Shrinking My Friends On One Block in Minecraft

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today I found out my friends that started a one block survival world without me I have no idea why they wouldn't invite me okay maybe I have some idea believe for me I got let's see what happens when I join so boys oh Alec just died wait Jack's in the world oh no why is Jack here no no no no no no no no how did he find our server address we literally encrypted it oh look at that they still have 10 phases they could use some help oh gosh okay yeah should we just hit him off yeah let's do it are they talking are they in Discord two's friendly threes a crowd let's get him out of here oh my God oh my God what so you're sucker oh god oh no no what the heck dude Adam just kamikazied me I don't know dude in the fall I think he tricked me why you kill me I can help oh my gosh dude get him out of here he keeps saying he can help we do not want big bro Jack In This Server we can be friends yes he stinks and he's bad get out of here Becca bro booty he said because you're ugly and stinks so bad dude he's the stinkiest person I know he killed me again I punched him off again just keep pushing him off we don't want him you are not welcome here Alec I got us you are not welcome here leave are you joking fine I'll go get out of here stupid oh good stuff they keep beating me on the head with a wooden shovel okay I'm gonna do slash vanish so then it looks like I actually left and this is where the fun begins yes he left what's good he left the game Virtual high five in three two one no no oh my Adam I thought we were high-fiving I said Virtua live you're supposed bro that's my bed that's my bed all right I'm Gonna Keep mining the boys have no idea that before I joined I added in the shrink mod as they keep breaking blocks I'm gonna shrink them the video ends if they find out it's me oh it's pork and pig that's definitely not your mom wait what'd you say no it is it's pork in a pig it's Porky the Pig Adam let's go aren't you so happy that your mom I mean that Porky the Pig is here booking a pig poke the pig Pokey piggy piggy Pig so I think if I type in slash scale persist true on the siren and then also on dirt boy that'll make it so that even if they die they're gonna stay the same height we should get um some sort of farm for the piggy he looks lonely look at him he looks so sad poor Porky all right I'm gonna build an ax let's hope I remember how to do this oh dude I still got it let's go dude you're crazy look at you okay so now if I do slash skill set 0.95 5 the siren he will shrink down just a little bit and I'm gonna do the same thing to dirt boy look at that they're different sizes they shrunk and I don't even know by the end of today's video I'm gonna see if I can shrink them down to smaller than that Pig's foot look at how quick I'm going it's making you pick up every block this is so annoying let me get some watch out for Porky I got a water bucket which means if we fall hopefully we can uh MLG pro into the water bucket all right yeah you hold on to that I'm not doing that you know that why are you oh wait are you mating with the Porky the Pig or the wait what the heck is going on why is there hard to return you and Porky hey is my pig is the chest it's a benevolent gift it says oh we're gonna upgrade in seven seconds what do we get what do we get oh boy get a pig is he bigger no he's the same wait you look bigger for a second didn't he wait no no no we can't have two porkies we got a name this is porky two Pig Brook Pig and Porky the Pig because it's the second one Porky tube all right let's keep uh mining baby yeah yeah oh now we have uh who's this all right all right all right all right you keep going I'm gonna extend this thing I'm gonna make an entire Farm the boys have been breaking lots of blocks which means it's time to shrink them again okay let's go make Alec 90 of his normal height and then we can do the same thing with Adam is this messy shouldn't be extinguish that's not Bessie that's Tessie and she's the cute one you can tell by the tail Tessie with the bedessi you know what I'm saying I don't know if you guys could even tell but look at that next to the pigs they look so tiny and they have absolutely no idea can we call them Batman [Laughter] I'm like two seconds away from just ending you too I might make you leave too relaxed no I wonder what happens if I set the base of every entity to 90 let's try it out oh my God everything just got a little bit smaller I think even I strong I made Jack leave the game I'm about to make you leave the game what's wrong nicknames man what is that what if we call him Ed Sheeran okay okay okay cheering sheep okay Sheeran we're gonna be doing a new five minute no talking rule wait but that big is now bigger than this pig so it only affects the mobs that are spawned into the world okay what are we calling these guys though Los polos I want to call them the red guzzlers look at the little red thing on their chin and you say my names are dumb what even is that wait I have an idea okay while they're farming I'm gonna make them 85 of their normal height there we go shrink down just a little bit more I don't think they know this and the best part is it's happening to everything in this world wait while he's breaking that what we can do is mess with them even more I'm gonna spawn a creeper whoa I can make 38 buttons I don't think they saw that one coming dude were you mining yes he spawned a creeper I didn't know what to do what do you want me to do take the shot we only have one left of each and we lost sheepy the Sheep when it's like a while they're confused we're gonna shrink them down even more to eighty percent rest in peace no one agreed that the name was Ed [Music] why that was my favorite why did you knock it off of the side how are you gonna say it's my fault like a baby it was a creeper Adam you ran away like a baby do not see you can knock it off the ledge you're making me mad wait a second look at that there's a tiny cow and then there's a big cow oh that's not good that's not good I gotta get another creeper in here okay here we go another creeper yeah I was hit Adam I hit it you saw me hit it like 10 times I don't know what you want me to do okay good it killed both of the cows so now there's no evidence this is really awkward because Adam is standing right by two blocks and that's how tall he's supposed to be that one's not my fault though right at least tell me it's not my fault no Adam at least tell me it's not my fault put that sword away are you serious what are you doing I'm blown up too we lost every that is not my fault stop Mining and so we have the flipping ledge figured out on a good note we do have the remains of Tessie with the badassee so there's some of it you want me to eat Tessie go ahead and break the blocks boys I need them to be nice and distracted so that I'm able to make them tinier well no that Adam is tube I can't knock the creepers off if you do that we literally just went over you knock it this way dummy what way yeah wait for it I'm making a path shut it you're done talking you killed everybody killed everybody I loved you know what you break the blocks from now on then if you're super smart move Parker I'm sick and tired of everyone good here we go over here we go three two one go that's working again the tricky again the tricky again Adam looks like an absolute flipping Hobbit all right there we go we got our ledge I'm gonna knock him into the Death Pit that's what we'll call it okay good luck with that I'm gonna stand over here what was that noises for you that's how you sound oh no that was a creeper it doesn't even work thank God it doesn't work it's the worst death put ever now what I could do is actually set their jump height to a little bit higher that way they're still gonna be able to jump up to different blocks doesn't the sheep look massive are we tiny bro what are you talking about the Sheep is like taller than us yo wait right I think it's because we got upgraded blocks so we get like Mega sheep that's pretty cool so I'll make it times 1.2 at e so that everybody can now jump just a little bit higher so they should be able to get up but wait a second dude this cheapest massive go ahead go he's going go to the side I gotta get rid of the evidence no that wasn't me Adam that wasn't I was literally over here I I did not hit him up oh God wait Adam thinks it was Alec oh you're fighting each other don't Adam I don't okay I won't kill you but you deserve that slap you deserve a spanking I did not hit him off I watched oh my God you watched what that was the biggest meat and fur we could have got out of that wait I think I could change their damage too now they do 10 damage on every single hit and they're still so excited okay I'm gonna make it so that they can jump just a little bit higher and I also want to make sure that they're even smaller they're gonna be 70 of their normal height I didn't even hit it dude I'll move on I'll forget about it if if Porky the pecker dies you know who I'm blaming that is on you you better protect that thing oh oh no another supermassive sheep oh that is a big sheep wait wait oh god um I don't know what I could do here they're looking right at the Sheep I want to put them on the other side Adam you can watch me I'm not going to hit it don't make them jump there just make him walk through this come on Ed you have to build walls all around here too so he doesn't kill himself okay while they're building I think it's a good time to shrink them again here we go three two one can you get Porky to pecker to get over there too wait what the my game can just glitch out for a second mine did too one block is a little glitchy they got even tinier they're barely as tall as one block see look next to the pig it looks normal go before he go go Porky get me yes please don't follow please please don't kill Porky seriously seriously I killed myself I think another thing I'm able to do is make the Mind absurdly fast Alex just jumped off the map no I'm actually fine with that I'm good with that yo look at these chickens they're massive look they're bigger than the pig are they big wait they're big right they're huge Alec is almost as short as the chicken it's funny because in real life Alec is a massive man yeah what's the biggest chicken I've ever seen why are they so big it's almost as tall up to your chin dude we're going down to 65 in three two one oh my God oh my God they saw it they first sure saw it wait is this pig smaller as a chicken Pig wait what it just shrunk you saw that you saw that I think that's a Super Pig it's a chicken I mean they saw it so we gotta keep moving we're gonna make them 50 as big oh wait we're shrinking now and now what I can do is go over here and I'm gonna spawn a creeper and this creeper is gonna look massive to them and the best part is they're not gonna be able to kill it unless they hit it off dude dude I think the chicken has magical powers should we do it wait we should wait I'm gonna tell it chicken Adam typed in chicken make us bigger what does that even mean chicken chicken we should bow down to the magical chicken they are surrounding this chicken like it is a bucket of KFC dude have you ever seen this happen before kid no I've never shrunken grown like this is it a glitch in the game you think I don't know make us bigger Chicken on my ax your head off there's a creeper Adam creeper can find you oh oh they spotted the creeper what you gonna do boys under one block wait what I can fit under this one block Alec can just barely jump off uh well the chicken died so I think we might be stuck in this wait no we're stuck like this now I think so bro what do we do do we just keep breaking blocks I guess we're so small you look so tiny bro I'm as tall as the sapling Alec is hiding inside of a sapling his whole body can fit oh my God I'm I'm like playing fortnite and I'm camping in a bush can you see me I'm bush camping like in fortnite okay can you see me no dude I gotta shrink them down even more we're going to 25 of their normal height down they go ah wait I got even smaller We Shrunk again dude what is happening now I can actually push camp they are so tiny this is the chicken it wasn't the other chicken it was this one oh well it's shrinking itself too all right all right all right we're trapping this thing you can't even jump up blocks anymore they do have a lot more room now oh my gosh every block I place is like a whole skyscraper now I can't even jump up one block I don't think I can't but it's like okay maybe I can adjust their jump height again so that they're actually able to jump up and make their jump height like two maybe it'll work I trapped the chicken I can hide inside of a torch look at this dude stop this is not fun how is it not cool this is awesome this is not what I wanted to do I wanted to play one block oh God oh God every time he jumps he's taking damage if I affect their falling maybe I could make their falling like half of the normal value that way they'll fall a little bit slower and then yeah they won't take damage I feel like I am a God can you please make wooden slabs I think that's what we have to do here what is that going to accomplish so we can actually jump more than one block that's a good idea actually oh my gosh this guy I'm planting potatoes carrots see tell me that's not genius oh nice Adam so smart I'm actually surprised you know how to do that okay oh it looks like they've adapted they're making some stairs so that their tiny bodies can Propel up the stairs you know the boys are smarter than we give them credit for now another thing we can do is affect how wide they are so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make them 1.25 times fatter than they usually are yo this is massive that is the biggest chess I've ever seen it's a normal sized chest we're just tiny all right let's keep going oh my goodness oh look at his head they don't even realize how fat they are wait a second I gotta keep going with this I'm gonna make it 1.5 times bigger that looks so cursed dude don't stand that way don't stand that way just in case of the death I'm not trying to be rude or anything Adam but you look kind of chunky we're going for two times with like you look Adam wait you did you're fat like straight up wait put the cookies down I promise you I've only been eating watermelon well you've been eating too much of it you too look at yourself oh my gosh you're fatter than me hey look at that don't be now come on dude what is going on they look so tiny they're like little goblins I wonder like how much I could do with this what if I do five oh my God they look flat we're like look at the chicken dude the chicken looks flat oh my gosh this is hurting my eyes this is like a chicken pancake dude look at the pig what is going on [Music] [Laughter] 2D characters down there okay what if I go ahead and I affect their base what if I do point one they're gonna be ten percent of their normal height and 10 times thicker I can't even jump up a half slab this picture into a wiener dog what do you know I don't know I don't know it's the same with me look at my dude I think it has to do with this block once we break it it starts triggering stuff that's true that's true so I think the only way back is to keep breaking this block maybe is this another chest oh yeah it looks like you're about to fall I knew it I knew it run to the water I'm trying I'm falling so slowly I don't know oh I didn't make it this pig actually kind of looks like a piece of bacon oh they're getting an upgrade now's a good time to add in a creeper but not just any creeper we're gonna do the same exact commands Alex get back here now I'm trying I think everything is in like bro I just fell so slowly oh my God and then we're going to set the base all the way down so we're gonna shrink it no it fell dude I don't know where it went but there was a flipping creeper up there and it was flat and it was giant oh it was like us yes okay maybe we can be uh buddies with it okay so if I go in here I can place down a creeper and I could do those same commands I'm gonna make it really tiny and I'm gonna make it really wide and luckily I could reset myself so that I at least look normal but that right there does not look normal dude you look so weird okay you look weird you'll hey hey I don't even know if I can hit you what the heck you're so wet all right all right all right all right all right okay I'm gonna add a couple other blocks over here and I'm gonna spawn in one of the mutant creatures we're gonna go with the mutant zombie and then I'm gonna do the two commands and see if it actually works Adam like this and then the bass no dude I gotta do the base first sorry little guy all experiments have failures I just saw like a really I don't know it was like a zombie or something it took off it literally took up the entire Sky stuff's spawning in that corner let's just not even go back there I don't know if breaking this block will make things worse or better Well it can't get much worse so okay we're gonna spawn him in right there we're gonna do the base first and then we'll do the whip don't don't fall off okay and now I just need to connect this here you go big guy now's your chance to shine okay I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna reset the boys dude this tree is getting me stuck I'm breaking it you just went flying for whatever reason it makes them die what happened I went I went flying too what the boys don't even saying Adam I don't know what just happened I saw you break the sapling and then you just went flying wait what is that bro Adam what is this wait bro I'm not flying anymore you flat no I'm not playing I'm normal bro why are you not freaking out we're normal there's a mutant zombie oh my God it moves so slow oh he's flying oh my gosh from above it looks normal by my side dude oh my gosh okay I gotta get rid of this thing Adam what is going on there was like a mutant zombie that just destroyed us freaking out man you said Porgy the pecker would be fine he's dead doesn't matter what his name is he's dead the boys are back to normal and they have no idea that I'm the one behind this at least I don't think they do they're just going about their day breaking their little old blocks and we're all back in normal sizes isn't that right boys are they about a kiss why are we back to normal now what is going you need to explain yourself now what would you like me to say it's not me I don't know what's going on I know as much as you do I'm just not freaking out like you why did the mutant zombie kill me and not you it did kill me they killed me after you you're sus if threw me up in the air and I died to fall damage I didn't see it okay okay okay What's your deal you say one thing and you do the other you mean that oh oh they got a most room what do we name this guy we should name a mushy yeah I like it Mushi the mushroom cow here's some bowls so now we can milk mushy and if I do this command the Mooshroom is going to double in size oh my gosh oh he's massive oh my God that is one big mushroom maybe when we milk him he gets bigger milk them milk them I'm gonna keep making it bigger we'll make it even bigger oh I'm gonna give him a lot of you more every time they're getting soup I'm making it bigger I can do this all day boys oh my gosh wait am I growing oh no I'm not I'm gonna make more yo it's working he's taking up the entire Island he's gonna fall what do we even do he said no he's taking up way too much of the island he's gotta go um oh my God that thing I hated no he had to go are you Siri I mean we did milk every last ounce out of him I think that was a threat to my Alpha status me being the leader of the two I can't have anyone trying to threaten that I'm gonna start making the boys even bigger now we're gonna make them 1.5 times their size but it's just gonna be Adam oh it's another one let's just keep them normal size all right let's not milk them okay I wonder if we can shrink him maybe if we hit him he shrinks you just got bigger Adam you're huge Adam you're huge I know I know I'm glad you noticed I've been working out a little bit that is insane and Alec is gonna get smaller wait what I'm getting tiny wait you actually look normal size now IRL no no I'm taller than you in your life yeah okay yeah oh my gosh I'm huge who's the Alpha Dog drop all your weapons now drop all your weapons see ya see ya see ya see you dirt boy don't you ever talk to me like that don't you dare disrespect me Adam's still lost dude all right I'll let you live you'll let me live I just kill let's make Alec even tinier and Adam even bigger yeah look at this little guy look at the little guy hey little guy it's not funny you know you want to laugh at me I like it's so tiny right now Adam's trapping you want to mess with me I put you in your cage look at that look at that you're in timeout oh no way that's amazing oh I can't even jump out it's your toes I'm gonna get your toes I'm gonna get your toes this is like a cat and a mouse how are they not questioning what's happening right now get it back I'm not getting back in my little hole Adam all right you just know your place I'm the giant I'm massive okay well you better protect me then because I'm maybe two inches tall how is this even happening there's not any chicken spawned so it can't be the chickens okay while the boys are busy with that I'm gonna head way over here and I'm gonna add my good friend Barako the sun cheat but before I do I need to figure out a way to make him absolutely massive okay I think that's the command that I want I'm gonna make him let's start with five times as big as usual if I go back here and I spawn him in I do this command he is going to be massive except it's his butt his butt is facing them somebody's in timeout hey little guy wow what's up little guy Adam that's not funny I'm dying Adam I'm dying wait what's happening what wait what I'm trying to tell you oh my goodness you're so annoying dude he's huge let's make him 10 times as big it's all up to Adam Alex I'm too big to build over I need you to build over oh my God he's huge he's enormous what is happening I'm gonna make Adam even bigger 25 times as big okay I'm dead I'm just dead I'm just dead you know what I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm flipping dead oh gosh you are insanely huge Adam please get him Adam's fight again he just walked over that Gap he's trying to kill it get him Adam come on Adam come on Adam get him I don't even know if he's taking any damage right now we gotta make Alec bigger too yes there we go yeah oh wow I'm super oh I can't even see you no the boys are massive oh no Adam's dead I think they both just died this game is flipping broken I can't play one survival mode in Minecraft dude I'm gone what I know this is you too siren don't act like it's not you what's me making us bigger and smaller you're the one that always adds them on to the game every time I just want to play regular survival mode and you'll do this is not true I'm sick and tired of it it's not true I first of all I never do that and also it's not me you won you know what did you leave you won you left have fun playing by yourself loser oh my gosh bro you're such a cheater I think Adam left the game it's just Alex oh my as a giant Adam come back dude please please come back I'm begging you oh wait Adam are you still here Adam I see Jack Adam Adam Jack is here why does it seem like he's looking at me can you see me uh he said I see you jack wait wait um it's been jacked the whole time it wasn't me dude I gotta go I gotta go you didn't see anything I'm out I'm out smash like subscribe
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 906,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft trapped, minecraft one block, one block, fooling my friends in minecraft, beckbrojack, tiny one block, shrink mod, tiny minecraft, shrinking minecraft
Id: 92kFNYGqh70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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