Girl Chat: Eavesdropping and Breakup Blues

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[Applause] girl chat is ready for some girls yeah alright listen to this literally Korra calm posed this question if someone over here's a conversation someone is having with another person that was never meant for their ears do they have the right to judge what about getting involved and should you be listening to the other person's conversations anyway both salutely right so ladies let's be real here have you ever overheard a stranger's conversation and wanted to butt in I absolutely have overheard somebody's conversation I highly recommend it it's quite entertaining I do not but it and I don't care what's going on over there you mind your business unless you want to get beat up in a grocery store now I have to say I was at the airport one time and we're getting in like getting ready to get on the plane and it was this lady and her husband and the lady was like going off on her husband yeah because he was on the phone and she was talking really loud to where everybody could hear and she was getting upset and she was like you know you need to get off the phone with that other woman I just hate you like its badness and you know me being IT Lonnie right I'm like I don't care how old you are if I feel like something like that I'm going to butt in because she was so emotional she was distraught and so you know he wouldn't get off the phone and I said would you get off the phone and he got off the phone and then I said it's gonna be alright I said I don't know where y'all going if you get on a plane with us but just both of y'all need to calm down and let's just get on this plane and let's just have a good flight and y'all can fight when you get off the plane that's what we I didn't have a great experience I was living in an apartment complex I'd befriended this couple and they had like a Ruby like bad argument they were yelling and then automatically I just take the woman side and I got out there and you know I wanted to you know protect her butts in the hallway I was you know you can hear them they were on the lower level and I had an apartment complex where you had that like opening of like a 40 yard a courtyard yes and I remember I got in the middle of them and I said hey you leave her alone just like that but then the next day they acted like nothing ever happened they were lovey-dovey so guess who look like the idiot I did I did so I learned that's why my name is Bennett and I ain't in it well you know what but if I hear swinging by here about where they're asking for help yes you know if there's a serious thing where it's they're asking because I've lived you know Apartments where you know you need you could hear some things happening and you can hear cries for help if it's a cry for help I'll call the police I'm going down you know cuz I might get you don't want these fisticuffs oh my god all right you know I I share a room with Tam and we we actually don't have a door we don't on ours they have a lighting you can hear everything that goes on in our rooms but I have the ability to just kind of phase out sound I think that's why sometimes I kind of lose myself in the moment you guys are like Jeanie Jeanie are you listening I'm like wah ha because I grew up in a house with 15 people at one point so you know you just get to a point where you know how to drown out noise the likely other peens business so when it comes to friends I don't listen to their stuff in fact if I hear you on the phone or something I know how to like zone it out so I don't get in your business but if it's a stranger oh I'm in it to win it all up in the conversation one time I was in a restaurant in the Lower East Village and the tables are really close to each other and I was listening to this woman she was she had cheated on her husband slept with another man in her bed at home oh but I guess her husband was coming home early so she was on the phone to get her girlfriend to help her clean up the mess so I'm sitting there on and I know it was so juicy so I got all the details so I'm sitting next to her she's explaining like you gotta find there's a condom there's a condom wrapper so I know it's a purple condom wrapper look under the bed look behind the pillows is it in the trash I didn't flush it down the toilet girl no I know it's then you've got to find he's leaving the airport right now JFK the whole thing I was like oh my god guys I was listening so deep on this conversation I was leaning like but I didn't realize she was like use me the least you could have done what's up or fighting at college so then I had to pretend that I lost a pen so I said she's like well what color was it I was like purple go war situation yes so she knew I know and I just like called for the check and I had to get out of there but I'm dying to know what happened and if she got caught lady you had a purple condom in your bed and your husband was on the way from the airport please hit us up on at the Rhino well while we're on the topic of listening what do you do when yo when your friend tells you she just broke up with her boyfriend and it's devastating oh yeah he's not according to Madame Noir you should give your friend time to vent and grieve but be careful not to coddle her yeah for example don't let it talk all day about the break-up because you know they say that she won't be willing to you know to move no get over it yeah like going outdoors and investing time in the career so I mean what do you guys do when your girlfriend breaks up mmm do you do that what you do agree with this there's there's an element of truth to this although it hurts at the time because I remember when you get when you go through a bad breakup it's stuff so weird to wake up and all of a sudden before your eyes even open you remember that your heart is broken like it feels so heavy you're right right right but yo I remember growing up with breakups in my house with Mama my she's that type she won't let you suffer she'll she pushed open my door one time when I was I look like Carrie in Sex in the City and mr. big kind of left her out the old line I love max out on high definition but like just bet and mama is the type to just be like get up you don't cry why do you cry for he's fat anyway he don't have a good smack go make yourself pretty huh yeah and she would just yell and it was funny but at the same time like there's a part to it that actually makes you know get up put one leg in front of the other and she laid out an outfit for me and I'll never forget this she laid out a really colorful dress for me and she put a red lipstick down and for some reason I just put it on and it therapeutically made me feel better because I was looking at myself in the mirror and trying to clean myself up and get it together and for women really style helps you I call it where P it gives you a therapeutic feel to get yourself back on your feet when you just put something on it stop on the road she'll always say don't better to look good than to feel good okay I actually agree with that when you look guys when you look better you almost so like oh I'm not that miserable you know your heart is broken if you actually just get yourself together and start just going forward just you know it's almost like faking it to fake it till you make it you act like everything's okay and one day you wake up and you're like everything is okay I'm gonna be all right what I love about my friends is they always fight back with the word of God because usually after a breakup my spirit is usually just just broken you don't feel good yeah and one of their main things is making sure that I get back on the right track I do have this cousin his name is Jerome y'all met him yeah Jerome he was on Samara drones and a half better watch our mouth he loves the show by the way he watches in everything but Jerome is he's no-nonsense I can remember I broke up with my college boyfriend and he was staying with us for two weeks and he gave me a week to mourn after that he was like uh-uh the self pity party is over yeah then I remember he looked at me and he said he said Tamera ah you are to fly to be acting like this yeah he said do you know who you are the better yet do you know whose you are you are the princess of the Most High you better wake up and walk in alright literally I was over it so I appreciate my friend hey shake me up with my face that was that was a yes depending on how what the break-up is for my friends like if it was a long-term then I set boundaries so it was like a long-term relationship you know I give them a little more time but if it's a short term then I give them like two weeks I'll give them more than a week I gave him about two weeks where I'm taking their phone calls I'm listening to the stories and memory leis and wanting on and you know cuz I'll go with yes / I do it I do back there that Easter he wasn't no good on the back fringe because after the two weeks then now I'm like and I don't tell them see this is think I don't let them know I just give my mind two weeks because you also have to remember you're going through the relationship with them - yeah and it's not fair to you or your friendship with them to sit here and let that person keep them down so what I'll do is that if she brings it up then I'll bring up another subject or I'll take her out or I'll do something and this is with guys - if guys break up it's really horrible guys you got to really hear stories so I try to I try to be a good friend and take their mind off of the break-up usually after 2 or 3 weeks you know because that's the best way to handle it help it is yeah people with broken hearts I like to deal with them like infants sometimes you just got a self soothe people okay like you know how they say babies but you should have picked them up every single time they cry and coddle them I just sometimes think that we naturally and maybe as a woman I feel we naturally can heal ourselves I feel like sometimes time alone time spent just renewing yourself with yeah we are resilient you can bounce back I think the coddling thing just does not work and actually is not helpless well that's what they're saying don't copy yeah you have to learn how to sell soon you have to learn how if everything in your life is falling apart your power is that you can make yourself happy that you are your own happiness and you can move on and move forward I'm not calling nobody when I'm really sad you're in really ok with it on your own how did you okay so if your sister broke up with someone how did you handle that would you caught Oh her you know just a little bit over you the chick that just just let her go rise on you okay absolutely gonna say hey I love you I think I actually would encourage them to take time got it to get happy but I feel like even people that say that they're heartbroken and every other Instagram is a quote about them being hard you want to Instagram I'm sorry you just want to tension there you just gotta get it out though but I'm a nurse for oh yeah you had to have one moment where something hurts so bad you just you may not have told everybody the same story over nowhere but you told Ron if it really hurts and that I'm absolutely not telling anybody it really am I the only one like I'm really I don't want any but you allow yourself to go through those emotions and those feelings correct that because if you don't that's when it becomes detrimental and a make them out in you know other areas it's really important to allow yourself to feel well then what I'm usually vomit on people know when you not being up but a true friend is not that I said sometimes and if you know and you me above the tag some try for you if you need right cuz but what I agree with you because some people now because of Facebook of social media they put all their business and you got to see those sad quotes and stuff like that I've been heartbroken I've been sad I'm so sad I don't I'm not looking on Instagram like something is really going on in my life it's like I'm sorry like when there's been a death in the family okay maybe this is what I am Adriene okay I think it's weird when people the next day are instagramming and my heart really broke out someone passed away I'm not on Instagram okay but on the scenario scenario okay so Freddie my husband he doesn't like to go he needs he doesn't want anybody everybody knows business and he doesn't like somebody playing a violin for him who hasn't liked it when his father passed away he just kept it to himself the whole time and I gave it about a month I gave it two months to give it three months and he never talked about it and it felt long not to me at all he did he was just like hard about any kid cry by himself but you I kept thinking leave him alone like that's what you think somebody want to be left alone he's not ask me from I come and I'd ask he's like no no I'm good I'm good guys that morning went on for like maybe about a year a year and a half and it got really sticky between us in our marriage it was it was probably one of the roughest moments where year two I had to wake him up and I had to say you got to talk to me because you've now Piltz a wall and you become hard and cold and that's not the man I married and that's not how your father would want you to be either yeah and so all I'm saying is if you allow pain to become a callus around your heart and you become guarded and cold then that changes you and that's not worth it you're right I think head-on a breakup is different than how to link grief especially on social media because I think on social media handling grief you know like you you it's more of an announcement like when my cousin's scaley past you know I just made an announcement because I talk about him so much so I wanted people to know yeah whereas a breakup that's something different because you know the people are still living you know clean it's just some people are just like the basis he answers all quotes of no men of no good I'm thinking of positive quotes to get you out of the funk negative like things I do to your deals God is really broken you're not on there thinking a quote like you're just not you're trying to mend yourself and I think that when I say be on your own maybe I'm different when I'm alone I renew myself yeah when I get time to be by myself I actually find my happy I find I hope I fall in love with myself again I find out the things I enjoy doing on my own and I remind myself I'm happy just on my own and that's good enough yeah but I'm not gonna lie you're going through a breakup and you close saucy pictures of yourself on Instagram you're failing yourself and it's like sexy and you can see that that person is really trying to win some light and now I'm like yes girl like like like you can get over him if you can get the energy to get saucy and put your second pictures you're on your way out yes there is that light at the end of the tunnel all the way
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 2,049,292
Rating: 4.8742313 out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai
Id: tN4b7xWg7Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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