Tri Force Heroes! - PBG

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hey everybody I'm peanutbutter gamer and it Ezell's a month and what do you know there's a new Zelda game that came out recently The Legend of Zelda Triforce heroes for the 3ds so I'm gonna talk about it I mean I guess it would be pretty weird if a new Zelda game came out around Zelda month and I never did a video about it right right Triforce heroes what is it what's it about what is it what is it is it a game yes let's plate as I do with most games I'm excited for I intentionally went into Triforce Heroes knowing very little about it I avoided the commercials any gameplay previews etc so I can experience it with a completely fresh look and one of the things that first stood out to me is how silly the game is and I mean that in a good way the game has a lot of charm and funny humor it funny humor device there seem for a funny humor that's quite the redundancy there it's definitely not the typical epic adventure that you'd expect from most Zelda titles but it's a nice change of pace for a handheld game now don't get me wrong it still has some of what you'd be used to seeing in Zelda but this time there's a bigger emphasis on silly characters and a light-hearted story and that story takes place not in Jairo but in high topia a quote-unquote fashion-obsessed land home to the princess as well as fashion icon styler but not everyone is a fan of style as unbearably cute fashion sense specifically the drab lands which so she sends princess cylla a present but it's not just any present its a trap present the forces her to wear an ugly brown bodysuit that's so uncool and she can't get out of it so that makes her and everybody else really bummed so it's up to you and two other heroes to save the day or if you prefer you can play by yourself in which case you'll be accompanied by two Doppel which are basically soulless duplicates of link that you can switch between it will in order to solve and complete puzzles while the single-player mode is pretty enjoyable this game was definitely made with multiplayer in mind the majority of my play time was with my friends and fellow youtubers Pro Jared and Gerard in preparation for Gerard's completionist video and I personally found it to be much more enjoyable than playing by myself are you ready okay I'm gonna go ahead and yeah this is very important it's very important very come on it's been we've only been playing for like five minutes there you go oh no this is Jo hi this is tri okay gently put me down Gustav was there you'd bail was my fault the main portion of the game involves you and crew fighting your way through dungeons and solving puzzles and most of the puzzles will involve a lot of teamwork or you can just do what I do and have your friends carry you everywhere hey it's Roger scaring me I mean use teamwork go teamwork yay for example you often need to pick each other up in order to attack an enemy or hit a switch but it gets increasingly challenging and more complicated the further you go luckily the game gives you some emotes you can use to communicate with wait for it Mikey okay well honestly they're kind of useless but that doesn't make them any less amazing and adorable and does the pom-pom one is by far my favorite but if you ask me the best part of the dungeon is the boss fights not only are they a lot of fun but they're probably the hardest part of the whole game get ready to totem tying totem time and totem time some more you won't be able to beat most of these fights without really solid teamwork something the team the pro peanut-butter police gist clearly has them know so many austin gave me a bomb bomb is about to explode he's like you deal with it panicking each dungeon is separated into four sections and once you complete them you and your party are rewarded with three chests one for each player these chests are filled with two common crafting items and one rare crafting item and I swear I never get any of the good ones Gerrard every time every freaking time that I got a sword the rich get richer we get kelp us peasants over here I guess that's just the kind of world we live in isn't it as I briefly mentioned earlier high topia is all about fashion the items and materials you collect in dungeons can be given to medam culture who will then use them to create many different costumes that are totes adorbs no seriously a lot of them are really are cute even outfits that are supposed to look tough are adorable oh you're so big it's tois got you yeah so big and strong yes you wore and oh yes speaking of costumes they are really important in this game in fact I probably should have mentioned them already hey everybody I'm peanutbutter goober and I do videos about video games here on my channel and I'm real good at then please subscribe one of my favorites for sure is princess Zelda's dress the legendary dress yes that's right link can wear dresses and I like it I mean it's 2015 get with the times people come on and the costumes don't just look good they also give you bonuses and perks for example the legendary dress makes hearts spawn more often the cozy parka allows you to not slip on the ice and the Kokiri clothes allow you to shoot three arrows instead of one at first they may seem somewhat gimmicky but in reality there are a lot of fun to use and they can even be incredibly useful when selected in the proper levels not to mention that they add a lot of replayability to the courses and game as a whole in fact if anything they make the game since the story is pretty simplistic and the dungeons while really entertaining in clever are exclusively linear experiences needing to collect certain items in order to build cool new outfits give you a reason to not only replay the levels you've already completed but to do the extra challenges each level has the costumes give this game its identity and not only is it a good idea is something that really hasn't been implemented in any previous Zelda game so I personally found it to be amusing and even refreshing in a way in fact the only thing I can even think to compare it to is collecting all the masks in Majora's Mask and as you all know I love that game and collecting all the masks is probably my favorite thing to do in that game so I guess that's all I have to say about Triforce heroes I really liked this game in fact I had a lot more fun with it than I was expecting to but I do want to reiterate at least one more time that it's a lot more fun with two friends than by yourself if you like slow paced puzzle games then you'll still enjoy the single-player but to me it just can't quite match up to the chaotic fun that the multiplayer brings to the table oh and also the SIDS of the music is good the music is really good I forgot I forgot to mention that part oh no I messed up again I'm so bad at videos why am I so bad at videos you know what I give up no that's it I give up hey everybody thanks so much for watching this video I want to give a big shout out / thanks to my friends the completionist aka Arda and Pro Jared they helped me a lot with this video just playing the game and also you can go check out Gerard's video he did here with a lot of fun to work on so thanks you guys hey again everybody it's nice to see you I haven't even heard from you guys in forever if you enjoyed this video then you can certainly subscribe to see more videos if you like you can also click that like button and favorite and comment it all and stuff it really helps the channel grow and I appreciate it you can also check out some other videos I did here including the last Zelda month video Skyward Sword hacking that was a lot of fun to work on and hope instantly people liked it so that's good and another video as well I don't even know what it is it's a mystery video except that it's not a mystery video because there's text right here it's a mystery to me though feel free to follow me on Facebook and Twitter and all my other social media stuff have a good time on those social media channels it's a lot of fun I post about my new dog on there sometimes that's fun right here's a picture of her also big thanks to Nintendo for sending me this game early so I could get this video ready for Zelda month I really appreciate it love you guys I like your games and stuff I'll see you guys on the next seldom month video my that's a wrap that's a wrap oops Gustav was there you'd fell it was my fault that I loved the silent presented
Channel: PeanutButterGamer
Views: 1,964,642
Rating: 4.951282 out of 5
Keywords: Video Game (Industry), Gaming, Nintendo (Video Game Developer), Microsoft Studios (Video Game Developer), Sony Computer Entertainment (Video Game Developer), PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform), Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform), Wii U (Video Game Platform), Nintendo 3DS (Video Game Platform), PeanutButterGamer, PBG, Gameplay, Xbox360, Personal Computer (Video Game Platform), Zelda, The Legend Of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, The Legend Of Zelda Series (Video Game Series), PC, Ps3, Playstation, Games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2015
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