Girl Chat: Would You Give Yourself a Brazilian Wax?

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I can smell it y'all ready for some girl I hope you're feeling lucky people because it's st. Patrick's Day and I hope that you are all wearing green otherwise plan to get pinched flooding we're sure they didn't get be green so I don't know but speaking of luck for some of us dream that one day we will be fortunate enough to hit the jackpot and win the lottery you may want to think twice about winning millions of dollars because according to the National Endowment for financial education about 70% of people who win a lot of cash will lose it in a few years that over my life well the Powerball winner Sandra Hayes split 224 million dollars with her co-workers and said I had to endure the greed and the need that people have tried to get you to release your money to them hey yeah yeah so if you won the lottery ladies what would you do with the money oh my gosh you guys have idea somebody says save it think of the bills the bills are worth I hang over your head yes shaving stuff like I would do a commercial and I don't have a lot of people that would mean to me I just put their name up behind me while I count my money like I wouldn't a JIT build a compound for my family I would like literally nothing you know what my mom still works I wouldn't have her work I'd move everybody here to LA so I can keep doing the real yeah and then I would move us all to a compound literally we're like it's like four houses on an estate right you feel it you see it gates it's like never Neverland or like we're selves Presley Oh Neverland Graceland Dollywood I would have my own like estate and then we'd have all the houses but guess what in the basement it would all be connected it would be like the common area family we'd have a grocery store on the property and everything get cool jobs and you like the local bodega to see if you want to go outside of the car this way wanted I know it sounds crazy but like when I hear some certain laws that take place like overseas or some parts in the country when you hear people do shady things and the laws don't activate to punish them correctly like human trafficking across the world I can't stand it in certain countries they just don't put enough money into the right the right disciplinary actions for people like that so I would actually make some type of legislative law to change that unanimously I would add it to my children's college fund yes going to college [Applause] No nearly a million yeah um then I think my splurge you guys would be to buy a private jet oh they love to travel and when you travel with kids under five sometimes it could be really stressful yeah soon if I had my private jet they could run anywhere yeah you know it's nice to is having that extra money to do all the little add-ons in life that make it more convenient that you usually don't do because you feel guilty for spending the extra money like when you go to Disneyland you want to pay for the fast track but it costs so dang much for every ticket yeah no I would get fast track tickets for everybody who can't afford it like me yeah now that you've got this private jet and you can go anywhere yeah do you still work here oh just work in general uh yeah I don't think I don't think I could not work I'm too much of a busybody and honestly you guys I don't see this at times as a job yeah I really enjoy myself here yeah a lot of [Applause] foundation seriously I will set up different foundations to help because that's a lot of money I think people don't plan it so I would like to set up foundations to help single mother and especially children yeah I know I love children I quit my job I can buy out my contract I would quit my job because I would have so much money that I would have to you know make sure that I could supervise it accordingly so that I wouldn't lose it you I couldn't be here thank you I'm only here for the money that's not true in order to get online you know I also be hate you to have another baby Oh will you have it for me you know what if you don't have enough money that I could get these eggs unscramble and carry the baby yes you know what sorry but I would pay for it I would take care of it I was set up a college fund make sure we'll be taking care of the rest just a morning child we had family meeting okay yes I'm talking about the family meeting it was basically you begging me to have a third child and then Adam Housley agreeing to it yeah thanks Lani yeah guys in the family meeting so if I got hey you better hope I'll get that lottery pay for your baby too thank you you gained all that money anything you lose it all Oh lose them all that money can be painful but you guys it is not as painful as waxing no don't you agree blogger Jennifer Choi learned the hard way when she tried to give herself in at-home Brazilian wax money and thought that performing a wax on her lady bits would be just as good as the pros but after she made the first painful rip all she had to show for it was six hairs removed not to mention a burning sensation gosh guy easy yet I'm sorry to break it to you you said that's what she get if you're gonna try to do a Brazilian wax on yourself okay wait let me fill understand I tried this you did yes okay you guys I started thinking why am i paying $75 to get this done by the professionals I had seen a little box at a drugstore they had it for like nine bucks I'm like nine bucks 76 bucks nine bucks 76 bucks 90 bucks wins so I take the box home it was a microwavable wax put it in the microwave it doesn't come with [ __ ] it's the kind that you just put on the skin like this and then when it hardens you have to rip well folks I sat on the floor of my bathroom in New York City and I actually have to peel a corner to actually get it to rip peel the corner lifted it and said one two three I started breathing heavy yeah and you guys I look down and my whole area lady big was covered with wax so I had no choice but to actually now remove it so you guys I spent eight hours in the bathroom I called my mom for prayer I took breaks watching Sex in the City I took food products I cried I was sweating no you guys I was on that floor sweating like this a little you guys it took me eight hours I had to take breaks I would pull a little spot and cry about it order some pizza watch a television show it was awful I called my mom she prayed with me she reminded me that I could do all things better I sustained what you get did you do it down below yeah I've got a bad you that huh okay I outside of your home you didn't go down low below we're gonna be honest if this is it yeah I had only layered enough wax on the front chokehold front part of it big area that's yes that's a really painful area yes you I had it whole covered you couldn't just do a small little triangle at the top and call it a day no girl I was trying to be fancy you should have tested it out first before you did the whole thing you just didn't know what you were doing no I was sweating I was like in that bathroom sweat oh god no you sing around the house with that whole thing on there walking around I was like oh god I know you're gonna help me get through this it was so bad see that's what you know what this paper professionals I actually have friends of mine that wax themselves all the time weird question but buy a round of applause how many of you guys wax yourselves down there but you keep on right right you don't go all the way laugh you make it a nice like instead of a landing strip you create a landing area now how can you practice saying I have one of my friends that works here with us and she said she waxes herself all the time completely Brasilia are you a razor that's what I use the [Applause] when you're lazy you you're you use your man's razor yes hello I do that too I wash it you gotta please wash nice now I just do laser I get lasers quick fire lasers yeah and I feel like the car works towards something that is like a real final goal is with you hairless on a scale of one to ten how much does the pain hurt when you get a lace it is just as bad as waxing it is in my opinion but a bladder but it lasts longer and the goal is for it to be permanent hair removal okay they can do numbing cream and you can do not make cream but you have to be careful I can't do the numbing cream because it makes me feel weird you know the thing that I do what I tried to do but it doesn't work out is my pedicures because I can't bend over and touch my baby toe and I almost knocked myself out one day try to bend over karana cut off my circulation you know so every time you have a pedicure do people [Applause] yeah oh really good with the waxing sponge and they are working 365 days of the year including on Jesus's birthday [Applause] I'm learning language and they talk a lot and I think they talking about my baby toe all right how do you say no how do you say no come can we plot this what ok I think that you guys should go with her together but act like you don't know and then you just hear everything they're saying and then you let them have it when they talk bad about your girl I actually did that one oh so one time cuz ok one time I went with my mother-in-law in Harrisburg Pennsylvania salon she's been going to for about 15 years yeah she loves it right I walk in with her and as soon as I come in I hear them and they just it's just like any salon guys it happens in any ethnicity and the owner sure zero so like I heard them but they started talking some shade about her they talked about no like her weight or her her toes and the way she likes in though and then she her pickiness I heard it and it really hurt me because it's like it's your people talking but you know that they're not bad people but they're talking about my mother-in-law and that's not okay if they talk about other people total but not my mom Allah and so at the end I waited until she left yeah and then I paid but I paid and said it in Vietnamese you know thank you so much for for for helping my mother-in-law but know that what you said wasn't cool and I heard you oh and she was so shocked and I even you know went as far as to say like you know you got pictures of your kids hanging up here right you guys came here to build the business he wouldn't make this type of money back home in Vietnam so appreciate the business that America's surviving all screaming the best part was that her husband he always sits in the back and never says anything news reading a newspaper like this he opened he said I tell you somebody going to listen and they know what you say [Applause]
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 1,105,439
Rating: 4.8982873 out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai
Id: S8ZJ5dfmJGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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