitch will persistent so you play the ocarina again which ends ticklish entirely also if anybody feels about commenting something that had this glow just basically don't bother it's not a clever joke and we both know it another side effect of the oh jeez frozen world is that sprite spawned by links items won't work properly arrows shot from the bow will remain in place and complete their trajectory after time is unpause the little puffy clouds spawn from the Gus jar are pretty underwhelming but the Cain Apache is where it's at first off you could actually draw using the magical lights that the cane emits this may look like an outline for a d-pad but it's actually a cross that will be placed over my grave after the Jojo fans come after me for calling the Mount Holly enough with the candy actually spawned enough sprites as the sprites for the NPC's and even link will become unloaded still this is just visual so playing the ocarina will fix everything right out before moving on I should emphasize that there are two parts to the ocarina glitch first is a time stopped softlock happy States and the other is Link's indifference to laws of gravity going to another room by scrolling the map will only stop the first part as an example link can move across this room with ease going right over the water while OG is active the game will only update links height at certain times like going up some stairs also hopping down room ledge is a reliable way to lower links height if links heights is high enough he is free to walk across most areas enemies and objects he'll even be able to freely transition from room to room but be careful the game will look at the first tile you're on in a new room and apply that's linked both Heights and state if you start on a nice tile link will be slip sliding around the whole room if you foolishly transition so that link is starting over some water he will drown repeatedly still on temple of droplets we can see that moving through and past this dark room where the lantern is required is weird going south from this particular room will spawn a flash a light for some reason and heading back north into the dark room will have link become covered by a dark circle aka the opposite of what should happen now that we've become familiar with the ocarina glitches various properties to set the scene were partway through the game and there's a book that we need to retrieve and the rafters of dr. left's house to get there you need to have the power bracelets to move some bookshelves while tiny instead head up into the rafters of the Hyrule town shop here activate the awkward neglige using this set of stairs and then line yourself up on this beam only one pixel of long shadow should overhang the beam charge to the right with the Pegasus boots and Link will actually end up not in the shop but rather dr. left's house I probably don't need to spell this out for you but I will that is very weird and obviously you should not happen still it's not as cut as dry as having two maps right next to each other because if you charge across and change screens with any another additional positioning it's quite likely that you'll end up either becoming stuck or end up seemingly above the bakery instead of left house now the ocarina village can be activated with more than just stairs anything that will interrupt a link while he's playing an ocarina should work it just takes timing here in the palace of the winds let's look at what the usual route is after taking out a couple of ball and chain soldiers links supposed to grab the key head west through series of rooms jump across fights and move east through a couple of rooms before finally ending up back here and obtaining a boskie instead you need to play the ocarina right as a final soldier dies [Music] this is very hard to pull off at least for me but doing so allows you to quickly reach the small key sitting about 33 seconds into any percent run so it's definitely worth it [Music] with the Bosque in hand there's another glitch that you can do but we'll come back to this in a bit for now let's look at another ocarina glitch use that requires a somewhat complex setup in order to properly skip the flippers link needs to enter the temple of droplets without being able to swim problematically it takes some extra steps to get this door open and prevent link from walking through which is required if we want to perform the ocarina glitch using this house you'll need a ferry in a bottle some arrows a bomb and links health needs to be low enough to pass out from a single blast I highly suggest that you check out lladros detailed rundown of this trick but I'll give a quick overview head out the door for reliable start drop a bomb while simultaneously charging south pause after bunking to equip tebow moves north while rolling moments and shooting one arrow this setup should be perfectly time set link open the door and really gets exploded which leaves it open allowing you to perform the ocarina glitch and scamper on over to the temple of droplets also joke's on you because we haven't know their uses ocarina glitch here in the cave of flames after jamming after ocarina glitch use the rock scape to hop partway into this tunnel once you do try moving to the right and linkable super jump into the sky right into a softlock moving on let's look at how the magical boomerang lives up to its name after being thrown if you hold down the boomerang button I'm gonna be put into an odd state somewhere between a solid and a liquid you cannot move link and as height can not be changed let's use that in conjunction with European exclusive glitch use the lantern and immediately toss the magical boomerang link should put his arm outs but nothing will be there because the game incorrectly spawns the boomerang all the way to the top corner of the current area you're in when done right around here we'll have about 20-something seconds before it comes back in the meantime hopped forward into the world wind and hold down the a button if you press R or LUT link drop down he'll remain hovering due to the boomerangs magical state also thanks to Newton's first law link will maintain whatever momentum he has floating along until he collides of something solid after enough time to burn will return the link dropping him down unharmed if you have link float in place you can get a real nice look at the boomerangs magic can also be used for some clipping with boss doors like here in the temple of droplets first you want to actually the UH curtain glitch off this set of stairs before getting ready to open the boss door toss the boomerang away from the door and open the door then hold the boomerang button leg will enter the extreme without activating the transition which allows him to walk around freely out of bounds from here if you were to go straight to the right into the next room it's quite likely they either become trapped or drop down back into the usual playable space for this to go from a neat glitch to a legitimate escape you need to be as close to the wall as possible again I would recommend that you check out yonder tutorial for the specifics but basically you roll twice to the right and use the cane appache to check your Heights and you have to keep rolling into the wall until you get the right pixel depth once you're ready a lot will happen in quick succession when you move to the east right after the transition pause and get ready with the sword unpause while holding up left on the d-pad then up to find yourself here now just move Easton's is room defy some scissor beetles to unlock the blue warp early making the flippers completely optional heading back to the palace of winds has to revisit that ocarina glitch from the ball-and-chain soldier from earlier rather than using the Bernina clip through the boss door that's used the lantern on the B button in front of the door press B for the lantern then immediately a to open the door link should slide right through the loading zone and end up on the other side I'm free to leave the screen to the right then follow this route to the dungeon to go directly to the fight against Georg now that we've covered the ocarina glitch let's use it to perform portal items much easier for whatever reason when you try jumping on a portal while OG is active link will jump far away from the portal like so this puts you far enough away that if you press the hour button link will not be shrunk down case is where the majority of the item part of portal items comes in press are in item at the same time to use it first use the ocarina to undo the time stop allowing you to pause also one side effect of the portal II state is that link will not be picked up by the verb that he summons with the ocarina for movements your options are severely limited but you can use the gut star to push link in the obstetrician of reverie slasher sword during all of this if you press the direction on the d-pad link will jump off the platform he's still technically on ending the glitch if you do this well against the wall link will actually jump up and over it assuming the distance isn't too far it can even do more than that but let's first make her way over to this whirlwind one link jumps into it as the will stretch out but in the wrong direction quickly flipping upside down and then treating to just a pixels thickness something in the code definitely did not like that also that is a softlock when link jumps off the portal he could actually jump right over loading zones just huff and puff all the way over to one jump off the portal and link will be on the other side simple as that now I can walk around the outside of your current area but as soon as you go far enough away link will be transitioned to the next area it can be hard to pinpoint exactly where link is at times so use the gust our vacuum cleaner feature to get an idea from this top right section moving to the rights can easily get you stuck in some trees or even drowning repeatedly if you do the og in lake hylia and used to perform portal items there is something really cool that you can achieve just be careful because while puffing around if link is hit by an enemy or cling swords with an enemy link will lose the ability to use items which basically four is linked to jump off the platform and we started to glitch all over from lake hylia heads at the right side of this house than Jeb north over the tree wall now move to the left until you find yourself background here continue to move left until you lined up with the tree stump link is technically in Veil Falls but the game is showing us long on ranch jumping south will transition link into long on ranch physically but the game seems to load the hills of the east as we can tell by the text on screen now we are outside the usual visible play space so the textures aren't loaded this is what all the out-of-bounds places look like a sea of red white black and other stuff if you look close clouds can be seen floating by also objects on what are still present so if linked to stories on grass for example it'll continue to exist allowing basically an infinite resource gathering this whole screen is just very weird also as soon as you pause and unpause the correct map will be loaded blink will remain in place will that be a great place to stop let's end with this if used a ghost are to push link into a wall and then immediately try jumping into that wall link can become stuck holding the guitar and slide away all the while has sprite goes insane enjoy [Music] you one step and then again let's do the mario all together now you got it it's the mario do the mario swing your arms from side to side come on it's time to go do the mario take one step and then again let's do the mario all together now come on now like [Music]
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 191,027
Rating: 4.9033432 out of 5
Keywords: Glitches in Minish Cap, Glitches in The Minish Cap, Glitches in The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, Minish Cap Glitches, The Minish Cap Glitches, The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap Glitches, Glitches With DPadGamer, Minish Cap Ocarina Glitch, Minish Cap Portal Items, Minish Cap OOB, Minish Cap Skips, Minish Cap Tricks, Minish Cap Speedrunning, Minish Cap Mazaal Skip, Minish Cap Armos Clip, Minish Cap Memory Glitch, Minish Cap No Hitboxes, DPadGamer, TMC, TLOZ: TMC, Zelda Glitches
Id: nHupfNjA_k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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