Try Not to Laugh: The Worst National Anthem Fails

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Try not to laugh. So, we're watching national anthems. Eddy: And... you watching and us... altogether, we're gonna try not to laugh. I'm already laughing. It doesn't help. It's so stupid. So national anthem performances. I mean it's a big thing, right? National anthem. You're playing your nation's anthem, - so you better not mess up. - Yup. That can't be real. Dude, that can't be real. That can't be real. Someone had to have dubbed that over. Eddy: Dude, this on BBC News! I... It sounded so bad that I thought it was fake. Like, someone dubbed it over. But I mean, we didn't laugh though. - Yeah. - We're just very confused. Very confused. - All right. - Next one. Dude! All right, dude, okay. I think I laughed, but I wasn't laughing at the music. I was just laughing at... ...just how ridiculous and how awkward they looked. Brett: His face was just like, "Bruh." Eddy: Ha ha ha ha! Look, in all fairness, the playing wasn't that bad. It was just more like, his face, the reaction. And just how awkward the two stand. It's just how awkward how these two powerful people - have to just stand there, awkwardly like this... - Eddy: Yeah, yeah... - Brett: out of some tradition, or some respect. - Eddy: Yeah... - The camera's all on them. He's just like... - Yeah. Putin's like, "Well, I guess they're trying." All right. Next one! ♪ Whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ Eddy: Wait, wait, wait... Dude, she just modulated. Dude, that was some... - highly complex modulation going on. - Yeah! Brett: It's a national anthem, too. Imagine like... Eddy: Yeah. I can't even, like, how do you- how would you modulate Australian anthem like, wrong. I don't know. ♪ were so gallantly streaming ♪ ♪ And the rocket's red glare ♪ Whoa. No, no, no. Eddy: What is that? I thought she kinda like, saved it... - Yeah. - went kinda like, back on track. She like, stabilised a bit, and then just went full like... off the rails. Dude, that was... This is legit! ♪ the bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ Gave proof through the night ♪ She made it back to G flat major! How?! How??!!! ♪ that our flag was still there ♪ ♪ O say does that star... ♪ Dude, she's modulating more than Shostakovich. Dude, Shostakovich's like... - "What the hell?" - Yeah! Eddy: You know, things like that happen. You just gotta hope that... If you're gonna be on a video with millions of views on YouTube- And it's a national anthem, too. - It's something that- - Oh yeah, that's true. - It's a national anthem, man. -, a lot of people know about this. ♪ and the home of the ♪ G major. ♪ brave ♪ Eddy: Back to G flat. ♪ brave ♪ Eddy: Ahh... ♪ brave ♪ ♪ brave ♪ Nah, that's painful. That's... Like, it's just... Look, practice. - Yeah. - If you practice, it's all good. That's the best one! Guys, you see? Fund the arts! Do you wanna know what key you're in? Brett: All right, next one. ♪ O Canada! Our home and native land ♪ I was gonna be like, why is he wearing a blue cummerbund? But then I realised it's like the uniform. - Oh... that's true. - Yeah. That's not very attractive. ♪ True patriot love in all of us command ♪ What a champion though! He's like, "I'm gonna save it!" "Argh! I'm gonna keep going!" - Eddy: There's a carpet there! - Brett: It's the freaking carpet. Eddy: He didn't see the carpet? Dude, but he kept singing like a champ, and he's... still in key. Yeah, ha ha ha! Yeah... It's true, like, look... Look, he's practiced it, right? - Yeah. - He can keep going. Yeah. - The music wasn't that bad, I mean... - Yeah, it wasn't that bad. - I don't know what the standard for a military band is. - Yeah. What always makes it more funny to me is just... Eddy: the cameras zoom in on the unimpressed faces of people. - Eddy: That's what's funny. - Brett: They're just like... Brett: They can't do anything. They just- Brett: They have to stand there. - Yeah. - They just go... But it wasn't that bad. It wasn't that bad. I don't think... - The contrast makes it funnier. - Okay, you can hear the contrast, yeah. Okay, maybe the audio recording is different as well, but you can hear just... - Yeah. - the quality... Yeah. Dude... Imagine being a musician in that band. It would be so torturous to rehearse... - Yeah, because it's been so hard to fix. - if I have to play it. Yeah. It will be... You can't rehearse that. You actually cannot rehearse that. - Oh my god... - Yeah. ♪ O'er the ramparts we watched ♪ ♪ were so gallantly streaming ♪ ♪ And the rocket's red glare ♪ What was that? Dude, is... Is this anthem just that difficult or... - Yeah! 'Cause the other girl messed up at this bit as well. - Yeah... Why- why- why- Why do they always like, - have to scream at some point of the anthem, like... - Yeah. "Arghhhh!" All right, so... Of course, we can't finish this episode without watching the famous... - Eddy: 21 million views! - Brett: Ooh... ♪ O say can you see ♪ That was a bit dodgy. That was a bit sharp. ♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ It sounds like, you know, those like... You know how on TikTok, they mock like those like... dudes that are like... Yeah, yeah, yeah! "I sing the national anthem!" ♪ What so proudly we hailed ♪ Eddy: This guy is trying to like... be respectful and like, visualise all the patriotism. - But he's just getting distracted by this. - He's like, "What is this?" ♪ that our flag was still there ♪ ♪ O say does- ♪ Dude, that guy's like... - "Yo, like..." - I lost. I lost. ♪ does that star-spangled banner yet wave ♪ This guy's like suffocating. He's like...*out of breath* "I can't do this anymore." - "I'm trying not to laugh. I'm losing it!" - Yeah! Eddy: They all lost the challenge! Eddy: They lost the challenge! Everyone's like... Brett: They all lost it, too! See, they're playing it as well. ♪ land of the free ♪ She thinks she's killing it! She's like, "Yeah, they love me!" - And it's like, "Just stop. Just stop now, like..." - "They love me!" ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ Too much main character vibes, man. Yeah, it's like, just chill out. Your voice is actually perfectly fine as it is. - Eddy: 189 dislikes, thousand. - Brett: Whoa! Do you think she genuinely just thought that was a good idea, or was she doing some PR stunt? Because this did get 21 million views. Maybe, but somehow I get the feeling she... - She's like, "Look at me, I'm the main character." - Yeah. Cool. Did you laugh, or did you lose? I think I lost a little bit. I was a bit shocked a few times, so... Yeah, I was more shocked. I was more shocked at... Brett: given the people you're playing for, and the circumstances. Eddy: And just the modulation. - I would not play like that for my teacher. - Yeah. I'll cancel my lesson. - Like, "Give me another week." - Yeah. "I'll come back next week." Eddy: My favourite was the... Eddy: Canadian one though, when he tripped. - Brett: Yeah, he saved it somehow. - Eddy: He saved it. - Brett: Good sportsmanship. - Eddy: Yeah. Powerful. Look guys, moral of the story... - Practice. - Mhm. - And don't defund the arts. - Yep. Accent the like button. We'll see you guys next time.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 967,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: cTNBGMQ69wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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