GIRL CHAT VAULT: Sexy Pictures on Instagram, Plus: Kissing and Telling

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hey Harry love it I know all right who is ready for some live girl she'll make sure that you head on over to the real daytime Instagram page and use the hashtag girl chat live to join in on the conversation we love hearing what you have to say I'm gonna be watching maybe I'll even say what you wrote and so first Kim Kardashian didn't just break the internet this week with her racy Instagram pictures she took a hammer and smashed it to pieces okay the pictures had everyone talking with many wondering what Kim's husband Kanye thought of his wife posting the sexy photos well someone who wanted to deliver a message to mr. West's Tami Roman who's rumored to be joining Basketball Wives soon Tami posted a video as part of her Barnett chronicles Instagram series here's a little bit of what she had to say check it out you know when her was my heart to say this cuz I love this man I think he's so talented I think he's a genius but your black card gets revoked today Kanye because it ain't a black man alive that would let his wife pose for the Graham like that unless he paid for it okay get into it ladies do you agree with Tami's should a man be concerned if his woman is posting revealing pictures online Tim your mouth was open no because I think Kanye knows who he married I think he loved honestly yeah I think maybe this is her way of showing him like mm-hmm this is what you got when you get home yeah yeah well I mean Kanye has always even in the rap song he says my wife made a home movie referring to his to her sexual tape so I think he doesn't mind yeah I think that this is a problem I have with Kim Kardashian okay she came on the show right yeah we got 50% of the people that's like they didn't like it that she came on the show we got 50% that's like okay she came on the show and we got a lot of grief for having her on the show now when she came on the show the whole purpose of her comment was to promote her product but I really would like for her to come back one day and actually just give me an explanation for me for some of the viewers and ask her why does she do that because half of the people saying you're a mother now you're married do you are you why are you doing this and she's never really answered it I think she does it because we talked about it everybody is talking about her doing it and that's why I think she she does it but I wouldn't mind for her to be able to come on our show again like she did and we were and I just want to say cuz I'm saying this because Tamera and I got a lot of grief I know we all did but tomorrow night they talked about is really really bad and you out there know who did it and you said that we you know we were trash talking we've always made fun of Kim Kardashian I think she likes that but when someone comes on our show we're gonna be respectful of them we're not gonna be sitting at pickle now why don't you do that sex tape okay well I just want to say I never actually made fun of Kim Kardashian when I stated something I you know I think it was something about parenting I think it was like season boy looked at trash I know but I just gave my opinion if that were me mm-hmm and and and my child I never trash talked you know her and she is a human a human being and actually when I met her she was really really really nice and she didn't warm and she actually has a beautiful soul you know sometimes I'm just saying sometimes we see this this image and of course people are free to have their opinions but at the same time I'm just happy because listen people say things about me and I'm sure that when they meet me they're like wait a minute oh she's she's not she's not like that and personally I had that experience with Kim Kardashian she is actually a very loving warm human being and I'm always here for a mom who loves their children the way she knows how yeah I think there's just a bigger question with all of this which is if you don't like it don't pay attention to it why do you care so much yeah yeah you know hobby or something because it's getting to the point where everything everyone does is an issue everyone has an opinion on what it is you like it you don't like it if she decided tomorrow to become a saint and a nun and dress up to here you'd have a problem with that too you'd be like oh she's not who she used to get over it this is important to say in family and in your friendships you have things that your friends do that you might disagree with it's okay we disagree or don't understand why sighs what I'll say certain things it doesn't mean you dislike them as a human yeah I look at this totally differently though and I love the bonnet chronicles and Tammy you were very smart to talk about something but the whole world is talking about right but I want to say that the reason why we bought what Tammy said flew over my head is because when it comes to living your best life there are definitely three things that don't come first for me not your husband not your kids and definitely not Beyonce so when she said that I was like okay hold on but let's take it a step further right when I was styling and as I work in fashion I see far too many women who self shame I know nine out of ten women who will hate their face hate their nose hate their thigh I think they're too fat hate the way they walk hate can list out a grocery list of the things that they hate rather than the woman that actually celebrates herself so what I mean by that is when you don't like yourself it will come out in other places you get into unhealthy relationships body dysmorphia body disorders eating disorders sometimes even suicide and so I'm gonna give you an example of somebody who I'm watching right now in front of me love themself more than anybody I've seen in a while which is Tamara because Tamara right now is eating [Applause] naked tomorrow right now is loving herself she's on a journey she has been I love you girl but this is the real she has been that girl that can tick off the list of things she doesn't love about herself then when you love somebody it hurts you to hear them say that about themselves but right now she is taking compliments completely differently when I say oh my god your butt is looking bombed your waist is getting snatched like all these things because she's eating she's loving yourself she's sticking to her and for her celebrating herself comes through her fashion her pose and her energy is loving yourself comes through this form or it comes through that form not only do you do for you do it some of Americans feel and I think what Tammy is trying to do is Sam the question keeps going coming up why does she do this I mean she's older now she's a mother but everybody don't necessarily need to see I'm gonna tell you right now but they put it everywhere and I did I'm gonna tell you every weight okay no no I'm gonna tell you right now I dare you go to there go to her page I dare you should I did this yesterday go to her page go to the comments look up the people that are dissing it and and pooh-poohing on it and literally go to them and see if they're following her 99% of the ones I checked are following including the celebrities doesn't make it right though you go no no whatever she wants to do what I don't like is when people say well my daughter is looking at it cuz there was an example where a woman said my daughter living your life for your other kids man no but what I think let me finish she said her daughter decided to take pictures like Kim Kardashian got it my my point my point to that is talk to your kids that's not oil Kim [Applause] you're okay I just wish Kim would come on the show and with I just wish she would say what I want to do in this and I think that maybe I've observed yeah so again if this was me and how I choose to live my life I would never I would never do anything like that okay if I did that I would think I would break the world people would be like what the hell is she doing that's not who I am yeah however when you look at the Jenners and you look at the Kardashians as a whole and even the mama Kris yes Jenner she's very much in love with her body she's very much in love with her looks that's not a man that is that is okay yes all the sex they make the money off of sex appeal and sex one sex tape started everything let's just be real about that I and I understand that I think maybe Cristiano reminds me of someone who just walks around naked in her house and loves all of herself maybe she cast that in Adrienne and Jeannie maybe she passed that down on to her family kind of like Europeans you know when you go to Europe and they're just like maybe they're wrong and you're like Oh what are you doing like what what this is this is who I am don't you love it you know what I mean maybe that's how you know they were racing different strokes for different family if if my daughter was like I want to do that I would be like not in my house we're not gonna be doing that that is my responsibility as a mom to tell my child why not consider things so we're just different with different people and a family I'm just saying love you and however you do that love yourself don't just do you do for you whatever that takes but spend time on loving yourself because there's too many that hate on themselves say well there'll be another picture pretty soon coming up maybe in a couple of months or something and we'll talk about it again keep doing your thing here I'm another question also is obviously in this video she said that Kanye was gonna get his black card revoked for allowing his wife to do this no for allowing her to be naked cuz she said black men wouldn't allow their why I was talking about Nerolac men wouldn't allow their wives to be naked on the Internet yeah it was he wasn't talking about the breeds no no this is Tammy raw video oh and on there my thing is you don't know what goes on in people's marriages don't be judging people's maybe you don't know what what their agreement is obviously she wouldn't be posting these pictures if her husband was not okay with them or maybe she maybe he's not we don't know and that's the point if you don't know about someone's curse yeah marriage don't judge their marriage black people I can't what she was saying is that typically most black men don't like for they want men to be all over because it comes through Church and things like that yeah raised in the church is like no once you marry you keep it to yourself would be the first to be raving about it let me tell you really well I have a white husband and he wouldn't he wouldn't be fine with me doing what he would get his white Harbor vote that's what she was [Applause] but don't you miss the love anyway well someone who's been linked to the Kardashian family in the past is Los Angeles Clippers player Blake Griffen Griffen who is rumored to be dating kendall Jenner might have to play defense when it comes to his dating story after ESPN put out an Instagram post yesterday announcing that Griffin was being traded to Detroit one user decided to comment quote I think lolo jones has a thing for Blake Griffin well the Olympian was quick to respond saying quote nah I went on a date with him worst date of my life and he's a terrible kisser I know Wow where did that come from well to make matters worse for Griffin TMZ caught up with the funny man himself Marlon Wayans we have some advice for the NBA star check it out Blaine brah get your kiss game on she would have traded to the Detroit so ladies what do you think the blow though literally kissing and telling you think it's been known to be like a sore loser yeah yeah she's been known that if things don't go her way whether it's in her what she did like different sports she started out doing one thing and ended up doing bobsledding she wasn't rack it didn't go out they didn't go so well for her but she pretty much would like throw tantrums that sort of thing and I just think this is a tell of her character like you kissed somebody I don't care if you didn't like it why do you have to put that on Instagram I gots a conversation for you and your girlfriend's Instagram like that it's just so wack what the problem is is that people get caught up with somebody comas because somebody commented to her and she responded as I said be careful but when people commenting you and then you go you action makes it even worse for a 16-year old 12 year old you can see a kid being like oh I don't like you anyway the fact that this 35 year old beautiful confident and how you well she's she keep it real for her to actually comment like that I was like something happened to you something something there it just seemed like a low blow right something happened on that day between that little [ __ ] and you'll see what we're talking about for these Oh coach put me in put me in I have to give it up to I'm more impressed with Blake because all these people talk about him and he hasn't said a word [Music] [Applause] we've all had exes up here we're never gonna call them off my name and be like oh you're wack you are a wack kisser like that's just so like that actually makes you look wow right when you do that it doesn't say as much about the other person because a lot more about you and your character that you would do that yeah and the kind of rain down on whom you already got traded from the Clippers to you know Detroit what's up Detroit so we asked you guys what you think about kissing and telling after a date at notorious secret said that's a cute name you have to tell your girls how the date went you may not tell others but you have to tell your girls so they know what's up I agree with that tell you bros but not on a squad like a crab yeah I agree with you guys I think it might be a little bit of a petty move to actually respond to something that happened three to four years ago negatively like why does the world need to know that Blake Griffin is a terrible but what's the bad no he's a bad kid okay we can get any of your boyfriend's this happened so hard on a daily my friends are just continuing to talk like not just a bad kiss right there like anybody that wants to be bitter and be mad at you is gonna say you're wack I'm sorry any guy could date any of you ladies out here and if it doesn't work out be like yes she was wack she yeah I was gonna say something like I said he didn't say anything so a big ups to Blake for not saying nothing back let it go [Applause]
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 2,461,431
Rating: 4.5819783 out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai
Id: l1AHxBpJro4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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