Everything Is A Glitch - Glitches in Sonic: '06 - DPadGamer

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I know I'm not breaking any new ground here but Sonico six is broken does that make the game bad yeah actually it sort of does there's nice music and decent cutscenes at least visually the gameplay is not good even when i'm trying to play normally the glitches are ever-present as such it's impossible to cover them all but I'll try to highlight the important ones I'm d-pad gamer and here are some glitches in Sonic the Hedgehog that the bat from 2006 yeah yeah that one I think it's important to say that in regard to this game it's not always clear what is a glitch and what is not like you can run into a checkpoint and end up standing on it sideways is that a glitch have a loop that lock you in and Freddie from falling even when you're standing upside down or even better walking towards the water being propelled by an unseen force getting stopped by an inch-thick platform then falling over an issue deep water the jury's still out on that one there is a very obvious glitch which happened much later on in this section Sonic will be repelled across in platforms while a whale chases him that is unless the game randomly decides to just not spawn the platform also the high speed sections in this game are just not good Oh [Music] unfortunately the main hub so Liana is not much better it's empty uninspired and just lags a bunch I guess previous generation consoles about a lag when they have to process high-quality NPCs like this one also let's not forget the incredible voice actor from the supporting cast now for the first few glitches I intentionally went looking for here is a box the physics with these just don't make much sense but if you hop on one and do some spin kicks you'll fly when he eventually stopped in spin kicks or just fall off sonic will land in the sea the land maybe in one of the buildings or even just the abyss oh also if you stand on almost anything just right this can happen the game is trying to have Sonic stand at the correct angle but it just can't decide which to choose to be fair if this happens in a lot of games but in this one it happens way too often okay so let's roll it back a bit and start on a fresh save after speaking details and completing the first ring mission there's something neat that you can do over here jump onto this building there's an invisible wall that surrounds this roof so you want to slip past that by Spin dashing on the left side here from a standing position perform another spin - to get past the secondary visible barrier once you do make sure you fall into the bridge and you'll be in the clear the point of all of this is to allow Sonic and is the restricted section of so Lyanna because this allows you to enter solely on a forest early unfortunately there's a door on the way luckily sonic can get passes with the homing attack against the wall unfortunately again there's a second door in our way and luckily again this can be bypassed with a nice spin - against the left or right corner once that's done congratulations you've now reached solely enforced early or purgatory not sure which what you see here is not normal by getting here early Sonic's have been plopped into what I believe is a beta version of the level where I guess they were testing out some signs that's cool and all but I think we should take this as a sign to leave however if you try leaving you'll find that the loading zone just doesn't exist you can do this though so that's neat now let's hop over to white Acropolis where sonic gets to do some snowboarding everyone likes that part from Sonic Ventures so why not recreate it and make it worse the controls are pretty bad and the physics involved is lacking I guess at least the sonic ran into something animation looks pretty fun just be careful not to get stuck also in crisis City if you take the image sonic won't stick around even while dead oh and I don't have a good way to transition to this but while running to tropical jungle at Sonic this fine just wasn't loaded in for context this is what it should look like in shadow story you can also play as other related characters like rouge the bat she's good at climbing and climbing both which can be very catchy if you climb too close to a ceiling the camera just won't have any of it also Rouge is capable of performing an incredible super jump all you need to do it let go of the glide button a frame before landing the height of the super jump is dependent on the distance from where you start the Clyde to where you end it that means if you start at the top of this wall and then on the platform this happens [Music] from here you can go basically anywhere on the level if you start getting from a pier you can perform another super jump though I'd rather not actually travel to the moon so I'll pass on that one the other glider in this game knuckles may or may not be able to reach similar heights though like the game drums famously showed he is great at other things like he 123 four five six seven Omega another shadow story character can also super jump however since he's a dumb robot let's not focus on that excuse me insult my kind one more time I dare you Oh mega is actually pretty great at flying definitely better at flying than any of the other meatbags in this game if you tap the jump button quickly he can maintain his Heights for a long time and if you hover Omega to the start of the sonic section you can actually walk all the way up and from here hover again seems as well bear and Omega will be able to reach incredible new heights that's great right is big is it gone Hey I think it's safe switch max of the blue blur sonic can also fly this requires the purple scale gem which for some reason makes him tiny and allow them to jump infinitely the infinite jumps marry not be intended but regardless it allows him to break basically any level the purple gem is also great at breaking the camera when used the skill gem shrink sonic down and the camera zooms in if you repeatedly tap the r-1 button to hear more try zooming in then zoom back out if you're moving while doing this it'll like behind I guess even the camera doesn't want to participate in this game sonic sky gem is arguably even more useful than infinite jumping one use do you go into first person view is then toss a gem when it finally hits a solid surface Sonic will be propelled to that location if used up against a nearby wall you can obtain some serious error if used like this it could repel Sonic through most any door this is great sometimes Sonic and just brung through a door the sky gem also allows Sonic to defeat the egg wyvern in just 50 seconds after dropping into the battle wait until the egg white 1 goes to Turks tonic when it does jump and toss the sky gem to decide just before grabbing onto the henna if time properly this will return sonic to the platform which happens to cause the wyvern fly off into the great unknown if this is done the first time the wyvern turn to Sonic you'll get a time of just under fifty seconds easy s-rank just like that the boss fight against silver the Hedgehog is not as easy this fight is notorious for destroying players and thus their will to live if you try fighting head-on he'll just use the Force toss Sonic back against the wall the arena which is made up of buildings and invisible barrier is a box when a rabid thrown in one of the corners it's quite likely that you'll get stuck in a near infinite loop that one ring will just keep getting knocked out then back in it's a nearly infinite loop because getting thrown in this spot may lead to Sonic being thrown out of the arena this allows him to go explore a version of so Lyanna that looks even more unfinished than the normal one there are no bridges visible but they are there without poorly optimized this game is I wouldn't be surprised if they removed during the fight to reduce lag this corner is also where if you're particularly unlucky you may be thrown into space slovers telekinesis programmed to stop whenever you hit a solid surface but that won't happen up here so goodbye well it would be a great place to transition as silver glitches instead let's jump over to blaze the cat real quick in her version with ocean there's a great glitch that could be done at the top of the lighthouse stand right about here lined up with the Rings if you press the square button to do a spin attack she'll just fly off into the distance like really far this can be used to progress quickly in a level but in my case I just kept getting thrown into the ocean moving on to the mine freak himself basically all of Silver's glitches revolve around his psychic abilities first off his Dash is not that good this could actually be extended though if you press the square button midair to attack at the last frame of the dash I could only make this work about 20% of the time but if you can get this down it could be used to go really far and even go through some closed doors since I'm not great at that though let me show you a more situational / reliable method to go through doors this is especially helpful in the dusty desert level at the end silver have to complete a really annoying ball challenge instead grab some boxes and head towards the final door you'll want to stack one box and hop to another near the door then hop on the highest box and levitate it up when it pushes you up partway into the ceiling jump and move for or at least try because the camera will fight you if you're successful your award is the goal ring however we're still playing this game so I guess we all lose in the end silver is levitation ability also allows him to fly this can technically be used with anything but you'll want to use a ball for maximum flight possibilities jump on top hop and use r1 before landing silver should pick up the ball and begin flying since he has a ball picked up it'll continue move away from him and since he's on top of it he'll follow it's sort of like flying by sitting on a chair and fling up on it this is great for skipping a good deal both crisis city as well as tropical jungle if you have not obtained the Shock bracelet yet silver can pretty easily skip across any body of water which is jump and hold square yeah that's it if you already have the Shock bracelet you'll need to press square before touching the water every time still this is very handy something I've not yet mentioned is that in this game you can have a friendly character following you it's not a matter of if they'll drown it's when there's a rare chance though that after jumping into the ocean the character might reappear besides you but they're dead this is pretty spooky but it's okay if you move far enough away they'll be resurrected without any knowledge of the horse that just transpired I have left the best glitch for last because the final dish we'll be looking at is a doozy the mission select which allows you to skip a large chunk of the game for both Sonic and silver stories this can be done with any character and with a variety of methods let's stick with silver well you'll need is a jump into the void while having a person's yes / no Dada the box open this can easily be done by hovering in front of this man then pressing Square to start talking to him and progressing forward to his questions before the game fades out when you respond to find that the dialog box will remain on screen this is accepted we'll start a mission one challenge here though is that in this situation you'll have to hold square the whole time from first feeding to the man move over to this guy in front of the solely on a forest doorway and talk to him again this is difficult because you need to press the square button while still holding the square button this can be circumvented by letting go of the square button and then right after possibly frame pressing the start button press and hold the square button to exit the pause menu and if you did it right silver will begin talking to the man now move through the dialogue with the circle button until you enter the story mission when you finally get into the story mission accept a Dalek box did taken to the town mission then quit up the town mission to return to the void after falling for a bit you'll be loaded into the credits I wasn't I don't know why but this just does not work for me this might be because I'm playing on the ps3 version but I couldn't find any solved word for if it works on both versions or just 360 version unless there's something I'm doing wrong which is possible you might want to stick with the 360 version for this if you would like to see what this glitch looks like when someone is successfully why not check out dark spine Sonics agdq run from a couple years ago where he used a bunch of glitches to be both Sonic and silver stories in just 30 minutes like his name suggests he has a bunch of quality side videos over on his channel so be sure to check that out if you're interested well I think I've suffered enough with this game for a lifetime so let's end it here thanks for watching I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 472,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glitches in Sonic 06, Sonic 06 Glitches, Sonic 2006 Glitches, Sonic '06 Glitches, Glitches in Sonic: 06, Glitches in Sonic: '06, Glitches in Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic The Hedgehog Glitches, Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic '06, Glitches With DPadGamer, sonic 2006 gameplay, sonic 06 gameplay, sonic 2006, sonic 06, sonic the hedgehog, sonic, sonic the hedgehog 2006, Glitches in Sonic The Hedgehog 2006, Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 Glitches, hedgehog
Id: W8_xzyFfV1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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