Reacting to Ultra Realistic Minecraft!

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so i don't know about you guys but i've been seeing a lot of videos about realistic minecraft well here's one right now we've got a bionic-looking dude who is uh built a weird-looking house wait what uh hang on a second that's not water okay and then sponge and it just sucks it all in hang on what what what what is this um that's cool i have to admit wait so now he's put a piston next to it and he just can push it around and the water comes out okay now i can see why people like this stuff that was weirdly kind of satisfying okay let's see if we can find some more realistic minecraft videos to look at wait who's this weirdo all right just keep scrolling okay so we've got another weird box looking thing and the water gets dropped down yeah i still can't get over how that looks wait look you got rid of the water oh does it not disappear hang on a second he's got lava in his inventory oh oh whoa that looks so cool and it turns so obsidian it it kind of looks tasty am i why am i getting hungry from that okay oh and he's dropped down look at that that is so cool it's a little bit smoky but hey it does the job okay so here's a great question what if you put a realistic chain in minecraft okay we're taking realism to a whole new level right now well they look pretty normal to me oh heck wait uh that hang on a second that what is this okay whoa that's actually really cool could i like attach jelly to it uh those are the real questions look how it just swings that's so awesome okay what's next okay redstone in the ground piston okay and well he's got a chain he's gonna attach it wait it's gonna pull the chain is that even oh so that's a normal minecraft chain but realistic chain let's see how that works oh it like breaks it that's so cool okay this is getting better and better what have we got now so we summoning something with a command block realistic earthquake hold on a second wait what is that why is that why is there just a dirt block in the middle wait uh-oh uh that is an earthquake that is that looks so real it's minecraft but it looks real this is really kind of frying my brain a bit uh although it was kind of only a little earthquake wasn't it i wouldn't call that an earthquake i'd call that an uh jiggle maybe here's a great question what if you had to make a realistic iron golem huh so doing the basics i see and now what oh oh where did that come from it's like is it is it forming the golem um oh wait is that what actually happened um wait there it is that's cool imagine if that actually happened in minecraft so let's try out some realistic slime blocks okay so that's the realistic one and that's the normal one all right i'm ready for this i'm gonna do some experiments with it that sounds fun all right so what are we gonna start with we're starting with the normal one and oh look how it hangs that's so cool i love how it can compare it between the two as well uh wait a second okay this is getting a little bit more oh okay so uh oh okay yeah that was kind of disappointing that was the normal one so what if we drop an anvil on a realistic one and it bounces oh wait why doesn't the normal minecraft block do that okay we're just gonna shoot it with arrows now it's not that bad wait he's gonna shoot this one as well oh it just waddles it makes such a cute sound as well okay that is cool i now i honestly think that this should be in minecraft out of everything so far that has been the best okay uh um [Music] wait it tumbles down the stairs okay it's so cute when it's small i hope you brought a jacket because this one's gonna make you feel a little bit chilly uh yeah it's realistic snow in minecraft now uh yeah so it's it's like a blanket of snow like on top of the wait do you think it oh it picked up a snowball oh and it swings do you think he's leaving footsteps i kind of want to see if there's footsteps okay what else can you do in the snow snow angels baby wait is something covered up wait wait oh it leaves a mark on the bricks that's cool uh oh it's gotten dark uh spooky the port of the may is this way that rhymes by the way uh is there gonna be a spooky monster in the snow at night are those footsteps from something else uh oh um maybe put a torch down to help you see maybe that could be helpful is this like an abandoned house uh why do i feel like there's gonna be a jump scare here somewhere oh it's just a normal armor stand right um okay ah okay finally a torch down pages um why do i try to convince myself that it's gonna get spooky wait a diary um this took a turn i did not expect so someone left their diary in here but what does it mean yeah maybe light the place up a bit better wait what uh secret ladder i i did not expect this video to go this way guys is it gonna end up in like a murder mystery don't go down oh he's going down okay all right prepare spider attack okay well that wasn't too bad was it now what you're going to do just check the barrels wait ice another door oh the the torches uh is that a snowman wait concealed in realistic looking ice what are you gonna reveal that thing what if it's like a murdering realistic yeah i i think we're best leaving that one i think it might be a good idea to move on to something a little bit more lighter and cheerful um hopefully we've got some more really cool water physics realistic to look at uh i don't know why i said that since it's now order and okay looking good water is the best thing when it's realistic wait did some water leak out just then okay well the door how you could contain it now wait a second lot is there realistic water down there do you think is this gonna all splash out okay that's cool okay the roof's going i have a feeling it's gonna fly into the sky now all right just another piece of tnt in there nicely done and let's see what happens i'm imagining it's gonna go up it did nice okay well how can this get any cooler i feel like there's gonna be another thing here okay what is it all gonna flow out oh that's so cool okay you didn't make something big enough and it's gone everywhere good job i honestly thought that grass was already quite realistic in minecraft but apparently ah i know yeah now i see it makes it's clear to me now what realistic grass would look like that is so cool it looks like i it does need a mow though someone needs to get that wait oh huh it's so it's kind of cute it's like a little haircut it's going up and down imagine if you had like an entire field of that and you can sort of walk through it as well seeing all this cool stuff is making me wonder minecraft 2.0 think about the potential let's expand on that lavra that we saw earlier on i want to see it in its truest purest form oh beautiful okay not messing with water today but it good luck using that anvil ever again that's all i'm gonna say right now do you think it sets you on fire if you stand at it it probably does i don't know why i'm asking silly questions okay so what's next um wait is there gonna be why is there a pumpkin is this iron golem uh oh no oh i'm sorry i'm sorry mr iron golem oh doesn't seem that bothered it's just like yeah this is my life now i've i i accept this oh and he's off doesn't even affect him now that's a badass right there okay what have we got here uh doing some commands okay so they put lava inside of this and it is leaking out from the fences ah okay uh i mean i remember when uh you know water wouldn't even do that so lava doing it huh realistic bodies were minecraft mobs but we're racing to the bottom okay magma slime versus normal slime where are your bets okay i'm gonna say well it looking like the normal slime's gonna make it unless the magma slime gets really lucky here i think it's a oh oh they're getting a big map of slime's in front i did not see that one coming well yeah i get yeah i guess i kind of did i mean magma slime is much cooler than the normal slime it makes sense and with the magma slime behavior uh we need to get that question answered uh okay well it looks like there's quite the lead now the question is oh oh no oh okay so the magma sign got stuck for a bit which has definitely made it a little bit more even and mangostone just slammed into the bomb oh they're on top of each other i feel like i'm watching horse racing right now but uh it's somehow more interesting um okay so a few i don't know how far they've got to go but magma slime has pretty solidly stayed in its lead that it gained but green slime keeps making it look like it's got big moves coming and then it kind of just stops oh oh oh oh could we could we see it overtake here oh no i think we're at the end and mega slime has it boom oh okay well uh uh yeah that'll be fine guys i'm sure that's i'm sure they're fine well it's only fair for foreign slimes down things we should throw a steve as well i'm sorry steve uh that oh that one was brutal oh okay um imagine just imagine real minecraft if you had realistic physics and every time you tripped this is you i don't we would just be waiting there for absolutely ages to get down from a mountain because your face is just getting crushed on every single step down uh i guess we just won't ask why that one hurt right in the forehead out there goes the knees yeah i guess we won't ask why uh there's random houses floating we'll just accept it and at the end lands on top okay oh and uh he just decided to liquidate himself that okay that's like the creep that that's creepy there's just gonna be a pool of steve in this house for some reason that's kind of giving me a creepy feeling oh and he's back are you gonna get up or you're just gonna lay there forever well there's a creeper outside your house by the way you might be a bit careful about that i was trying to think what else can you make realistic why did i not think to myself gravel and sand of course the stuff that drops like unlike any other block like why would there not be a realistic version of that oh that oh the stands it kind of stays a bit clumpy so there's actually a difference between sand and gravel okay so we've got what an experiment here to compress them into one okay and oh oh it it kind of just like collapsed straight away actually but what if you saw it kind of like closed in a bit oh i didn't realize you could kick it as well and oh it's stuck to your feet buddy a realistic tree maybe that sounds interest oh oh it already looks cool wait is that it there oh it's so tiny wait how i hope we don't have to wait like years oh no never mind whoa oh uh that that whoa that is so cool and you've even got realistic grasp with it we're being spoiled and look the leaves are just blowing in the wind can we chop it down we need to chop it down i i i can't rest until i see this chopped down don't worry guys i wouldn't leave you unsatisfied it's not the same tree but it is a realistic tree getting chopped down bottom goes and it kind of collapses how are you gonna get the wood now that's just i feel like we could have planned this out a bit smarter than that well i did say i'd show you well i think the best way to end this video is with a realistic explosion unfortunately though it's only going to happen if you guys click like on this video right now otherwise we're going to be looking at this house for a while and it's overdue getting exploded so uh if you could do that that would be great um yeah i do have other things to do today oh you did it you click like all right realistic explosion here we go so i think we just need to click the lever oh it was already clicked uh whoops
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,703,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, react, reaction, oddly satisfying, realistic minecraft, minecraft physics, solo
Id: nmC4LKgfVqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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