Classical Violinists React to Kendall Jenner Playing Violin (and Other Celebrities)

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Recently it's been a change of events. The change of seasons. It's a bit cold. Need to roast some... - We need to get some... - warm warm marshmallows, you know? Today, we will be reviewing celebrities trying to play violins and other classical instruments. That's it. That's it. I don't think we need to say much more. Yup. Oh man. What a great s– Okay okay, first of all, the guy in the middle. I don't know your name, sorry. Your violin's like... - On the wrong side. - ...down here. Keep it to your left. On the left collarbone, not on the right. You don't really...have the... this part of the hand touching the neck of the violin. Like wrapped around with the thumb when you're up in that position. I don't even know how to explain it, cause it's just... Same with the guy on the left, the very left, their bow hold looks like it's... They're not even trying. - It's not even...yeah. - he's just grabbing it like a... You're called the Try Guys, you're meant to at least try. Yeah, come on. Like, put some effort in it guys. Otherwise, don't try, guys. But it's a string quartet. You're not at a string quartet level yet. String quartet requires you to be competent at your instrument first, first of all, after years and years of training. On top of that, string quartet will require aural skills, you can understand the music, and hear what other people are playing, so you can hear if it's in tune, the musical phrasing is going to the right place. And requires a different level of subcommunications. I think they should try probably learn how to do the basics first, of an instrument, before jumping to a string quartet. Yeah. But hey, they're the Try Guys. Props to you for trying. 2 violins, a viola, and a cello. Typically, a violin would be someone who believes they're the leader. Did you hear that? The violin is the leader. I will also take a violin. I think I'm the leader too. Okay, that doesn't work that way. It doesn't work that way. You don't have 2 violins being 2 leaders. It'll be very bad if there's 2 leaders. I don't think they know one is the leader, and one is NOT the leader. One is the backup. Yeah, there's a first violin, and there's a second violin. Okay. It doesn't mean violin is leader so you can have 2 leaders. But good on you for trying, you at least got half of that right. No one likes viola players. Thank you. He got that one right. Yes. And the secret most talented ones always play the big one, so they can carry it around the school and then everyone knows they're better. - That is true though. - I mean... Cellists are very talented. It requires a lot of talent to not have your cello break on an airplane. - And patience with airlines, - Yes. trying to convince them to bring your cello on board with you. And the talent of the back muscles carrying such a heavy instrument. Very talented. Wait a second. That middle guy's bow's isn't even done up. They're not even trying. If you guys wanna do a version where you actually try, Try Guys, we're the internet violin guys, we'll teach you how it's done. Oh man. That hip thrust. Whoa dude, look at that! I know. He's bending more and more. I think he's moving the violin for the bow, rather than bow for the violin. He's...he's gonna get back pains. Like 107. - The cello guy's posture looks the most...realistic. - Legit. Man. The viola guy is just... He's a bit tense. They're all a bit tense. Look at me now, mom. Look at me now, everything you've ever wanted. Asian stereotypes. Maestro. Wait, that's not Minuet No. 3 by Bach. Why did they even try to put a name on that? It could have been anything, hey? Yeah, what is sh– like why? Why did she go... She looks like she's trying to do Paganini. Maestro. "Maestro, I can't play." Wait a second. How is she playing a G major chord with that finger pattern? Maestro. Oh yeah! - It's only 1 finger! - Playing 1 finger! It means the violin must be out of tune. - The violin is not even in tune. - It has to the... So the A– yeah yeah, A string is sharper. Or unless she's double-stopping it, in which case that means the E string's sharper. - But definitely you can't play that chord with one finger. - I know. Kendall, you chin...jaw...or whatever needs to be on the chin rest. At least it's on the right side. - And you managed to get a G major chord, that's insane! - Yeah, that's im... I'm actually kind of impressed. The bow hold looks okay. I mean the pinkie is obviously...should be on. And you shouldn't be going... Chin... - Chin on. - here. Put it on. You could do it with a shoulder rest, if it feels a bit uncomfortable. Your bow is on the fingerboard, as usual. Oh yeah, the usual stuff. You need to put it between the fingerboard and the bridge, guys. The left hand needs to come around. But we're being too picky. I guess they're just having fun. Don't judge, guys. Don't judge. It was actually okay, I mean out of the 10 seconds...that she played, 5 seconds. Give it a... Next, I'm gonna try a violin! I definitely have a chin for this. Dude, the bow– hahahaha. I love how with Kendall, they said "Minuet No. 3", when it wasn't. But now this one they just said "bow the violin". They didn't even bother saying... And the bow is on the wrong side of the bridge, guys. Yeah. If you play it here, it'll make a sound. - But if you...Oh that's... - And the violin is on the wrong side as well! And she's also doing the fist grip. I never thought I'll say this day, but Kendall's violin playing was actually the best so far. Dude, that violin looks so cheap as well. Look, I'm Madonna! I'm pretending to play an instrument! Was that just a roast on Madonna? Did they just roast Madonna? Ohh! - Oooh! That was like a... - Calm down, yo! I can't even show you that, I can't demonstrate that. This is violin abuse. Sorry guys, just ate a bit of... I had too much bubble tea earlier today. Ooh, there's pedals! That's so true. Everyone when they see a harp up close for the first time, it's like "there's pedals?" "My god, pedals!" It's a very different effect. - It sounds like she's scratching it, like... - Nail, like... I mean I don't play the harp, but... You gotta...not... Not this. Pizzicato. Pluck the strings, or strum the strings. Whatever the harpists call it. In my head it sounds great. To a harpist, it's probably an atrocity. Hey, at least she's self-aware. I'm gonna start doing weddings. Ooh, not the pedals. I don't think you should be doing that to the pedals. It's like doing this... Oh no! Even on the piano, you don't do that. Don't drop it, please. Halleflute, here we go. I'm gonna play Shallow by Lady Gaga from the A Star is Born soundtrack. The hand. I don't play the flute, but you don't hold the flute like that. Isn't it like this? Yes, yes, exactly. Like that, rather than... Here we go. Ohhh! The wrong way! Oh no! You don't blow into the hole of a flute, you blow over it. You don't make a vocal sound. I feel like they should've at least tried to teach these celebrities what to do... Yeah. ...than just give them something... when it's so blatantly obvious that they don't know anything about it. But then we wouldn't have a video to react to. That's true, so thanks guys. Keep doing more. Okay, let's go for the baritone notes. Dude, she looks possessed. I know, she's like... So this is an upright bass. It's massive. There are no frets. It's nothing like an electric bass. This is scary. - Yeah, no frets, it is very scary. - That's right. Don't know where to place your right notes. Nope. 'We're pretty sure that's Nirvana's 1991 song "Come As You Are"...' I'm pretty sure that wasn't music at all. She got some pitches out of it. Yeah. I feel like I just direspected it. Like it's such a beautiful instrument, and I've heard some of the most incredible sounds coming out before. Again, Why? Oh, you're not seriously gonna... The way he spun it. Yeah. That was scary. Oh no. Don't do it Federer, don't do it. Nah. Come on. I'd probably stick to tennis. But I wish the Lucerne Festival a happy 75th birthday. It's an amazing accomplishment, and I have an idea. I'll practise violin, not tennis, for another 25 years, and then maybe we can celebrate the 100 years together. How about that? Alright. When was this video made? 2013. So he must have had 9 years' experience by now. - 6 years. Have you been practising? - Oh 6 years, sorry. Math, Brett. Have you been practising 6 years, Roger? At least his bow was in between the bridge and fingerboard. Yay. He's a cultured man. If I play a chromatic scale... there's no measurable response. If I change to atonal clusters... violà, they fly in counterclockwise, synchronised concentric circles... as though a regimented flock. Sherlock: Watson, this is exceptional. I, using musical theory, have created order out of chaos. "I, using musical theory, have created order out of..." Oh my god! Why did they go there? Okay okay. First of all, Mr. Iron Man, I thought you were smart. - Oh my...I don't even know where to begin. - Wait, pluck it, pluck it. Maybe I'll... Whoa! Whoa. Plucking random strings... Yes, that's atonal, but that is not musical theory. If you want someone like Schoenberg who created a system such as the twelve-tone system, to arrange pitches through musical theory in a way where it can be both atonal, while still having a structure. That's musical theory. Just randomly plucking notes on the violin is not musical theory. There's no structure, guys. Yeah. And also flies...I'm pretty sure flies do not respond to... Yeah, they don't respond to... Otherwise just play some Schoenberg on the radio, all the flies in the world just start like... "Yeah, Schoenberg!" He missed one. He missed one, right? At least he's got the general direction of the movement of the left hand. - That's very good. - Yeah. Okay, yes we could criticise his fingers were... It's obviously it's not him playing. - Yep. - It's someone that knows the piece, and obviously missed a few notes. Yes. And then made a sound, kinda trying, - like an amateur violinist. - Yeah. It's pretty funny. It's funny. The...the 1 1 1 1 1... He goes... But you can tell the actor, he actually tried. - Yeah, and he got instructions. - Because... Few things he did right. Changes. Down bows and up bows were perfectly matched. And... He knew when to be on G string, when to be on E string. Those 3 things were good. The thing that he needed to fix was mainly his left hand finger action is lifting too high. So it's quite fast, right? It's not... So he could have just done this... to make it look kinda legit. The second one for some reason... - Yeah. - For some reason, there were 2 Es instead of A-C-E-A. But I think the person in the recording did it. - Yeah, that was the recording person...Oh yeah. - Maybe he did it on purpose. Prop– Maybe. I think. - Cause he did it the last time. - Yeah. - That one. - Oooh nice. Little pinkie up there. Someone's been practising. Yeah yeah, 40 hours a day! I wanna try it. Close enough. I love the way he did that ending too. Yeah, he also got the... He got it. - Yeah. - He got that one. That's good. By the way, which Sherlock did you prefer, Robert Downey Jr. or Benedict Cumberbatch? I'd say... Robert Downey Jr. got away with it. Probably more believable. Because he didn't play. He didn't attempt to try something that was gonna be very obviously bad. Yeah. I just regret him saying "I've created order out of chaos with music theory." That doesn't...really work. And the last one of course is Scarlett Johansson. We've seen this before, but... Just for illustrative purposes. What was she trying to play? Oh, Who Let the Dogs Out. ♪ Who let the dogs out ♪ I wonder how it feels to them, just can't... Probably feels very foreign. Probably would feel like what it's like for musicians to play sport. Yeah, probably. Oh, we kicked in the wrong goal! Or wrong... To all the celebrities out there, we're here to teach you guys. Now if you want a celebrity to come, feel free to let them know. Open invitation. We're happy to teach you... for your next movie. Thank you so much for watching, please subscribe.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 3,010,598
Rating: 4.9358659 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, practice, ling ling, bass, drums, harps, kendall jenner, emilia clark, celebrities
Id: k8Oq7b6tQ5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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