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[Applause] I love it [Applause] good what's better than being on an amazing vacation with your broom having amazing vacation sex with them yeah but here's question if you end up staying in an air B&B on your vacation should you really be getting hot and heavy in someone else's home if you decide to do the deed here are a few guidelines that Elite daily thinks you might want to follow for instance if you're having if you're gonna have sex please keep it to the bedroom don't be doing it on people's couches also don't leave prophylactics prophylactics such as ak8 condoms in random places places also don't be too loud wow up the neighbors exactly so ladies would you think twice now about staying in a stranger's home I guess that's interesting because you don't usually think of an air B&B as someone else's home with those people sometimes to live there and I've never been in the air B&B never oh never I think that's an unfair request if you're putting the home up you know for ran or whatever some people are saying yeah to not have sex there that's just weird if I'm on vacation I'm gonna have sex [Applause] on Airbnb I'm gonna expect people to have sex in my house yes and if you think about it when you get in the moment when all of a sudden everything gets all hazy and words get exchanged in skin on skin all the skin yes you ain't thinking about what you're on top of under or or you just do it no Ryan yeah baby no that's why cuz I know people have sex in them and I don't know where and I just feel like it's in a hotel first of all it's just better in a hotel so she's clean you can request clean sheets I mean and it's not as much furniture as like a whole house so I think you know I would prefer to to not rent out my home thinking okay did someone have sex on my couch I'm generally not renting out my house no well I would people do yeah I want to put my home up on Airbnb I think it's dope if you have multiple properties and it's a home that you don't live in or you never expect to live in then you can put that up on Airbnb and then you can expect for everybody be having sex all over your friends but I'm saying air babies all the time you guys yes yes and I have sex all over them on a safari I guys if I if I'm renting your home prepare to me that effect on your kitchen island beyond your couch in your bathroom in your hot tub in your foyer on your stairs in your bed [Applause] I think further in your own home yes would anybody think about having sex on top of your kitchen counters idly my mom cooks on my kitchen counter we all you we eat you know on top of her chin she got yeah I can't do it but at an air B&B good to get you some pork to keep it loose you clean up [Applause] Feenie my clothes your legs but seriously you guys okay okay if I for instance we're gonna probably go visit Tim in Napa at some point all right a minute now wait a minute no no come see in your house I can't have sex in your house I just I just bought a new amazing china no yeah barely yeah very soft satin I don't know yo I think y'all allowed I know I'm with you town if you did it don't say it just like just do it yeah just do it but don't tell us because then we got visuals yes you get visuals anyway okay no I really don't wait so I'm just reading my box no I know to my house I'm praying you AB you do have sex get lucky [Applause] but that's a respect that we're saying we don't want to do it in your home it doesn't mean that we're like Oh grossed out we just I just want want to do that I'm just like rethinking this Napa trip now I think you could do it in the bed but I'm by anything what about a pounder yeah there's a bathroom in my bedroom my bathroom is really nice you guys can do it in the tub describing her thread-count and yes like I take that seriously it's so comfortable though you'll see you'll see okay so so you've never done an air B&B before never oh you guys they're so nice like when you travel like I just went to Santa Fe stayed in an air B&B they're done you guys all the places on vacations you can get a home oh my god like there's so many options people go on Airbnb calm okay I see it in a farmhouse is beautiful beautiful so then I was like having farmhouse sex you know there was I country girl sack well from breaking the rules to breaking tradition we all know that at a wedding only the bride should wear white right yeah well one bride-to-be is in her feelings after her soon-to-be mother-in-law announced her plans to wear an off-white dress to her wedding the bride posted to the site Mumsnet asking if she should confront her and risk coming off as a bridezilla or just play it cool and act like it doesn't bother her so ladies what advice will you give this bride-to-be girl clearly that mom doesn't like you anyway so it's a lie you feel who does that I mean you guys that is a known thing you don't wear white to someone else's wedding yeah and I think that unless they've requested I've been to all white weddings where everyone is supposed to wear white yeah but if they didn't request you to wear white you're not supposed to wear white like that's low-key rude on the mom and I think she don't like you anyway for me I think for me personally I I don't care if it was my wedding day I'm a shine baby like there's no way when your little white dress is gonna come it's gonna be like trying to stand in front of me and my bat-signal like there's no way you're gonna dull my shine yeah when it comes to having to talk with somebody a mother-in-law it's just I feel like it's weird to talk to somebody about could you not wear that because then I don't feel as special and you're upstaging me you know need like that conversation so wack to me I was not like the average Thursday this is your wedding yeah but it was like she said she's wearing off-white ideal yeah I don't think it's I'm with you Jeannie I wouldn't let someone ruin my day and you want a family go on a do it but it's the bride it's not gonna stand in your way you know but how would you have felt did anybody wear white at your wedding no um and I think it would depend on the type of person she is if she you know was always the type of person to play the victim or wanted attention I would just not play that game I would be like whatever do you they're gonna talk about you anyway you're gonna look crazy right but if she was you know really nice and she didn't have anything else to wear and she felt like she looked really really beautiful in that dress I don't know I just yeah let her live her life I personally didn't say that anybody couldn't wear what I really didn't care you can wear you wouldn't care either no I wouldn't care but this person there yeah I'm saying if it really bothers you and it's upsetting you like I said the lady don't like you anyway so you should be able to express your feelings to her and just say hey it's my day I kind of didn't want anybody else wearing what I I don't care personally I like I think like Jeannie said like if you're so worried about that like you might even not be in the right frame of mind for getting married because then I thought what marriage is about it color light she nailed it yeah if you're still worried about your mother-in-law's dress color and that's gonna mess up your day then you're not getting married for the right way or you could just let her wear off-white and you come in black I mean yeah that's what I think money if it's something that everybody's different there are people that are very traditional that want things done a certain way and if that's the case then I think you should be able to voice your opinion there are rules though that are still there for no reason don't wear white after Labor Day I know this is like that all the time but when people there are women who are like oh you're not supposed to do that you're just not you know I'm getting a little bit of color and that's why it doesn't inmate dent makes no sense okay when you're there's a wedding remember the one time you actually didn't have your eyes on the bride it's hard to think that way no it is what if the mother-in-law is helping to pay for the wedding haha Jessa's a two-for-one special oh yeah wedding drama it's a family drama Ramona Gordon got the surprise of her life when she turned on the local news and saw her 14 year old son wanted for carjacking Ramona says she recognized her son Shaquille Dixon in Seville I know that's black right there anyway show me okay Shaquille all right he allegedly hooked it up an 81 year old anyone here a woman at gunpoint in a Walmart parking lots before driving off in her vehicle well after seeing that you know she was watching it on TV Ramona did what she called police and turned his ass in Ramona it was a difficult decision but quote Ramona said he needs to learn she saw ladies would you have a snitch on a family member if they did something wrong I'll be the first to say I'm the writer die you know like if you parallel if you double park your car if you you don't wander home with the grocery card and it's books paper turn I'm not gonna say anything I know because you are so quiet Adrian why would you snitch I say nothing at a different level and let me explain me up because I gotta say something that is crazy but what is the rush of offense what is it girl no Adam though now what I will do is I will take that person aside and be like listen let me talk to you real quick I saw you on the five o'clock news and I will punch them in their face and slap them up a little bit and tell them if you ever in your life pull something like this again then I will call the police on you okay my sister like I can't ever imagine my sister pulling out a gun on a 81 year old woman this is a fragile age to where they are impressionable 14 years old pulling a gun on an 81 year old woman to take her car forward I'm just gonna punch him between the eyes more than that but the point is I again I don't have children so Yap then I don't have children we're saying I'm just laughing I really don't know what I would do if my 14 year old was pulling a gun on 81 year old woman at 14 year old I would honestly I would try to get the kid help like I'm being serious about this right I would be like yo my kidneys to get help I would maybe surround a group of people that can help him to understand he can't ever but I had to send him to jail at 14 years old I think again I don't got kids but I'm just saying I might really love them you know what I'm saying so he had a he had a gun yeah so who knows what could have happened do you know what I mean and he could have killed that 81 year old by sit in or whatever and that's not that's not a laughing matter and this is all I have so much respect to parents like you because it's not just your job to raise a child to carry your family name but you got to raise a responsible human being that's gonna coexist with the rest of us out here okay okay whether this is okay in my mind I have this mindset about discipline I'm gonna discipline my child first or the world is gonna discipline that I have a feeling this mom has tried and tried and tried and tried and dry and her son didn't listen so she's like okay all right now it's the world's turn I hope you learn from that this time though that's what I would do I would do my best with Aiden and if he doesn't learn she wouldn't say nothing if it was a riot she'd be like Ryan home see you look at her you know you just find a good pastor but in all honesty I would do the exact same thing you know what I think for me I think it would be it depends on what they did what the crime was my turn and I you know if I know you did something really really bad if it was me you know it was you oh yeah you going to jail yeah you know I don't do this on television you would call the police on me if you if you weren't lurk you guys these are my friends you're calling the police why you're gonna call the bleep you mean lunch key I know if I am what the crime was well 281 at gunpoint in Walmart okay look if you steal a bag of chips I'm not gonna throw I'm not gonna snitch on you but if you you got a gun if you got a gun and you stealing from the whole market I'm gonna have to you know turn you in yeah it's called armed robbery it's loving yes love and loving you and if anybody's experiencing this type of guilt from a friend who's looking at you from across the way asking if you would really do this all you got to do is close the door on her face and call the cop for mine the door wow I really don't think I could do it really Adrian now granted I'm cursing all y'all out and I'm not what's wrong with you what if why are you doing this I would try it I won't be like you this look if you don't go get professional help and show me that you're getting help give me whatever gun and this sounds so crazy you guys Adrian what if it was mom and Nilda who got held up by gunpoint yes uh-oh well my mom actually has been held at gunpoint in New York City in a subway and what would you want the repercussion to be for that person he went and got help because he was on drugs when he when he held her up and cocaine and she actually writes to him till this day oh that that he's got enough this guy that's that's um Jesus love now no I wouldn't turn you in munchkin yeah
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 1,800,038
Rating: 4.8723402 out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai
Id: rajR1g2rLL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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