GIANT HOUSE Sky Block TROLL In Minecraft!

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welcome back to Skyblock server it's the server that jelly started once again but this time he actually wanted me and Josh to join he kept backing us sending us text messages like this trainer please join me Josh I'm so lonely and lost without you and eventually myself and Josh got tired of it and we decided to join his stupid server and today is absolutely no different because we get up to some trouble as always let's just sing on the server and if you guys want this series to continue make sure to drop a like 50 000 likes and I'll do another one subscribe if you're new to the channel and let's just get right into the video yeah I don't know about you guys but last time I looked my house sure had walls didn't it it had walls now let me into Crainer script aka the best best luck and also don't remember Josh having such a big house and wait the signs oh no all right well let's see what the signs say it surely can't be a good thing right also what happened to jellies he still left the Box around his house hi Crainer needed to borrow some wood to finish the house you built me hope you don't mind thanks again for the free home is that why you took my trees and my house are you kidding me Josh are you kidding me look at that giant home over there Josh it was supposed to be a troll you weren't supposed to turn it into something good also check this out what Jaws did with my troll built a beautiful house out of it what jelly did with my troll just shows you the difference in people right let's go check this house out I want to see what this house is all about man I'm guessing he got all of the wood from the Bucks I put around this house and then this wood he probably got from my tree farm which I used to have over there but it's gone now thanks Josh I'll just let myself in thank you very much whoa what a lovely place you built for yourself in here Josh I wonder none of us have like access to lava and water right now because some guy named Mr floaty stole it from us remember Mr floaty who is this Mr floaty guy now I still think it's one of my friends that I miss the floaty but I haven't quite figured out who it is yet but I wonder maybe it's Josh and maybe he's hitting it in here somewhere just an old creepy empty attic all right guess it's not Josh we might as well check out what's happened at Jelly's place it looks the same as when I left it except he's opened up the back I guess he wanted a little bit of a view at least in his wooden box all right you know what jelly you are lazy you see what Jaws did with my Troll and you just left it I can't believe you jelly but if Josh thinks that he could come to my Skyblock World okay that's a lie it's actually jealous anyway if he thinks that he can come around here and have the best house on the Block then he is sadly mistaken it is my job to have the best house on the Block you know what Josh we are officially in war with each other but not just any old war Josh no no no no no no no we are officially in a house built off who can build the biggest house on the Sky Block uh base thingy first we need to get rid of my old house though I mean this is definitely not going to win any contest oh man I can't even get Windows in my new place I don't think I have any left this hurts me so much every like on this video is one glass pain remembered thank you guys for paying your respects now we just got the wood left yay oh speaking of what actually I should have done this a long time ago I need to replan my tree so they can grow oh yes I do have some bones okay that's gonna help me a lot we're gonna need a lot of wood if we want to beat that monstrosity over there we do also have a lot of dirt so I can actually make the farm bigger okay definitely want to do that okay this is definitely gonna help a lot we got a missed the spot we got a big tree farm going grow my trees grow oh I forgot to say the magic spell the spell that makes all trees grow come on it works every single time yep literally no more bone meal but I mean we can always just wait around I I suppose let's get back to removing this house and it's gone all right the only thing I got left to eat is this rotten flesh right here so Excuse me while I throw up real quick all right now we need to extend this platform as much as possible because we need a big house on it right now I do still have a little bit of cobblestone left luckily I also removed my um well the big bridge I had right here and luckily that gave me quite a lot of cobblestone to mess around with since I can't make my own since Mr floaty whoever you are Mr floaty stole my liquids my love and my water wait no no small brain small brain oh no I should have done this with it smallest of Prince I can't believe I made that rookie mistake and the last piece is done all right I think our plot is definitely bigger than Josh's plot is right now now we're just gonna need the wood so um sorry Forrest but I'm gonna have to cut you down as I'm cutting it down though I'll make sure to replant the trees it just I need to get trees as quickly as I can or else I'm gonna be stuck on this island forever trying to get wood for this giant build that I'm doing it's not too bad though I almost already have a stack of wood I mean this is not gonna take too long I don't think and another one just grew perfect I don't wanna cut down any more trees please please don't bother cutting down trees good news is though I have a whole lot oh I actually have apples I don't have to eat this stinking meat anymore anyway good news is I have a lot of Oak so this is gonna be one corner of the base then the other corner will be over here and then they'll of course be one here and here this is gonna be a big old base where's my front door gonna be though good question thank you for asking sorry I'm talking to myself I've gone insane from literally cutting down trees for an hour maybe the front door should be like this way facing that way or facing that way all right this should be the middle right here five six seven eight nine it's not centered are you kidding me fixed double door one thing we need to fix though is that the path actually needs to point to my house you know it can I please grab some of this cobblestone as I was saying we need to make sure that the path actually goes to my front door because it doesn't make sense that it goes there if my front door is there sorry I'm just mad about losing all these couples though I really am oh I have Cobblestone slabs oh no I'm not this is gonna look bad this is gonna look really bad please reach please reach please read not what I wanted but it's what we got we want to make sure that my house is also taller than Josh's so my walls are gonna go all the way up here take that Josh and there we go all right that's a big doll isn't it wow yeah that's a big old doll way isn't it I'll I'll figure out how to do it later yay hey we got the first walls done almost perfect okay and now I just gotta figure out how to make this look somewhat good I don't have Windows all I got to eat is rotten flesh now I'm poisoned Sky Block it's a struggle at least all of this can be out of plank so I'm not gonna need as much wood I mean I'm pretty much done using the uh the locks for now we'll have a little door here as well for our tree farm so we can just go on out there and you know chop down some trees the tree farm door yay look I told you guys this wasn't gonna be pretty okay I warned you all right let's get to building and chop it down trees again all right so far so good I got somewhat of a house down right now it's not trust me guys it's really not the prettiest but I'm doing what I can okay now I just gotta figure out how to do a roof on this house um I mean it needs to be taller than Josh so we can brag about it that's for sure but how do we make it look somewhat good um I don't know I really don't oh geez I didn't realize that when I put a roof on it it's gonna be dark in here okay we need to put down some torches ASAP so that we don't start spawning monsters I'm not prepared for Monsters right now jeez that could have ended badly also please don't mind the random piece of Bedrock right here I can't get rid of it obviously welcome to Casa del Crainer look at the window space wow that looks amazing wait I just realized it's off center oh no oh know what have I done oh no oh that's terrible oh that's really bad cast that down crater everybody whoa and I'm back to chopping down more wood anyway I actually did something cool I want to show you guys but first let me just get more wood alright so what I did is I made a staircase check this out it goes all the way around and I'm upstairs now now I just need to actually put a roof on it and then we're done oh yeah and it also needs an interior but yeah as long as I have a bigger house than Josh I'm totally fine with it it's not about being a pretty house it's about being big and to make Josh even more mad I'm just gonna do the same roof as him two hours later just the finishing touch now there we go and now we have the biggest house on the Sky Block and I actually made sure of that let me show you guys something if I go down my cool staircase real quick go out my front door to my cool house and then if I just simply go up here real quick my roof is exactly 78 blocks high you can see that right there on your screen now I just need to get down again this is going to take a little bit now if we head to Josh's house and build up real quick and if we look at the number you will see it is exactly one block smaller than mine so that means I've won the build off that I technically kind of had with myself anyway I'll leave signs for Josh and he'll know that I won the build off that he didn't participate in really but we have the best house on the Sky Block now and that's the most important part hey Josh what a lovely house like that's funny I built a bigger and better house take a look right over there my house is actually exactly one block higher than your tiny little nuke Shack my house will forever Remain the best house on the Block XOXO crater and let's just leave another sign right here house there we go and best house on the Sky Block hey here we go everybody ah we have officially reclaimed our crown and now actually one thing that we do need to do is figure out how to make this pretty because it's very ugly inside like there's not even any rooms in here ah well go tell Josh that I officially have reclaimed my crown as the best house Builder on Skyblock [Music] also if you haven't had enough of my face yet and also subscribe if you're new to the channel
Channel: Crainer
Views: 2,201,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Slogoman, Jelly, Crainer, Slogo, Minecraft
Id: auSHO-bmB7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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