Minecraft But There's ONE VIDEO GAME Block!

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me and jelly are stuck on one video game lucky block and we need to beat their game i'm not gonna tell you anything more than that you'll have to wait and see hey josh yeah if you hit this block with your head yeah a question mark appears and you might get random stuff how do i do with my head coins well yeah try it i can't push you off yeah yeah yeah maybe we should try to break oh instead oh okay what's this we got a random block from it oh wait a minute and that seems to be going up every time you blink oh that's pretty good okay i'm going to turn these all into the planks so as you can see behind us we've got a video game island whoa yeah that looks pretty cool right so and we can start building our bridge towards it that is the whole idea okay i also got a golden nugget i don't think i need that oh maybe you need this cookie though because you're hungry right uh no i'm not but do you want to eat this watermelon because you're on a diet we love each other yeah i'm gonna keep building the bridge i got some logs josh i could technically give you the planks uh technically that is also doable yeah yeah that should speed things up you know oh wait more logs bro got a ton of logs yeah i need to drop a log [Music] josh yeah keep that to yourself okay all right when are we gonna upgrade because i want to get the first item well if you look at the top the first bar is almost full keep going you're nearly there we're hitting level two level two one oh brother's unlocked luigi's hat and a firefly wait i got mario's hat oh we got job boost wait you're a mario luigi i mean it makes sense to be fair wait no hang on bridgewood bridgewood you suck loser okay so i think oh no josh look at that that's such a shame what the like the whole wood thing's burned down yeah okay well i think this is supposed to be a sus block jelly wait a sus wait is this among us i think so event and it should give us better items now and remember our goal is to beat the game true so we have to get good items and then we're we're going to go to the ender portal on that island right correct oh monday with the angle you just got [Music] [Laughter] very funny sorry i know why do we i mean it does seem a little dangerous that we've only got word but would you believe it okay stop josh yes this is a long bridge well yeah that's like what i've been working on yeah here look at this look at this it's all for you mate no i don't want it incredibly welcoming hey you got your burning on the block yeah yeah you'll be fine oh wait oh you died yeah well i was dying to my death died to my death oh jelly okay um i mean i got some of the blocks we're literally about to level this way wait i want to come back for the level up jelly yeah that's why i waited bro okay i'm coming okay actually do you think we should make a chest a chest i mean we haven't got like we can put good enough josh i'm fine look inside of the chest yeah but we don't need some of this stuff like gravel's not going to be that useful to us jelly really you don't think so no i'm going to get rid of some of this all right let's clean it up real quick okay jelly i want to do it i want to upgrade it oh no great go ahead go ahead touch whoa foster skill unlocked tap or what something about sneaking wait oh imposter's knife instantly kills most mops whoa ah wait what is the word sneaking i don't know tap just what did you just do how are you doing that i have no idea i want to do that that's cool i like that it's like a teleport it is yeah it's kind of like teleporting we're we're basically an imposter that's actually really cool oh and the next block is pokemon themed man pokemon so we could probably use wait do you think we can use that teleport to just teleport to the end i immediately fell through all right ready and i'm going to tell him what to do it's not working yet josh it's not working yet we need more blocks have you got enough how about you start working on the pokemon me the pokemon god let me first some random things that i don't need we're probably going to get a pokeball aren't we um yeah and something's gonna spawn and kill everything hopefully that would be nice all right i'm breaking it i am doing work this one what what are you doing nothing have you used up all your blocks did you fall through no uh something tells me you fell through okay we're nearly halfway on this one jelly josh we cannot let this thing burn down well i was trying to stop you from getting back but it yeah jelly jelly i will stand on the block don't worry about it i'm trying to stop you from being now make sure you've got inventory space yes because we're nearly there level and we're receiving pikachu outfit whoa look at me pikachu with luigi at and then lightning thank you jay what does that do i don't know ah what does the pokeball do maybe if we get close to mobs josh we can like pick them up like that maybe actually what happened the block just disappeared below you oh we got like buckets okay we're getting useful stuff yeah we're getting a lot of annoying stuff i'm gonna annoying i'm gonna get rid of things i don't think i'm gonna need annoying if i could get rid of jelly i would unfortunately this is not an optional okay when any leveled up this might be our final level whoa wait a master sword and a fireball what is that noise we don't have any arrows though do we have any arrows and why did you take your hat off jelly oh yeah true that this is terrifying we need arrows josh we need tarots tarots heroes dude what is this nintendo it's just a normal block wait we're getting diamonds and stuff now all right let's keep breaking this get some ender pearls oh this is oh we're at max this is literally when we're gonna get the pearls and we can go fight them and hopefully arrows and anything else we'll need i think it's safe to say that we've got enough now jelly you think so josh are we gonna make it oh my god did you can't make it did you put more blocks a trap door somewhere because i i went straight through the ground no i swear i did not okay all right um we've got so many items used by the way josh do you have ender pearls oh you do josh you have the teleportation ability yeah here you go here's some give me an interview here's some rocks and stuff oh okay all right that helps this should be more than enough for you to get over to the other side and what about you well you do the work my inventory is full job i'm just gonna have to build some real quick all right all right oh that was a lock that's a shame okay all right while you're doing that i'm gonna capture these goombas did i just capture a goomba hey oh we're here what's up i'm goomberg i'm captain no no jenny capture it wait what the heck diamond boots no no jenny just hold it hold it just hold it and then go third person [Laughter] that looks so funny they turn in the boots out you can capture it though with a pokeball oh it's dead yeah i mean it's dead now all right where are we going wow so what's this do you have enough inter pools josh because jelly is a lot of good stuff yeah well i mean i have so many things i want to try out the imposter knife on something true oh here this one wait first pokeball whoa okay we've got like op stuff jelly josh i think the portal's down here uh wait teleport do we have okay oh jelly sorry that was me that was actually i shot down a fireball thank you jelly thank you i fell through again okay julie so don't do what you did how are we gonna get down there are you i'd stop we could have landed on that it's too risky man okay there are among us characters down here jelly i'm coming i'm gonna capture one in a pokeball i can capture them this feels hey what yeah where are they they're just chilling here wait let me try let me try this is so funny what's with the fireball by the way is it so op uh yeah can you stop please hey what's up wait is the imposter jenny hey dude this is sick i found a fence josh okay well we need to find the portal there's actual vents here josh okay we need to find the portal jelly i think this is an among us map are you dumb you just figured that out yeah okay dude i'm going through the vets okay but jelly we need to find the portal oh yeah right wait wait wait wait press the turn on warp drive i think we need to turn on the warp drive jelly i guess we click this turn on warp drive oh wait this is the portal throw the poke balls in wait what the heck whoa wait oh wait here's the portal whoa wait this is the tree from avatar [Music] uh okay all right i'm just going to not talk never mind don't worry oh my god josh this is the ultimate moment no do not burn the tree it's wood oh my that arrow does so much damage oh yeah you get avatar this isn't an avatar tree j is it's allergic to zelda just you know what don't worry about it don't worry about it okay it's all good copy the legend yeah exactly what i'm saying all right let me um oh okay i think josh it's time to enter the fiery portal uh off we go let's capture the ender dragon in our poke ball josh do you think that's possible so we can use the lightning careful josh i mean that did me down to half health but we're out can we do it from a distance uh so we gonna whoa whoa whoa it's charmander it's a pokemon really is this oh my yeah oh yeah that's what i meant what did you say that that's what i said it's armando no no that's what i said come on you can just poke all the enemies god this uh lightning thing makes it real easy oh my god we're literally killing him with the lightning wow are you shooting me jelly yeah i could just imposter knife these endermen i could probably kill every single one ah you're so good okay all right josh first we need to get the healers remember i think we've got still we don't got all of them fireball gosh it's fire versus fire it doesn't work in pokemon uh well no it does damage just it's not as effective right all right still got healers wait until he lands so we can throw a pokeball josh just wait just stop don't don't we're gonna try and catch her in the pokeball yes gosh all right fine you doing it yeah i threw one come on somebody he's using his wings it's being thrown away okay i'm imposter knifing him and i'm now flying myself am i dying oh my god i died can you tell it to come down please hey charizard come down here yeah charmander it worked it worked and all right so just use the master sword no yo let's go he's dead and now we can complete the game jelly yeah i'm out i won first no we won together thanks for watching head over sewer.com and click the video on the screen to watch more
Channel: Slogo
Views: 966,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, lucky block, one block, Minecraft But There's ONE VIDEO GAME Block!, video game block, video game, among us lucky block
Id: rnuevkRVaCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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