100 Cavemen vs One Modern Human In Worldbox

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today we're going to find out if 100 super modern people can defeat 1 million basic drilling morons basically modern society versus cavemen so that's going to be for super sophisticated elves and 400 basic humans with little resources to work with for their entire existence which makes for a neat 1 to 100 ratio of humans to elves the humans do have all of this space to occupy and lots of food so they'll multiply a number whereas the elves have everything they need to advance to civilization so with that let's Press Play and get this dumpster fire started so far they've established areas of hurray all four of them joined the same society which is a good start humans on the other hand have established like eight different Empires all of grass mostly because that's really all they have to work with there's the occasional berry bush and ore but they're basically grass Empires the elves seem to be off to a pretty good start they've created a few small Huts they've even expanded a little bit so this is good there are up to six people now uh we do have a mod installed so we can make this absolutely Modern Skyscrapers in modern society but naturally we're not going to let the humans get there because we've seen what humans do with modern society Deltas end up recreating social media and it'll all fall apart the elves definitely are expanding very rapidly I've given them a bunch of very uh hopefully helpful biomes around so they should have everything they need to work with with this screaming noise something has fallen from the sky oh good news humans you've uh had a meteorite full of very rare Aura actually so I would take advantage of that I'm not sure how their firefighting skills are they're in a very flammable grassland but we'll just see what happens now I did say the elves like trees I did read a lot of comments uh telling me how to play this game I mostly just got more confused than ever before so we're just gonna give him a bunch of trees and they should be pretty happy with that the humans are slowly expanding it's only been about 15 years since I started and they've occupied like one sixth of the entire space the yales are very intelligently not splitting up yet they only have 21 people but they're all the same little village for these initial elves I think I'm gonna give them wise lucky minor and ambitious just to make sure they do start advancing through society and have a little bit of luck on their side and we'll keep giving them everything they need so that they end up with high rises and like modern jets the humans did actually manage to get a slightly upgraded Civilization now a few of their Villages got there actually so they're making progress a little bit faster than I thought but they're really going to struggle because they just don't have what they need to learn and grow the elves only have a level 3 culture so far but they're getting good at weapon production already in sharp axes they will also gain knowledge faster so that'll help them Advance the humans so far for the most part they just skipped into a level 3 culture their knowledge gain isn't as advanced but that was kind of the point I did want to keep them rather stupid and in fact we actually can Reign stupid on them we're not going to give a very thick rain but we're gonna give ample rain so now most of them are actually stupid and staying in cave band mode I think they will eventually breed that trade out but until then they're going to be dealing with the food scarcity and forest fires but then again we don't want them to be starving to death we want lots of them out there so we're going to give them lots of food food won't help them Advance food will just keep them alive and stupid look at the elves go they're up to 35 people and they're getting a really Advanced civilization they're up to level four now their population is definitely growing faster than the humans are but we'll be sure to balance that out because they started at 1 100th of the humans and they're already at like 115th so they've made massive strides and apparently this Kingdom has descended into madness so I think they're all just fighting each other and everyone around them as cavemen do they're not very intelligent in deals have started mining or they're even building a shipyard at this point it's been about 40 years the elves do have their first Army as well these dull humans are actually keeping up not bad they do have a level 5 culture level and 2.3 knowledge gain but we'll smack them back down at some point the world population is up to 900 already though and all the different people there's enough numbers now that they'll survive these disasters anyways the numbers are still about one uh elf to every 15 humans but that skill is tipping slightly the other way but the humans do have all of this space so once they occupy it we'll see what we have to do to make the humans multiply and multiply stupidly the humans do often fight each other which obviously knocks their numbers down and kind of stalls your Society the stolen Society is perfectly fine knocking those numbers down not super helpful but it's what people do it has now been 50 years the world population is 1100 so there were about one elf to every 11 humans and we need one to a hundred so those humans need to get busy I never realized how many trees were growth he just kind of left the land to go by itself I think we can all agree that berry bushes won't make anyone smarter but it will feed them and help them expand so I'm gonna drop some Dairy bushes pretty much across the Northern Hemisphere we get dropping 10 trillion berry bushes on people they may fight less if they're less hungry but they also just will populate quicker they are expanding quite a bit and that makes me wonder if they are looking for food so we'll just lay some berry bushes down everywhere along with some animals the elves however have almost uh filled their whole island out there's 110 of them so even if they are optimistically double there might only be 200 elves but that's perfect they've even created windmills for themselves they're already at a level 8 culture and 4.9 knowledge game they can do all of this stuff including weapons not sure what that big exposure of sound was they have a tornado up there something really big just hit somewhere and I really can't be that bothered to figure out what that was I'm busy giving my elves everything they need that life to succeed what is what is this thing Lee Leo he is wise attractive paranoid and is immune to poison but I have no idea what he actually is but I need to I remember to keep stocking up the elves with all the oil they need that way they can properly Advance they finally filled out their whole Little Island thing at 140 population which is yeah about one in ten there is 10 times the humans currently but the humans have a lot more space and they can really fill in their density the great ad seems to be the greatest human Empire currently it is a culture level 7 already and they're doing things like roads so they're actually a lot smarter than I gave them credit for oh it's an earthquake here's where we can get a little adventures with this because this downgrades buildings so if any civilization is getting too advanced say I don't like the look of these guys I can downgrade their buildings to previous forms that way no one ever gets too advanced because they have to keep working to make the same progress back again and that's exactly what we're gonna do we're gonna Zoom way out make everything as big as they possibly can and Reign the lack of progress on them the elves on the other hand hardly need any help like look at this building I don't even know what this is but they're getting all sorts of skills all sorts of intelligence and all sorts of uh knowledge 72 years since the beginning of this the human Empires are starting to consolidate a little bit holy Egypt over here is 650 people all by itself but I don't like what they're doing with their houses they're going back into tents so we're taking them back a few good levels I've also got a massive thunderstorm that's uh helping me keep the humans in check this might actually be somewhat counterproductive in a way because I'm assuming bigger houses can hold more people yeah I'm going to stop doing that for a while at the best I might upgrade the elves because they are probably about limited for how big their population can be for the area 200. so we just need 200 000 uh humans over here so they've got a little ways to go the elves are getting very Advanced very quickly though like they have all sorts of very high-tech buildings and armies I do want to take a basic uh Elvish house in advance a little bit to see what kind of other things they can get out of these okay there's like a modern house and there's going to be more modern house and they get bigger and bigger so this is the level 10 house that doesn't normally exist I'm assuming that can hold quite a few people though can we advance their windmills the windmills stay the same their main Town Hall thing they'll could definitely be Advanced there we go we'll give them a little bit of a bump ahead that's going to help their culture in a big way the elves seem to be a good choice for this they're able to do a lot with a little bit I'm pretty sure they live for a very long time so they can continue to get smarter and smarter the elves are finally starting to arm themselves with wooden sticks their culture level is up to level 14 which so far is actually matched with the humans they're doing very well based on numbers but that is also the biggest empire and probably the most advanced because of it uh the elves somehow managed to cross over to the humans area which isn't great they seem to have sailed across I'm not entirely sure how so I'm re-thickening my mountain and then I'm gonna try and making it up all of the elves I can get my hands on here probably end up grabbing a few other things but that's okay we're gonna import whoops some different things over to the other side okay you guys stay on your side I don't know how they did that but their empire should hopefully be taken over by humans eventually because they shouldn't like this sitting here okay I know the humans are starting to get annoyed so they're finally coming in to take them out note there should only be an alpha 2 left at best so they'll demolish this and yells will stay on their side of the fence for a while so it's a good sign too that the humans are willing to attack the elves a human so far he actually has a legendary weapon I'm pretty sure that's like a basic stone sword but still it's surprising that they're managing to do this with their basic uh Minds look at this basic stuff these elves have to deal with we need to upgrade everything we're gonna help push the elves a little bit along this is all gonna turn them into sort of a modern society it makes the buildings easier to see so I can stop dropping Aura on them all this should help them not have to worry about upgrading buildings and stuff anymore their culture should Advance rapidly they can put resources into whatever else they want to at this point okay now let's see what happens their population is going up quickly but that's okay we can still balance that out with the humans this tiny little island is home to one-fifth of the population so far and that's going up so quickly these guys are actually going to be outnumbered by elves if we let this keep going like it is okay I'm gonna add some more perks to the elves wonder which is going to be genius just to make sure that not only their buildings are Advanced they are also Advanced then for all of the humans I'm going to make them both stupid and ambitious at this point that should be a winning combination this world is so big that it actually takes time to like rain all over it I'm sure I'm missing Lots but we'll get like 60 70 of the humans this way they'll be ambitious and stupid and that's gonna cause all sorts of fun and I redeposited every ore that the elves could ever want so they'll hopefully go along uh really advancing themselves somehow so just about yeah one in four people on the map is an elf uh the humans have three quarters of the population in this giant area the elves down here are really doing a lot with a little probably because they are skyscrapers probably also helps that they live for so long actually they don't die from natural causes nearly as often but I think you know some cows maybe they like cows humans can also have cows uh I do need to be careful because at some point the game will start to lag but I feel like I've put way more creatures on this Elvis Soldier has a weapon called do me regret you wouldn't think they were very smart by that their knowledge is up to 15. whereas the humans have three so they're definitely very basic and for the time being I've made all the humans uh at peace so they shouldn't really be fighting each other for now just so they can start to build up their numbers properly and get ready for a great war with the elves who definitely have a rather nice little kingdom over here with everything they could ever want except or they go through or at a rapid rate but they're all the way up to silversmithing so they can make all sorts of silver double shooter legendary bow it looks like now after 108 years the Elvish population might have sort of stabilized at around a thousand so we just need to get the humans up to a hundred thousand or something thereabouts oh they just got a massive meteor right into the center of them but they got some rare ore so you know yeah they're even mining it right away risking burning alive for some ore you think with all the space that humans have they would be multiplying at an alarming rate but they're not really expanding as much as they should be I'm not really sure why so I'm just letting things go at five times speed right now to see where it goes the elves might have also expanded faster because they they live a lot longer I've been high speeding through this for a while and this culture the elves are up to 27. so another problem I have is all of the humans are in a million different Empires they're gonna fight each other as much as the elves luckily I have a certified solution to make all the humans under the same Empire they say we have an Empire called grade o of 121 people we're gonna make them declare war on their larger neighbor the realm of whatever so that makes them officially at War now if we hit them with Madness suddenly they're fighting everyone and anyone see the number dropping already anyone who has Madness is no longer part of their empire anyways if we take this uh big ass magnet we can just suck everyone up into the sky and then just sort of uh transplant them up here in this Empire and then with only 30 people left in this vast expanse we can take some of this soldiersome over here and place them there they're at War so these guys will fight this area and then as we plus play Watch What Happens it's just that easy and then we just keep doing that until all the empires are won one of the steps I did forget is that when you drop the madness people into their new home you need to cure them with the light otherwise they're gonna fight their uh fellow countrymen at that point and we don't want people to die aired with the final Green Country down at the bottom about the fall because I basically dumped all of the armies down there it should be one big purple human civilization so we can create this now to have a 1v1 uh maybe a 2V1 but the two people down here probably aren't gonna last very long plus there's still the minor population problem it's only a 3v1 of humans versus highly sophisticated elves I'm hoping for that that I can actually just spawn in like 10 000 humans that will slowly assimilate into this Empire and be very very basic cavemen themselves so it'll actually pull this Empire in a more crude Direction while boosting population that actually seems to work you can see the population of this Empire going up as I spawn humans into it but I think maybe a 5v1 situation might be fair there's a 5 000 very basic humans now in this Empire most of which are literally like two years old but look at all the armies against this super Elven Army so by now the elves have a level 30 culture they have 17.2 knowledge gain so they've been uh researching things much faster than the humans who do have some pretty respectable stuff going going on their knowledge gain isn't bad so they brought out this stupid and their culture level got high but I did this like quadruple their population with complete babbling morons so this tiny dirt strip is where the battle is probably going to commence because these two are not gonna like each other I decided to have a narrow little strip that way it would actually kind of favor the smaller armies and you can see the size difference they have one-fifth of population they do have three or four small but well-equipped trained armies these guys have a million different armies but I suspect a lot of which are completely unequipped and basically newborns this guy's age 10 we're sitting 10 year olds into battle okay let's unpause it and see what happens there's already an army sitting right there so that's kind of convenient their elves did just move the entire Army yeah it looks like they're going for it I don't know if they can indirectly attack or they're just sitting near defensively they should be fairly intelligent uh oh they're going way up there to attack they're not that intelligent look at all the armies crisscrossing uh okay the elves can't go too far because if they do they're gonna get overrun they'll get surrounded they should stay and fight right here somewhere they really should sit on an airplane looks like so far they're actually decimating humans pretty bad they probably have ranged weapons that the humans might not actually which would be great uh so far yeah so far the uh elves are actually kind of running a rampage to them reinforcements are slowly on the way though but these ranged uh elves are really really strong this is on one time speed and they're lighting everything on fire idiots this is why you can't have anything nice I mean fire happens sometimes stuff just gets let on fire but so far I'm actually really impressed with how uh well these elves are doing they haven't really lost any population and the humans have lost hundreds they haven't really fought any properly structured armies but when they do so far like they just destroy an entire Army uh they might get surrounded though if they get too brave like that they can't get too far in there they're supposed to be Geniuses but honestly so far this is pretty unexpected like they're actually pushing way into that territory without much issue they're getting some resistance but the these soldiers are so much better and especially if they can hit them with range if they're destroying the humans I guess if they have like legendary bows too they'll probably kill the humans before they get close like there's a captain of the humans two captains of a human's death there's another few they're dead cool this might actually work for the Elvis aside yeah so the humans are lost 510 of the population the elves have actually gained the population well it looks like the uh humans are getting smart to go into the Elvish uh base uh I don't think there's any armies Left Behind to defend so the elves might want to put an army back here to defend their own base uh the Elvis King I think is right here I think this is the king he has as a legendary weapon so he himself might actually really mess these guys up or he himself might get destroyed because he's about to be 10 B1 he's still handily defending his kingdom uh you know he's supposed to be a genius but he probably shouldn't let all his armies out into the world so the humans are getting pretty deep in delvish territory there's not a ton of them though so I think if a few of the elves come back they will destroy them quickly uh the elves are starting to lose numbers now though they lost 10 percent of the population but the humans have lost slightly more I just don't know this battle is actually going to shake out ultimately there's a few humans definitely down here but the elves will probably kill them but even basic elves are probably pretty strong at this point and if any of the Elvish archers come back they're really a problem for humans yeah I think they're about to defeat the uh human armies so yeah there'll be no more humans on this side of the map and the elves are still out there rampaging around like they do there's a big army over here these guys are really dangerous just there's a ton of bowmen the humans do keep sending more armies in to try and uh take the Elvish area if the elves are smart they would sit right here with bows and just destroy the humans as they're walking up to them look at the size of that guy what are you he's actually a giant he who has a legendary wooden sword look at the bite the elves took out of them so far though I do think their armies are dwindling a little bit like there's this Army up here but they don't really have a specific goal in mind they're just sort of wandering upwards now there's a pretty good battle going on right at the mouth of where the uh the humans came in and their six seven armies looks like they've defeated the Elvish resistance there is another Elven Army but they're hiding way up here and they probably got some decent gear to be able to fight them off but they clearly don't like the middle of the Elven Empire these guys appear though they're just ridiculous the way they're going like they pillaged away all the way up here and took out like when 2 000 uh well 1500 of the humans so far but I think this is also a bit of a turning point uh for the elves because their population is dropping because they're mostly just farmers and miners at this point they don't have any Warriors left to defend mostly because they sent all their uh amazing Elite Psychopaths up here and they just went on a rampage around human bill without any strategy at all this is kind of The Last Hope for the elves until our media was hiding up in the corner that might have been a papping issue they're gonna try and push the humans out although the other Elvish Army might actually be coming back now they might realize that they've been stupid by going up there there's still a little bit of an Elvish Army here I think it's basically this guy who uh has a wooden stick defender of modern society with a wooden stick and he was murdered by an idiot with a bow and arrow the elves did way better than I thought they did though like the humans were up to almost 5500 they're down to 3500 like the elves took out that much of their empire so if it was like a 3-1 battle the elves would have dominated them like this Army's still going strong they might conceivably like hit so much damage into the humans it would take them forever to recover all right well let's time survive it till the end to see exactly how this plays out but as I thought the human numbers are dropping but the elves have 50 of them left probably mostly in that army that was so strong but that's about it the humans officially win [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 583,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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