I Survived 100 Days as a RHINO in Minecraft

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this is really sad but rhinos are going extinct and without help from the world these amazing animals will not be around much longer and I actually really love rhinos and want to share my love for them with you which is why I've actually added rhinos into Minecraft with all sorts of crazy Rhino abilities and now I'm gonna try and survive 100 days in Minecraft azerino all while three poachers try and stop me will I be able to survive against the ruthless poachers let's find out oh God I'm a baby look I literally only have eight hearts of HP and of course to make matters worse there's three poachers over there who are allowed to start poaching me the second I leave this rock but luckily we have our Rhino upgrade menu where we can get more Hearts get crazy strong attacks organ abilities that let my Rhino fly but that's for later because right now we just have to worry about escaping these three poachers so let's go this way go go go go go [Music] oh I just saw a bullet fly by oh my goodness let's get this for us oh get up here get up you're gonna be your kids get in this tree he's in the trees I'm climbing it huh wait where'd he go oh goodness let's grab some more grab some more grab some more I've got these logs oh tree trees this way this way I don't stand still this way this way this way quick oh quick this way grab this log get in this way this way this way I'm out of ammo I got a few shots left hello little Rhino quick oh oh yeah we literally have one heart we literally have one heart go this way oh go this way oh God Escape Rhino I think we're good I think we're losing them yes we are gone we survived with one HP now let's just go find a place to build our first Rhino base okay we found a village so let's just build our base here because it's gonna be safer so let's start by killing some of these sheep that are in the village okay cool we now have three white wool which means we can make a bet and we have food to get back to full health let's just cut down a few trees over here real quick and then we can start building the base somewhere in this Village okay we got a bunch of logs now so let's quickly make a crafting table and then let's make a basic wooden pickaxe now let's get three stone and now let's make a stone pickaxe I just made a stone hole oh my goodness okay now let's make a stone pickaxe and let's start digging out the rest of our base thank you okay the base is carved now it's gonna start filling with all our basic survival supplies which we'll continue doing tomorrow but for now let's just block up our entrance and let's go to sleep until day two on days two to six I finished up our first Rhino base and it wasn't easy because the poachers actually were really close to the base twice and if they caught me this early it's likely game over okay so welcome your faces to the first Rhino base their space is honestly perfect it's not only super disguised in the wall over here but it also has all the survival Essentials we need like a chest a crafting table and some furnaces it also has a secret back entrance where we can jump off if we need to make a quick Escape or we just want to go to the mine shaft and then last but definitely most importantly we have a bed now and Ben's literally half the amount of time this challenge takes so they're completely essential but anyway now that we have the base complete it's time to start working on Rhino upgrades in the first Rhino upgrade I want to work on is called Rhino horn which basically gives me a rhino horn attack that works like a diamond sword and it tosses them five blocks in the air when they're hit yeah we're unlocking this and to unlock it we just need to kill five Snow Golems hit 16 things with snowballs use one goat horn and get two kills with an iron sword on the poachers so let's start working on this upgrade by first battling the snow golems so let's start by going and getting ourselves some pumpkins which we can literally just get right here okay we've got all the pumpkins now just go make some shears and go find a snow biome okay let's make some shears and a shovel and now let's go find some snow oh there's a snow mountain generating in front of us let's go we found the snow okay so let's start by collecting some snow blocks now let's turn all these snowballs into snow blocks now if we put down five pumpkins like this and cheer them and then take them back we can now make snowmen so let's go ahead and put down two snow blocks with a carb pumpkin on top and we get a snow golem which we kill them we get the first part of our Quest complete well once we kill four more there we go five still Golems killed now over here let's grab some extra snowballs and now let's Peg the Sheep 16 times and there we go now we're done with that too now we just need to use a goat horn or kill two of the poachers with an iron sword now I actually see some goats at the top of this mountain but the problem with these goats is I don't have any stone on me so let's go home let's get some Stone and we'll pay our goat friends a visit tomorrow okay we're back at the top of the mountain but I don't see any goats there's no goats up here anymore oh wait here's one I found one hiding over here so let's start by flattening out these Hills so it makes the goats easier to hit me okay so let's put a bunch of stone on this back wall right here and now let's just play the waiting game we just gotta be ready to dodge [Music] oh what it was the one far away no yeah we got a goat horn now just play it and now he's here to get two poacher kills one iron sword but for now let's just head on home with our goat horn in hand okay we're home and as you can see the sun's starting to set which would normally mean I would just go to bed and make it day 10 but I actually want to go looking for the poacher's base because it could take a little while to find so let's quickly head back to spawn and see if they're living in their tents and if not we'll go looking for the poacher's first hidden base you know their campsite is definitely abandoned there's nothing here no chest furnaces and no poachers oh we got a shipwreck up ahead wait a minute I see names underneath it I think the shipwrecks being looted hold on oh my God yeah the poachers are literally here no this isn't a shipwreck I think they turned a shipwreck into their base no shot okay hold on get him quick that's wonderful and iron sword nice down here let's get to the lower deck let's start digging through their ship let's go this way [Music] why are you running next we're gonna miss through the two who won on me hello he's healing he's healing healing eat some food let's lose them in these trees real quick okay let's get in the trees oh stay low let's unlock our new combat ability the Rhino horn now let's use this to get out of here okay we set him up oh my gosh oh that was a lot of fall damage you just took he's running place he's dead that's one down there's one behind me we're gonna quickly get him ready oh I'm dead he's dead he's dead one more he's definitely dead there I know dude get out here we just hit him flying run run oh we got one more honest but you're gonna lose this guy you're not getting away Rhino I want my revenge I know we can lose him I know we can lose him right here here's where we lose him ready I'm gonna poach you Rhino oh gosh stop doing that oh holy water dude he's done he's literally done go go are we free yeah we're out here we're out here there's literally no one else on us we are gone so with our brand new Rhino horn ability unlocked we are a ton stronger I mean I can hit anything and send it it's playing but now it's time to work on our second upgrade we just gotta be for more Hearts because I still only have eight hearts which just isn't enough I'm squishy so let's unlock the teenage Rhino with 16 total Hearts to get it we just need 16 gray wool a diamond sword and 128 wheat so let's start by getting the gray wool because it's actually really easy to get because to get gray dye you just have to combine white dye and black dye and then you just need to combine it with some wool to get the colored wool so let's start by sharing a bunch of sheep okay we've got all the wool we need so now let's go into the ocean and let's find some squids for some easy black dye okay that's all the ink sacks we need so now let's just go get some bones for some white dye which we can simply do down in our cave below our Pace speaking of the devil here's some skeletons okay now we have all the bones we need and so if we turn our bones into bone meal and we turn that bone meal into white dye in our crafting inventory and then we turn the ink sacks into black dye in our inventory we then put all that together to get ourselves gray dye which we have 32 of and we can buy with our white wool that gets his 32 gray wool which is all we need to become a teenage Rhino and now we need to get wheat and a diamond sword okay so there's a bunch of diamonds I still haven't grabbed in the cave down below so let's just quickly grab those and make ourselves the diamond sword we're gonna need here's one there's two diamonds now let's make ourselves a diamond sword and now all we need left is a bunch of wheat which we can get out in our village over here let's go get some wheat from the village start grabbing up all the hay Hunter's rear he's there he's there he's there dude he's he's at the hay here go in here am I going out the back now let's go around this house and this time we're gonna go back in oh he is inside this house oh he's here oh get out I should kill him let's kill him oh Dallas Cape down this cape back this way surprise oh oh nice he finally fell fast oh oh God he tried to pull me down we got him we got him he's low done he's done he's done yes we got him pull there's one more in that cave going here no can we block him in we block him out please what is this oh we got him he was stopped there we go let's go they found her Village but they didn't find our base as you can see on the ground right next to me they weren't kidding they were shooting bullets at me anyway let's turn all of our hay bales into wheat and let's go and let's turn into a teenage Rhino so we have more Hearts just in case the poachers come back but anyway as you can see we're a full teenage Rhino we have 15 hearts of HP we are so much bigger and we have strength one so our Rhino is pretty strong in other words teenage Rhino there's only one more tier one ability to go and that's tough toes which makes it so I no longer take fall damage or fire damage and Soul Sand doesn't slow me down now I would start working on this upgrade today but as you can see we don't fit in our base anymore so let's make the base a little bit bigger and tomorrow we'll unlock tough toes okay so to actually unlocked tough toes we're gonna need three sets of iron Boots 12 Bones and nine milk buckets basically we gotta drink our milk and get our calcium so let's start by going into our chest we're grabbing our iron ingots and let's make three sets of iron boots now that that's done let's go ahead and make nine buckets and now let's take those buckets outside now let's milk a cow nine times and now we literally just need 16 bones and we're done with this upgrade so let's go down to the caves and quickly grab 12 more bones tough toes which means we no longer take fall damage so I could just leap off of cliffs and no damage is taken and of course I no longer burn in lava so this rhino is truly tough okay now it's time to work on our tier 2 upgrades it sets up a big fat Rhino I want to stomp things so let's unlock stomp it actually unlock stomp we need to get the surge protector advancement we also need to kill 25 Mobs with fall damage and kill four of the poachers with our Rhino horn if we go to our advancements page and we click here we're gonna see that we can get surge protector by protecting a villager from an undesired shock without starting a fire and that means putting a lightning rod in this Village to save a villager so let's quickly go to the base let's grab some copper and let's throw it inside of our Blast Furnace now let's make ourselves a lightning rod and let's just place it in the middle of this Village right over here and now he's gonna wait for a storm for that to work so in the meantime let's go get 25 mob kills with fall damage which might sound hard but it's not gonna be too bad because with our Rhino horn we can send mobs flying there's one there we go we have all the mobs killed and it's still not storming so instead let's head to the poacher's base and get the four kills we're gonna need with our Rhino horn one of them is literally on the beach right now let's try and catch him off guard by diving in the water oh they're all on the beach fishing I gotta do this let's get it from the water here we go here we go here we go one of them's in the water let's get him more shark he doesn't even see us he doesn't see us he doesn't seems blow him ready oh he sees it oh he sees us dude yeah oh he's done there's one there's one with the horn the bullets please try to run he's done this too oh it's raining oh it's raining I need to get home so I can get surge protector that's three kills let's kill him let's kill him quick I'm dead that's four let's go let's go let's get out here oh I just got shot oh we're low let's go this way get over the field one's behind this one's honest threw me back down here okay he's running let's go this way quick we need to get home while it's raining oh God they're really close bucketed please done there's just one on the hill guys I think my game Crash oh my goodness he was taking no knockback let's use that to get out of here go go go go go okay now he's gonna get to the lightning rod Ney you're a villager because it has to protect the Villager I hear a bunch of villagers over here ready right there yes we got it we did it surge protector unlocked now let's quickly go inside to dry off and let's unlock our new ability Stomp okay so is Dom complete we can now do this and basically destroy everything around us so if I want to destroy this villager house all I gotta do is this and just like that I've destroyed the house but anyway now that we've unlocked stomp there's only one more tier to upgrade to go and that's the herbivore tenacity and this upgrade basically makes it to any food we eat gives us resistance to and regeneration so to unlock it we need 64 grass 10 golden carrots and five composters and luckily I see some grass on the ground over here from what we just broke and now let's just take our shears and grab the rest of the grass we're gonna need there's all the grass now just grab some composters from around the village okay it turns out there's no composters in this Village at all so it said we gotta craft it which luckily isn't too hard we just need a bunch of wooden slabs so let's grab our logs turn a bunch of them into planks let's turn all those into slabs as well now we simply do a shape like that and we have all the composters we need which literally just leaves golden carrots so let's go outside and see if we can get any carrots oh wait of course we can't there's no Farm here so I said let's go look for a village that's actually gonna have some carrots in it okay we found another Village let's see if it has carrots in it okay here we go here's a farm over here let's see how many carrots this one has okay okay we got a bunch of carrots so now just go home and combine them with our gold and then we'll have everything we need to unlock our brand new herbivore upgrade okay so let's just grab the gold from the base real quick okay and we'll is that creeper oh he's coming back he's coming he's coming he's coming surprise oh we pranked them oh I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm the back of the back of the back back all the base is toast I was able to dive out the back though oh god let's go this way let's go for this guy again he's done oh we're low oh gosh they're both behind me there we go go this way let's give this one nice he's dead oh God no I didn't heal there's one below now oh there he is oh dude no next we got him oh while he was eating we took him out but our base is toast yeah there's literally nothing left inside of here meaning we don't have the gold to turn our carrots into gold carrots so instead I guess let's just go build another base somewhere else because this one is definitely done for and so I went off to build our new Rhino base which I decided would be best to hide in the spiky cave okay so welcome to the brand new Rhino base this base is crazy down below we have the cave that looks like it's full of a bunch of teeth and then up above is where I hid my base behind the giant spikes but once we come around the side here we're back inside the base where we can simply walk in our iron doors and we're in we've got another portal all the furnaces and crafting we're ever gonna need chests and of course the best part the best but with this base unlocked we have everything we're gonna need to finish the herbivore upgrade so let's grab our stack of glass a bunch of our carrots some of our gold and our composters and now let's turn our gold ingots into gold nuggets and surround the carrots in as many gold nuggets as possible and just like that we have everything we need to unlock the herbivore upgrade and so now if I eat something like a carrot it you're gonna see I get saturation and resistance when I eat a carrot and I can eat them super fast so carrots are now super open to hold on to which means it would probably be smart to start a carrot Farm but we have upgrades to work on like we could really use more Hearts so let's become an adult Rhino all we need is 64 leather nine lava buckets and 32 glow berries now none of that should be too hard to get but let's start with the easiest part which is just collecting a bunch of leather and since we already have 27 leather in the chest we just have to grab about 40 more out in this field goodbye cow that we're gonna need so now just head on home and tomorrow we get the glow berries okay now we have to get 32 glowberries which should be pretty easy because even though my cave doesn't have any glowberries but my last basis cave did have glowberries so let's go down into the water and go get some glowing sustenance so now let's just start grabbing them and there we go we have 32 glowberries and now we just need nine lava buckets which will be super easy to get so let's just head on home and make some buckets so let's grab our iron make nine buckets and now just go find some lava to steal from and there we go just like that we can already turn into an adult Rhino so let's transform and now we're an adult Rhino you're gonna notice we are way bigger way fatter and we have a spear sticking out of us and I'm sure you also noticed that I have 32 Hearts jump to speed one and strength two but that's not what makes this adult Rhino super op you see as an adult Rhino I actually get a new ability called passive slam so basically if I climb up the hill like this and then leap off it I'm so big things now explode and that's just the beginning on how op these rhinos are gonna get because trust me the poachers are definitely in for a real surprise soon and so with our first tier 3 upgrade complete there's only two more to go we have impale which lets us charge forward and anything I hit we'll take constant damage for like 10 seconds or I can unlock horn breaker which doubles all ores I mine it'll lets me break all blocks I touch so let's get that one all we need is three enchanted diamond pickaxe four ancient debris and 500 Cobblestone uh we currently have four Stacks plus a little how much is that total we have 310 Cobblestone right now on days 29 to 30 I went ahead and redid the base again because my Rhino was now so big I didn't fit in my own base okay so now that I actually fit in my base again let me show you what I changed I basically made a fat nether portal a fat cave entrance and a much fatter door but now at least we fit in our own house so that our base is Big again let's go in let's work on our next tier three upgrade which has got to be horn breaker because it lets us double all the ores we mine and let's be plow through blocks which means the poacher's base is doomed that actually unlock horn breaker we just need three Enchanted pickaxes 500 Cobblestone and four ancient debris and since we already have 310 Cobblestone right here we just need a little bit more so let's go down to the caves and let's start getting some cobblestone okay there we go that's all the Cobblestone we need so now let's just go get some diamonds for the three enchanted diamond pickaxes we need okay we officially have all the diamonds we need now let's go back to the base and make three Diamond Pickaxes so let's just make a couple sticks combine them with the diamonds to make ourselves Three diamond pickaxes and now we just need to enchant them but we don't have an enchanting table so we'll get one tomorrow so to make an enchanting table we need the following stuff and we already have two extra diamonds and the obsidian so all we really need is this book on top which requires one leather and three paper so let's kill this cow for its leather and now just go grab some sugar cane down here and let's turn it into paper and just like that we have a box now if we combine our two diamonds our four obsidian and our one book together we get an enchanting table which we'll put right there now we just go to enchant the three Diamond Pickaxes so let's grab our lapis and let's do this one this one and this one and we're done we've got 500 Cobblestone and three enchanted diamond pickaxes so now we just need four inches debris from the nether which really shouldn't be that hard okay so we made it to the nether so now we just gotta go fight so let's just go digging around for some ancient debris because once we find it we'll be able to Tunnel around the whole world and basically get any ores we want okay we found a piece of land so now let's just dig down right here okay so maybe not right there let's go a little closer to this wall over here thank you okay we have our tunnel at the bottom of the nether so now just keep digging around until we find some ancient debris okay we've officially got all four ancient debris we need so let's head back to the base because we have everything to unlock the horn breaker upgrade so with everything in our inventory that we need we can unlock the horn breaker upgrade and this upgrade is op because I can just walk into a wall and start mining everything in front of me and everything I do touch is automatically doubled so let's fill this in back in with some dirt real quick okay so with our brand new block breaking ability unlocked we can get resources a ton faster which brings us to our next tier 3 upgrade which is called in pale now this ability is going to let me charge forward and Destroy anyone in my path so you know I want to unlock this one and so to actually unlock it we need to kill five pigs with drip Stone break a shield kill two llamas with a bow and stomp on poachers 20 times and once I do those four things we'll be able to do the next upgrade okay so let's start with the easiest part which is breaking my shield all we have to do is go to a village and let Iron Golem smash through it okay here's two Iron Golems right here so let's go ahead and let's whack one of them now let's whack the second one break my shield okay now we were being attacked by two so this should really take out the shield quick they broke it now let's get out of here and let's go home to make a new Shield Ah that's better okay so now just kill some pigs with drip Stone so let's go ahead and let's set up a pig trap so first things first let's dig a hole in the ground right here and let's pull some carrots out so the pigs are attracted to it nice we got one in get in there piggy yes that's two okay let's get these two pigs over in the hole now yeah get in there get in there yes we got that's four that's five there we go there we go we got them all in there we got them all in now let's go and let's build above them with Cobblestone really high up now let's put drip Stone on the bottom of this Cobblestone okay so now let's just break all this Cobblestone and the drip Stone's gonna rain on the pigs below and kill them there we go let's just do this start breaking all these oh and no pigs survive okay perfect well there we go we got five pigs killed the drip Stone just like that and since it's night time let's head on home oh wait wait oh my God the hunters are near my base I don't want to go to my base they may see me enter it what are they doing hold on we need to get rid of them they're gonna see me running up I'm so big there's no hiding who I am they're gonna see me running up they definitely already see me I don't care about the mobs we're going in gotta kill them they're way too close to our base right now there we go let him get close there we go we detonated one get some regeneration going [Music] well I I guess oh my gosh okay we blew him up only one more we got off let's just rush him Alice no no no no you know I don't he's running he's running he's running oh he's trying to get away he's done I'm going he's stuck in water oh he's shielded him I'm dead and it doesn't matter cause we just hit him with our horn and luckily they're all dead now so now let's go home at least now he's gonna kill two llamas with a bow which might sound easy but it's anything but because llamas are super hard to find and they legit only spawn in one biome so let's start looking for some llamas so we can kill him with our bow and so I looked around everywhere for a savannah Plateau literally the only biome that llama spawn in and because they're so rare it would take three days just to find one oh llamas wait is this a savannah Plateau oh we're in one we found one hello llamas I don't think I've ever found naturally spawning llamas before so I'm actually kind of excited to kill you with my bow yeah bring it on buddy Bring It On yeah you're done yeah you're toast too buddy the baby's spitting at me stop it there we go we've killed the two llamas with the bow now let's just head on home because we still get a stomp a bunch of the poachers it took all of day 40 just to get home and once I was home I went looking for the poacher's new base because all I needed to do was use our slam ability on them 20 times oh oh I just saw one of the hunters in a tiny corner there I just found their base that is a massive staircase but let's see if there's a way we can get up that without them seeing us okay let's move this waterfall okay we're almost to the top I don't know if they saw me coming up there I see one of their beds right there where do you go where'd they go there he is oh 360. I'm at six oh we got him here okay we blew up again every time he comes outside let's just keep getting him get off of me no no no there's nobody in here where'd he go he's down here oh 11. they're shooting me with the rifles let's get down there get close nice weak shielded it he's at the bottom I'm dead boom baby oh there's one close let's get him nice that we hit him with it oh he's chasing he's chasing eat your food oh they're on me they're on me hold on I see okay I'm just seeing a lot of blocks flying up yeah we got 20. no there we go we gotta let's quickly unlock our new compatibility impale we got it now if we use it we should be able to dash really fast there we go nice nice that was it that was the move there we go nice okay we have our new ability in pale let's try it out we got him with it oh he's taking a ton of damage look at that get back here rhino oh my gosh oh eating oh you can't do anything you go away oh my goodness oh a big rhino Escape boom okay this new impalability is amazing and now that we have it unlocked let's get out of here okay so now that we've unlocked our new ability in pale we can launch ourselves like this but impales an amazing ability that makes it super easy for me to escape tough situations and with impale unlocked we've officially completed all the tier 3 upgrades meaning there's only six upgrades to go we can either become an even stronger Elder Rhino unlock a bunch of baby rhinos that'll attack for us or we can unlock rage combo which makes it so that any Mobil loot is looted with looting three and after I kill them I get strengths pen and speed 10. so let's get that one that actually unlocked the rage ability we need nine strength potions 64 sugar and 30 experience levels so let's start with those strength Potions by going into The Nether and taking on a ton of blazes over here at the Nether Fortress okay we've got all 10 blaze rods we need so now let's go ahead and let's find some Nether Warts here we go now let's grab all these okay that's all the Nether Warts we need so now let's simply head on home so we can start making some potions so let's go with let's make three Brewing stands using nine Cobblestone and three blaze rods now let's stack these things right here and since it's night outside let's go to bed and tomorrow we'll finish making the potions so let's start by grabbing a bunch of this sand right here if that would now let's throw the sand in to smelt and if we take all that nine glass and turn into glass bottles fill them with water or blaze rods into blaze powder and now it's at our blaze powder fuel to each of our Brewing stands then we simply add these Nether Warts right here now we add the blaze powder and now we wait for the awkward potions to turn into strength potions there we go and we're done now all we need to finish the upgrade is 64 sugar and 30 XP levels so let's grab some sugar because that's super easy to do and there we go just like that we have all the sugar cane we need so let's turn that sugar cane into sugar and now all we need is one experience level and then we can finish this upgrade so let's go around just killing a bunch of stuff till we reach level 30. and there we go we're level 30 which means we can unlock the rage ability which means anytime I kill a mob I'm now in Rage mode where I have speed 10 and strength 10. this ability is incredible but uh it's night time so let's get out of here and let's go to bed and now since we finished that upgrade let's unlock a bunch of baby rhinos literally all we have to do is breed a bunch of sheep tame five cats which luckily spawn in jungles or would you have to kill the poachers six times with their new impalability so let's start with the easiest part of that which is definitely just breeding sheep let's just go to the Village over this way and grab some of the hay so now just go look for some sheep and start breeding them okay come here Mr sheep you come this way come here friend okay here we go ready sheep meat sheep now make baby what's up yay we did it one sheep tamed 19 to go and there we go that is the last sheep we need to breed and with the sun setting let's just head on home okay now let's just check out this Village and see if we can find any cats there should be some cats I see one come here kitty okay we're pretty fast he's pretty fast to go here no he's faster than us we got him yes we're so fast we can just Sprint up to the cats and catch them and now we have our first Kitty friend who I will call Henry now let's go find more cats kitties where are you oh I see one I see a white one oh there's one down here in this cave come here little cat there we go we got a second cat let's get this orange one now oh he's in the house we got him trapped no we've got away get over here orange cat we got him yes two more to go we got one in here too he went out the window yeah we got him come here buddy don't run don't run don't run don't run no don't run yes we got him and there we go we have five cats tamed and now we just have to impale the poachers six times after arriving home after taming the cats I went out to the poacher's base and I found it was abandoned so I have to find their new one which would take it till day 50. I think I'd see something yeah I do I definitely see something there hold on look at that that's a full jungle base up there but we don't want to be seen as we approach so let's actually go underground right here and let's just dig up till we hit the river so let's just go right here and let's just start digging underground nice there's no way they can see me now oh God did they see me I tried the horn go off oh yeah they see me and now we try to impale them and kill them after impaling them so now we kill him that's one I'm bleeding I'm bleeding I'm bleeding I'm dead he's bleeding nice we got him he's dead let's go over here let's eat some food now let's impale our way onto their base nice we made it we made it okay he's bleeding now he's done that's four oh gosh no he's done he's done that's five we just need one more we got him we got him we got him we got him boom he's done we got them all now let's unlock our new power baby rhinos and let's use it to get out of here get him rhinos oh my God he's got baby rhinos nice the rhinos are getting him he's done he died he died he died oh the other one's coming in yeah get him Rhino send him flying yeah they can't get me let's get rid of this other guy real quick yeah the rhinos are taking him out and now they're protected by a bunch of baby rhinos let's get out of here okay so now that we have a bunch of baby rhinos to fight by our side let's get the final tier 4 upgrade which is Elder Rhino we just need to get 32 bone blocks a recovery compass and a respawn anchor so let's go to the Nether and quickly get the bone blocks we need okay so now let's just go find some bone blocks okay here we go let's grab these okay that is all the bone blocks we're gonna need and we were able to do that in a pretty short time because it's still day outside so we can either get the recovery Compass or the respawn anchor but I think we should go for the recovery Compass because we just need eight Echo shards and a compass and we can get great loot over at an ancient city so let's go look for one of those and so I went looking for an ancient city which would take it till day 55. I see what I see an ancient city police now just go from chest to chest looking for Echo shards so that we can craft the recovery Compass dang it no Echo shards wait why am I not getting blindness from the shriekers I guess my Rhino is immune to Darkness oh this just has a bunch of echo shards we got five in that one we got two more Echo shards we literally just need one more yes Echo shards we officially have all the echo shards we need so let's get out of here before we accidentally summon a warden okay so now we have 10 Echo shards in our inventory which means if we grab our iron from this chest and a redstone from this chest we can now make ourselves a compass and then when we surround that compass and the echo shards we get a recovery compass and now that we have the recovery Compass we just have to craft a respawn anchor which means let's start going to the nether okay we're in another let's just find a Bastion because that's the easiest place to find crying obsidian okay here's a Bastion with a gas trapped inside I missed your trash okay where's the gas hitbox I freed him from life now let's just mine up this crying obsidian and there we go one crying obsidian fives to go none in here okay now let's check out all the top chests uh nothing good still nothing good oh there we go there's a bunch of crying obsidian and some ancient debris now that's what I'm talking about now let's just grab some glowstone too and now let's get out of here and head on home so now with our bone blocks recovery compass and respawn anchor we have everything we need to become the Elder Rhino I am absolutely huge and clearly I've been in a few fights but this elder Rhino is amazing not only do I now have 50 total Hearts but I also get speed two strength four and jump boost two meaning I'm basically Invincible at this point in fact I'm so big this is what happens to my inventory bar now okay so now that we have the Elder Rhino unlocked there's only three more upgrades to go we have the tier five swole Rhino the tier V explosion slam and the tier 5 when rhinos fly which all sound like amazing abilities and that's because they are you see all of these abilities require something from the end like when rhinos fly requires elytra or the swole Rhino which requires shulker shells so we're going to the end and we're gonna kill the Ender Dragon so we can get as strong as possible as quick as possible first things first let's go get some blaze rods over here at the nether fortress okay that is 16 blaze rods which is way more than enough so now let's head to a Bastion collect all the gold and trade for some ender pearls oh there's a Bastion I see one and it's got a bunch of gold blocks on the back and since I can see it's a bridge Bastion that means there's also gonna be gold on the bridge and a bunch of gold in the secondary part of the Bastion so let's start over here and let's start going up into the Bastion there we go one goal block now just get the rest oh my God we got four more in the chest two that's 25 blocks of gold okay built a place to trap some piglets and trade with them now let's just lure a bunch down here okay we got a bunch of piglets trapped in trading right now so we'll just wait for him to finish and hope we get a bunch of Ender Pearls oh they're shooting at me that means they're done let's see what they got we got 28 ender pearls which is definitely enough snow just swim on home and start going to the end all right let's go back home what is happening what is half oh my God yo yo that might be too much the poachers are definitely here and they just nuked my base I think the base oh he got me he got me with that luckily I don't take fire damage there we go we got it blocked off now they're coming this way nice we're outside let's get him out here let's get him out here it's easier to fight in the open eat some food oh what is that it's a car with a gun come on get him we got him here nice he's done it didn't give us the string ten though because he died at fall let's get this one oh he's got to be low oh nice we got him now we have string ten let's get this other guy I can't get him in there oh yes I can oh we got the car boom let's pull him up I'm trying to hit him oh I got him once ah no he killed the Jeep oh and he got me okay well okay and they're all dead oh let's go check out the base though is the base still okay oh God no the base is literally completely gone all our chests and stuff are gone and I don't see any items down here at all so I guess the end is gonna have to wait for now because we gotta build a new base first with our amazing cave base destroyed it was now time to build the ultimate Rhino Fortress which I would complete on day 68. welcome to the brand new Rhino base it is absolutely massive though most of it's kind of empty but I did this for good read season you see because of our tough toes ability Soul Sand doesn't slow us down so I figured I should make a giant Soul Sand Pit so if I do have to do any battles here I can move around fine and the poachers will be slow anyway besides that let me show you the base over here we have our carrot Farm because carrots are super op for me and then over this way we actually have the base where we have our bed our chests furnaces enchanting table nether portal and a bunch of miscellaneous stuff but now that the base is complete let's go ahead and turn our blaze rods into blaze powder and let's combine it with our ender pearls to make ourselves 18 eyes a vendor now we should need a few more things before we actually go to the end and the reason we need glass bottles is because we're gonna need 16 dragon's breath for when rhinos fly okay let's grab all our glass and let's turn them into glass bottles and now we can get dragon's breath which means we're almost ready for the end and let's make ourselves a fresh shield and a bucket that we can fill with water now let's just enchant our bow real quick okay there we go power three that's a much better enchantment oh my goodness and now that we have a bunch more powerful stuff let's head out and defeat the dragon okay let's throw the First Eye of Ender which is going this way and it broke but at least we know which way we're going so let's just walk this way for about a thousand blocks and then we'll throw another oh the ice going down wait what it's in this hill okay it's gotta be right below us so let's start digging down oh we eat stone brick we hit stone brick we're here now we just gotta find the Portal room over here let's check through this door no it's right there I see it I see it's literally right through here oh we made it and we're in okay let's take on the dragon oh God we spawned really far away luckily we have our ability where we can do this and now we made it to the island so now just build up to one of these towers real quick and take out the Crystal and now let's take out a bunch more crystals and all the crystals are gone now let's just take out the ugly Ender Dragon oh you want bring it on dude no just click some dragon's breath inside these glass bottles here we go perfect okay here comes some more that gives us 12. we just need to collect one more Fireballs work yeah there we go there we go we have at dragon's breath which is literally all we need now it's time to take out the dragon get over here ugly and there we go the dragon's dead and there we go we don't have the dragon egg now let's just grab all this XP on the ground and now let's make our way to the outer end to get some shulker shells and elytra and we made it to the outer end now we just gotta go ahead and find some entities that have an end chip and then we'll be a full strength Rhino and so I looked around the outer end for an elytra ship and to no one's surprise I struggled to find one so instead I got all the shulker shells I needed first before finally finding the electric ship on day 72. oh an entity yes let's go is there two in cities here oh there is because there's another Edge ship over there there's literally two right next to each other that's amazing let's head over to this island over here because this entity is a little bit closer okay so let's launch ourselves up now let's end our Pearl up there and now we simply launch this way and ender pearl yes oh we made it but we're floating okay let's break through the floor real quick I did not mean to do that oh I just blew up the ship oh God I really hope the elytra is still down there okay the lights are definitely gone let's check down below and see if we can find them okay there's some diamonds down here there they are the light truck there we go we have elytra and that's officially everything we need from the end so let's get out of here okay now before we go through the teleporting thing I actually have to kill 25 Enderman in the end so let's just quickly finish these guys off okay we got all the Enderman kills now let's just throw the end of pearl through here okay oh they're here what is don't let them see us for right now oh Jeff they see me they see me they see me they see me oh dude where'd he go oh one of them just fell from a high place what is this TNT hold up are they gonna nuke me oh they're trying to knock me down okay let's start just bring through let's just break through we don't worry about fighting him come on break oh nice let's go there's no way he makes it through now oh God I can't break obsidian there we go that boosted me out oh my goodness I need to destroy those TNT things oh wait this will work if I do this the portal the portal portal yes yes and we're in we did it we survived the end okay so let's head over here to this nether fortress real quick and now let's start killing some of these wither skeletons for their Wither Skeleton skulls okay we've got the three Wither Skeleton skulls we need so now we just need to grab some Soul Sand and then we could battle the Wither and there's a bunch of souls in right there so let's quickly grab this and way back home now to set up our weather weather it's time to fight and the weather is dead and there's our nether star and now that we have this in hand we can get when rhinos fly which literally lets me fly like I'm in creative mode and anything I hit while flying is automatically critical hit on top of that I can also pick mobs up so if I go up to this pig you'll see I can pick him up and fly with him and then I could just Chuck him so yeah being a flying Rhino is pretty op animes we can get rid of our little entrance right here let's simply just block it off with some Nether Bricks and let's get rid of this entrance right here and now when you enter my base it's really hard to tell if the real base is just hitting behind this wall okay it's day 74. now let's just go looking for an ancient city so we can easily get three God apples and become the swole Rhino and once we finish that there's only one more upgrade to go to where a fully strength tier V Rhino and I actually found an agent City less than a day later okay now let's just go start loading these chests and looking for some God apples okay let's try really hard not to set up the Shrieker but I think this is definitely gonna yeah I did no God apples in there no God apples in here either dang it oh Morgan just spawns oh God we got two gun apples though great we just need one more oh he's angry wait why am I walking I can fly you know what you get over here ugly you get out of here okay now that we threw him far away let's check out some of these chests no God apples gonna check out this chest nothing this chest nothing there we go we got another God Apple which is the third one we need and the last one we need which is perfect timing because there's a warden spawning below me well I don't want to fight you so uh just take this and we're out of here okay so now that we're done in the ancient city we have everything we need to become a swole Rhino oh my God I'm huge I mean look at all that watermelon juice on my horns and then on top of that look how beefy my body moves look how big I am in the in the intori screen yeah it's game over for these poachers like how are they gonna stop this thing I'm literally huge anyway with that there's only one more upgrade to go and all we've got to do is either take on the poachers or explode a thousand blocks with TNT so let's start by blowing up the Thousand blocks with TNT because it's really not too hard to get we just need a bunch of gunpowder so let's head down to the caves and take on some creepers hey just like that we have all the gunpowder We need oh my God it looks so tiny compared to us now just go over to this little sand patch and grab some sand and now that we got some sand let's combine it with our gunpowder to make a bunch of TNT where now we can simply just fly it over here place it down and light it off you're gonna see our Quest now blew up 145 blocks so let's just do that a few more times and there we go a thousand blocks blown up now what we need to do is go get six player kills on the poachers so let's start flying to their base now so we can become a fully strength tier V Rhino oh there's their base okay their base is literally right here oh they're fired at me they see me coming in hello my friends what a nice base you got here I know there's a hidden bed in one of these trees I think it's right here yeah look at those hidden beds in there I'm not fooling around let's have some fun like squishing you now let's land on you oh he hit me oh I'm laughing what they have me on a string he had me on a string oh we got to get him in these trees ready watch this detonated he's gone now let's go over here we have string ten let's get this guy he's picked me off oh my God he picked me up slam me on the ground and then blew me up he's gone there we go now let's see if we can grab one of them and Chuck them okay we got him we got him we got him we got him ready we're ready oh we're picking guitar up yay and now we separated from the pack okay here we go this is gonna be good oh actually no you're trying to grab me you're coming with me he's gonna land oh he lived the new he's done now let's get this guy he's instantly done because the strength ten nice we got him again oh ah okay you know what I'm gonna take another beds let's take another beds nice got rid of all the secret beds let's burn the beds there we go now the base is burning and uh you're looking a little too alive oh I tried to hit it with a crit on the way down he's done okay that's the first one Gone without their beds this base is doomed now let's get him with a bunch of baby rhinos yeah they'll also send him flying he's done and the last one's down here oh he's dead we got him and this base is toast so now that we can unlock our final upgrade let's get explosive slam which since we're still at their enemies base Let's test it here so if I use it you're gonna see I launch way up in the sky and then we land now that I'm at full strength I just have to survive until day 100 so I worked on reinforcing my base and getting full netherite armor okay let's just fill this in here oh what is that puncher's here poachers are literally here oh he didn't get finished the obsidian wall they can fly over the wall they got a light turn out oh wait there's one over here one's on the ground let's get him let's get him let's get him he doesn't even know what's coming he doesn't even know what's coming oh nice we got him he's dead he's dead he's dead he's done he crashed he's dead he said he's dead nice insta one shot at him strength ten baby nice we blew another up oh my god that hurt let's see if we can figure out where he's coming from we gotta find him they're definitely coming from somewhere over here oh dude he's going toward our beds there he is I just saw him boom We flew into that cave don't stop stop get out of here dude nice he's dead there's one more where'd he go there's the last one I see him and we gotta kill him in the best way possible you're coming with me we're going to the sky I grabbed him so we're both flying now I think we're going up baby you're coming with oh my goodness he is toast he's trying to hit me and can't do anything I'd say that this is a good spot goodbye friend that's it I'm gonna bring him with me no he's bringing me with he's done right he lived there we go he's dead yes we nuked him no one else is oh hi we can't kill you yeah yeah it's kind of that's kind of the point bro we've been pelting you with sniper bullets and you're taking no damage like I thought four was insane but this is ridiculous you can't even get me to halfway wait we didn't even get you halfway no not even close oh I give up yup I'm out I'm out bye guys yeah I'm not doing this anymore well if they quit that means the Rhino wins thanks for watching and so since this is a day 100 challenge I went ahead and built the ultimate Rhino Sanctuary for me and my baby rhinos to live in until day 100. the Rhinos win and lived happily ever after
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 1,619,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, Minecraft 100 Days, I survived 100 days a rhino in minecraft, 100 days a rhino, minecraft 100 day rhino, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: Qb0WJnyRuaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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