Glitches in Pokémon Red, Blue, Green and Yellow (Part 1) - DPadGamer

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so the first generation Pokemon games with a start of a franchise that has lasted over 20 years at this point alone makes them special but that doesn't stop them from being filled to the brim with glitches there's so many that I need to separate them into multiple videos so let's get into it I'm d-pad gamer and it's time for glitches in the first generation Pokemon games part one let's start off with some pointless glitches and work our way up to the more interesting ones if you hold the a button while the game is saving the menu won't disappear certain NPCs in these games have a random area in which to wonder if you hang out somewhere like Pallet Town you can see that eventually an NPC like this one will block onto a door as if it's just a normal walkable trial also PCs are programmed to not walk into the players so standing in front of them lowers the possible directions they can go that means you can actually encourage them to move where you want if you get an NPC to stand in the past that Professor Oak locks he'll walk straight through zone also if you move someone down below a Ledge it's possible one on top of them just occupying the same space pretty sweet huh it's possible to have NPCs appear in shrink places without doing anything at all for example if you walk into Vermilion gym and go directly left then up and inspect the trashcan one of the trainers will be out of place this is pretty strange but it'll be corrected as soon as the text disappears it's also possible to occupy the same space as a tree although it's not very difficult to achieve just cut a tree and stand where it would save the game reset and reload since the first generation game engine doesn't store the data on the whether or not a traitor than cut you'll be standing on top of it also east of fuchsia City and route 15 is a non tree if you cut down this tree and walk a few steps west and walk back your path will be blocked the tree is invisible but it can still be cut down as normal you now we have some more interesting glitches starting with one that allows the Pokemon to be evolved without using any evolutionary stone despite requiring it let's take Poliwhirl for example normally it requires that water stone to be evolved into poliwrath instead if you go into battle of the trainer have your parole level up and then end using an onyx poly role will incorrectly evolve as if a stone was used you see all Pokemon and items are assigned an unseen index number and the index number for onyx and a water stone is both 34 as you might expect this works for all types of stones if you have a Pokemon with the corresponding index number here's a chart of index numbers it's corresponding stone and the Pokemon install it on hotel if you stand here and press a surprise there is an invisible PC that you can access it seems that this room was directly copied from a Pokemon Center which includes a PC so whatever reason the sprite was deleted but the ability to interact with the PC was not there are other places in the game which has an invisible PC but they're located places that are not usually accessible on the topic of PCs let me show you how to do something very stupid if you have one fainted Pokemon on your team deposit all your healthy pokes into the PC leaving only the fainted one in pokemon red and blue you're able to take a couple steps before blacking out if you save and reset a step counter is reset so you're able to move very very slowly with only faint ahsoka however in yellow ticking the final step will cause a pair blackout so delish is not possible there for this video I only have one push specific to pokemon yellow so here it is with your Pikachu fainted step on to the purified zone quickly push beat and take a couple steps off and there Pikachu will be decent what's happening is that by moving as pigs respond back in you'll end up somewhere other than directly behind the player you'll add your movements but end up going all over the place this is six by either answering a purified zone or training rooms still in the tower usually if your honor goes without has an oscilloscope it's impossible to tell what it is to fix this just view the statute on your Pokemon in your party and when you go back to the ghost sprite will update scan for Pokemon so it can't be caught as you already know the max level appellant can be is 100 at least through normal gameplay if you have a Pokemon that's over level 100 you go through a village or hack in the game give me levels even further with rare candies with enough candies and some patience you can take a Pokemon all the way to level 250 science using one more candy will make it well will loop back around zero this is because the pokemons level is tracked by a single binary bite bytes only count up to 235 so try to go beyond that causes the bite the wrap back around a zero if you tend to enter the cycling road beside a bike the guard will stop the player and turn them around if you instead hold left on the d-pad will try and enter this will happen you once on the road you'll be riding a bike despite not actually having one in your inventory it's time for my favorite verses videos though it might not be all that spectacular first head into the safari zone and walk around for a bit when you go to leave select no to return back inside right here save the game and reset once you're back in the game try to leave and the work will hurt you as if you're entering the safari zone but from the wrong side say no and leave despite there being no indication the game is still acting as if you're currently in the safari zone so your steps are being counted immediately fly over to ridden city and end of the gentleman you want to walk around and have your Safari step counter exterior wall in the middle of a spin you'll be teleported back to the floor entrance and you're walking nation has now been changed to spinning exit and oh we're actually back in Viridian City from now on until you return to the Viridian gym you will be spinning do whatever you want the world is your oyster do you want to spin the next city go for it spin while riding a bike why not generation one doesn't actually have the mood whirlpool so why not become one yourself this is really really important and it actually slows you down but I still think it's fun if you try to for yourself let me know what fun places you spin to and if you bring up that overused meme stop it get some help launch two collisions I have for you are both quite useful and pretty neat let's start off in pewter city if frock hasn't been challenged and beaten the youngster will stand here and forcibly show the trainer where the gym is there's actually way past them so here's how you do it first open their menu and move the cursor over to the save option close the menu and step directly in front of the youngster which will start a dialogue press B 2x out of it and immediately open the Start menu I did this by mashing Start button and pressing V at the same time with the menu open press a to save the game the cursor is currently frozen which is why you have to hover off the save option at a time reset the game and come back in this will happen [Music] when you come back he's no longer here as far as we can tell blocks to where he usually stands and you can move on to route three completely skipping Brock and his Jim obviously you'll have to return eventually but this is quite useful if you don't feel like challenging Brock right now if you perform this glitch without being directly in front of the youngster some odd stuff can occur [Music] from here if you continue on to Cerulean City I have it good for you that lets you obtain new as your third pokémon without having any badges at all here's how first unit Oakland I can either fly or teleport the formula village is this early means that flying is impossible so let's get a ver one can be found in this patch of grass left nugget bridge though be careful not to engage in this trainer here if you're playing on pokemon yellow average locations are different so while the glitch does work it might need a different method once your ever has been obtained in the last Pokemon Center you feel that is in cerulean city stand here where one space above where the trainer will spawn the player in case you mess up save now walk down and open the menu at the same time I did this by simply pressing the start button a moment after pressing down on the d-pad from here used average teleport after teleporting to the Pokemon Center so let's light the first swimmer in this early in gym once you've won just walk back towards nugget bridge and right here the menu will appear by itself close it and a while Miu will appear it might take a few pokeballs but with a bit of patience you'll have yourself a brand new Miu now the reason this works is somewhat similar to the evolutionary stone bypass glitch which I showed earlier when you fight the swimmer in the gym its last Pokemon shoulder has a special status of 21 do you know what News index number is yep 21 now there's actually wake and control a special set of your opponent and thus the Pokemon you'll encounter with this glitch but I'll leave that for next time thanks for watching and of course thanks to my patrons who helped make these videos possible if you enjoyed this video why not watch some more I have quite a few assorted glitch videos and some Pokemon Easter egg videos also be sure to subscribe so that you'll be notified when Gen 1 clutches part 2 comes out just let it for this one thanks for watching I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 105,467
Rating: 4.9364753 out of 5
Keywords: Glitches in Pokémon Red, Glitches in Pokémon Blue, Glitches in Pokémon Green, Glitches in Pokémon Yellow, Pokémon Generation 1 Glitches, Glitches in Pokémon Generation 1, Glitches in Generation 1 Pokémon, Pokémon Red Glitches, Pokémon Blue Glitches, Pokémon Green Glitches, Pokémon Yellow Glitches, DPadGamer, pokemon glitches, Pokemon Gen 1 Glitches, Glitches in Pokemon Yellow, Glitches in Pokemon Red, Glitches in Pokemon Blue, Glitches In Pokemon, Glitches With DPadGamer
Id: AL_LvTqWBpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2017
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