Girl Chat: Men Are Doing WHAT In The Middle of Sex?

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[Applause] all right everyone knows that when it comes to Aretha Franklin you better put some are espec she on her neck well according to the AP after a recent unfriendly run-in with the singer Dionne Warwick the Queen of Soul herself decided to set the record straight about something that happened five years ago during Whitney Houston's funeral Warwick said that Franklin who wasn't in attendance was Houston's godmother however Franklin claims she was too busy to be anyone's godmother so a reseted to send a fax to the AP yes a fax y'all hey do those still exist they do I love it - the AP calling Dion libelous ladies libelous that's a strong well yeah some people don't even know what it means so well definition libel on you they write libelous we don't know who's libelous it's basically that it's a lie write something on that fancy word for liar you know I'm doing it I'm gonna hold you accountable right oh my fingers I feel bad for the poor assistant that probably had to figure out you know it was a millennial they had to figure out what a fax machine was and you guys for yo I love the fact that read the Franklin faxed her shade oh she is back to Cheyenne right cuz you know what he's been trading grief they needed to make sure she had a receipt well I do have like they though during in the story Aretha said that she didn't want to disrespect the funeral that's why she didn't say anything at the funeral because at the funeral Dionne Warwick said oh you know she's the godmother and so she just waited and said you know what I'm not gonna do it and then I think she forgot about it and she saw Beyond on the red carpet and di came to her and was like give me a hug uh-uh and then she remember and so then that's when the next day she said God McGirt and insult and my bucket or is them what else who's not that calling them or did they have a do they always have a feud is this something right they all we did I think it's like all it's like it's a wreath of Franklin it's Patti LaBelle yeah I wore were yeah is um Gladys Knight and it goes on it they just go at it cuz they not it's like I think I believe is a friendly you know feeling but friends are for we also want to say that Dionne Warwick's people in response says that MS Warwick will not dignify a response to the statement those the facts made by misery to Frank that's a response how you go say we will not make a response witness response how does that work I love it you know a tune in this story is interesting because people are always trying to make people family you know I mean like a godmother that is a big responsibility people always try to make me a godmother I'm like I'm like a Rita I ain't got time for that ok auntie go and then one thing that you you say yeah you're not afraid to say you know I could be your hunty but I'm not gonna be yeah because if some seriously high guys right they expected me to come and take over and it's like yeah do you remember when Michael Jackson passed and they read his will and and part of the wheel it was it said that he wanted either his mother or Diana Ross to take care of his kids remember that everyone was like Diana Ross Diana Ross is a wonderful mother she raised the idea she did yeah but when Michael wrote that we didn't see Diana Ross for about two years but she was like I know well is it rude to decline though I think it's actually better if you are honest with what you know you can do is it rude to denote either Specht that is perfect if you were honest if I asked you to be my children's God mother or you know you and Fred have their godparents and you say Heil no girl not like that I really don't think that I can handle that responsibility I'm gonna be busy I would just move on to the next person I would rather that then you actually just say something that I want to hear now from serious shade to a very serious issue you guys please listen up to this there is an alarming new sex trend on the rise called stealth theme a new report by the Columbia Journal of gender and law defines stopping as get this when a man secretly removes his condom in the middle of sex whoa you guys this is scary reason many believe that this Act should be treated as a form of sexual assault people who are stealth they not only lead the person open to STDs and pregnancy but they could also cause emotional and physical harm to the person now this story really caught my attention because it's scary I mean there is no way to prove that someone did this as well and there is no legislation we have for this you know this is why it's very important that you know who you don't hook up with yes that sex is not intact that's it's a responsibility act right we just get too caught up cos songs and obviously the feeling in the moment but sex is something that results in other things that we don't think about I can I know the difference that's what I was gonna ask okay I'm so you and I it's like you know you're caught up in the moment yeah yeah yeah you know when it's wait you know maybe you want yeah we're just you know who are not inebriated yeah Bairam applause how many of us would know the difference between protected and unprotected sex in the worlds of Aladdin it's a whole new world here all different feeling so I think you know how they found out about this and how this became increasingly you know more obvious is that people actually were bragging about it they've been writing about it on social media on message boards literally bragging that they're doing this now some people are even saying that this can be considered as attempted murder and I'm gonna explain why because god forbid you give somebody a deadly disease of fatal disease and they die because of an action that you did to them something you paused without their permission some are even trying to take it as far as that what you guys need to be careful about who you go with [Applause] guys yeah and a little a little fill is not worse chlamydia gonorrhea like no but that's the reality serious it is you have to think about the responsibility when you are having unprotected they're not having unprotected a fake it off Ronna take it off but they are when they take off that gun doesn't know that I'm talking about the guy though I'm talking about the guy at once or yes I know so what I'm saying though is just for that feel then he wants to feel without the condom he has to think about the reality of the situation worry if he truly thinks about okay wait a minute oh well maybe that's the thing he doesn't it's something that guys this is this is I'm telling you guys this is real [ __ ] a sex trend that's happening a lot of us out here are saying oh that but that would never happen to me right it will happening out there there are men that while having sex with you will slip off the condom and then they can get you pregnant well is real what's important to what you're saying is sometimes when you're having sex you know and if you're inebriated you know you can't feel the difference that's why I'm saying you have to know who your partner is you know and a lot of consulting you just have to protect yourself here's another thing I remember too when I was having sex you know before I was married uh-huh I recall this pressure with certain dudes to want to do it what they would call raw like babe right come on and you remember that ladies you know I'm talking about over there just like they look at you like you're the prettier the bearer of bad news if you want to protect yourself well you're the one like making it not so good of a time you want to bust out the condom really come on let's just do it really quick and I just remember feeling like a prude feeling like because I was trying to protect both of our thing that type of person is definitely not the person that deserves what you got you don't understand this also brings up a really important point yes you shouldn't just give the responsibility to the man yeah to put on a common condom there are now ways that women can actually protect it - so ladies why don't you take that responsibility for your own so you don't have to deal with this make sure you're doubly protected yeah all right now it's important to always be safe and responsible especially when you're on a vacation and speaking of vacations Kim kardashian-west is in Mexico along with her girlfriends for her sister Courtney's birthday celebration I love fun and in true Kim Kate fashion she tweeted a play-by-play y'all of what's goin down south of the border here are some of the highlights mm-hmm Courtney threw up in her bed four times and slept in it Oh Lord that's not healthy granny Gastineau skinny-dipped solo and then disappeared for two days girl that was never your friend Melissa Kolker has fully recreated the fade video and yes I sneakily recorded it and we'll be posting soon I need to have this video so ladies do you think what happens on girl trips should stay between the ladies or is it a free-for-all like this so we all can enjoy what's going on not well bodies let's be honest where we're going a girls trip yes we are we are this stop making that face you're coming don't play yourself yes she is yeah she does we're planning on where we're gonna go what we're gonna do and I'm sorry it's gonna be we're not going to Vegas necessarily but wherever we go it's gonna be Vegas yes what happens on the chip stays on the trip we know you guys asked for it okay I think if I take pictures I need photo approval okay but I think in real spread girls who like girl code miss yeah I think there's okay I believe that a family that shades together stays together I really think family shade is fun so I think there is we all are aware of the little amount of shade that can be shared like if like like I don't know gets drunk on the beach and we leave her I'm gonna take a picture permission though you'll ask in the morning like your girl does this I for me to post you do that your shutters we know we're doing what she says she's gonna leave me on the beach you know what I'm saying like I think there's a fun I I think we all know it there's an amount that is cool where you know like it's all good and then there's an amount that you know we should ask and then there's a mount that's off-limits yeah like it might add up in my bed four times and I slept in the bed yeah please when you wake me up so I don't die in my eyes while choking on my own by disappear see you or I guess I just appear at the beach please come and find me yes okay we're going wasting thanks I know yeah yes I wouldn't take that seriously though Jeannie Mai if you disappeared in a foreign country for two days I'm gonna go find you I'm not going to wait with these tweets which is where Jeannie's going you're saying be funny and light-hearted yeah gerrate a little bit like if anybody really was our fan from back in the day like when Lana used to take a picture and she'd hashtag it Lani sneak a pic do you remember that she would never ask us we'd have our mouth open we'd have your bodies I mean yeah daily questioning this trip now I don't want y'all taking photos of me posting it just to posi I'm I'm not tight though I don't mind it like I know that you know me well enough yeah to not throw my stuff out there that would put me in a bad light but I know you'd know how to fight like you can have like what would be putting you in a bad light um you something you know you would do that you would not want the people to see on this girl's trip what I don't like got you in trouble with your husband I'm going on the trip with y'all but I'm only gonna spend like a couple of hours I got designated time so I'm a spiritual because I have my old thing that I need to do it y'all Mary and I like to get my freak on and I don't marry doesn't mean we can't be the best like just because we're married doesn't mean we can't be the bomb wing woman would be Barbra wait homegirl ships are people still supposed to hook up or are they supposed to just hang out with each other as girlfriend talking about I want to hang out and have fun have a couple of drinks no dance the little bread at 8:00 I'm gonna go get my freak on
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 819,510
Rating: 4.8607192 out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai
Id: TdXMZlzpx2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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