Infinite Corruption - Glitches in Super Mario Odyssey Revisited (Part 2) - DPadGamer

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yes we had one glitch video but what about second glitch video that's right it's time once again to revisit glitches in Super Mario Odyssey right out of the gate when it comes to clipping through stuff this game is basically a book of coupons there's way too many clips to cover in this game so let's look at just a couple firstly there's the infamous rule cancel clipping which was sort of passed from one point to making it more difficult in places and impossible and others but simply the trick is performed by facing a wall jumping performing you a ground pound and then very quickly starting rolls X and then immediately in putting a cap throw cancel with Y and B it's a bit wordy I know I'll include a good tutorial video in the description doing this in snow Kingdom for example could let you get out around and into the tunnel without completing the four sub areas first while down here there's also release clipping a neat glitch that in this case will let us get out and explore the racetrack basically you have to perform some bounces in uncaps at the highest points that mario is forcibly pushed through the wall out here we can see that for some reason the snow underneath the spectators is actually just retexture sand this glitch wasn't technically patched out but in later versions they just added s-plane so that you couldn't fall forever and speaking of you do always have the option of just walking on so the racetrack and dying because why not you could also jump off ground pound and fall infinitely doing this for a long time I think I left my switch on for like 26 hours will cause Mario and Cathy to become corrupted over time more and more depending on how long you leave him falling and also it depends on the angle of the camera either way I captured this very cursed stop-motion so enjoy [Music] from a cold place to a hot place the sunny beaches of Sunnyside Kingdom can be ground zero for a really weird glitch one that I don't think is currently understood completely at least it's a mystery to me from versions 1.0 one all the way to one point two various people have magically gained the ability to swim through the air it's even happened in leaking them one hypothesis is that the glitch is initiated after the game improperly loads the level but your guess is as good as mine probably better to be honest I love to hear if you ever run into this glitch ur self Enda what you think might have caused it there's another kind of sky goofy that was possible up until one point - you see while on the boss fight against a mollusc Lancer if you uncapped Russian over its head and recapture it while it's mid bounce it'll continue bouncing up into the sky this while fun to look at is very much a softlock and requires a reset moving on it's time to achieve new heights this can be done with a variety of methods but let's start by revisiting the wonderful dog Oh mr. bork or labora as I like to call him can be used to fly high into the air all I need to do is trick the pepper into jumping and jump on top of him hold down the jump button and capture the top of your jump and ground pound after getting into the sequence the board should jump at the end of each of your own jumps raising him up you land on him which prevents him from falling for some reason and so on and so on with persistence and timing this could be used to get high into the air for a much easier time and less steps this can be done in the Moon Kingdom where the decreased gravity increases your height gain per jump pup-pup jump it's a cool glitch it's worth trying and you probably know about it moving on we now have the infamous wet nut glitch and you know what they say you can't spell nutrition without nut am i right as the name suggests it literally involves just that dropping a nut into a pool of water after letting it sink to the bottom pick it back up and swim out now you're ready for infinite nut jumps the process is pretty simple you jump with B you throw your nut with Y and after a brief delay that dive towards the nut with zln Y my should grab the nut midair popping up slightly from there your PD throws a nut dive catch throw dive catch and so on this could be done anywhere that you can get hold of both nuts and find a pool of water Within Reach now the trifecta of height related glitches can be finished off with the infinite glide on flight glitch for this one you just need glide on and a slope if you walk glide on off the slope like so and immediately start gliding while shaking in the controller you should see he is sort of egg now you needed a roughly turn 90 degrees towards the direction of the top of the slope for example in San Kingdom you turn towards the left as you hold the glide button and shake the controller you should find that gladden gains a considerable amount of height and flies until you run into the invisible barrier at the edge of the kingdom and the same Kingdom this can be used to reach the floating island with relative ease oh and it's important to know that after your initial setup turning past that 90 degree sweet spot will be less effective and it could actually increase the speed at which you lose height flying on back to snow kingdom since I can't seem to stick to one location here's a neat quirk the ice walls are slippery the cheep-cheep is really slow on land when you combine the two for some reason you get a weird form of super speed immediately it's really hard to control and the fishy poops out of existence really quickly but that's a thing goombas are also a thing and they can be used to achieve their own kind of speed using slopes firstly if you - and rapidly shake the controller to jump your slow crawl upwards will turn into a rapid jitter doing this downhill is different but just as effective while running downhill on the slope each time you bounce off the slope you should find yourself gaining more and more momentum there's not a lot of great places to do this but it could be a lot of fun you can also carry your momentum into 2d sections if you have raka flowers active and spam jump after going through a pipe this could be a bit tricky to pull off depending on a location but it's a neat trick regardless after rising up get him first okay after rising up and popping forward there is a brief window during an animation where the camera will see him as invisible move around a bit and the visuals will become corrupted as far as I'm aware this is completely safe for your console so before we head into the final leg of this journey enjoy the view [Music] finally it's time to look at the coin coffer glitch a coin confer can be found hidden among the flowers if you capper him and bring him over to the ledge down at this part we could form a weird glitch so go ahead and break the nut revealing a moon and then position the coin coffer like so the nearby fire bro jumps between three spots this being one of them wall in assist mode we want to capture the coin coffer while it's overlapping with the fire bro if nothing else this can cause Mario to become disconnected from the coin coffer and you'll actually fall through the ground if done properly you could then quickly collect a moon before the game returns you to what it thinks is the safe location and at this point Marv becomes glitched now if you take damage and immediately capture something like a plant boy Mars model will remain in place essentially cloning him just a heads up by the way after so-called cloning Mario you won't be able to uncap sure so your best bet if you're a plant boy is a jump to a pool of water in this glitch states if you capture glide on and clone Mario the camera will remain focused on the clone that is unless you're currently gliding so while gliding away you can actually make things very confusing by colliding and letting go of the button and then try again and back forth and so on also also if you capture Goomba in this cliff state jumping into a pool of water is totally fine and it actually makes for a great view also it's somewhat related the coin confer can actually used to crash the game because of course why not just destroy tank park the clink offer in its spawn location wait for the tank to respond and then capture the Quinn coffer while spammy zr all right team let's race onto the next clip which involves escaping from boss arenas firstly we have the fight against harriet in the sand kingdom when trying to jump up over the barrier a bubble will return you to the fight well if mario is angled to the side like so and a bomb lands on him just right at the right moment till it be dropped through the floor and appear down on the sand below once outside the fight you're free to explore the world and even collect moons if you want one thing that is messed up however is the camera which is especially noticeable during 2d sections [Music] oh and lava can even spawn way up here outside the arena midair it's possible to escape multiple boss arena is something you can find out in the video link of description but the other one we'll look at is the cuckoo teal fight and lunch and Kingdom for this one you'll need to be in two-player mode and leave Kathi behind before launching up into the boss arena itself Cathy needs to capture one of the forks which will warp Mario out of the arena the camera however will remain very high up which makes for some very awkward gameplay also if you go into a cave and an uncap sure it just happens no idea how difficult it is for me to not start up the Skyrim intro every time the fate of black speaking of Darkness fading we got an e click over the Dark Side of the Moon after going through the moon pipe you'll find yourself in a new dunk city themed sub area here you're supposed to use your chute to navigate around tanks and stuff or whatever instead we're not going to do that our goal is actually to parkour all the way up there but there's actually an invisible barrier in a way that could only be avoided if we learn ourselves with the very edge of the building on the left if we jump back and forth between the walls we know it's working if we lose sight of our shadow and a little bit after it the camera will actually follow us up to track Yoshi once more at this point we'll want to carefully jump back and forth while moving farther and farther and then around the corner there's another invisible wall at the end of the alley which extends all the way up the reason we're up here is because by jumping off to the side will actually fall through the building and then we can go around the invisible barrier if done right will fade out and after a very lengthy loading screen we'll actually be in Metro Kingdom it turns out the dark side sub area is literally the Metro Kingdom sub area just redecorated with the loading zone just barely out of reach onto the darker side we can't forget the infamous frog skip most you probably know the method where you capture frog as he bounced on it but you could also jump down into him next to Dory she pops up bend down in the water which can actually raise you up slightly as long as you only move while not in contact with her back of that make sense you could actually swim off through the air [Music] now in her very original video we finished off by looking at the time stop glitch which requires you to capture a stack of Goomba while they're overlapping with a life up part I don't like change apparently so let's finish off the video in the same way like I showed in the very first video well time is stopped you cannot pause the game so the only Escape is to reset your game so in camp II will leave them stuck midair and creatures are all intangible you could freely run across lava and death planes do now things so you just freely jump into the void something I didn't know / look at is that the glitch is actually not limited to the darker side as many comments pointed out in the first video it's possible to do this any word with Goomba in reach of life apart so like for example you could do it in Bowser Kingdom where you can unearth a life of parts here at the main courtyard entrance you could also do it in the Mushroom Kingdom by first getting the good old dog out to dig up the heart right about here and interestingly enough it's actually possible to do it in lunch in Kingdom the only problem with this one is that the goombahs are really far away from the question mark block containing the life of heart we can actually take them to Corona Plaza but there is a section of the mountain in our way to get up it we can spam the - button which will cause the goombas to just slide on up which works because yes sure okay after activating the time stop glitch I couldn't not let Mario get a good nap because there's finally time now I [Music] always wonder how many people actually get my references anyways thank you so much for watching as usual like if you liked it subscribe if you want a few people pointed out that my narration for the first video was sort of lacking and you're not wrong so I hope this one was better let me know if it was and if you're curious I don't currently have any plans do a part 3 for this video so just keep that in mind that's about it for this one thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 472,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glitches in Super Mario Odyssey, Super Mario Odyssey Glitches, Glitches in Mario Odyssey, Mario Odyssey Glitches, Glitches in Odyssey, Odyssey Glitches, Glitches With DPadGamer, Super Mario Odyssey, mario odyssey glitches, super mario odyssey glitches, super mario glitches, odyssey glitch, nintendo switch, odyssey glitches, mario odyssey, mario glitches, Chain Chomp Displacement, Odyssey Crash, Time Stop, Wet Nut Glitch, Infinite Flight
Id: l8jj0I9JTDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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