Mum Ignores Child's Needs

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Yes! Nah, I'm not asking you. - It's a subreddit, on the internet. - Oh, ohh. I didn't know that. And this subreddit, is one where people post stories about themselves, and they ask...they basically ask people, "Am I being an a**hole here?" - Yeah. - And people vote. You know, we found a few stories that are related to music, and musical instruments, and we will be going through these stories together, to see... ...who's the a**hole. That's right. Let's get it. Story number one. Ooh!!!! - (Eddy) Man. - Okay, let's read it. Mmm! I wonder if this girlfriend watches our videos. - I know, "excruciating task". - Yeah! - Fair enough. - Mm-hmm. Ooh, okay. - the girlfriend's out of town, - I guess... - ...yeah, yeah, yeah. - with these...alright. Noooo!!!! - Nooooo!!! - " play something..." "And seemed to know", I love the "seemed to know how to use it". - Dude, I don't even need to read on. - (Brett) Yeah. You are the a**hole. Do not touch someone's musical instrument, without asking for their permission. Yeah, can't do that, because... ...especially if your girlfriend is someone that's dedicated her life to it. The instrument is really sacred. - Yes. - It's super duper important. - You just don't touch it! - Yeah. You don't touch it! End of question! Nothing else! My girlfriend drives a Lamborghini that's worth a billion dollars, but um, she's not here, - and my two-year-old nephew wants to drive. - So here are the keys! - So I'm just gonna let this nephew drive this Lamborghini, - Yeah, yeah. - nothing will go wrong, right? Like... - And then to calm him down, his hyperactiveness. Because he... He really wants to drive a Lamborghini, like the girlfriend, so I'm just going to let him... It's like... (Brett) Because of her kids... - Dude, this guy takes zero responsibility, - Of course he didn't... - now he wants his sister... - Why is this her—nothing... - You're the one who let it happen! - Yeah! Dude, what the f... Oh, have another Toyota, - so it doesn't matter that I crashed your Lamborghini, bro. - Yeah. Yeah, don't worry about it. (Brett) Nah, no. What?! I want to know what other people think. - "You're the a**hole." - (Brett) Yeah. Yeah...! Yeah...! It's triple shame. Wait, let's see what the - ...with regards to... - (Brett) To the bow? - Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yep! - Well done. - Yeah. Learn it the hard way, Jesus. I guess people that are not exposed to... -, don't know. - They won't know, yeah. Instruments are very delicate, - in case you're new here, and not a musician. - Yeah. Don't touch it. - Ooh..! - Ooh, okay, okay, okay. Oh, no. - Ooh!!! - (Brett) Oh! Ooh. Whoa, this is juicy, oh. I feel like I don't know enough about their lives, - to make a judgment call on this. - Yeah. Depends on context, my first question is, like if she moved in, where was her old place? Why couldn't the daughter go there to practice, or did she sell the place? And if she sold the place, maybe she should have thought about this before... - ...selling the old move in to a new place. - Yeah, I act...yeah, possibly, because... And maybe they should have thought it through with her - and her boyfriend, to figure it out first, - (Eddy) Mmm. how is this going to work, maybe they could have talked about, okay, if the boyfriend truly doesn't like to hear her practice, - how many hours is she gonna get a week, - Yeah. and figure out how to practice, and did she even utilise the time properly as well. It says here that um, she can only play when the boyfriend's out. Now maybe that means there's... a 7-hour window every day, where she can practice, in which case, probably she should have practiced a bit more beforehand, 'cause... One hour to warm up before an audition, okay, it's a little bit tight, but it's... - (Eddy) ...doable. - It's alright, it's doable. - (Eddy) Yeah, it's definitely...yeah. - Yeah. It's not gonna change your whole addition. I also think the daughter telling the stepdad to go outside was also a bit like... - Yeah, it... - 'Cause it is his house. - It is his house, she was being a little bit too entitled. - Yeah. But for the person to take the instrument away, I think it's a bit too much. Given the information I have, and I don't have enough information, I don't think OP is an a**hole, - but I also don't think the daughter's an a**hole. - (Brett) Yeah. - I don't think anyone's an a**hole in this situation. - (Brett) Mm-hmm. I think this is probably they tried to make house rules, in the past, but the house rule failed to take into account - when auditions are happening. - Yeah, - And now that they know, - that's why it happened. - in the future they need the house rule to adapt, - (Brett) Yeah. so when important things happen, - they can plan around it. - (Brett) Yeah. So, the boyfriend's the a**hole. Nah, I'm just joking. Let's see what people say. You're the a**hole. Oof, okay. Yeah, that's true. I'm...not sure I agree with that, I mean... Okay, I do think moving in in three months - is a bit fast. - Yeah. But I...I don't know, man. I don't think it's as simple as saying... ...though that, your daughter's needs will always take precedence - over your own. - Yeah. And 'cause it's like, it's all...that's very one-sided. I will clarify, - I empathise with the girl the most, - Yes. - because...yes, - Oh, me too, yeah. it sucks to be in this position, it's just given the information, I don't feel comfortable going, "Mother's guilty!" - Yeah, exactly. - Like, I need more... - Yeah exactly, yeah, I... - Evidence. Yeah, I feel more... I empathise more with the daughter, like... - (Eddy) Yeah. - I failed my audition 'cause I didn't get - to practice. That sucked. - Yeah. (both) That sucks. - (Brett) But anyway. - But we need more information. More information! Next one. Yes? I don't even need to read the sentence! Yes?! - That's the most passive... - Why would you do that? That's so passive-aggressive, - it's kind of funny. - Yeah. Yeah, it's kind of funny how you thought that through. How bad is your relationship that you can't even tell your girl? I mean, all right. Let's read. Hmm, I wonder why. Ooh, it sounds passive already! - Dude, why did you feel the need to put in the inheritance, - To go "art." - and the quote "art." - Oh, passive... Are you sure things are all great - if you're so passive-aggressive? - (Brett) Yeah. Are you sure you're not just convincing yourself? - Ohh, okay. - Not based off what you've written, dude! Yeah, okay. Dude, this person is so... - ...full of resentment. - (Brett) Yeah. But I can kind of guess why. Previous paragraph, he's like... - And he has done a lot for her. - Yeah. So... My guess, based on what I've seen right now, is... He's given a lot of himself to her, and maybe somehow he doesn't feel... - Yeah, like... Yeah. - Appreciated, or... He doesn't feel that his efforts are reciprocated, and... And she probably hasn't given back enough - for him to feel like it's... - (Eddy) Yeah. - So right now some resentment's building up. - (Brett) Yeahhh. - That's my guess. But I don't know. - (Brett) Yeah, that's my guess. Blah blah blah. That is actually so funny. And he didn't tell the parents! - Dude, that's so shady! - Oh, dude that's funny! Oh my god! Oh, "and is now telling me what I've done is a terrible..." - I can't read this. - Bro, you can't read. Yeah. Dude, I don't think the problem is you wanting peace and quiet. Actually, you wanting peace and quiet has nothing to do with an inheritance. - Yes! Nothing. - First of all, actually. - Why did you feel the need to put that? - Yeah, why did you bring that up? That's just, mmmm. Questionable. - And then, "art." - Yeah. It's like, uhhh... Questionable too. You wanting peace and quiet doesn't justify you going, "FFS!" And definitely doesn't justify you paying your neighbor and being so shady. And the fact that you told the child of the neighbor and not the parent as well. That's double shady. My guess is maybe you need to work on standing up for your own needs to other adults. The fact that you can tell kids to do something, - but you can't talk to other adults, um... - Yeah, that's... - Yeah, I think there's something that may... - I think you need to confront that fear. Because it's much better to argue about, "Hey, I hate listening to your music." "I feel like I've supported you so much." "But I just... I need some peace and quiet." It's better that you guys argue that out and find a solution, than... Yeah, that. - Paying a little kid. Like, that's weird. - Yeah, that's a bit dodgy. Nah, you're the a**hole. I think so. Oof. This is a hard one, I can already get it. - That's pretty low. - Yeah, that's pretty low. That's ver... That sounds very low. Um... Wait. Let me say that again. It's hard to read! Yeah, the way they write this... Okay. Oh, okay. I don't think you are the a**hole, - but I probably wouldn't have said it like that. - Yeah! Yeah. "Maybe I'd babysit your kid for minimum wage, - but not a music..." That's a bit... - Like, I mean... - I wouldn't say that for the sake of your parents too, right? - Yeah. I would probably just go, "Hey, look. Um..." - "Normally lessons are around this rate, and..." - (Eddy) Yeah. "This is just on a low end, I don't really have much time." - (Eddy) Yeah. Yeah. - Or something nice, you know? It's like... - Just like, "Sorry, my fee is $40 an hour." - "Sorry, my fees..." - And end it at that. - You don't need to... - so brutal, - Yeah. with your rejection. - That was a little bit brutal. Yeah. - I think so. But, I don't think you should take a wage that you don't want to take as well. Like, I don't think you should have done it for $7.25. I think it would've been fine to go, - "Sorry, my lessons are $20, $30 an hour. $40." - (Eddy) Yeah. So... While not an a**hole, - probably could've said it a bit nicer. - (Brett) Yeah. Last one! Uh... I can already guess by the title, no. But let's keep going. Okay. Blah, blah, blah. Okay, so you're kind of a beginner. Alright, so they're rich. Okay, so she's basically talking about how rich her parents are. What? - All right, I don't even need to finish reading this. - Yeah. You're not the a**hole. It sounds like, based off what you've said... They're just, they're... They're a**holes. - They are the a**holes. - What the... What are they...? Before you set it straight, what are they doing? Like... This is the first one where not only is the OP not the a**hole, - the other side is clearly a**hole. Yeah. - (Brett) Yeah, 100% a**hole. It sounds like, from what you've said, they might just wanna... They're trying to like, "save money" to figure out if the kid is good enough. It's like, dude, if they truly did have the money, they could've just... Get a lesson to figure out it. Stop stinging out on it. Figure it out. - Stop trying to blame you for being... - Yeah. ..."selfish," and not wanting to teach. - It sounds like they're being manipulative. - Yeah. They're intentionally doing it to you, it's 'cause you've told them. It's not like some of the other ones like, I don't know the full story, or maybe... They just, they didn't know. - These people clearly... - Yeah. - 100%. Yeah. - ...are trying to exploit this OP. And how old are you? (both) 17! Yeah, nah. Look... - Nah, I think you did the right thing to say no. - Yes. Keep saying no. You're not the a**hole. And, keep practicing! You should just scam them and be like, "All right, I'll teach your kid for like, 1000... - Yeah! You're just getting like, $1000 an hour. - ...dollars an hour." Yeah. Just to see if they say yes. - Just say that's your rate. - (Brett) And then be like, "Oh, there's something cheaper." "Oh." "That's great!" "Oh, what a bargain!" "You can't afford my $1000 an hour?" "Oh, too bad." - All right, guys. Yeah. - Wow, that's pretty obnoxious. But props on her for practicing, so. - Keep it up. - Nice! Look, guys, that's it for today. Don't be the a**hole. Oh, and check out our Holst collection! Look. - (Eddy) This is Neptune! - (Brett) Oh! Yes. (Eddy) The last planet. (Brett) We're actually super proud of this. - (Brett) This was our first-ever official... - (Eddy) Collection. (Brett) ...collection, together with the Holst. Blending astrology, music, and fashion together. That's right. Thank you so much for the support. - Bye-bye! - Bye!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 435,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: l8NgZBKa9Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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