We Tried Teaching Violin Speaking Only Chinese!

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Alright, guys, hello! Welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin! In order to celebrate Chinese New Year, we decided to do something a little bit different. We’re gonna try and teach violin, but only speaking Chinese. Lol, what? “Try” is the keyword. You guys might’ve seen these two people before, - lovely people. - Ayo. - They don’t speak Chinese, they don’t understand Chinese… - Not at all, nada, zero, zip. - And they can’t play violin, ‘cause they’re singers. - And they can’t play violin! I can’t play the anything. - It's like, she actually starts like, shredding Paganini… - Yeah, it’s like Sibelius and Paganini, - it’s like, “Oh, s***!” - It's like, "Whatever." - Imagine if I... We have my old baby, which is precious to me, - so I’m sure we’ll all look after it. - Ooh… Ooh, I don’t wanna touch it. - Alright, we should go teams, right? - Yes. So I reckon, me and Zach. Boom. - Good…ohh. - Yes, and me and Syakirah. - Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry…you’re a violinist! - I’m a violinist, man! - Dude that’s so funny, oh my god, I’m sorry! - Dude…! - Ohh...! So it’s me and Syakirah. - Yeah, because he didn’t choose me last time, right? - Yes. Oohhhhhhhhh!!!! - Yeah. - At least somebody got chosen. - The grudge, yeah. I feel so much, like, - singer energy in this room right now. - Yeah, singer energy. - Singer energy is the best kinda energy… - It’s the best! - …you know? - Winner's circle! 10 minutes to start! - I have 10 minutes to be a prodigy, let’s go! - Oh, let me go get my… Which one are you feeling? Uh… Eenie miney minie—Perpetual Motion. - This is Perpetual Motion. - 3, 2, 1, start! Alright, we picked Perpetual Motion! (Chinese) Here, here. (Chinese) Yeah, hold it. (Chinese) Very good! F***. - Eh… - Eddy: You can’t swear in English, you gotta swear in Chinese. (Chinese) Oh, right. Um… Oh, “um” is English. Eh… - Zach: Yas! - Brett: (Chinese) Hold on. Careful, careful. Ohh!!! I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry. (Chinese) Left h... F***. (Chinese) Put it on your shoulder. - Oh, okay. - Brett: (Chinese) Yeah yeah yeah. Good. (Chinese) Good. Left hand... back a little. (Chinese) No. (Chinese) This is so scary... (Chinese) Back a little. Yeah, yeah, I mean… (Chinese) Yeah yeah yeah yeah. I keep… - (Chinese) ...speaking English. - Oh, okay. - (Chinese) Yeah yeah, like this. OK, very good. - Let's go, yeah. (Chinese) Here, you can't let go. My neck? (Chinese) Like this! - You want me to head bang? Okay. - Yeah, okay, okay. Yes! I mean… (Chinese) Yeah! Very good, very good! - What about the stick? - Okay. (Chinese) Like a rabbit, like this. Oh, like Batman? Okay. - (Chinese) A rabbit. Like this. - Spiderman? (Chinese) The thumb goes here. - Huh? - (Chinese) Like this, like this. Alright. (Chinese) I'll help you. (Chinese) Thumb... Put your thumb here. (Chinese) Move down a bit. Down a bit. No! F***! (Chinese) Move your hand down a bit. (Chinese) Hand. Hand. (Chinese) Move down a bit. So…la ti do! Ohh!!! (Chinese) It's so hard! (Chinese) Yeah yeah. Yeah yeah yeah... (Chinese) Okay, now... (Chinese) Put the bow...on the A string. A… Nah!!! (Chinese) This one, this one. (Chinese) Okay, move, move... Just… (Chinese) Up, down. (Chinese) Very good. (Chinese) Really good work! (Chinese) First finger. Yeah? (Chinese) Press it down. (Chinese) Yeah yeah yeah...! No, no! (Chinese) No, no! (Chinese) The third one is... Eddy: (Chinese) Why is her mouth open so wide? Brett: (Chinese) Oh, yeah, yeah! (Chinese) Close your mouth. Zach: Shut your mouth! (Chinese) It's not like this. (Chinese) Dude, we're screwed! (Chinese) Yeah yeah yeah yeah! (Chinese) Your bow is crooked, it's crooked, - (Chinese) the bow is crooked. - Yeah, I’m killing this, shifu, okay. (Chinese) The bow is crooked! Eddy: You have 5 minutes left. Oh s***! (Chinese) Close your mouth! (Chinese) I don't have any energy left. (Chinese) Yeah!! - 1st bar down, let’s go! - (Chinese) There is a...yeah, yeah, yeah. (Chinese) Next one. Yeah! (Chinese) Change strings to E string. (Chinese) Yeah. (Chinese) The bow needs to be straight. (Chinese) Straight. Straight. (Chinese) It can't be crooked. If it's like this... (Chinese) It needs to be straight. (Chinese) The left hand is too high. That way, that— (Chinese) No— Move down, yeah. I spoke English. Can I…can I ask you something? Your arm doesn’t hurt after a while, when you do this? (Chinese) No no, it won't hurt. (Chinese) You need the muscles. - (Chinese) Hand, hand, hand...it doesn't move. The wrist is here. - No…okay. (Chinese) Like this, yeah. Don't move. (Chinese) The third one. - (Chinese) I can't do it. - Zach: I'm sorry, dude. I’m killing this, what are you talking about? (Chinese) Let me show you. Oh, my hand hurts. Okay, you’re too advanced now, I can’t do that. That’s too much. (Chinese) It's easy! Okay, let's do it. - Eddy: One minute left. - Oh, come on, come on, come on…! Zach: You got it. Zach: Yes. Wait, what the f...? That was close! (Chinese) Oh, it was close! - (Chinese) Again, again, again. Again. - But how… - Yeah...! - Oh, yeah! (Chinese) Sing it out loud. - Eddy: 4, 3, 2, 1! - Oh, yeah, okay, okay. (Chinese) Thank you! I’m so proud of me! Do you want to do a performance? (Chinese) Okay. Zach: Okay, yeah. (Chinese) Okay, very good, very good, very good. - Alright! - Yeah. (Chinese) Very good. Thank you! I know you’re proud of me, - you’re smiling on the inside too. - Yes, I am so happy. - Yeah. - Eddy: I’m so nervous for your violin. - I know, I was so nervous. - I know, I’m so sorry, I was nervous… What is that? - Oh. - I’m just joking. It was there before. Um, we were planning to teach through the uh, Suzuki book, - but I just realised, since it’s Chinese New Year, - Yeah. - we’re gonna learn the Chinese New Year song. - That makes sense, okay. Alright, alright, let’s do it. By the way, I heard you went on a date with Edwina. Yeah, it was pretty good. - How was it? Yeah? - Yeah, picnic. - Did you treat her well? - Of course, I’m a gentleman. Good. I’m watching you. Brett: Start! Eddy: (Chinese) Okay, I'll demonstrate first. - Eddy: (Chinese) Got it? - Okay, sure. - I thought it was… *sings* - Syakirah: Yeah, I thought it… Oh, yeah, okay, my bad. Yeah. (Chinese) Okay. Here you go. Don't hold it here, hold it here. - Okay, okay. This looks nice, okay. - Oh, okay, right here, yeah. - (Chinese) Okay. Careful, careful! - (Chinese) Put the thumb here, like this. - Yeah. Yikes! (Chinese) Hold, hold it here. Hand... Yeah, okay. (Chinese) Alright, first note! La, la. - Nope! - (Chinese) Wrong! (Chinese) So dumb! Syakirah: That sounds bad. (Chinese) La is this string. Ooh, okay, okay, okay...so… - La. - Like, but which part of the bow…? (Chinese) Just the middle. Sure, I think it’s this part. Syakirah: It kinda looks like it, if it looks like it, it probably is… La… Si. (Chinese) Yeah! Do. Ohh… (Chinese) Very good! (Chinese) So smart! La, si…do…do, re… Fa… Eddy: (Chinese) Yeah. (Chinese) Yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Fa… La, la, mi… Mi… Re… (Chinese) Yeah. How does it go on now? - Syakirah: He’s doing so well. - Eddy: Re…re, fa, mi, re… - Wow! Re, fa, mi, re… Syakirah: Ti, la, si, la… (Chinese) I don't even need to teach him! - Brett: Dude, it’s so unfair! - Syakirah: This is so unfair! - (Chinese) Prodigy, prodigy. - I don’t know, it’s just the mechanics, you know? You just have to think of the technology of the instrument. - (*useless teacher) - (Chinese) Smart teacher, smart student. (Chinese) The second string, the second string. (Chinese) 3, 3, 3. (Chinese) La. Yeah, re. Re…mi… Re…mi… (Chinese) Do is 2. Oh, okay. Do, mi... Syakirah: We’re in A minor! F***! - (Chinese) Quiet! The teacher is teaching! - It’s really hard! - La… - Brett: 5 minutes left! Mi… Re… (Chinese) 3. F***! It’s like, crying. - The violin’s crying. - Syakirah: It’s crying! Brett: Whoa!!! I think… (Chinese) I think he's ready now. - (Chinese) How about you go again? - Syakirah: He has to play from the top! - (Chinese) Go again, from the beginning. - Oh, okay. - (Chinese) I think you're ready. - Brett: Wow, you have 3 minutes left! - (Chinese) Okay, no need. - Syakirah: You got like 3 minutes until... (Chinese) You still have 3 minutes, do you want to keep practicing? - Eddy: (Chinese) Or just perform it now? - I don't... - Eddy: (Chinese) 3 minutes. - ...okay. Whatever you think is right. I don’t…I don’t know what to do. Syakirah: Yeah!!! - Ooh, that was nice! - Syakirah: Yeah! Nope. - Brett: Whoa! -Syakirah: Yeah! - Eddy: Wow! I feel like a kid again, when their parents clap for their kids, “Wow…!” Now you gotta say… (Chinese) Happy New Year. Oh. (Chinese) Happy New Year! Nice, dude. It’s like he actually can speak Chinese. Alright guys, that’s it! - I think we did a better job, obviously. - We definitely did a better job. Brett: Clearly much better job. What was it, Zach? The term? Eddy and Zach: Winner's circle! Life isn’t about like, winning! - Yeah…! - Wow…! - Oh, changing your tune now, hey? - It’s all about… Yeah, it’s all about sharing the love for music! Yeah! - Happy Chinese New Year, everyone! - Yeah. (Chinese) Happy New Year. (Chinese) Happy New Year. - Ayyy!!! - Ahh! Yeah!!! Alright, as usual, take your votes below. - We will [win], we were so much better. - We must win, will we win? - Whatever they need to tell themselves. - Yeah. - And like and subscribe, and we’ll see you guys next time! Bye bye!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 1,096,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: nbUcAZRhdYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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