GIRL CHAT VAULT: What Do You Hear?

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do you all remember the infamous dress debate back in 2015 that divided the Internet is it white and gold or is it blue and black yes see looking at here's Lewin black it looks blue that way I still see white and gold whatever really because guess what there's a new debate raging on Twitter and I think we need to address it it's a computer-generated voice recording surfaced on Reddit earlier this week and has spread like wildfire on social media because people can't decide if the voice is saying the word yeni or if the voice is saying the word Laurel okay a completely different worlds right yeah okay let's all take a listen together okay yeah ii yo ii yo ii yo ii yo okay wait audience haughty role buy a round of applause did you hear ya knee okay round of applause who heard laurel what did you hear Lonnie wait what I heard lore roll in a seventh just like that lore roll there's no animal anywhere in that URL in the beginning I did hear a elephant head I heard someone go yeah knee nice I quit x2y like yeah that's so weird lady honey Nani I want to know what Lonnie heard again just one more time one more time yeah yeah yeah here Jenny what I think what I think this is our audience has been drinking that because he said Jenny okay look I think that there is something there's some scientific things that's happening here number one is it's how your brain okay also it depends on what type of device because some people if you play it on a hardtop it's different like a desktop yeah it sounds different than if you play it on your phone so this that could be what you're doing but your your brain is processing and it's the frequency and how you hear so that's why and and it just could be playing tricks on y'all you know I mean it's different with all the tricks being played what not here what did you hear I don't care don't care was yanny or your name was Laura you better hear the lightning ball well tell us what other people thought of course twitter queen chrissy teigen weighed in on the debate tweeting quote it's so clearly Laurel no one would hear Y any guys I'm reading this like this because I heard yanny I feel like yeah knees are lying for attention yo I promise it's you I hear you and and it sounds like they'll okay sounds like a New York or like Danny's I can't make that up yeah it's so weird I don't know so maybe they just laid both of the words on one track and then one side of your brain I don't know is hearing different even pulled our real fam on Instagram this morning and fifty to five percent of you said you think it's any interest a five percenter Laura I'm just saying fifty five is more than forty five anyone okay that's their you know interesting but I think it's it has something to do with frequencies and stuff like that so that's what trick here same time in the same place how I believe me the human body is so different you'll be surprised it's just like you see something just like you know the way you see something may be different it's just like with the dress it's just while your your mind progress they're just different I think this is super freaky because like you guys it makes you think a little bit that you're crazy right right like when somebody was debating you on the color the dress you're like yo am i buggin am i okay like this morning when me and Tam heard it we were like I literally made Tam she was like arguing Bible in the name of Jesus like tell me that you're not lying that you're not just saying it to be like you know different or controversial I'm like Tam look me in my eyes and tell me I'm hearing Yanni and you're hearing Laurel promise me you're not lying I'm not lying so it's real sweet it makes me even concerned about like guys you know when they do like if there's a crime and there are where they call it by standards but where there's another way I would with eyewitnesses we can't even trust our eyes anymore just our excuse anymore if they said no the person that did it I heard him say who killed you yeah means who killed you Laurel different [Applause] the debate will continue it will continue Gary well you know what one woman who's making her voice heard loud and clear is cardi B cardi has decided to speak out after a video went viral of her fleeing from angry fans at at a Las Vegas shopping mall now according to the blasts the fans became angry with cardi who's seven months pregnant by the way after she refused to take a picture with them the fans started screaming profanity at her with one wrong man even saying quote this is him come outside you [ __ ] man Amandla toward now cardi explained her side of what happened and now deleted tweets saying quote if I respectfully told you I don't want to take a picture your drunk-ass shouldn't get close to me and disrespect my decision space or privacy if I don't have no makeup in a rush not in the mood I'm not obligated so ladies now cardis album is called invasion of privacy but is this crazy or what no she's absolutely right oh my god you whether you're celebrity or not you absolutely have the right to say no not now I think sometimes I mean I I always try to take pictures with my fans but then there are some days you know you have to realize that people are human and that they have a life I remember one time I was on my way to an appointment and I was late and there was this homeless man sitting outside and he was like hey is that dear Tamera can I have an autograph like I'm so sorry I'm running late and he was like I don't like you anyway oh my gosh I'm sorry I just couldn't stop at that moment you know I mean or if you're in church I remember one time I was praising the Lord I mean literally tears coming down my face and I felt the tap like excuse me excuse me are you the girl from sister can I take a picture and I was like oh my gosh as I was crying I said after church ma'am yeah yeah I got you beat what I got you beat I was at my grandma's funeral what's my grandma's funeral 93 years old yeah we up here I just went to speak went to go sit down man comes with a piece of paper give me your autograph says this is my mom's funeral in the church use me Lord you're put themselves in your shoes but the question I have is should she have security that should take care of this so that she first of all I'm concerned because she is pregnant and and you know that's a lot of pressure and stress on her and the baby body since she had security so that was watching a video that was her security that was barricading the door uh-huh but they they clearly said it was Vegas you know they be day drinking and they're clearly the guy actually shoves his own woman if you watched the video she's like wait babe and he shoves his woman and proceeds to tell cardi oh yeah dad that right there but you know it cardi is New York so she's trying to explain ourselves to the woman right no I just whatever so we asked you guys if you think celebrities are obligated to take pictures with fans if they ask acts Merck said at the end of the day celebrities are still us yes they know what comes with the Fame but we have to be empathetic to the fact that they are still humans and have those days then you had at natty not eight said yes because they know what they signed up for the lifestyle and they should be humble about it without fans they wouldn't have game I think it depends - I think if they give you a really good reason like sometimes I don't have my makeup on I've said this before if I men up you know Airport I don't have on my makeup and I know people and so I I know you know the more and more time goes on I said let me let me accommodate you know and so what I do is I wear sunglasses so now it's like at least if I'm not made up at least I take somewhat of a picture if I'm not in a rush if I interrupt I explain it to them so sometimes if you just give a simple explanation and say you know but I love you you know you have to give some type of because if it wasn't for the fans we wouldn't be here I know in different cultures or just different areas it's it's there's a there's something that I think works whether you're in Europe or even in New York if you're a celebrity when somebody approaches you it they they act like you're just they don't make it a big deal like a freak out more you know or they you know all of a sudden get up in your zone just like hey I really appreciate your work I noticed that you know a great way to do it and I think that if you do come across somebody cuz I get it you know I get excited too when you're like oh my god like this is my one of you know what money yeah if you're the fan just approach the person like you would somebody you really respect yeah be like hey I just want to let you know I really love your stuff and feel it out if they're in a good mood I think you have a chance but if you if you you know go that way it just makes that's what makes celebrities turn the way they do sometimes and then we judge them so just to be thoughtful about the proper you know yeah you guys know that I am like Jennifer Lopez's superfan yeah I like will lose my mind over Jennifer Lopez so I think it's important for us to also view it as like there's people that we're fans of to like major but I freaking love Jennifer Lopez and she came here and I think sometimes you have to think about it differently I think as a society sometimes we always think take take take like we take from these people and it's like this idea of taking from them I think it's such a great idea like you said give them something say hey I just want to give you a compliment and tell you how you've affected my life I love listening to your music on my way to work it's great to work out to how I told Jennifer here I'm like oh my god you've impacted my life now let's keep it real I never even took a photo with her when she was here yeah I didn't ask to take a photo I didn't I just wanted to tell her man you've impacted my life and I love you and that's good enough for me I got I want to give to her from her I will give you one more tip though if you get that moment and you give that nice thoughtful message that is really sincere on the side of your phone okay how your phone but in our selfie mode get it ready have it ready so they're like that I grew up with Sister Sister you guys helped me grow up in such a beautiful yeah thank you so much girl blessing selfie an intron they have to delete pictures of that stuff so I try to be like super consider if I love somebody just let them know man I really appreciate your work and keep it pushing it done but believe me everybody appreciates we take a break I want to remind everyone to watch me tonight on the season finale of hip-hop [Applause] Erykah Badu is the center square TI is also on there Christina Milian we had such a good time I can't believe I made the season finale but make sure to watch it tonight nine central tonight on vh1
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 74,027
Rating: 4.9066806 out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai, amanda seales, therealdaytime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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