I BUILT An ENTIRE CITY In Minecraft! (Troll)

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today we're back on turtle town aka the minecraft server that was supposed to just be a jelly single player world but then josh hacked into it and now we started the troll ball that's basically the story and today i do the biggest troll ever however i do it on both jelly and josh if this video gets 80 000 likes i'll do another turtle town video but only if it gets 80 000 likes hit that subscribe button as well if you're new to my channel and let's just get right into this video so uh we might have a little bit of an issue right here and uh it also seems that jelly might also have an issue on the server that's right guys our sheep from when i trolled jelly last time have definitely been having fun while i wasn't on the server if you don't remember what i did to jelly here's a clip these two blocks are the very last blocks that i need to change and then jelly's entire house has been cranified check this out everybody so that's why the sheep are all yellow and they're why i needed a lot of them because i needed a lot of wool however as you can see we clearly have a problem right now there are way too many sheep and way too little space for them i think i got a solution though but before i show you guys my idea for the solution let's check out what this is also i can tell that jelly uh definitely changed the house back so he's been on does that mean i've been trolled i'm a little bit scared oh there's signs wait did josh troll him why would josh troll him wait there's still a little bit of yellow over there you forgot about that part jelly oh my god what a dumb you missed asbot trainer there we go we gotta help out our friends right hey jelly thank you very much for making my house fire and explosion proof as a thank you i've decided to do a full fire safety test on your house better safe than sorry slow go oh god that does not seem to have gone over too well josh i gotta be honest so the results are fail sorry josh is a jerk well good thing jelly changed his house to um stone again or else the entire thing would have been gone if it was wool what happened to josh's place anything in here ah whoa he's got a safety system installed jesus jaws how serious are you about this jelly must have really messed up okay this is kind of scary oh miss me miss me ow okay okay okay okay calm down i'll put this back nothing seems to have happened to my house which is good there are a couple of small things i want to get out of the way before we get to the big thing today though i gotta hide my diamond somewhere and i think i found the perfect spot let me just make a quick chest there we go last time i tried to hide my diamonds in a very secret fountain and you guys know how that went so this time i think i'm just gonna go for something a bit more obvious and hopefully so obvious that nobody's gonna see it i need to make some shears okay now if i simply just take a couple of leaves from another tree and then we take a chest and we like plunk it right here then we put the diamonds inside of it then we go okay can you see it yeah you can still now this is my secret diamond tree diamond chest don't tell anybody about it all i need to do is make sure that i always have leaves in my inventory so i can cover up the hiding spot again okay next thing on my to-do list i gotta fix my flag i don't even know what you can call this flag it's kind of a sad one isn't it my other one was really good but it burned down wait mow my flag how did that even happen alright you're going away sign and uh let me just get my shears you're going away too wool this is actually genius i have so many yellow sheep i can build the best flag this world has ever seen hello sheepies don't worry about me i just want to make you get naked real quick thank you i think 42 wool is probably going to be sufficient i want the highest flag and the biggest flag gosh josh did you really have to build your flag on a tower castle thing like come on man it's higher than josh's by like one that's what i'm talking about man here we go the craner flag has been planted let's go look at it from the ground this is so big i can't wait to see it i can't wait to see it josh's ridiculously small flag you spit on your flag jelly's non-existing flag lame crater's awesome best flag on the block that is the biggest most ridiculous flag i've ever seen i love it oh man that's how you start dominance on the minecraft server right here guys the best flag on the block there we go let me just leave a sign for josh as well stop admiring my flag you perfect ah that is hilarious i'll put one for jelly too there we go look at it the big mission today is actually going to be well it's going to be a big troll that's for sure i want to put all of these sheep inside of turtle town and i've already prepared a little bit check this out you see this fence right here it goes all the way around turtle time you can even see some right there all the way around but i still need a little bit more yeah it ends right here so i need to connect the two ends and then i need a way to get all those sheep inside a turtle town and then i'll show you what my plan is gonna need a lot of sticks as well i'm gonna make a fence well i want more than that thank you so the important part about this fence is making sure that none of the sheep can escape so we need to make sure that it's high enough and then here we're gonna be a little bit of an entrance then we need to bring it all the way around and connect it to the one that's right there okay that is quite a long way it's gotta be worth it though i think we'll put another opening here so people can enter easily and the final touch it is now entirely encased now i just need to bring the sheep in here somehow i don't know how to transport this many sheep well i have sheep's favorite food wheat it's ready in my hand all i got to do is make them all look at the wheat and then follow oh there's so many just listen to him oh geez all right here goes nothing sheep release yourselves follow me follow me she bobby follow me oh my goodness yes follow me to your new home i am the sheep whisperer come on sheep yes it's working so far guys it's working follow me come here we're losing a couple actually a couple hundreds we're so close i'm losing them all no no no follow me yes follow me i'm giving you a new home i'm being nice and we have the first batch of sheep in here now great all right now we need to get more sheep come here you silly sheep follow me follow me oh my oh they're gonna trample me to death get to your new home it's really paradise in here you can tell everybody loves it right all right stop making new babies we need more sheep two hours later am i not just the best guy on earth not only do these sheep now have a bigger place to live but i made turtle town a whole lot more beautiful now yeah you guys hungry here you go here you go yeah eat up guys eat up you guys are my beloved sheep i love you all so much you're so cute you're so cute you eat you eat you know what one thing that's missing though is that i don't think this really seems like turtle town anymore do you guys see i don't know about you guys but in order to be called turtle town i don't think it should be filled up with yellow sheep i think a more fitting name now would be trainer city since it's yellow what do you guys think jelly and josh are gonna be so mad i love it are you guys hungry all right here you go eat up guys eat up my children you hungry too okay everybody eats everybody eats here nobody goes hungry i think we need to put a little bit of a sign out front so they know what's going on hello jelly hey josh i had nowhere to put my paw sheep after the troll on delhi where i turned his house yellow no problem by the way jelly as the sheep farm was growing they were running out of space rapidly since i am a good guy i decided they deserved a bigger home welcome to crater city interfe one diamond i need more signs ps please beat the sheep if the they look hungry agree there we go all right perfect crainer city hey we did it oh we're missing one thing aka best city on the block i'm so ridiculous jelly and josh are gonna be so mad that i just took over the city but what are they gonna do about it gonna are they gonna kill all these innocent sheep i don't think so i don't think they are that's right my children eat up eat off what do you guys think about crainer city do you like it if you do then maybe check out one of these two videos as i'm sure you're also gonna love those
Channel: Crainer
Views: 1,757,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Slogoman, Jelly, Crainer, Minecraft, Troll
Id: uu4IaBOImV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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