Girl Chat: Is It Okay to Cry at Work?

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[Applause] you know every one of us up here everybody at this table is guilty of crying at times right lady yes you know I know I know you know yeah yeah well you know our article in the Atlantic says looking down on people who cry at work is sexist a recent survey showed that in the past year 41 percent of women admitted to crying at work and only nine percent of men said they shed tears at work the explanation is hormonal women tend to cry over helplessness or hopelessness or that man that just won't act right while men tend to react to most situations with anger and cussing oh so is it okay to cry at work or should women find another way to handle tough times what would you rather would you rather someone crying or cursing you out and getting angry exactly I would rather someone cry and then throwing that paperweight at me yeah yeah yeah I'm just saying some famous people who have lost their and they throw other things that other people that hurt them I mean you would rather want somebody to like pent it out this way but I will say this I like people who let it out in a healthy way like crying rather than people who hold it in and don't know how to cry in a healthy way have you read a book yeah cuz it'll ventually come out yeah in different ways yeah right out of nowhere they'll just start yelling at you because you didn't pass the fork yeah you know what I mean right exactly oh it's merican psycho they become murderers and stuff when I worked when I worked in corporate America I actually I would not cry in front cuz I only worked with men so I wouldn't cry in front of men I would go to the bathroom and I let it out I before exactly that's what I would do cuz I'm like no I'm not letting these men see me cry you know and I was young too so I don't think it was necessarily helplessness I just think sometimes you just need to let it out right true that's interesting that you did it privately so that people wouldn't judge you oh yeah no that's what I'm saying it it sucks that you have to worry about somebody judging you yeah they were but at the same time it's all gain is really there's a healthy cry of like getting a little teary like no I really think this was wrong and maybe in a private setting then like at a conference room where you're like okay do me right I want to do it because I didn't want people want people to think that I was unstable because I at that time when I was young I thought huh that's what that show that's the misperception of emotional people yeah a lot of people think that emotional people are weak you guys it's actually the opposite it means that they're really strong it's because we because huh I'm an emotional person and I think Lonnie is one dude right answers we are cancer booty - we are very intuitive and we can sense other people's feelings so we actually carry that with us I know but it also makes us great friends right because if we're if I'm going through something and I and I come to you you actually have empathy and the worst is when you're talking to somebody who just doesn't get what you're going through a you get frustrated you get frustrated yes but then if I'm crying and I hang out with a cancer or one of you guys are you guys then crying with me so then we're both all sad together it's true it's me now let's warm you up you like look girl put your big-girl panties on get out there yeah yeah see she just rub you by your back and be like okay get it together okay yeah you going through some well I've actually been there we were like what you just going through something baby all right exactly I think that's okay as well but if I'm honest um I think there is levels to it there is a moment where you can obviously go into a bathroom stall that out a little healthy cry but if we're gonna be honest you guys if you're crying every single day at work can we be real that maybe you need a different job yeah is good you shouldn't be crying every day at work I mean the occasional yeah I feel overwhelmed I'm crushing yes but every day yeah look that's like people try to say about us you know especially mean they're like no we're not crying about your job right I'm crying about the issues that we're talking about that are near and dear to your heart yeah and sometimes as tears of joy so I'm like I don't want people to out there to feel like something's wrong with me there's nothing wrong I'm just an emotional person she's like that yeah I cry when I'm happy yeah I cry when I'm frustrated I cry when I'm mad yeah I cry when I'm sad I just cry and then let it out yes and sometimes I just have a good cry I just let it out ugly cry that's what I'm trying to work on it's not having that ugly cry want to have a cute cry gotta learn how to cry if you have a keeping your biggest eyes eyes what do you guys when Lonnie cries it's not like once here it's a lagoon so it's alligator glados here no or something else yo yo its Lonnie gets emotional at the table don't make eye contact without you if you look at her you gonna be calling to yoga yes Lonnie what's wrong yeah you know wiki has some suggestions on how not to cry when you're trying to keep it together maybe I need to focus on this it says focus on your breathing calming yourself is a big part of controlling your cry you could also find something to squeeze a toy a pillow or a loved one yep dude under your collar you do hold Gd I'm like I'm not gonna do it not gonna do it not today not today can you help me out a lot sometimes you just have to put on a big fake smile - you're always saying fake it until you make it so sometimes if you don't want to cry just fake it and keep smiling you're about to cry and I heard that like your tear ducts and your nose your nasal passages are all connected together I John Cena you can taste the down your throat same concept okay if you feel like your tears about to come out if you breathe in deeply meet up for home dog look you better with that 1 2 3 you can actually suck your tears back I'm just saying it doesn't don't blink try not to blink cuz if you blink then it'll drop you can suck your tears Vasko you can also make you look you can make yourself look like you got a nose job oh gosh look we're dee dee alright lawyers in California could possibly be barred are you ready for this from having sex with their clients I never knew they could oh yeah II know this either we're talking about California here so California apparently has some freaky freaky places yes all right the nation's largest Bar Association is considering ethical rules and for the first time in 30 years lawyers would be disciplined for having sex with the people they are hired to defend can you imagine that wait so but we're okay I never knew okay I really never knew you really could have sex with your lawyer with my lawyers our people pay that way I'm neither [Applause] that was always illegal I mean it's illegal in the workplace for you to have sex with your coworkers or people that are above you so why would it be okay mixing business with volunteer came out of God and they rich so you know okay so supporters of this ban say any relationship with a lawyer and a client is unequal and in turn coercive but some lawyers say what happens between two adults is none of anybody else's business mmm so I want to know what you guys think because shoot I really thought about this for a second you know I've never been in that situation but I do think that if you're always in an office atmosphere I mean think about it if you've if you've watched em I've heard that when you watch certain over I've heard some certain adult film scenarios that office super strict super you know then wearing suits and stones and then the skirt 70 yeah but it's like the secretary and the lawyer it's not the defendant and the lawyer yeah but that could be a whole new 2.0 session that you haven't seen if you face in 25 to life you do whatever you can not to face [Applause] yeah but what if it'll work out right and then you I don't care about whatever bad you have bad sex what if you have beds what if you don't have that good good yes and then he's looking at you like oh god I got to make this win I can't send you away for life but you don't want to see you no more exactly okay but what do you do that what is your stuff this is so good I don't know geez yo gates what if it's so good that you walk up in there like you something go over there but what if you knew you're quiet what if you knew your client was guilty and it was really good didn't you get it to them even better it clouds your perception you know this person needs to go to jail but you don't want them to go to jail because you want to get the good gun you really got them good so they don't go to jail no wait do you guys really you know I'm just trying to understand I believe that there are lawyers that defend people knowing that they're guilty regardless all right so that don't matter you knows you know how you pay is that's why so you're for the band yeah I yeah I thought it was always illegal so the band made oh you're talking about like no I always thought it was illegal for a defendant to have sex no we were sidekick there you guys I'm just letting my mind gold there for a second job okay I got a little pretty Jesus Jeannie side of me there's a little side that likes to any wishes dude it's not right I would never do it dr. Kellogg I would never get it out with you ever [Applause] think about for a second like that scenario if you were single if your doctor was single and you walk into your doctor how to set the scope and you had nothing but GU there but found put bam bam but what you did exactly the question is why are you at the doctor's office leave something unhealthy happen in there right no bueno you guys don't have these imaginary scenarios yeah I have the imagination to buy my husband you know what Alfred that looks like a doctor and we could pretend my god you know I look at some of the pilots they'll be flying to I could make that cop pick [Applause] well some of them might have sex dreams of you and your lawyer Jeanne or the grocery store maybe even your next-door neighbor or God or doctor but what are those dreams actually mean what is it always we should have a dream therapist I'm here because I really want to know do your dreams mean something they do they do yes from a psychological point of view according to elite having sex dreams that include your ex actually means you are finally coming to terms with the end of your relationship with them yeah Lonnie and if you dream of having sex with the stranger it means you are open to change or that a new opportunity is on the way so I know you guys have sex dreams yeah dreams oh okay you first line yeah count with me yeah you almost start with me cause it'd be the whole show Tamara you were sitting there innocently I couldn't help it don't realize you don't know when it comes to sex no way Owen it's kind of weird y'all oh it's telling no keep it real I love it go to try no judgment no judgment table here so you guys it actually kind of like freaked me out a little bit but I actually have sex dreams with a woman [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] no but I looked it up and what it means is that you love me I do love you Adrienne no it means that I'm actually coming to terms with myself it makes me I'm learning to love that doesn't you know they're learning to love myself I can see that why is everybody so quiet do you think if you find something sexy in another woman and you dream about that I could see that it's you finding that sexiness in yourself that's exactly what it means [Applause] I know where we what were we doing where we have least like a part of where we like not aren't there nothing nothing genie nothing did we even help like phone to call in to me [Laughter] okay can we can we talk about what happy no you guys saw that why did this know where don't you show up right now is hard to talk about what you dream of I'm off the hook now I said it I'm done well girl I'll be daydreaming of you now [Applause]
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 584,722
Rating: 4.9223881 out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai
Id: J19nx4XWMLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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