I "accidentally" BLEW My FRIENDS HOUSE UP in Minecraft!

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the time has come for crainer to return to turtle town well actually it's called craner city now but it's all changing today so don't even think about it if you don't know what this series is basically jelly started a single player world and then our good friend josh hacked into the world to troll jelly jelly asked for my help and well i just trolled him a bunch instead that's basically it and today's video is full of surprises so many changes have been happening and i guess you can say i even troll people today it's it's great remember if you want another episode then make sure to hit that like button down below 50 000 likes and i'll do another one let's just get right into the video you guys hear that yep that's the sound of a thousand sheep wait josh's wall is gone okay we'll we'll check that in a second anyway these sheep are driving me insane literally all they do is make this sound 24 7. and the worst thing is i live right next to crane or city which by the way it's still named craner city the other guys haven't done anything about it my flag is gone are you kidding me so i have to listen to these dumb sheep the entire time and i was really hoping that either jelly or josh were gonna get mad at crainer city and fix this for me but it looks like they don't and they won't i'm gonna have to fix this myself i'm literally i'm literally at a point of insanity like i need to get rid of all of these sheep i really do and i have an idea of what we can change this town to but before i do any of that let me just go and show you guys what i've done in the meantime and we also need to see what happened with josh's walls well they're all gone that's clear you guys remember i trolled him right i put up tnt okay so the signal goes underground now so we won't see it in the entrance then it goes out here and into the third tnt in the third tower and the last cnt right there to blow up his walls but now they're just all gone did i just help him did i just get 200 iq'd and what the heck is that okay we got a lot to see is that supposed to be a flag jelly what is that okay first things first let me show you what i've done to my house first of all i changed the wall all the way around so now it's concrete and we got the right wood as well um i just realized that i got spruce and not dark oak and i got a brand spanking new house check this out wow if you look to the right you'll see well i used to have a flag but wait what actually happened to it your flag breached into turtle town property i'm on to you josh now as you'll see i got three houses in one if we enter the main house called yellow crib you will notice that i have a distinct pattern in my floor it's everywhere in the house and it looks great thank you very much yeah that's about it it's actually quite empty i haven't really done too much with it okay next on the agenda i guess let's check out what even is going on here it honestly looks like jelly just kind of gave up is that supposed to be like cameras like what's going on here warning restricted area no trespassing beyond this point use of deadly force authorized if you think a couple of signs can stop me you are wrong jelly let's go in and check this out wait what what just happened i guess he wasn't kidding that was scary but you kind of just trolled yourself jelly i mean i'm not gonna clean that up why does he have a yellow bed i'm not even gonna question it am i i feel bad should i really help clean this up a little bit ah why am i such a good person a few moments later like who thinks it's a good idea to explode your own base who does that huh i guess jelly does that sorry not good at reading warnings trainer there we go that'll explain everything that happened anyway let's check out the rest of it jelly hq wow what a nice place you got here jelly ew why is this stone wait wait no no no no no wait i found jelly's real place no way oh man check this out secure chest room huh i mean there's nothing in here so i guess it is security great job i can't believe he just exposed his real base to me on accident that is i'll take that thank you that's amazing oh what's this oh is this his bedroom wait oh okay i could get out good oh okay i guess we have officially uh found his secret place i don't really get the secret chest room thing i don't think there's actually anything in here unless he's really good at hiding it and yeah i think i think we're all good found your secret base crainer all right well at least we'll let him know that we found it i guess that's nice of us to let him know let's cover this up again so josh doesn't see it we don't need that drama and let's continue looking around here he's got another base here it's got another random chest room there okay a watch tower i mean what does he need this for i guess he wants to look at me understandable i can't wait to see what jelly's actually gonna do with this place it is uh quite interesting are you kidding me i stepped on something else didn't i oh no what is it oh i'm not gonna help with this i'm really not gonna help with this this time jelly please i just want to exit do not have any more dumb trap set up geez he really wasn't kidding about the no trespassing thing next on the agenda after we checked out jelly's weird secret base we need to clean up crainer city that's right guys i just can't handle the sheep anymore they make too much noise look my bed is right there and the sheep are right here it's it's just it's not gonna work so uh let's get to kill it i'm so sorry i'm so [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] and just like that the only thing left of the yellow sheep are their remains let me go clean up the place now a few moments later all right it's almost all cleaned up now except for like i think this house yeah look at this what happened to this one house right here i don't even think i can like repair this house so i think i'll just tear it down like i don't know what happened to this thing but i just want turtle town well it's not gonna be turtle town in a second i'm gonna change it to something else but i just want this city to look nice that's all i want what is this now why is there a secret passageway and why is there a crafting table where does this go hello wait this is where the redstone was right this is where the tax office was remember the tax office tax office turtle town that's a lot of teas right there back in the early days on turtle town i had to pay taxes somebody was definitely stealing i don't know who it was but i'm getting closer to finding out every day i'm just a little bit late to the party anyway i'll clean this up a bit i keep getting scammed and it is now cleaned up perfect it's already looking a lot better and it's not laggy anymore because of all the sheep look at how much sheep i have in my inventory i literally have enough sheep to make a mattress store guys i can open up a mattress store literally we'll use the uh the wool later to repair my flag i have an idea for it but the new town that i'll be making it has to be something that is neutral to everybody it can't be crainer city anymore okay this is a series that both me josh and jelly play on right so i'm gonna go with you what are you actually doing there please don't jump down i need you what are you doing on the edge i need you not you chicken the cow come here cow oh god this is gonna be really dangerous you're gonna be the first cow to move into cow town come on yeah are you excited ow yeah don't do like i did good job good cow don't break your leg like right there you're stupid i'm doing it oh you're gonna be the king of cow town you are literally the first cow to move in this is a very big day for you i hope you're just as excited as me and the first cow has moved in what a big day for you buddy okay now all we need is uh just another cow and then we can just make those two cows fall in love with each other okay this is just getting strange how why and how did you end up in a boat what are you doing here okay so far cow town is filled with really strange cows but we're not gonna judge are you stuck in the boat are you kidding me there you go okay you're the second citizen of cow town very important yes follow me now if you just want to walk in here with me that would help me out greatly come on follow me follow me follow me yes and if you behave you won't end up like the sheep i mean there's a big moment you're going to meet your husband he's going to meet his what what whatever you are it's a big moment he's looking away he's trying to act like he's not interested in you but trust me you look good you know what this is getting weird just follow me come on and have a baby countdown has begun good job guys good job and of course we're just gonna call it what it is cow town ah it feels good to be back okay let's leave a note for jillian jaw so they know what's happening here first i need signs though all right let's make a little post bought right here for them to see welcome to cow town yay basically i felt bad about the whole trainer city thing so i slaughtered all the sheep and now it's cow town yay perfect alright well that's enough info i suppose they're gonna be a bit confused i think next up we need to fix this horrible horrible looking flag now the old problem with it according to turtle town even though we all know it was josh because josh didn't like my previous flag either the problem he said that it was was that it was breaching into the property of turtle town which technically it was i mean that road out there isn't mine so maybe i shouldn't make my flag out there i look i get it it makes sense so what if we just simply well instead of telling you i'll just show you move the flag over here instead that'll work and it's done perfect what a beautiful flag and it's in my property as well so nobody can complain not even you josh alright well i'm gonna keep feeding these cows so they grow bigger and stronger and we fill out the entire city with cows welcome back to cow town everybody if you've been missing cow town as well then maybe check out one of these two videos maybe that'll make you feel better but at least it's back now right you can thank me later guys
Channel: Crainer
Views: 1,469,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Slogoman, Jelly, Crainer, Slogo, Minecraft
Id: -I6PBpXoWzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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