I Created A World Designed Only To Cause Suffering

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despite its very happy appearance this is a world of pure suffering it's ironic that they're all going to die amongst the pretty pink trees but we should probably give them a little bit of resources to work with what do eyebrows look like is that an eyebrow i mean it obviously is an eyebrow i just don't know if it's a good eyebrow that's perfect so if they want resources they're gonna have to travel to the jungle biome to mine them and to be honest these eyebrows really put this over the top so basically what we're gonna do is fun one race on this island one race on this island and let them fight for the rest so in saying that we'll give them some berry bushes for food and then we'll put berry bushes down here that should entice them to get down there and bite over it now we just need to find a way to give them all the ore they could ever need so i'm just going to do a few strips of everything and this is how rare ores and stuff happens in real life they just kind of fall from the sky like jello but this one strip of everything for now should get them going i need them to kind of thrive a little bit so they can fight each other adequately before really making it too miserable for them i just realized i'm basically bedazzling this guy's eyebrows now he's getting pretty so while we're at it we're gonna add some trees to the eyebrows and then some plants and then also some berry bushes that way i don't know why just so they can have lots of stuff for now so what i'm gonna do is in the center of either island drop either five humans or on the other side in the center five orcs because they don't get along very well and that should be good enough to get us started because those five will turn into a bustling civilization before we know it they'll probably even start fighting amongst themselves because they're usually pretty stupid but that's their problem they're already taking out their problems on the crab population but that's okay because crab is delicious so for now you can't even see any signs of life down there except for maybe a fire now but before you know it this will be a huge metropolis both civilizations have already made a fire hopefully they don't burn their respective islands down but then again if they do that would be pretty hilarious so far they're mostly just cutting down some trees and building their first houses they will expand eventually five idiots will turn into a million so far they have about equal territory on either eye the humans are starting to expand just a little bit the world population has jumped up by 20 we've got 12 idiots out there thriving away so far so while they're getting themselves set up let's fix this lower island just a little bit basically i'm going to fill this with dangerous things we're going to start with a few bears because bears are pretty intimidating to deal with then we're going to go with crocodiles which are called the boring dinosaur and i couldn't agree more not sure if they're going to get along with the bears then maybe also venomous snakes then maybe some wolves they're really gonna have to fight for this real estate if they're going down here and finally some chickens just so everything has something to eat for a little while uh speaking of which we're gonna throw some on the islands here so these guys have something to eat i'm just gonna auto click that for a couple of seconds okay that's probably more than enough then we're gonna do the same for these guys to be fair not sure what that was we're also going to give them just a few cows do you guys like cows too they seem to like the cows they're killing them either for fun for protection or probably to eat no one's made it up into the island's hall of orient except for the monkeys but the populations already jumped up to 26. there's also 582 very dangerous beasts out there they haven't even taken over their own islands yet they're not going very quickly but i guess they're surviving so far so i can't judge him too harshly yet pretty sure the cows outnumber humans by like a hundred to one at this point so they better not starve is that a person or a crab are you just sitting there drowning nope it's a crab and down here on predator island things are looking pretty good surprisingly i'm not seeing a lot of the chickens yet i think they probably all got eaten but that's okay because the predators will sort themselves out from here the strongest will be what's left and then my people have to deal with the strongest predators so i've gone ahead and turned the speed up to five just to get them moving along the population is up to 35 now 38 so it's gonna grow quick and so far the humans are outnumbering the orcs 30 to 19. and just so they don't get too complacent and comfortable i'm going to put a volcano right here that's going to spew lava for the next million years and it also kind of looks like our nose so that'll keep them honest hopefully it'll also stop them from building too close to that but you know what if anyone is feeling particularly brave and need a little bit of land expansion we'll give them a little bit of land they can use if they want it and we'll even make it a nice peaceful grass biome that lights on fire very quickly the grass in the fire completed out for a while so we're gonna add some berry bushes down here just to make it nice and quaint then even some gold because i don't think gold's gonna burn and that's gonna hopefully entice them to get down there and try and get to this stuff okay well the grass surprisingly is burning in lava so we're just gonna add a bunch of gold for now and we'll uh hopefully they'll go for that eventually they've taken over their islands at least and this is why i can't have nice things the population has jumped up to 170 though like they've thrived all over those islands now it's just a matter of who's going to be the first to expand to get all the medals they need to advance through the ages are those monkeys throwing stuff at the orcs i didn't realize the monkeys could fight back so the orcs might be in trouble and the grass is actually locked in a perpetual battle with the lava so far so someone wants to come here they could potentially settle it a little bit but they're gonna have to deal with a lot of fires the numbers are pretty close too it's about 100 120 levels seven versus level six and we can actually see where the leaders are so the leader lives apparently in this house and it's a chicken they just put together a huge army to wage war and the monkeys and the monkeys are coming to get them these idiots have no idea what they started those monkeys are probably gonna outdo them but it's kind of funny how they're fighting with the wildlife so violently hopefully that means they're gonna go take over that island then because they could really use those resources for themselves well the monkeys if anything are persistent but they're probably gonna end up killing a lot of the orcs who continually have a large party ready to go to fight with the monkeys so at least they're managing to keep themselves entertained and they're smartless monkeys on the human side i don't know if they killed them or they just left them alone okay that was not me but that village just got struck by lightning out of nowhere so the orcs are gonna have a bit of an uphill battle you know what that might have been me a little bit because uh the game's a little bit buggy right now so when i try and click on something it seems to spawn lightning for some reason so uh that's not great but we'll make this work because what i was going to do for the poor orcs why is it still spawning lightning i was just connecting the land across so the earth could go get the monkeys or the monkeys could go get the orcs alright i think i for now have solved my lightning issue uh sorry for the orcs but looks like they've recovered nicely and they have a land bridge up to defeat the uh arch enemy monkeys but they also have access to all those metals now because they couldn't seem to get there before and the humans haven't figured out they're even building their way up there to get close to all the good stuff so can they not swim the human can swim the orc can swim they just wouldn't swim because they're lazy and because they're being lazy and i don't want to make this too easy for them i'm going to put an acid geyser maybe right there and i'm going to do the same for the humans on the other side that way they can't get too complacent when working around these valuable metals and stuff they're gonna have to tread a little bit carefully oh now they build boats those idiots don't know where they think they're gonna go but we'll allow it the acid is very quickly wiped out everything nearby but it's gonna occasionally take out an orc and they're just gonna have to live with that but they've definitely expanded their kingdoms onto the eyebrows now they want all those precious resources they're just gonna have to go around the acid geyser to get them that thing really throws acid a long ways world population is 379 oh there we go we have a city with 200 humans that number is probably going to fluctuate pretty wildly as long as it's raining acid on them but that goes to show i can in valuability civilization i don't know why they're building right here literally under falling acid or why they have an army mobilized but since i can't help but instigate stuff i'm gonna make a strip of land just a little ways across not quite touching but you know if they feel the urge to want to go visit each other they can and they can do it over a geyser that will boil them alive if they get too close so again if they want to fight each other they're welcome to we'll even give them a mushroom biome just for something a little bit different well it's a boiling water mushroom biome we're also about to break 400 people and it's still pretty even the humans 208 the orcs 193 level 10 to level 8. and i mean the population is 400 we've had almost 900 deaths already so we're doing something right but it looks like everyone's enjoying the new uh ores and stuff they're definitely taking advantage of those while getting melted by acid but like i said it's not going to be easy to do any of this they've got to earn it so in order to incentivize them onto this island in the middle i'm going to spawn a whole bunch of sheep they're going to want to get over there and get some of those sheep eventually and they're very colorful now we'll connect them with just a little bit of land now they can actually run out to touch each other if they want and i don't know if they're going to yet but the humans are expanding out they've even sent their ship to sail around and look at this apparently the orc's already getting in there to the uh sheep and the ship is flying into the ground for some reason but that's their problem they're out here fishing and everything the humans are doing so much better the orcs are mostly just running into the acid again and again okay that was a natural lightning strike i did not touch a single thing so uh lightning just really hates the orcs today oh the ship finally realized it can't sail through land so it moved over to the acid geyser but it's also kind of starting to look like they're gonna need more trees to properly thrive so i'm gonna go ahead and put some trees right down here for them and that's gonna be in a savannah biome i'm not really sure what that means but i think the orcs actually like that one and fruit bushes and everything else it's not the prettiest world but it is my world and they still have to watch out if they go into this biome because it comes with a lot of lava but the boundaries of their empires are about to touch the humans made it as far as the uh boiling geyser they're once again intelligently building underneath it but given the fact that they're already making advanced shipyards i think they're probably in the lead they've just accepted it they have to live around an acid mountain every five seconds one of them dies their houses are perpetually getting pelted with acid that's just life in this world it's not a good life but it's the one they've got i'm not sure what this guy is but he looks kind of important i think he's the one like the army follows around but he's also getting pelted with a lot of acid so i'm not really sure what his strategy is here the numbers are still looking pretty even 235 to 203 if it wasn't for all the dangerous stuff uh flying around they'd probably be a lot higher in numbers all right well let's give them a little bit more land to work on again because they've quickly used up everything they have so far so we're just gonna give a kind of that shape it doesn't really look like a face anymore but that's okay the humans love it it's a big patch of dirt but they're all about it they probably realize they can go around the acid guys right now but they might also just be really desperate for more food so we're gonna go ahead and give them food wherever we can for a minute because i just realized they probably ran out a while ago maybe we should probably also restock their trees because uh i really think they need trees to continue to thrive maybe there's some more good old grass it's a pretty uh mild biome so there should be anything too extreme or weird in there but uh this is going to help them survive just a little bit and there we go my masterpiece the humans have actually come over to here and built a new building in this savannah biomes so they're obviously looking to expand while the orcs are mostly just going around hitting things with their clubs so i kind of have a fun idea the leader of the humans i think is this guy so if we go ahead and hit him with lightning that seems to have landed him in the water so we'll make sure he's good and toasted and then we're going to do the same for the orc leader who seems to be here who is now here and then there wow he's pretty tough luckily for me i think i can probably magnet him if the game is playing and put him in the lava that took care of him so no both civilizations are without their leaders though it looks like they just made new ones right away so for a minute i'm just gonna put it on speed five and let them thrive and see what they can do because the humans so far are outpacing the orcs they're taking all the available land they can but the orcs have had a little satellite colony up here as well i've also determined that we need bigger numbers so i'm going to give them a little more real estate to be able to move into because we want a battle of epic proportions but of course this new real estate doesn't come for free they're gonna have to fight a super pumpkin in either corner i don't really know what that is but they're going to have to deal with it and it just looks so unassuming by the time they find their way up there they're going to be in trouble and for good measure i'm going to put one over here that's a little bit closer to them just you know in case and as we press play again on five time speed it seems to send its tentacles out doing something the orcs are probably not going to love that and neither are the humans but i think as long as they give us some space they're not gonna mind it even spawns little pumpkins uh the humans were the first to encounter one of the little pumpkins they killed it fairly quickly but uh i think the orcs are had enough of this already i think there's also some humans in there they might actually be joining forces to defeat the pumpkin but they shouldn't be fighting too much yet because their boundaries aren't touching and there's still lots of real estate for them okay they killed the pumpkin so they could have a biomass next they could deal with that for a while these things don't seem to be too bad for them they seem to be able to kill it with taking minimal losses but they've got room to grow now those pumpkins really do bad things to the biome so they took out a lot of trees and stuff also i think i might have made their boats a little redundant at this point considering they can basically swim around the eye now okay it looks like the humans have finally had enough of the orcs they're assembling a large army right on the border and the orcs appear to just not be responding because they just can't be bothered looks like some of the humans did wander out to start their own little settlement down here so there's now two settlements of both the orcs and the humans we have the armies of both idiots getting closer to each other uh the orc army is here the human army is here so they might be ready to fight but they do this once in a while where they get kind of close to each other and then nothing happens they look like they were gonna fight they got like 10 feet away from each other and then retreated over here so for the lack of commitment to wage war on each other they're gonna get not one but two tornadoes just to be fair uh they might go in other directions i don't know where they're gonna go that's up to the tornadoes themselves the good people are going to struggle a little bit to deal with those but as long as they stay away from the center they might actually be okay oh the orcs have moved in to fight the humans they've thrown the gauntlet down they've come in to fight everyone we're gonna slow it down just a little bit so we can actually watch they seem to have used the tornadoes as cover then they charged in on the humans and they're actually taking pretty big dent out of their empire looks like the humans repelled them for the most part the orcs didn't get very far in there but looks like there might have been a lightning strike also because everything's on fire well the orcs of regroup they're coming back in they do not like the humans one little bit oh okay and they got lightning striked so interesting of all the places for the tornadoes to go this is the least exciting it wandered down hey that looks like a heart uh the other tornado decided to punish the orcs and their boat for attacking so it's kind of making its way into them i didn't realize that was gonna last so long that's really gonna do some damage to the orcs we've had 2500 deaths so far the world population is about 800 and that's going to dwindle quickly because there's a lot of orcs being tossed around by a tornado court currently i didn't realize it actually carried them around like that someone just launched fireworks so i guess their civilizations are finally getting somewhere and the humans actually defeated the giant pumpkin and then colonized its land but that might not have been a smart move on their part because they seem to be taking takes of damage i think the ground underneath the pumpkin has been corrupted so they can't stay there we actually have a third kingdom developing the humans were stupid so they decided to split off which actually divided them they'd be about even population with the orcs but they decided to uh make a new kingdom so good luck with that and it's been a while since we looked at predator island it looks like the alligators are kind of showing up as a dominant force along with some of the bears uh in fact a the alligators just destroyed a boat that got close so it's gonna be very hard to get to this island but the idiots are using their land effectively uh population is up to 1100 now they're blowing up quickly because they're actually utilizing the new space it looks like they really do want to get down here to either fish or do something but the alligators are probably gonna stop them from getting there like that boat just sitting there taking damage and that looks pretty expensive i don't know if they're set up to deal with uh naval warfare so i might have to make them like a little bit of a land bridge so that they can get down to a predator island oh the orcs made it never mind the orcs have got it figured out oh they just walked that's why i didn't really realize before that i connected the orcs and that's just not fair so let's give the humans a bit of a path too um i don't know if they're gonna use this ground right now anyway they seem actually pretty quick to get down there and uh get eaten by crocodiles and there's a lot of lightning here on this map that's no fault of mine i'm pretty sure but the humans are going to be kind of behind to get here but they're all going to want to get here because there's so many resources oh oh a big fire seems to have destroyed pretty much all of the blue humans so those humans are in for a bad time the entire eye got burned out so the humans basically got decimated while the orcs just kept expanding now they have a monster empire of 720 oh and uh holy keck up here just took over the rest of the blue humans area so they're now the dominant uh humans and uh they're still paling in comparison to the orcs so they better get expanding you know for how slowly the orcs started they really took over they've got basically the entire one half of the map and they're about four times the population of the idiot humans and the civilizations are still thriving they even have multiple armies everywhere as long as they still have resources they should still grow and thrive and these poor idiots did even expand their empire up to the edge of the volcano so when they want to come get some gold they've just got to risk being burned alive oh but wait here we go the orcs are already splitting up into two separate entities that probably aren't going to get along very well but to celebrate them hitting 1 000 population and since it's that time of the year let's throw a robot santa into the world to see how they want to deal with that he uh he drops a lot of large bombs everywhere gifts for all the children of the world he's already made his way off the map though even he doesn't want any part of this world so uh let's just throw a few more of those and to see what kind of mess they can leave on the world so let's spawn a few of those uh and see what kind of mess they all go to the right yeah sorry orcs i didn't realize they all go one direction i thought they might trade with the humans but i don't regret my decision but we're just teaching them to deal with some adversity they'll fill those holes in pretty quickly a bowling ball oh yeah i forgot about these you drop them when they kind of bounce around all over the place and destroy a lot of stuff they even can make holes in the ground but again the orcs will just fill that in right away their empires are pretty sturdy okay next let's give them some rain clouds i know that's not really that bad but these clouds are gonna escalate they're gonna get considerably worse than just rain clouds only a matter of time we've already lost 50 percent of this population to lightning a few times so they're gonna be pretty mad about this one and it's only gonna get worse from here starting to see a lot of holes in those empires guys what's that about it rained so hard in a volcano and actually turned it back into rock all i can hear is the sound of thunder right now these guys are all fighting over something i don't know if there's a two different empires or what but they can just if they want to spend the time fighting right now that's fine i feel like they have bigger things to worry about i didn't even realize we had snow clouds let's put some snow clouds down it's that time of the year anyway so let's see if we can make it a little christmassy i feel like this is actually a good one they're going to enjoy this snow falling it's not really going to make a difference uh they're fighting the orcs so it's kind of a scenic winter battle so after a few little natural disasters they're still doing pretty well they've got 870 the humans have 340. i think they're probably having some skirmishes here and there like that's an orc army on the way to the humans but that's to be expected when they take up roughly half the map each they're constantly going to be fighting about stuff mostly land and there's no more of that or they just came over to hang out for a minute and now they're retreating the humans didn't really seem to care that much they probably retreated because their empire just got cut in half for some reason they probably enter a tree because they're suddenly beyond enemy territory now it's 300 500 300 but now it's doom time we're gonna get some clouds at rain doom and i don't know we're just gonna put six maybe nine of those across the world they'll um they're gonna have trouble recovering from this one so any of the red clouds you see are raining lava across the world the snow is doing very little to counter that there is snow on the ground but that mostly just looks pretty the lava is burning a lot of creatures alive but if they didn't want to get burned alive they should have brought their umbrellas but we're also creating new land so they should actually see this as an opportunity this empire is not doing so hot anymore it's only got 62 people left uh but then again actually dropping disasters all over the world kind of divided into like 100 different empires maybe because they can't really cross this stuff very well i like how this is what the world has turned into already uh when you don't see the empires it just it's mostly just a bunch of scarring right well they're trying to figure out why all this is happening we're going to give them some ufos to deal with i'm pretty sure these two fly around pretty randomly and well i'm not entirely sure what they do to be honest probably mostly confuse the people that live in mud huts they will fight back they will try and shoot them down but i think that might be an uphill battle considering it's a flying saucer nope they killed one but it dropped out of the sky and made a big explosion while it was at it let's saw a few sand spiders down while we're at it they create some sand and then they die so i'm not really sure what that's gonna do also but i'm sure it's gonna be funny we'll continue to make a disaster of this world that must have been an alien dying well something made an explosion i haven't checked our population in a while how do you think the world is doing world population 885 there's still quite a few there 5600 dead which i feel like we could do better but that's not bad so far the alien's still going down at the bottom so that alien really hits a lot of people all the same time it just lights them all on fire he doesn't care all these two aliens now too they're not gonna survive this especially if they shoot the alien down on top of their heads i think the plague doctor is new what does the play doctor do he doesn't get along with orcs not one bit do we need more of you what do you do they either cause the plague or they cure the plague all right well the plague doctors probably work well with tumors or maybe not well we can add some tumors to the world it's too pretty at this point uh they spread very quickly but they're very flammable at the same time so you know however you want to deal with those you guys see fit i think it's mostly just going to cause lots of problems in the world at least they're keeping themselves busy now there's no time to worry about you know surviving when you're literally fighting everything we also have all sorts of different ants they create all sorts of different things and worms that mess up the landscape so let's add a little bit of everything to the world to see what happens so they'll be surviving just fine okay those are those ones these ones are going to create some sand i'm not really sure what these ones do the same can be said about these ones create square like patterns these ones convert matter into sand and ocean pixels that sounds kind of nice and this creates soil from everything so we'll throw a few of those around and then we're gonna watch the game and the people suffer the world is just full of scars there's still aliens flying around lighting people on fire there's all sorts of materials where there shouldn't be that ship actually got stranded because they built soil underneath of it there's red tumors coming out of the ground that's very flammable so people aren't really sure how to deal with it they're still aliens and they used to be such a pretty base so we're actually going to be mean now and add a bunch of fairies that are going to help keep people alive because they heal people's injuries i want them to die i just don't want them to die too quickly because it's such a peaceful little world for them to live in uh then again i'm not actually seeing a ton of living creatures left anyway there's a few orcs down here the world population is still 630 so they're not entirely dead there's just less of them than there used to be and the game isn't responding super well suddenly for some reason couldn't imagine why it's not like there's a lot going on down there i actually can't pause it or control anything now i think the game kind of needs to catch up with itself a little bit because there's just a lot of little things going on everywhere i think the humans right here are still faring the best which is strange because there's a lot of ufos flying over them but maybe they're friends uh i managed to pause it finally and i just wanted to see what empires are left okay so they reformed back into basically the green does as uh the red and the holy keck up still but they need more dragons we're gonna put a lot of dragons in because i know the tumors burn very well and i don't know if the people are going to be able to deal with this many dragons but with the healing fairies you never know to be honest i kind of do know the dragons do a lot of fire damage like this one firing happily over the village after he lit it on fire i don't think they really target anything in particular they just light everything on fire which is still pretty damaging they can be killed by people but they are going to take a lot of arrows before they go down i want something to lay the tumor on fire well you can see all the dragons who are doing a lot of damage to a lot of different things oh that was a good one that's gonna light the humans on fire in a big way somewhere like this on fire it's like a bomb waiting to happen oh there we go see i solved the tumor problem for them we just needed a whole bunch of dragons to get the job done probably watch the population drop in real time now basically yeah it's ticking away downwards because a lot of it is on fire they seem to be doing not bad to compete and this empire rebranded itself oh i think a dragon actually died there they finally took it down maybe they just get tired yeah it seems they just kind of get tired and die relatable i just heard fireworks somewhere too someone's actually celebrating amongst all this while they're broken up into different empires again probably because i broke them in half now we're gonna get in there and do some work manually as a giant crab i don't think i can fight the dragons but i'm pretty sure i can hurt the creatures i created there's no stopping me now i'm gonna wipe out the rest of life as a giant crab with lasers this uh civilization is mostly already destroyed but i think we can come with the finishing touches and needs there we go no more purple empire i'm gonna just walk around going like this and nothing is going to survive we just defeated the ah empire not sure where the rest of the people are probably somewhere in this radius though as for the ikes i could probably just walk over them yup they're done oh the ah civilization survived is that you this little guy not anymore it's not i should have just done this in the beginning it's much faster and easier to do it myself and the crap exposed to the giant bang but we still have kind of the original two empires they're just not quite what they were originally neither is the world for that matter the island that used there used to be an island here now it's the reverse it's an ocean all right well i think these people have lived long enough let's drop a few sarah bombas everywhere and that's probably about gonna finish off the rest of life i'd be very surprised if anything survived this including the dragons nuclear bombs are kind of everything's kryptonite what was once a happy piece for world is now basically dust [Music] you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,172,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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