Giving My Base Some TLC | Palworld

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the whole point of this episode is I I need to industrialize like I've still been barely doing any base work so what do I need to start upgrading cuz I want to be able to have another base a third one I just need a weapons workbench which is right here no where's the weapons workbench did I never unlock it oh we should also get all of the things that let me level up the stats yeah like the stump Axe and I think there was one other one oh it was the toolbox but I already unlocked the toolbox so the original plan was for it to be like a Township over here but I don't think that's going to work I should also probably figure out where I'm going to put my third base cuz I can have three bases and I've got this one here that I'm going to try and make like design starter base then I have the other one which is metal so or do I just start fresh with that third base and have that be my design one I go find like an a toll to put it at so let's do some teleporting around let's see if I can find a place or do I build just right up here wait right here is a cool big flat area it's not very far from my old base and it's massive and flat so I might just build right there but now I got to figure out how to transport everything cuz it's not too far don't get me wrong but I don't have any teleporters nearby so I need to know what breaks what is it that breaks if I destroy that pal work the what is it called the pal station how World what can't be placed anything that's in the pal category the condenser the sphere workbench the incubator the ranch and the statue of power oh speaking of incubators huge dragon egg a relaxa surus wait he looks silly what does he have his abilities suck and naturally he's also a missile launcher yeah that makes sense I mean it's better than just a saddle you are under the pal category you are under the pal category you're under the pal category and then we can break you and we can break you and then I believe that's everything so then if I destroy oh I did break a couple other items so we go here how big is this area how much room do we have to work with we have all of this this area which is a little bit uneven but that's fine same thing with over here but it's definitely enough room to work with I know it would kind of be considered cheating but is there like a mod that gives me Unlimited weight just temporarily cuz I don't want to use it for regular playing the game but I don't want to have to do this Trek nonstop especially if I end up moving my base again I want to have like a stone walkway that starts from being lined up perfectly here and then you walk along this way can I build a ramp to get down so then you enter the base and you have this main pathway oh no my pals are hungry we will we'll fix that don't worry we'll get there it might take a while but we'll get there it's saying it's too close to a special boss facility do I need to make it like a big area around this or do I need to break it and move it I have too many Pals that are all perfectly standing in the way so then this is how big of an area we have to build around that we can have a double wide walkway leading here and then we can do the same on this side so maybe this area will be like the pal quarters and then this direction I don't really know what's happening this direction yet but we will we'll cross that bridge when we come to it and then we'll put the gardens over here so what do I need for the gardens I need just the seeds Okay well we can get the wheat plantations going so let's do how how many foundations wide are these Foundation are these plantations they're like 1 and 1/2 by 1 and a half um can I we'll do wood foundations right here just so that I can tell that this is plantation area and then do we have enough room to put down a farm or a ranch I mean we barely do but we do we can put that there and then we can put a second Ranch here what do we put out what do we put right here in the middle cuz this area feels empty like I can put more things here maybe maybe this is where the feed box goes I know that's a weird spot for it but I don't really know what else to put right in this spot because I don't think I have room for another Ranch I almost definitely don't have room for another Ranch no I wouldn't okay or do we break them and make this all raised up I think we need to break this Ranch and then cuz we need to finish outlining this in stone everything needs a stone outline uh how many foundations does a ranch take up cuz then maybe I want to put the ranch maybe everything's on a foundation thech Branch takes up a 3X3 Area 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 and then right here we have enough room for one something I don't know what but something can go there so then this area can be things like the stone pit which takes up a one by3 area or uh 2x two same thing with logging they both take up a x two which is going to be bad yeah I think this is my best bet is doing kind of the same the same thing as over there uh wooden foundations right here and then we can do a stone pit I wish I could put two right next to each other like that and then we do the same effect on the other side so then logging can be put in kind of like that and then once they finish that they'll move and I can put this other one down here come on Loop moons and then do I have enough room to put a wooden chest in the middle I do that's where all the stone and all the wood will be stored or do I want to just make the whole base symmetrical so maybe we reorganize the base that way cuz it's a 3X3 footprint for the ranch and it's a what was it it was like a 1x two for the no it was a one it was 1 and A2 so I need a 3X3 for the wheat plantations as well so maybe we live on of 3x 3s so like you'll walk in and you'll have the first 3x3 here and we could make another 3x3 here if it weren't for the pal sphere why does this not evenly work so this isn't even a 3X3 this is a 2x3 yeah I think we're going to do a layout first something I definitely should have started with okay so we have a 3X3 and then if we just continue this stretch all the way over that gives us room for a 2 by two right here because then we can build stone foundations like this and wooden foundations like this it's a little bit funky I'll be honest but it could it should get the job done and then we can just duplicate the 3X3 over on the other side and then this right here can be more Berry plantations so how do we go about duplicating it to the other side break these ones and replace them with wood what's next what was what was the next thing I had to do I had to replicate this area and then I was going to do an area for them to sleep so this area over here could be the pal section or do I have the do I have the base be kind of symmetrical the whole way around cuz what else what other structures do I need I need the assembly lines and I feel like their footprint is going to be big is it one wide or is it two wide it's only one wide so maybe we do maybe we put one of them right right here oh it is too wide never mind we'll put it like this and then we surround it like that yeah maybe I don't go the Symmetry route I think we don't go the full symmetry route cuz I wanted this to be like a Town Square but that's not really going to work so I mean so far it kind of works yeah I think it I think it works I think we're fine and then and the beds can be put how how close together can I put the beds I can put them fairly close together I don't know how many we can fit on this platform but we can just cram them all right here oh we can only put like eight so let's we'll spread them out more evenly oh we can only put six I don't know what we put on this maybe this is where power goes maybe this is like the big storage wall can I put down oh we need a statue of power so maybe we break this and put a statue of power here instead just kind of at like the tail end to cap off the base as well as this to command them to do stuff okay that's working and then do I have enough stuff for a bed again just a bed for myself uh no I need more fiber but you should be grinding out fiber for me oh yeah you've got fiber so now I can place a bed and I think I'll just put it over here I'm kind of phoning it in by the end if you can't tell but it should work oh and I still have this entire area right here that I don't know what to do with let me let me get an aerial view of this it's it's definitely something that tree is in the way it's it's something that's all I can say is that it is in fact something so now we just run back to the other base and just fill my inventory with everything I can and just dismantle everything that we can I hope these don't despawn if I leave the area I if I lose all of my stuff I'm going to get really upset if I just end up losing everything I did not consider that option okay Moment of Truth did we lose everything I'm really hoping not I actually don't know I probably should have thought about that before I did this please please it's still there so then we just quickly Sprint back to base and we sort them all into chests and we're done do I have what I need for the breeding Farm I have what I need for the breeding Farm we can also build the breeding farm this thing is massive we can do the breeding farm and then we can put like an incubator and it causes some issues for the base layout but I didn't account for it being as big as it was so I think we'll just leave it like that and with that I think we're ready to end the episode okay maybe not hold on but the base doesn't actually look too terrible I hope I'll be honest I'm not very good at making layouts but it's functional and that's all that matters but hey if you made it this far uh maybe consider subscribing next episode should be a lot more interesting than just building a base but I kind of needed this done and uh thanks so much for watching have a good [Music] one
Channel: Benkenewby
Views: 718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qojP1oJiAp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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