Girlfriend Left Me Because I Had Rehearsal!?

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Brett, where are you... Brett! Oh, there you go. - So... - I'm here. Welcome back to another episode of TwoSet Violin. Today, we are playing a game called... ...loch. What? Arschloch. - Is it German? - I think so. I don't know. Nah nah, I'm just kidding, Germans! Is that word like, YouTube friendly? Who is the a-hole? - Who is the... - What is friendly anymore? ♪ Ah ♪ ...hole. Get it? 'Cause that was an A. ♪ Ah ♪ Point of this game is... Take turns, and we're gonna ask some hypothetical scenarios or questions. After reading each of these scenarios, we're going to vote who in this situation is the a-hole. Based on this question, we'll be able to see just what kind of... ...immoralistic, horrible human a-holes we are. Just kidding, by the way. I have very high morals. There's a Chinese saying that says, um... Which means if you practice music, you won't be a bad person. Exactly! So let's see if that's true! Why'd you keep making the same mistake, bro?! "Who's the a**hole?" Dude, isn't that like that Korean... - Drama? Yeah, yeah! - Drama, where the conductor's like... And then she starts crying in front of everyone. - Okay. Yeah. - This is very relatable to all musicians out there. - I think... Yeah, exactly. - It depends on context, in my opinion. Alright, I know. I know who I'm gonna say. (both) Three, two, one. - Conductor. - Brett's the a**hole. I'll go conductor. - Oh, you think the conductor's the a-hole? - Yeah. I think so. Only because of high school situation. Because it's high school, so the kid's young. They don't know anything. - They're 17, bro! - No, I think... I think the orchestra needs to call him out. - The conductor needs to call him out. - Yeah. But to make him cry is pushing him too much. Okay. But, he didn't practice. - Yeah, he still sucks. - And if you don't practice, you've already violated rule number one of Ling Ling. Then you get punished by Ling Ling anyway. To be fair, you don't know what he said to make him cry. Maybe the conductor just said, "Can you stand up and play your part?" And he just started crying. - Versus a conductor that's like, - And then... - "You're worthless, never gonna be a prodigy." - Yeah yeah yeah. Okay, so... - And then they cry. Then that's obviously too far. - Yeah. So contextually, I don't know then. I assumed the conductor's gonna rip into him. - Which he might have. - He might have. But if Brett indeed just cried on the spot, it's like, "Brett, you're a little piece of ****." - Like... - Yeah, see? - Not enough information about what the conductor said. - Oh, okay. But what we do know is that you showed up for three rehearsals, and kept making the same mistakes, letting the whole team down without practicing. - Yeah. - Brett... - You're a role model to 3 million subscribers, - Reprimands. - and you didn't practice. - Okay, then... Brett's the asshole here then. - I'm kind of just playing devil's advocate. - Yeah. In real life, I would never yell at anyone. In real life, if the conductor... - Assuming he yells at the student. - Yeah. And then there's the age group, that's why the conductor's the a**hole. But I also noticed though, it depends on what culture you're in. - I've talked to people in Asian... - That's true! ...orchestras and Asian schools, their ideology is like, - you do discipline the kid. - Yes. But then in Australian culture, - it's like, you don't do that. - Yes. - So, guys... - So it also depends. - It also depends on which cultural situation. - Yeah. So there's flaws to this question! But one thing that isn't dependent is you should practice! Should have practiced! Stop letting the whole world down! You gotta practice, make the world a better place! Right now, let me tell you something. If you haven't practiced today for at least 30 minutes, you must hit the subscribe button. Accent that bell button. I was gonna say 3 hours at least. True. If you haven't practiced for at least 37 hours... All right. Next! Ohhh, wow. Dude, this is so attacking. - These questions are so attacking! Yeah, I know! - They don't have to attack me like that, dude! I'm working on it! I'm very bad with punctuality. Who's the a-hole? Okay, I know who's the a-hole. Eddy's never the a-hole. - Oh, yeah. Mmm, yeah. - It can't be Eddy. Mm, I think I've decided. - Alright, ready? Three, two, one. - Yeah. - The other members. Yeah, the quartet. - The quartet. Yeah, I think so. I'll tell you why. I think Eddy's an idiot, - for not checking the gig date himself. - Yeah, so he... ...should've just checked first, and that wouldn't have been a problem. But I think the quartet are a-holes for lying to him. Where the intention came from. It was one of revenge. They're not going to solve the problem by just doing that. Can I say they're both a-holes, though? 'Cause to be honest, one hour late is pretty bad. - Like even I'm not, I'm not even one hour late. - Yeah, okay. Okay okay, even one hour late is pretty bad. Actually no, I've been. Sometimes... Yeah. "Sometimes." - Okay, "sometimes." Okay. - "Sometimes." Next! I think I know where this is going. This is actually something that happens a lot. - Who's the a-hole? - Ohh! - I know who's the a-hole. - That's easy. That's so easy! It's clearly Brett. What? I'm joking. I'm just joking. No, clearly it's the... - It's the violinist. Yeah, like... - The violinist. Yeah. - You don't need the piano! - Yeah, look... Brett should've booked it, but like... It shouldn't have been a problem. If the violinist was just a... A decent person, as everyone should be in this world. If you're a violinist, the best thing you can do - is befriend pianists at your uni. - Yes! 'Cause then, when you need an accompanist, or a collaborative pianist, this person that you refused to give the room to ain't helping ya! It's a struggle to find good pianists to play with, so they might be the great pianist that could be the partner of your life for the conservatory. Or they could be friends to the other pianists. They'll tell all the pianists - how much of an a-hole you are. - And you're just a violinist. Just... Get another practice room. I used to practice outside. - I'd practice outside too. - Yeah. I'd practice in the staircase. Stairwell. - Oh, I remember the stairwell! - Yeah! - You remember that one, right? Yeah. - Super boomy. It was like, boom boom boom. All right, next one. I'll say this one. - Who wrote these, man? - Oh, my god. It's pretty obvious, guys. Do you know? I'm just gonna let you guys... Think about it. Let's just have 10 seconds. If you get the wrong answer, then, um... I think you need to practice more. And if you get the right answer, um... You still need to practice more. So clearly, the correct answer is that Brett is an a-hole. - Yeah. Brett's so dismissive of Edwina's feelings. - Yeah. He should definitely give up all his career opportunities - for the sake of going to a dinner. - Yes. Edwina obviously thinks she's a lot more important than everyone else in that rehearsal. Brett won't look bad, actually, if Brett just skips it once. Brett should also just like, drop out of university. - Yeah, yeah, and then... - For Edwina. Maybe just drop the concert. It's okay. - It's okay, 'cause you did it for the anniversary. - Yeah. Guys, we're obviously kidding. - Remember this mantra. - Yeah. Uhhh... I wanted like, "Bros before ****," but like, music before like... Um... Debussy before the p****. Rehearsal before... - Editor, come up with a rhyme and just, put it here. - Yeah. Anyway, next one. Who's the a-hole? Dude, I'm getting like PTSD of all the times - babies cry on an airplane, - Yeah. - like an international flight, - Yeah. - while I'm trying to sleep before my concert, touring. - Yeah. And it all really depends on how it's... - How the interaction... - ...done. How the interaction... Look, like, both Eddy and the mother used "scold." Oh, that's true. So... I think Eddy's the a-hole then. - Yes, me too. - Yeah. Like, just because... Eddy should've contained, and then realized that hey, it's just a kid. - You can't expect the kid to know the situation, right? - Yup. I mean, mum could've done a better job, too. Prepared the kid, and kind of foresee this coming. - But... - Well, you should've just asked nicely, - to the kid to shut up. - Yeah. Or told the mum to tell her kid - to shut up. - "Hey, is it okay for your kid to just..." "SHUT UP!!" - Yeah. - Just kidding. But scolding... - Too much. - Nah, that's not cool, man. - Yeah, little kids don't need to be scolded. - Don't scold. I don't think I've scolded a person in my life. Alright, anyway. Who's the a-hole? Ooh, that's a tough one. It depends on what Brett refuses, like... Is Brett refusing, not supporting the family? Or Brett's refusing to give up the passion? Maybe his passion can give him a higher pay. - I don't think any of them are the asshole. - Yeah, so it's like... It depends on the context. - Yep, again. - Um... But dude, we have to vote. If I have to vote, I would probably vote, uh... Yeah. Brett, you disrespect family. The mum's the a-hole 'cause she lost her job! It's a joke! I think at the end of the day, if you're a family, and it comes to surviving, just like, whatever gets it through. - You could say like, Brett's the a-hole, - Yeah. he should support the family. But that could also be like... But the dad's the a-hole, 'cause he's not making enough money - and he's forcing his kid to... - Yeah. But that could also be like, the mum's the a-hole, - because why can't she just look for another job? - Yeah. So you know, they're all a-holes. So it's like... There's no right or wrong in the sense, it's just family needs to survive, and they need to find a way. Together. - Yeah, together. - In a way where no one ends up... - Blaming each other. - Being like... "You're the a-hole for not being able to give me..." I will tell you one thing, though. If Brett does give up his passion without the family having a proper conversation about it, he might end up - growing up resenting his parents for it. - Yeah. - So who's the a-hole now? - And you don't want that. Danger zone, guys! All right, next one! I'm reading it, 'cause you read the last two. "Eddy gets really bad performance anxiety—" Dude, why... Why are these all so true, man? So close to home! I haven't broken down, - but I have got shaky bow, it's so bad. - Yep. Who's the a-hole? These are getting harder. - Yeah, it's actually getting harder. - Yeah. I reckon... - Brett had good intentions, - Alright, I've decided. but what if Eddy has some plans on that day? You can't just sign someone up, - without their consent. - Yeah, that's true. Yep. So, I do think while he had good intentions, what he did was probably not the right thing. But I also think Eddy's just a freaking noob. It's like, bro, just play in the masterclass! I have freaking performance anxiety! - I still signed up for every masterclass I could! - Yeah! I still play in every workshop! And I would just shake my bow in front of Maxim Vengerov. - I did that. - Yeah. - I had a masterclass with Maxim Vengerov. - And guess what? - It's worth it! - It was worth it, 'cause I learnt a lot. To be honest, I was leaning on Brett. Even though the intentions were good, it was not so empathetic of... - ...Eddy's situation. - Yep. Brett should've consulted Eddy first. - Yes. - Be like, "Look, here's seriously an opportunity." "I can even sign up for you if you can't bring yourself to do it." If Brett just did that, it would've been perfect. But Eddy's also a freaking noob. Like, dude. Are you serious? Like... Your, what? Your favorite violinist? You're just not gonna show up, 'cause you have something else on that day, possibly? Or you just don't like playing? Like... Eddy's the noob, but Brett's the a-hole. But just a little bit of an a-hole. - They're both pretty noob and a-hole at the same time. - Yeah. All right, we got three more scenarios. And then we got one for you, alright? So stay to the end of this video. - You're not off the hook. Alright? - Yeah, you guys gotta decide. - Put your votes below! - All right. - I don't think either of them are an a-hole. - Yeah. - No one's at fault. - No one is at fault. And it's very dangerous to think - someone here is at fault. - Yep. The mum has the right to plead and ask, - given her situation. - Yes. You should fight for what you think - is the best future for your kid. - Yes. But at the same time, I think Brett has the right to not take it in at a lower rate, because you don't know his situation. And also he's not - - He's not the one to make the decision on this. - Yes. If Brett accepts, he might lose his job. Breaking a policy. - Now he can't feed his family. - Yeah. So... No one is really at fault here. - It's more the context of the situation. - Yeah. The a-hole is not here. The a-hole is elsewhere. The a-hole is the society that doesn't support the music education of young kids!! That's right! Brett: Education! We'll just skip that one. - Nah! Nah, yeah. - Nah, okay. Brett's the a-hole. Yeah, same. Brett's the a-hole. Bro, you little... Little sh... Like... Just 'cause you think it's rude, you're gonna throw him in the deep end? Don't be a snitch, bro! - That's not cool! You're not... - What a snitch! Brett, you're not gonna have any friends! Sleeping during tacet doesn't affect - the rest of the orchestra. - Yeah. It's like... Unless Eddy is doing something so terrible... - Or if he's snoring, and it's making a loud noise. - Or if he's snoring. Yeah, but... It's like, why are you reporting anyway? Like, what incentive do you have? "Because he's sleeping, and I'm not sleeping!" Yeah no, it's very clear. Brett's the asshole. It's funny 'cause it's not just kids. - It actually extends to the whole population. - Yeah, like... It happens everywhere. It's like... This... Yeah, I can feel it. I already know, it's like... People like that, they're just... They think they're helping, when they're not. Last question, and then we have a question for you. - Yeah, that's right! - So stay watching. "Edwina found out that—" Oh, here we go again. Dude, I already know... I feel like Edwina's gonna be the a**hole, - without reading it. - Yeah yeah yeah. "Edwina found out her boyfriend's been cheating—" Oh, okay. No, okay. - Oooh. - I take that back. Let me start fresh. Who's the a-hole? Oh, drama! I mean, first of all... You gotta be doing something wrong if your partner cheats on you with a violist, right? - Just kidding, just kidding! - Just kidding! Kidding... We have a violist on our TSA. - Model. Instagram. Check out... - Yes. ...Jason. Alright, but on that note, um... I think I know. I think I know, too. Three, two, one. Edwina's the a-hole. Oooooh. Boyfriend. Ooh, really? But I was on the, like... Actually, they're both a-holes. Yeah. Alright, to be honest... I think they're both stupid. Edwina's boyfriend cheated straightaway. The boyfriend clearly should've known there could be repercussions. I mean, yeah. Look, there's a time and a place where you need to stand up for yourself. But I think there's a line between that and just like, revenge. Have you guys seen Naruto? You know how they talk about ending the pain cycle? Because then that pain just comes up, and people will just revenge each other til the end of the days, like... She smashes $10,000 violin, he's gonna smash her $20,000 violin, she's gonna go stab his dad... It's like, it will never end. No one's gonna have instruments. What a waste of an instrument! I don't even think it's that good for Edwina, to do that. Just my own beliefs, I guess. Like... It's usually better for your own mental health, if you learn to process these emotions and forgive someone, - Yes. - ...than to go violent. Hundred percent, yes. And the boyfriend should've thought things through. - Yes. - And be like, "Hang on." "If I'm going to cheat, do I really like Edwina?" You know? "I need to figure that out first." So they're... Maybe figure out the relationship. - First, before the like... - Rather than just, you know. Smashing the violin, cheating on each other. Like... You're all noobs! 'Cause you just didn't practice enough. If the boyfriend was practicing 40 hours a day, he wouldn't have time to cheat! Exactly! And if Edwina was practicing 40 hours a day, she wouldn't have a boyfriend anyway! - So none of this would have happened! - It wouldn't happen, so this is crap! You're noobs! - Practice 40 hours a day! - Yeah! All right! It's time for you guys, audience interaction! - You don't get to just passively watch our videos. - Yes. You gotta answer below, in the comments. Here's the situation. You are watching TwoSet Violin right now. I don't know, on your laptop, or on the TV screen, or on your little smartphone. You watched this video, and maybe had a little chuckle. It was entertaining for a little bit. And you look down, and you realize... "I'm not subscribed to TwoSet Violin!" They put in all this effort, making free video content! And you can't at least press the subscribe button, - Hear, hear! - and press the like button, and share this video with your friends? Who is the a-hole? Who's the a-hole? Huh?? The more likes, the less a-holes there are! The more subscribers, the less a-holes there are! All right, that's the end of the video! See you guys next time...
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 428,889
Rating: 4.9822521 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: rkZMbW-MMgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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