GIRL CHAT VAULT: Leaving the Hospital After Giving Birth

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[Applause] too much fun I got on pop this button you little genie are you denim pants to wear today and my jeans couldn't fit this morning I've put on 15 pounds healthy pounds because I am trying to redefine my body I'm bulking up now honey thank you so much I appreciate that but today we will be having a live real girl chat without all but a very pretty farmer Adrienne Miller guys who's ready for some live girl chat [Applause] over to the real day times Instagram page and use the hashtag girl chat live to join in on the conversation okay first up yesterday the Duchess of Cambridge Kate know delivered her third child and alongside her husband Prince William introduced him to the world and believe it or not the royal family is already back at Kensington Palace because Kate left the hospital just seven hours after giving birth at 7 hours this differs greatly than the United States where women can stay in the hospital two or more days after game over but this is actually pretty common in the UK according to the Royal College of midwives if the mother is medically fine has supported home good postnatal care and a community Midwife service that's a lot going home five or six hours after birth is absolutely fine and in Kate's case they really wanted her out of the hospital ASAP due to the sheer member of fans who showed up in a friend money I see you have your tea today yeah as our royal correspondent and royal aunty what do you make of this great yeah I have the ghetto accent you know you know what baby after seven hours and walk out in stilettos I might drink for margaritas and I'm in bed all day makeup and you see the red dress that she wore Shaymin a maje to Princess Diana because Diana did that same thing after she had a Prince Harry and so she was kind of giving a nod to Princess Diana I think that is just just great beautiful when they had Charlotte and when Prince William's brought Prince George and and look she's wavy and you know what she said I'm still in the running y'all but I do think I mean I've never had a baby uh-huh you've had one I'd like to hear her thoughts on it oh my my story is a completely different I know I think it's unrealistic uh-huh I don't want mothers to feel like they have to do that well there are some moms who are just naturally gifted at birthing my friend Jessica luego she after she had her her first son she was like I'm ready I'm ready to get out of the hospital but she was you know able to have it vaginally she was very very healthy for me I had two c-sections I had to stay in the hospital for three to four days with Araya was four days because of the second c-section you know they just want to make sure everything's okay you don't have any blood clots and you actually have your first big like you guys know that you have babies do you guys no no no I nobody talks about oh god they know I mean she looks amazing you have to have a baby I mean I was like oh God you know but um the hardest thing for me is I could not I could not be discharged until I had my first natural bowel movement because all the medications I love here sir why are you laughing that's the truth people don't they don't tell you that because all of this you know especially to get a c-section your intestines or you know kind of like everything has to shifted on the table so they put it all back in and they have to make sure everything is working naturally and man that first one look it have you crying yeah I just don't want you know because the thing is she's like when she first had when she had Prince George she stays like today yeah in the hospital when she had Princess Charlotte she stayed like 10 hours and now with the Royal baby she stayed seven so her next baby she'll just drop it and walking at home they you have to get out of this there are actually other than that give natural birth at home they deliver their own babies and they're up and walking around doing it naturally so so this isn't so far-fetched so I think at the same time it just depends on what your situation I think she has the full like service oh yeah Kensington Palace no she's she's got a ghetto woman be at the hospital in her house yes pretty much you all kind of think back to the times when we didn't have hospitals and didn't have yeah epidural epidural is like the women used to give the birth by themselves be their own duelist yeah hold the baby out by themselves and then go and fix some dinner for the man afterwards like they used to watch sometimes I read they would go into the fields by themselves and just like focus and and and sit down and you all stand up kind of squat and just just have that baby women are we're amazing super we're super human I think he always forget that but we wish them well yeah Kate William I can't wait we also want to send one wishes to former President George HW Bush who was hospitalized yesterday you guys just one day after his wife Barbara was laid to rest the former president is currently recovering in intensive care unit from an infection that has spread to his blood an official statement released by Bush's office said that he's responding to the treatment and he's covering well and many people worry when they first heard the news that President Bush could be suffering from broken heart syndrome a condition some people think is very real for example this past December when Carrie Fisher passed away the actress her mother Debbie Reynolds died the following day and many believe that that was from a broken heart so ladies do you believe in broken heart syndrome yes I think your heart and your mind are the foundation to all of your vitals you know like we our blood is pumping and our nose is breathing our you know our oxygen is going through our lungs and all that but really what keeps all of that fresh and alive is your heart and your mind and we Vaughn met people who either work too much or have stresses at home and they carry it on them and they age you see people when they really truly look older it's because they've got life weighing on them when you see a 90 year old woman who's healthy and has beautiful children our families and she's got a joyful lifestyle she actually looks very young so I absolutely believe that if you don't take care of your heart and your mind and fill it with what really matters light and joy you will die while you're alive and sometimes it'll lead to illnesses okay and they were together for 73 years long body you may think that you ready like you like yeah you all right but I think that that I really believe because I looked up the official meaning of a broken heart syndrome and it means that it's a heart condition as a temporary heart condition and it can happen when someone passes because that feeling it's stress that's what it is that's why when someone passes that I know someone's loved one I always go over to their house and I was just sit with them sometimes you just sit with them and check on them and talk to them and make them remember the good times and memories and you try to help them get through it and it's a grieving process you know so it's very important to have that I think for someone his age and obviously they were married for 73 years I think sometimes in this situation sometimes they can feel like what is there to live for now right he's lost his best friend somebody who was with 73 guys that's a long time to have a companion your life and then wake up and they're not there anymore so I think that can happen and guys that is real how what you're saying Jeanie is so true your mind has so much more control than we recognize guys there are people that actually can put themselves into self induced heart attacks like you actually can your mind has so much power to power who can actually convince yourself that you have an ailment it actually bring it on yeah it panic its back she can really turn into heart attacks camera like you can shut your own body down with the power of your mind so we don't recognize how powerful our minds are our thoughts are so sometimes when people are that unhappy it can absolutely affect their well-being think well maybe I need to hang on for my kids yeah you know I mean it's all kind of thoughts when you're dealing with so maybe he wants to hang on for the kids and be there for them and everything but you know we just wish him well and we know everything is going to be all right [Applause] here's a long time that is a long time and they blip fulfilled live yeah they've done it all it makes me also think though one thing that I do get a lot tell me if you get this Loni but choosing to not have children and then now being divorced the question I get a lot from my friends are are you afraid of being lonely later on a lot of people marry not just have children but they want to just have somebody by their side I also don't think is a fair good reason because you can't depend on all of those things but I get that question a lot and I think that that's why for me it is so important to spend quality time with quality people yeah because I it doesn't matter if it's your kid it doesn't matter if it's my cousin but family is family your friends and your family are people in your life so that you feel that love and light the two ingredients I keep you living a long and healthy life you know yeah is that why you're always visiting people exactly well you know what I'm actually planning there's a couple of plans I have in place okay you know I have friends that if we we said that if we don't have partners that we'll all live together so I'm only your own type of way you know I date every now and then it may be a possibility that I might end up being with someone if you're not married right now and you know you're getting older especially in your 40s or 50s I think you should try to plan for your later life and so those are like allergies so you don't your house for my yacht you can't get together No what do you got magic Genie and I together we would be a blasian couple you know sometimes be morbid you know talking about dying and and you know yeah you want around I didn't have children for the reason of Oh for the sake of just having people already but once I did have my children you know there is this sense of they're just such a blessing and I pray this is a mother's prayer that I go before my children do but there is a sense of I don't know have a sense of peace that when I go I would love to be surrounded by my children yeah I know that if I'm just holding Aidan and a riah's hand I'll be okay yeah I be okay it'll be very very sweet it's interesting that the dynamic you have like I look at my kids and I'm like oh my gosh they're young now but eventually you know they they won't have me they're they're you know they're gonna be they're gonna be adults one day and I'm gonna be older but I know I have this weird feeling like I'm gonna be okay yeah I'm gonna be a children's hands when I go and I would love to go at 90 I'm putting that out [Applause] speaking of loving your family author and feminist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie [Applause] negocio chance to interview Hillary Clinton this past Sunday at the pen world voices festival in New York City and decided to keep it real about the former presidential candidates social media Adichie said in your Twitter account the first word that describes you is wife and then I think it's mom and then it's grandmother and when I saw that I have to confess that I just felt a little bit upset I looked at your husband's Twitter account and the first word was not husband Hillary responded by saying quote when you put it like that I'm gonna change it however added a quote from the late Barbara Bush that said at the end of the day it won't matter if you got a raise it won't matter if you wrote a great book if you are not someone else who values relationships mm-hmm ladies do you think that there's anything wrong with the woman seeing herself as a wife or a mother first like putting that title first you know what I know we're short on time so what I asked the producers to do is hook up you guys Twitter oh lord ascription so can we start with two merits yes okay her says wife mommy actress producer author and talk-show host of the real love of my life and the Lord xox genie says co-host of the real style activist and Lady Luck for Joker's wild Adrienne I don't think my son's anything your says Lower East Side to Billy [Applause] okay mine says three times emmy-nominated part-time pimp I'm gonna need you to okay cuz you're actually five time we didn't get to talk about it well I think whatever you want to propose is that you want to post be proud of whatever you want to boast does [Applause]
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 504,727
Rating: 4.9272437 out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai, amanda seales, therealdaytime
Id: F-OgjzB7mrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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