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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nelcorpiunonmisento_ 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
Eddy: Hey, how's it going? Eddy: Welcome to TwoSet Draw Our Lives. - Brett: Wow! Can you guys read it? - Eddy: Whoa! Eddy: Looks like a sailing ship. Eddy: LMAO! Eddy: We're a music channel, why are we do doing mainstream YouTube type of videos? Eddy: Well, we said if we hit 100k in a certain video of likes, that we would have to do a Draw Our Lives. And you guys actually did 100k. Brett: So here it is! (both) Whoaaa! Brett: Please forgive our drawing. - Eddy: Where do we start? - Brett: All right. - Brett: So we were born. - Eddy: Well, you were born first. Eddy: So you have to start first. I get one year break. Brett: Mkay. Pfft. Gonna go for a whole year. Brett: So one day I was born. Eddy: Dude, why are you like, frowning when you're born? Brett: 'Cause I didn't get an instrument yet. Eddy: 'Cause when you're born, you already realized you were not Ling Ling. Brett: My mum was like, "Wow! Little kid!" Brett: And then, Mum and Dad were like, "You know what? Here's a thing called the violin." - Eddy: That violin got some mad booty. - Brett: Yeah. And here's a bow. Brett: Then, all of a sudden, I became happy. Eddy: You were how old when this happened? Brett: 5 years old. - Eddy: Well for me, apparently when I was a little baby, - Brett: Now. I would cry all night, so my mum was like, so sick and tired of me. Eddy: But then when it's daytime, I would sleep. So I've always been nocturnal. Eddy: And then, when I was 5 years old, so that is 1998, I learnt— guess what this is. Brett: The piano. - Eddy: It was a Kawai. - Brett: Kawaii. Eddy: And then when I was 6, I also learnt the violin. Brett: Whoaaa! Brett: Nice. I add to that, 3 years later. - Eddy: Oh, when you were 8! - Brett: Yeah. Brett: Actually, 4 years later, I also learned the piano. - Eddy: Cool. - Brett: So that was our music instrument lives. Now - Eddy: Oh, funny story, by the way. Mushrooms. Eddy: When I was 3, I choked on a mushroom. Eddy: And I've not been able to eat mushrooms ever since. - Brett: And then... - Eddy: I hate mushrooms. Brett: There's these things called a cockroach. - Brett: *gags* - Eddy: This ****ing is like, - Eddy: there's like ****ing wings, bro. - Brett: Oh yeah. - Eddy: *gags* - Brett: Dude, that actually looks disgusting. Brett: Especially when this is really long. And like, tingles your feet. Brett: Dude, that's the worst feeling. Brett: The two biggest fears. See, 'cause life is about fear and suffering. Brett: Alright, next part of our lives. Brett: So of course, we went to school. This doesn't look like a school, but... Brett: This a school. I did a lot of practice. And I joined orchestras, with lots of people. And this is how I met some friends. Actually, no, I didn't have friends. Brett: But let's just pretend I have friends here. Brett: Of course, every day I had to practice. You know how many hours? - Eddy: 40 hours a day! - Brett: 40 hours on the violin. That's the bow. - Brett: School. Monday to Friday. Yay. - Eddy: Oh, nice. Brett: This is when I did my scales and my pieces. Brett: Concertos. Brett: Oh, it should be drawing, not text. Brett: I'm just writing it out. Brett: So a lot of practice in my life. - Eddy: This was me, practicing. 40 hours! - Brett: 40 hours every day. Eddy: I did my Carl Flesch every day for 5 years. - Eddy: Umm... - Brett: Oh, there's the Kreutzer. Kreutzer studies. - Eddy: There's the Ševčík ones where you do this stuff. - Brett: Oh, Ševčík. You know, the usual. Eddy: That was high school, yeah. I mean, I also studied to become a doctor. Eddy: A plus! - Brett: Studied a lot. - Eddy: Oh, speaking of study! We missed out the important part, - how we met each other. - Oh yeah, that study. Alright. Brett: So this is how we met. This is me. Brett: With my mushroom haircut. Eddy: Oh, I had my mullet. Brett: Oh, you had a mullet! I had a mushroom haircut. - Brett: So then we had a lot of study after school, right? - Eddy: Tuition. - Brett: Maths tuition. - Eddy: log... I forgot what these terms mean, - Eddy: I'm just making stuff up. - Brett: I just remember this matrices. - Eddy: Oh, function! f(x) equals... Yeah yeah yeah! - Brett: Yeah! Brett: With the quadratic formula. - Eddy: Do you remember it? - Brett: Nah. Eddy: Bro, I got this. This is the one thing I remember. I've never used it since. Eddy: Wait, is that right? Eddy: Where's the x? Brett: All I remember is pi. - Brett: 3.141592654. - Eddy: What's... Dude, there was this kid in my high school that memorized 40 digits of pi. - Wow, he's like Ling Ling? Yeah dude, he's like, - Ling Ling. Yeah. "40 numbers, go!" Brett: And that's where we met. We had maths tuition on Friday. Let's try and draw out the classroom. - Eddy: Classroom was a blackboard, - Brett: Yeah. It was like... - Eddy: and there's the teacher, teacher Huang. - Brett: Teacher Huang. - Eddy: And there would be a front row. - Brett: I never sat there. Eddy: There were some chairs on the side, right? - Eddy: We were on the second row, I remember. - Brett: Yeah. - Eddy: Ah, I think you were here, I feel like. - Brett: It was like here. Yeah yeah yeah! - Yeah! - You were here! Yeah! - And I was here! - Yeah! I was gonna say, that's so funny you remember! - Eddy: Yeah! - Brett: Yeah yeah! Eddy: Brett, and me. Brett: Yeah, we were just— Yeah! Brett: And now you go, - Eddy: "Do you play violin?" - Brett: "Do you play violin?" - Brett: "Yeah." - Eddy: I remember like, - Eddy: "What grade are you?" I'm all, "I'm grade 7." - Brett: "Me too." Yeah! - Brett: Yeah. We were like, "What grade?" - Eddy: "I'm grade 8." "Whoaa!" Brett: This is like, the question you ask. Eddy: The next day, we met at youth orchestra! Brett: Queensland Youth Orchestra. Brett: Now, Queensland Youth Orchestra was like, a group of orchestras. Brett: The one we joined was, I guess it was the main one. - Brett: Most of them were like, 17 to 24 years old. - Eddy: Yeah. Eddy: So everyone else had like, beards and stuff. - Brett: And we were just little infants. - Eddy: And they were like, super tall. Brett: This is us. Brett: Oh, whoops. Eddy: Bro! Brett: Give you a mullet. Brett: My drawing is horrible. Anyway! Brett: We were young, 13 and 14. - Eddy: These are like, 22-year-olds. - Brett: 22-year-olds. Brett: I still remember the old museum building. There was a stage, and you can enter here, like a door. - Brett: And I was sitting here. Do you remember? - Eddy: Oh, damn. Eddy: I don't remember you were sitting there. - Eddy: I remember walking in from this door, - Brett: Yes! I remember seeing that. - Eddy: right there. - Brett: I remember seeing you here. Brett: So I was here with my dad. And I didn't know the protocol of what orchestra was like. I think this was 8:30am in the morning, and I was just sitting there with my violin case on my lap. And I was like, "I don't know what to do. Where do I even sit?" Brett: You know, the conductor podium was here. And I was like, "Where do I sit in all these chairs?" Brett: And then Eddy comes out here. Goes... Brett: And I go, Brett: "You're the guy from math tutoring!" Eddy: "LMAO!" Brett: And then that's where we met. - Brett: Oh, this was on a Saturday morning! - Eddy: Yeah. - Brett: After five days of school. - Eddy: That was crazy. Eddy: You know what my high school life was like? Eddy: Monday was tutorials, right? Eddy: Tutorials for violin. - Eddy: Saturday morning was rehearsal, - Brett: Ohh... Eddy: afternoon was tutoring. Eddy: Friday night was tutoring, Sunday was Chinese school. I think I had a violin lesson on Wednesday. Eddy: And then PRACTICE every day. Brett: P-R-A-C-T-I-C... - Brett: You gotta have another day for "practice." - Eddy: Yeah. - Brett: This was us trying to keep up with Ling Ling. - Eddy: Yeah. Brett: I was pretty much the same. I remember on every Tuesday, actually the violin lesson, Brett: I drove to the Gold Coast. Eddy: Ohh! Wow. Eddy: I just wanna add one more. Eddy: I had theory tutoring. - Brett: Oh yeah, theory tutoring! - Eddy: Yeahh! Aural and theory! - Brett: Oh yeah, I had that as well. Ohh. - Eddy: Yeah. Brett: Oh, and also I joined school orchestra. Brett: So school orchestra was at Tuesday morning. - Eddy: Mine was Friday mornings. - Brett: And every Thursday afternoon from like, Brett: 3 'til 5:30pm. 'Cause I had two. Brett: And I went to a private school, but I was lucky that I got a scholarship. Brett: How do you draw a scholarship? Brett: I guess it's like, a medal. Eddy: But put money on it. - Brett: Yeah! Yeah, I was thinking that! Yeah. - Eddy: A medal of money. Eddy: Now university! Eddy: Uni was when I fell in love with the love of my life and I was like, "Practice is lame." Eddy: SIKE! Brett: JOKE! Eddy: We just keep practicing every day. Brett: Here's the words guys, in case you don't see it again. Eddy: Dude, if the Draw My Life... - Eddy: It should literally just be practice. - Brett: It's just this. Brett: That's it. Practice. Brett: Our uni life was when a lot of just, crazy stuff happened. Brett: Once we snuck out to the— Brett: Just kidding! - Brett: Just more practice! - Eddy: Wait, remember that time, Eddy: we went to that uh, party and just— Both: Just kidding! Practice! Brett: More practice! Eddy: Remember that time we had a life? - Eddy: Just kidding! - Brett: It's all practice! - Brett: Practice, theory, theory. That's our uni life. - Eddy: If there was one thing Eddy: to talk about during your uni life, - Eddy: what would it be? - Brett: Okay. One thing is I looked forward to - Brett: drinking a lot of bubble tea. - Eddy: Ohh, yeah. - Brett: Remember the 1 liter bubble tea? - Eddy: Ohhh! Brett: We found this place with a 1 liter bubble tea, and we went there all the time. Brett: We walked every day, crossed the bridge from our uni to the city to get bubble tea. Brett: There you go. That's my bridge. Eddy: And this was me, except I was in a wheelchair towards the end of the uni. Eddy: The reason I went into a wheelchair was because I fell off from a bicycle accident, and I needed a target of rehabilitation - Eddy: to be the fastest Bumblebee player in the world. - Brett: Yeah. Eddy: Just kidding! Eddy: Brett used to push me up to random strangers' tables, - Eddy: in the food court, - Brett: Dude, look at... Eddy: and just be like, "Be right back! Can you look after my friend? I need to go to the toilet." Eddy: And I couldn't leave, I'd just be stuck there. Brett: So I'd run to the toilet, hide behind a wall, - Brett: and I'd look at what's like, happening. - Eddy: Dark... Eddy: ...days. - Eddy: That was like, 3 to 6 months. I forget. Yeah. - Brett: That's a long time. Brett: You know why? 'Cause Ling Ling was like, "You only did 39 hours." - Eddy: Got punished. - Brett: Punishment. Brett: Now, we graduated. Brett: So one day, in Australian Youth Orchestra... Eddy: We both came up with an idea. Eddy: "TwoSet," except in the beginning, - Eddy: we couldn't decide if it was "2," or "two." - Brett: Yeah! It took us forever. - Brett: This question went for months. - Eddy: Yeah. Brett: Anyway, we decided to start making TwoSet videos. Eddy: Our first video was like, 2 views. - Eddy: One is from us. - Brett: Yes. On YouTube. Brett: This started in an Australia state called Victoria. - Eddy: Also by the way, - Brett: And in Melbourne. Eddy: we also started drinking coffee in university. - Brett: Oh yeah, we did. - Eddy: Bro, what is this?! - Brett: Melbourne. Eddy: Why is Melbourne equal height to Sydney? Brett: Sydney's there. Brett: Brisbane's here. Perth is somewhere here. - Brett: And then... All of this. - Eddy: No one really knows what's here. Brett: So these are all people laughing at us. Brett: They weren't really laughing, I think we were just being judged. - Eddy: "Stupid channel, go overseas to practice." - Brett: Judgment. Brett: That's my plane. Brett: It was a struggle for us, because we weren't sure, right? - Brett: We really wanted to do these videos, - Eddy: Yeah. Brett: and keep making more content. Brett: But everyone... It wasn't very like, explicit, but we could definitely feel the judgement. We were asking people, "Please like our page." Eddy: For two years, I was in Queensland, you went to Sydney. - Eddy: We worked in, uh... orchestra. - Brett: Yeah. - Eddy: Except the entire time, I was actually editing. - Brett: Yeah. Eddy: It was crazy. We had such little time. - Eddy: I would be editing during intervals, - Brett: Yes. - Eddy: editing on the bus. - Brett: All the time. Everywhere. Brett: That's how we started TwoSet. And then TwoSet kept going. Eddy: And then fast forward to today. Brett: We traveled around the world, on airlines. Brett: Ah, did our very first concert. All of this actually hap— Brett: Let's backtrack a bit. - Brett: All of this actually happened from our - Eddy: Yeah. Brett: crowdfunding campaign, where we wanted to fund $50,000 to do our very first world tour. - Eddy: So we would sleep on the streets. - Brett: On the streets. Yeah. - Brett: Play music. - Eddy: And play violin 24/7 for a whole month. Eddy: It kind of represented our spirit, we were like, "This tour will happen no matter what, even if it meant we had to busk - Eddy: on the streets to raise it," as we went, right? - Brett: Yes. Yep. Eddy: And we hit it in... - Brett: 5 days! Luckily. Thanks to the early fans. - Eddy: 5 days. Thanks to you guys. Brett: This was when we only had about - Brett: 100,000 followers on Facebook. - Eddy: 100,000 on Facebook. Eddy: I remember our YouTube only had like, 30,000. Brett: So we were very small back then. Brett: I mean, luckily we hit 50,000. Obviously, 50,000 wasn't near enough. - Eddy: Mhmm. - Brett: But we organized our own tour. Brett: 'Cause some agent came to us and said... Eddy: "If you were in it for the money, - Eddy: you wouldn't be doing music," right? - Brett: Yes. Eddy: "We get all the money, but we handle everything." Brett: So we obviously said no, that's not fair. - Eddy: He was a piece of poo. - Brett: Yes. Brett: So that's our first tour. Brett: We're still practicing. Always. Every day. 40 hours. - Brett: This will never stop Ling Ling. - Eddy: Paganini prodigies. Brett: It's not even Draw Our Life anymore, - it was just text. - Yeah, just t... - Brett: Alright, guys! - Eddy: LMAO! Brett: I think that's it for our life. Brett: Thank you so much for all the subscribers, people that watch our content. Brett: Remember... Eddy: Accent the like button, and legato the subscribe button. Brett: Oh, yeah. And don't forget to buy our merch. Brett: Yayyy. Eddy: Doesn't even look like me. Eddy: Oh, I wear glasses now. Goddammit. Brett: That's me there. Brett: Thank you again, and we'll see you guys next time. Brett: Byyyeee~
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 736,324
Rating: 4.9862914 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: yFw2ogZ_Pxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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