Among Us with TwoSet Friends

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Hey, how's it going? Welcome back to another episode of TwoSet Violin. Today we are finally joining the trend three years late, featuring Sophie Oui Oui, Jordon He, the genius composer, and producer Shaun. We also have our very special slave, joining us from the basement today, Editor-san, because Editor-san will be editing this video. So meta. Editor-san: Ready? I mean, Brett, do you wanna add anything to the intro? Nah, I'm gonna win! Editor-san: Alright guys, I think I should let you know from the beginning, that my strategy will be to kill Eddy. Alright guys, I have… I actually don't know how to play this, I've only played like twice in my life. Let's go to Weapons! To find some weapons to kill people. Even though I'm not the imposter. Are you serious, this is taking forever! Are we gonna die? Oh, f*** that! F*** that! Agh! Bro, that's sus as f***! Editor-san definitely wants revenge. How do I do this? I knew it! Shaun: Bro. Shaun: Bro. Bro...! - Shaun: Dude, that’s… - Jordon: What happened? - Shaun: I walked in on Editor-san. - Brett: Dude! Editor-san: I just wanna say, I have no regrets. I did what I had to do. Dude… I knew it was you, you were so sus! The way you like, kept standing next to me, I was like… “She wants revenge.” - Shaun: Eddy was first, - Brett: Yeah… that was her revenge for that one. Jordon: Yeah that was revenge for this, uh… - …for this whole hour of filming. - Oh, it wasn't even me! Should have killed Brett! It’s not fair! Look at Editor-san! Don't trust that leaf. Dude, I'm nervous. Dude, what is Shaun doing? What is Editor-san… I knew it! *shriek* Are you f***ing serious?! Are you serious?! How did she get it twice in a row...? - Jordon: Okay. so… - Editor-san: Where was it? Jordon: It's in Electrical, and I saw Eddy with Brett. Sophie: I saw Brett and He man. Jordon: Uh Brett, did you part ways with Eddy? Yeah I parted ways with Eddy, and then I saw Sophie. Shaun: The last person I saw in there was Editor-san and Eddy. Editor-san: I saw you there as well, and then I left the room to go towards Security. Oh, that's sus. Jordon: Everyone's like equally suspicious. Shaun: I kind of wanna do Brett though. Nah, that’s so f***ed! It’s Sophie! I was with you! - Jordon: Wait, Sophie... - Sophie: Yeah, so I was with Brett. Jordon: When did Brett join you? Sophie: Just now. Jordon: I think it's very likely it's Brett. Jordon: Oh. - Brett: Whoa…you guys… - Editor-san: Wow. …messed up! Jordon: Did we? - Jordon: Oh no! - Sophie: Oh no. Jordon: Sorry, Brett! Editor-san: Oops. Shaun: Nah, I felt that…I just wanted to do it. Jordon: It’s all right, it's revenge. Alright, I think Shaunyboi was it, ‘cause that's sus! Let’s see, Sophie was safe, Editor-san’s there, Eddy is there…! Ooh! Ohhh!!!! Jordon: Okay, so… - Jordon: Unfortunately… - Editor-san: Where was it? Jordon: I saw a murder just happened in front of my eyes, and it's Editor-san. Editor-san: Can you prove that? Jordon: I mean… Editor-san: How do we know it's not a self-report? Jordon: Because I wouldn't do that with three people left, I would just leave it there and then I'll just kill another one, because the cooldown’s only 15 seconds, right? It’s really short. I can honestly…if I were an imposter, I would just win this in the next 10 seconds or so. Yeah! Dude, how did you get it twice in a row? You psycho! And you're always coming after me, I swear! Guys, I’m innocent, leave me alone! No, you know what, I need to change my um, outfit, maybe that's why. You know what, I'm just not gonna be next to Editor-san ever again. Aw, I want to get imposter! Sophie: Oh no, I'm the imposter, what do I do? Oh. I don't trust Sophie or Editor-san, they’re dodgy! Sophie: I guess I should check out where everyone is. God, I hate this game, why am I getting… I thought… F*** this! Agh, Sophie Oui Oui! Jordon: Mmm… Jordon: What was that? Oh. Jordon: Ah, this is in Admin. Admin? Where's Admin? Jordon: Below where you were just then, like 10 seconds ago. - Eddy: Oh, the cafeteria. - Jordon: Yeah, yeah. Jordon: Shaun and I ran into each other a few times in the very top right, I don't think it would have been uh, Shaun, and I think that clears me as well. Editor-san: I was in Electrical the whole time, and I didn't see anyone. Shaun: I saw Sophie as well, but… Sophie: I was on my way to Shields, to do a task. Jordon: So I think it's going to be either Eddy, or… I don't even know where Admin is! How am I meant to have killed him?! Editor-san: I’m voting for Eddy. Shaun: Yeah. Bro, you just want to kill— That didn't... You guys aren’t even playing the game properly! F*** off! I reckon it's Jordon, - Eddy: he looked really sus in the cafeteria. - Jordon: What do you mean?! I was looking at the map, and then he just like, stood next to me like, contemplating whether to kill me or not. Bro, this is bulls***. - Editor-san, Jordon: Bye. - Eddy: This isn't even fair! Jordon: Oh, what? Oh. Sorry, Eddy. Yeah… *mumble* Jordon: What was he doing, just standing in Cafeteria? Sophie: Okay, so I got away with this one. Jordon: I feel like if it's not Sophie, it's gotta be Editor-san then. Jordon: Hello, I have once again discovered the body. Would the murderer like to confess, Miss Sophie Oui Oui? Sophie: I think it was you, because I saw you there, - Jordon: Mm-hmm. - Sophie: and then I kept going, because I wanted to go to Electrical. Sophie: But I didn't check in the room. Jordon: So how come there was a body in the room, that you just left? Sophie: You tell me. Jordon: Editor-san, what do you think? Editor-san: I’m going to vote for Sophie. No!!! No, it's definitely Jordon! Sophie: No…! Oh, it was Sophie. Sophie, you're so sneaky! You killed me first! Jordon: Sorry Eddy, you were just standing by yourself in Cafeteria, - Jordon: and that was like just above where the body was. - Eddy: Bro! I was trying to figure out where to do the tasks! I don't know how to play the game! Editor-san: Oh, not again! I’m actually pretty tired of this, 'cause it's just too hard. Editor-san: What do you guys think, should I kill Eddy again? Oh, it’s so sus, everyone's here! Everyone's here, I don't know! Oh, oh!!! Agh!!! Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. - Brett: That was so quick! - Eddy: Okay. I was with Brett, we were both on the other side of the table, - Eddy: figuring out where the task thing was. - Brett: Yeah. I saw there was… Sophie, Shaun, and someone else… Yeah, the one that ran out, do you remember the colour? I can't remember. Shaun, who was the other person in the room? Shaun: Bro, I couldn't see, I was doing a task. Jordon: It was probably Editor-san, because I was by myself on the right. Editor-san: I think it could’ve been anyone in the room, because the kill distance is really wide. Editor-san, where were you? Editor-san: I was still in Admin. Yeah, that's sus. Editor-san: How is that sus? You were in Admin, Shaun was doing a task, and I saw someone run away. Editor-san: I didn't leave the room yet, I was still doing swipe card. Jordon: I went to the, like the Navigations, which is the very right, and I went down, and I'm at Communications right now. That's a very elaborate answer, - Eddy: sounds like someone trying to lie. - Brett: Very elaborate answer. Jordon: But I think it's like, I was on the right time—uh, right side, the whole time, so I have…I haven't seen anyone, and I don't think anyone saw me. Alright, you know what, I'm gonna vote…Editor-san. Yeah, I voted Editor-san. - Eddy: Wait, how come I can't vote? - Editor-san: Wait, what?! Why are you voting for me? Jordon: You have to vote before it says like, 3 or 4 seconds. - Eddy: Oh, s***. - Brett: Ohh!!! Oh, s***! I think it's Editor-san! Alright Brett, we're sticking together. Brett, let's go, let's stick together! Dude, that’s so sus! What the f*** is he doing…? *shriek* *shriek* Oh, no! Oh, so dodgy! Run away! Oh, I don’t trust Shaunyboi! I don’t even wanna play this game, I’m running away. Editor-san: I think everyone's walking together in pairs, so it'll be really hard for me to just kill anyone. Jordon: Oh. Editor-san: Bye, Jordon. You are too good at this game. I'm not even… Dude, how do we get there? No! Editor-san: You know what, if I'm lucky, everyone might just fail. Editor-san: Yes! - Brett: Oh… - Jordon: Whoa… - Eddy: Wait! How come? What happened? - Brett: Are you serious? Jordon: The oxygen ran out. Oh, s***! I was so close! Dude, I knew it was Editor-san! I was gonna vote for you, but I didn’t know how to vote! Dude, I voted Editor-san! God! Dude, and Shaun was so sus, like… - Eddy: I knew it was probably wasn’t you, - Jordon: Yeah! But then I was like, I still didn’t trust you. Shaun: Alright, I’ll just chill with these guys. *shriek* Oh, no! Jordon: She’s so sneaky. - Brett: Yeah…! - Jordan: She killed me on the very left, just after she caused sabotage on the very right, so no one’s gonna find my body. Editor-san: When I saw you I was like, “Nah, you gotta die, mate, you’re too good at this game.” Alright guys, I'm gonna win this time. Eddy was there… …I’m running away. (I’m gonna win this time!) Someone go find the body! No!!! Someone find my body! Editor-san: Why does Jordon keep finding the bodies? Jordon: So this is the very left, just at the top of the reactors. And, also, I saw… …Editor-san run out—in from that direction. Editor-san: What?! - Eddy: Dude, how does she keep getting it? - Editor-san: Wait, no way. - Eddy: No way. - Editor-san: You must have self-reported 'cause I was in Admin. - Eddy: No way. - Jordon: Oh no, it was... Jordon: ...Eddy, right? - Eddy: That's, aight, that's sus. - Jordon: Eddy, right? Jordon: It was either Editor-san or Eddy. It was a dark color. Editor-san: I just saw Eddy in a room with many beds, I don't know which one that is. I was in MedBay and Sophie just came into MedBay, so I don't think it's Sophie. You were at MedBay? - Well, it must be you who ran that way. - It must be me? Because I saw someone dark color just ran from the left. - Wouldn't that make you the imposter? - All right, I'm voting Jordon, just because of the fact that he accused me. - Jordon: Wait, wait... - Eddy: So that means he's sus. Jordon: It can't be anyone else, unless like, - Jordon: they killed just after you left. - Eddy: Dude, I'm not even pro enough in this game to lie. So, the fact that he is accusing me means it's probably him. Editor-san: Do we know if the murder was that soon? 'Cause what if they were killed ages ago? Oh yeah, I didn't think of that. Um... Jordon's mad sus. I'm gonna stick with Sophie. **** that. Jordon: Oh no, is Eddy gonna kill me? He's gonna kill me. He's gonna kill me. Sophie: I knew it was him, I knew. Jordon: Okay, who fixed it? Okay, Eddy. Mmm... Jordon: He's standing on the vent. Editor-san: Go on, kill me. Woah! Ah! Wait, wait! Wait, did he just come from the vent? No, no, no, no, get the **** away from me. Get away from me. No, no, no. Jordon: Oh, Sophie's dead. Editor-san: Did Eddy just come out of a vent? Editor-san and He man keep standing next to me. - Because I was convinced it was you. - Like the entire time. Eddy came out of a vent. - No, I didn't! I was doing— All right, it's editor san then. - While Jordon - I was doing a freaking electrical task. Editor-san was with me in the dark. I don't think it was her. The electrical task is not that far in the corner. Oh, so you came out of the electrical vent. I was downloading a folder file. It was taking forever. Editor-san: Oh wait, Sophie's dead. Jordon: Yeah, how did she die? Did Eddy kill her, then vent? But I didn't kill anyone, so why would I pop out from a vent? Cause you're the imposter. Hahahaha. Aw **** off, guys! You guys are so ****. I'm getting bullied. I'm out here doing tasks. Jordon: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No! No! Shaun! - Jordon: Ah... - Editor-san: Sorry. Editor-san, stop bullying me. You guys keep bullying me. Did you actually see me come out of the vent or were you just talking like crap? Shaun: You were standing on top of it, which was just weird. - Jordon: Yeah, you were standing on top of the vent. - Eddy: Yeah, but there's a task there. Editor-san: No, cause like we weren't moving and you just suddenly came out of the darkness. Oh my god. There was a task there. Oh, ****. I saw Editor-san's body in Electrical, but I don't know what that means. Shaun: I saw Sophie with me, so... Sophie: Yeah, I saw you and Eddy. Jordon: I was on the very right side for most of the round, I was doing navigations at the start, and I don't think I saw anyone. Shaun: All right, well, Brett it is. What the ****. I didn't do ****. - Brett: Oh dude, I was fixing MeddyBay, in MedBay, - Jordon: Where were you, Brett? whatever you call it. It was like a charger thing. It was like, "Durrrrr." Shaun: Okay, that sounds kind of legit. Shaun: What if Eddy's just asking the strategy, but he knows it. Eddy: Oh, come on. I feel like I've been the one that's been falsely voted the most now. - Jordon: Why'd you vote me? - Eddy: Who the **** voted for me?! I'm so over this. Shaun: I don't think these guys know what they are doing. Oh dang, oh dang, now that wasn't there. Shaun: It's either Sophie or Jordon. Eddy, Jordon, Brett: Why? All right, this is what I think. You know when the doors got locked? Brett, me, and Shaun were trapped in one room. I don't know if it meant Shaun was trying to kill one of us, but then couldn't because it was two of us, - Eddy: so he was too scared. - Shaun: No, I was following you guys the whole time. Yeah, trying to kill us, maybe. I reckon Eddy or Jordon. Whahahahaha. Why is it always me? Jordon: Why do you think it's Eddy? 'Cause he probably doesn't know what he is doing and he closed the door by accident. Shaun: I knew it. I reckon it's He man. I reckon it's He man. Jordon: Wait, how is it me though? I'm in Electrical right now. Sophie: Yeah, I think it was He man. *Sigh* - Yup. - Yeah. Jordon: Damn it. Ahh, no! - Brett: Yeah. That's right. - Jordon: I had to kill Shaun, Shaun knows too much. Yeah! Whoo! Jordon: That was a bad kill, that was a bad kill. You know what gave it away? The fact that you voted me in the first round for no reason. Jordon: Okay. I have to try better this time. Aw, ohhh. I hate this game. I'm always dying. So annoying. Oh, ****, I found Brett's body near Navigation. Jordon: Uhh, Shaun, Editor-san, and I are in Electrical right now, after we fixed the lights. Either Sophie or Eddy. I don't think Eddy would self report. Shaun: Okay, next round Eddy. Next round Eddy... Oh what? It's definitely Eddy. - Editor-san: Ooo, well it's Eddy. - Eddy: No, it's not me! It's not me, it's not me! Editor-san: I actually think it might be someone else. I think there's a high pro— Aww, I knew it was Jordon. I was just about to say, I think it's Jordon. This was when the lights were off, so I didn't see anything. I did my uploads. And the body was killed just on me. Okay, Shaun, where were you? I was literally just on the body. Not sus, though. Shaun: I reckon Eddy though, just for real. Nah, I reckon it's Shaun. Shaun: Me? No! Jordon: I think it's Eddy. - Jordon: I just don't see how it can't be Eddy. - Eddy: Come on! I'm so sick of - You guys keep doing this! Shaun: It was Jordon! No way. Jordon: Sorry, guys. Shaun: Well done. Jordon: Good game. Bro, you guys gotta stop voting me, every time you vote me, we lose. When will you learn? Urgh, I'm not the imposter again. Why am I never the imposter? I guess I'm too innocent to do anything bad. Ohh, I knew it! I'm getting killed every ****ing time. I keep dying. Jordon: So, I found a dead body at Shields. Shaun: I was with Sophie, she was in the control room. Sophie: Yeah, but you weren't there the whole time, right? Shaun: Nah. Jordon: Uh, Editor-san, did Eddy run past you? Editor-san: I fixed lights and I left the room as he ran in, and then I didn't see anyone. No. Jordon: No, Eddy fixed the lights. - Eddy: I left the room while you were still in the room, - Editor-san: No, I fixed the lights. - Eddy: so that's sus, that you said that. - Jordon: Yeah, Eddy fixed lights, right? - Eddy: I fixed the light. - Jordon: Because I walked in, - Jordon: just after the lights got fixed and Eddy was on top. - Editor-san: No way, I fixed lights. Jordon: No, Eddy fixed the lights, right? I fixed lights. I think I did. I did a task there. - Eddy: I don't know if I fixed it, but I did a task there. - Jordon: No. I'm gonna skip. Jordon: I think it's probably between Shaun and Sophie then. I'm inclined to think it's Shaun. Yeah, Jordon is good. He knows it's Shaun. Jordon: All right, this is going to be bad. Whoever fix lights right now is going to need some... Editor-san. Sophie: I never see any murders happen. Sophie: Oh no. Shaun: Dude, Eddy! Okay, I have a feeling it's Editor-san. Jordon: I think it's Shaun. - Eddy: Oh yeah, it might be Shaun. I don't know, I don't know. - Jordon: I still think it's Shaun. Jordon: All right, I'm sticking with Eddy, I think Eddy is good. Wait, where you going? All right, this is like... Are you guys seeing this? Editor-san: We're all in a group. Yay, friends. Dude, this is so sus, why is everyone together? Editor-san: It's gonna be hard to get away with this one. Editor-san: Wait, I'm going to stay with Jordon. Stay with Jordon. Okay, so I wonder who it could be? Wait, what happened? What happened? What happened? That was so funny. Jordon: Who had the last task? We were just standing together for the last like, minute. Editor-san: Oh, that means one of the ghosts didn't finish. Oh, ghosts can do tasks? Sophie: Yes! Oh, bro, Brett! We were waiting for you! - Eddy: Brett! Ahh! - Jordon: Brett, it's because of you. - Eddy: Brett! - Editor-san: Eddy died because of Brett. - Brett: Ohh! I should have done tasks. - Eddy: You were meant to do your task! - Jordon: Brett, come on. No! I was never the imposter, good game, guys. Alright, everyone say goodbye. - Bye. - Bye bye. Thanks for watching. Bye.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 1,097,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: -5y1LritdA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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