GIRL CHAT: You Could Be Breaking the Law and Not Even Know It!

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okay first up you know we'd like to think of ourselves at this table is good law-abiding citizens oh yes but did you know that depending on where you go you could be breaking the law and not even know it for example according to the website weird sex laws calm and Singapore it's against the law to stand naked in front of your window my neighbor would have been arrested okay and in London it's against the law to check into a hotel under a fake name for the purpose of having keep it real have you ever been arrested for anything before the table have been arrested raise your hand been arrested what do every single one y'all been arrested except for you Wow you arrested for well the first time I was raped I'm okay how many times have you been arrested oh my gosh you guys well I was arrested for like protesting that's why I won't get arrested for but always the first time was when I was in college and I was working at a grocery store me and my friend and it was Homecoming weekend so we went to a club and after the club we went to go get something to eat she was we went to this cafeteria-style restaurant yeah I look around and she's being pulled by a undercover officer in the kitchen I follow her in the kitchen and he says she's being arrested because she put soda in a water cup and you can get arrested for that yeah oh really they're stealing yes and so I followed her because she was my ride in the kitchen so he said you're getting arrested for trespassing cuz you shouldn't be here oh it took us down this is a Houston they took us down to the station and when we got there because hers was a petty theft she went one way I was a felony they put me in jail with the hardcore criminals and murderers and and back to your I was fine back then you could tell me that cuz we just came from the club you know I was that tight size ten and yeah I don't know but Lonnie's would even say hi to the holding cell everybody's like what's she doing here cuz you know I don't look like a burner or anything like that ended up what ended up happening I had to stay there for eight hours then they transferred me now this is what happened it was homecoming week and back then we didn't have cell phones so everybody was gone to the homecoming game including my boyfriend so I had to wait like two the next day and then they put me and transferred me to another Jail and I was like oh my goodness right and I finally got in contact how do they dance for you they put you on a bus criminals how are you wearing filling your car I don't look up but see that's that's why they transfer you because they don't know if you're gonna get out cuz it was the weekend oh if he doesn't come and bail you out you're gonna get the pink jumpsuit and I said I know it's the orange jumpsuit in the orange jumpsuit no he's coming to get me and everybody in my holding cell we became friends though you know because you know because I started talking to them in line where you come from you may get away to jail but she wasn't here for four checks it was one lady they just pulled her cuz it was like how come I guess all you kind of want them to be on your good side exactly I mean finally my boyfriend came and got me out he bailed me out and by then I was friends with their moms like you stop killing people you started rain falls chicks don't do a better life so that was my sanity charges were dropped I am NOT a felon all right two times when I was arrested two times yes yes I thought I knew y'all okay so one time I wasn't scared and one time I got real scared the one time in high school I I learned how to hotwire car oh so I can pretty bow okay what's off me I was real proud of my skill though like I can jump into a starter car and break into any Toyota Camry before the year of 1992 or a Honda Civic before 1994 and I can start up any car and go cruising down the freeway I can do anyway hurt the car without a kiss right I got in trouble because I was pulling doughnuts in the parking lot near my school Feeny has writing what does pulling doughnuts me doughnut you have to see Kanye and jay-z it's amazing you gonna show you what the punks that were in a car with me you guys know who you are jumped out of the car when the Popo came up and cuffed me and they took off one way the other one took the other and they arrested the asian girl cuz I was the one sitting next to the Toyota Camry that's just what's happening okay that time I'll be honest I I got out of it because I had to do community service so I had to clean the streets of Milpitas and then after that my parents never found out about it well now they know my mom and dad they never found out about it cuz I left the phone off the hook for a really long time so they called but they never got through so they I just did the community service and then got free but the one time that I learned my biggest lesson of my life was when I got caught stealing at East Ridge Mall at Sanrio gift gate which is a Hello Kitty store so I walked in oh you guys I walked in okay I was about Asian stealing okay yeah I know you guys oh my god I get sweaty okay so I walked in and I remember they had you all the pink the Keroppi frog the UM what Pikachu all those guys right and I saw this Hello Kitty big beautiful bubblegum machine and it was shiny and she had little gumballs that were shaped like all the characters I was about 14 okay 14 and it was beautiful and you know Sam real you know that price all the way on the bottom that's that it's got like a bunch of Japanese letters and then price it's almost real expensive and I knew I couldn't take it but I wanted that bubble machine that bubble gum machine so bad and I was a Houser back in the days you guys member Houser I remember kind of like crosses like cross colors you would wear like well you know Chloe clothes yeah are your pants back yeah or like jump jump yes no I remember that okay so I was a Houser Thank You Joanie so I walked into that surreal and I knew I was gonna take that so I bought the gum cuz the Gummer's are Phil though the refill for the bubble gum machine I bought the gum and I slipped the bubble gum machine into the back of my pants cuz I ain't got no ass yeah I ain't got no butt so it fit right into the back of my face and I walked out rule number one when you steal don't ever walk out by yourself you walk out with a group of people not steal oh I go out and I'm making noise because the Bubblegum is she so the woman says can I get you a bag for your bubble gum your refillable thing and I bent over to tell her no no it's okay I've got the bubble anyway the things fell over I got caught she takes me in and the lady was so mean she wouldn't let me go so she sat me down she said I'm gonna call your mom what's your mom's number and you're not leaving here until you call your mom so here comes mom am i oh my god yo you guys once the lady scared me enough I'm crying I promised her I would never do it again I apologized I apologize she had the security mall cops come get me it was so scary and she was about to let me go guess who made them cussed me and walk me out my no it's not funny this might hurt the person's hand on my neck and they're like we really don't need to do this we got you take though anyway Michael walking right now so I go walking through gift gate through the mall pass the Santa my elevator hinge in the Macy's department store past the cosmetics counter all the way outside and the whole time on them eyes like you see that that's genie my genie Mike that's not my daughter she have that person look at her face look at her face this is the face of me stealing and I'm like the whole you guys I've never gone back to East Ridge Mall and I her mom knew what she was no life live with my boy my Genie story what happened oh man what happened that worship at church Oh Sunday Asian I was 13 and then I went okay oh I'm hoping there so then these are the more reasons for why I would want to change my last name Asian Bailon stole things Adrienne Holton would never do such a thing okay that's good I needed a whole new Google search okay with that being said I had led worship there was a Rite Aid on Grand Street in Clinton in New York City in the Lower East Side and I loves going to the Rite Aid and I would go there I don't know what sounds terrible but in my neighborhood and in my upbringing not with my parents but with friends in school and that sort of thing you guys it sounds terrible but like stealing was normal like if you can get it for free why are you gonna pay for it yeah that's a terrible way to think okay but the two things I stole at Rite Aid were a hot oil treatment oh my god it's trying to keep this hair conditioned and moisturized and I stole a 99-cent wet and wet Ally liner yes you knew the brand [Music] well I don't have 50 cents to rub together okay with that being said I stole crazy thing was I was on my way leaving the store I actually had a shearling jacket now my parents had got me from the gap kids and the pockets they had worn it for so long that the pockets had holes in them on both sides so I could this are like my stealing jacket yes girl I would put things in my pocket it would just float on to the meadow bed yeah a front to the back what happened because they really prosecute they're at Rite Aid okay I try to you I am a drug store junkie and I sound like I love beauty products yeah hence I stole a hot oil treatment and a lot happened so as I'm leaving the store these men walk up to me they're like really you can walk out with that that's how you feel that's what you're gonna do you're too pretty to be doing this why you doing like talking to me crazy by the way they were just in regular clothes Latino men probably we're undercover cops and they pretty much told me that you young kids are always stealing from this store so much that they had called in like reinforcements and they were back there they cuffed me yes and it's so scary to be caught and they took me to the back my mom did not answer the phone when they called her thank God so then my next option was to call my cousins they came and picked me up finally my mom did get on the phone they helped me they're in the back we're talking crazy to me like yo these police officers will intimidate you and talk reckless like get ready to go to jail you don't know what's gonna happen yeah I hope you know how to fight yeah and vulgar things and other things they were scared you scared though there's nothing like you guys cry oh I cry I ain't crying to my mom arrived and started fighting me let me say your mom fine I start crying it to my mother arrived and started whooping me in front of the police officer they're like man man man we go arrest you if you keep like Jack took off yeah yeah yeah your Lama said baguette crying she said if you ever get arrested don't call me I getting you out of jail you know yes I called her because ya know get ready for that I actually didn't end up going to jail because I was considered a juvenile and I actually ended up you were saying by your age correct and I paid like a major fine like the items I bought were maybe $2 like Adrienne and I ended up we ended up paying like hundreds of that but that's better than doing community service in public I think there's nothing like all the kids in school watching you I did paper ink are fading my evil you know I what paper pickup y'all never heard of that bet no it's not oh what's that nice about you today that illegal crime no it's just I just put gum underneath my teachers seat you know I know it's not the same I'm just trying to where they feel a part of the conversation he's not gonna shrug his bone like that let me commit a crime yeah hey no one paper pickup is when you have to go around the entire high school and pick up all the trash like no it's my community service but it's not like I had clean graffiti off of it you win I win I want to do a job the car when I was 17 and they still made you do like yeah oh my god would you would you be alright if I took them dude man I was fine a hot oil treatment my hair that's all I was trying and preserve my sexy you and whenever now I haven't never ever ever ever ever been arrested because one I'm more afraid of my mom and dad than I am of the Popo I will tell you that my mom and dad were in the military and also my dad was a police auction aloft sir for some time at the Glendale police station so he already scared me wait what go ahead sorry I really I don't have one a friend but you've never there you never like even you've never taken something that didn't belong to you did you not get caught I know okay you don't get caught you ain't a criminal why not oh yeah there are two things that has that word me they're sweet the street there were two things that happened to me one way I got I got pulled over for drunk driving oh not really y'all wanna catch I wasn't even drunk wait what they pulled me over I had to do the test and everything I swear to God and I had not been drinking I had not been drinking so I sounded like every other drunk driver like I swear to god I have not been drinking that bad of a driver I was that bad of a driver yeah they did I had to drive the highway I had to do the nose thing I had to walk on the line I had to do the breathalyzer thing and then afterwards I was like I told you so I wasn't drunk but the other thing is is I I don't know maybe because of my mommy brain I will literally pick up things and not realize that I still have it in my hand and I'll walk away with it surely I got a rider no I swear to god you guys I swear to god though I returned it I returned like a four-dollar like kitty ring it's just in me guys I can't help it so you realize you had and you walked away I drove back so I walked I walk away got into my car realized while I'm driving oh my gosh I still have this ring why y'all looking at me like that that's a good thing I would like you to know that I have had some personal growth the other day what we were going to go to Eden's birthday party I went and I bought a gift card and a toy and the I had a balloon in my hand well that paid for everything here but the balloon was still in my hand I was gonna walk out and TAM you'd be proud I gave the balloon back there you go that's a good thing
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 521,096
Rating: 4.8952169 out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai
Id: d7VfiS-9bZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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