STEALING My FISH From Slogo In Minecraft! (Bee Town)

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that's right today we are once again back in b-town and last episode was one of the saddest episodes of all time [Music] the reason i'm crying is because last episode i found out that josh stole my fish so what i did was i set up a giant sign in the middle of b-town telling him please give me back my child and today we'll find out if he actually went ahead and gave me back my fish but before we do that if you want me to get floppy back then hit that subscribe button like this video if you want more b-town because i'm not gonna do another episode of b-town unless this hits 50 000 likes and make sure you go check out the crater store we actually got hats coming out soon that's gonna be pretty cool and i might have heard a little rumor that boattime merchandise might return as well now let's get right into b-town look this is the giant sign i put up last episode telling him to give me back floppy and that's the big aquarium i built as well i want floppy to live in there one day when i get him back okay there is a sign in there that could be good flubby no it's still empty are you kidding me what does this sign say go to 3052 oh oh i gotta write this down it looks like i'm doing a math equation there we go those are the coordinates with three diamonds to save floppy three diamonds are you kidding me josh is seriously stealing my fish and then if i want him back i gotta pay him this guy doesn't even want to tell me where he lives he steals your fish tells you that if you want it back you gotta pay your hard earned diamonds for it and then he doesn't even show where he lives because he's a little bit of a scaredy cat scared of consequences i get it josh i get it i'll be scared of me too what does this say hey jelly i was snooping around in b-town and i managed to find your diamonds thanks slogo are you kidding me so sloko also took jelly's diamonds why is it never enough for you josh why do you want every diamond in the game uh i feel kind of bad right now before i leave it's just oh i love the bean of my card that made me feel a little bit better about what i'm about to go through one more time come on i love this guy anyway we should probably go see if we could find floppy now so he said 3052 that is this way this way that's 3052 that's this way and then he said 1608 so it's like yeah it's definitely in this direction and then like that over there right so we should just go like this that'll bring us there eventually have you seen josh walk past here with a very cool fish named floppy no no [Music] the day is already bad enough now i also broke my ankle bow time oh that always makes me feel better 3052 we are there now and then we just need to go this way oh oh my goodness are you trying to kill me josh where did he put floppy this is seriously illegal oh wait are we here oh we are here okay what a weird hole he found okay so i see some signs oh my other ankle broke place three diamonds in the chest and then take out floppy if you do not pay the diamonds your house will be destroyed josh seriously can somebody remind me what i've done to josh lately i have not done anything okay there is a fish here yellow light blue lobby wasn't light blue uh one two three is this floppy or is this a prank either way we should we should bring him home and uh we'll we'll put him in our aquarium and see if it's actually floppy he was yellow and gray right he wasn't blue anyway let's go back to b-town and check this guy out i can recognize my son anytime anywhere oh no how are we gonna cross bow time of course there we go all right we're now safe pick up the ball and we're almost home i can't wait to see if this is actually floppy my memory might be wrong all right home sweet home now let's see if this is actually the real floppy now we put him in is this the real flopmeister that is not floppy that is not floppy that's a dumb fish that's just some dumb random fish i gotta be honest i am severely disappointed josh one that you gave me the wrong fist but two that you thought i was dumb enough to not recognize my own son i gave birth to him of course i know how what he looks like i'm sorry fake floppy i'm sure you're a nice person but hey you're going in the bucket again i'm sorry this is hey this is josh's fault don't make it harder than it is but you're going buddy there we go all right fake flopster has been gotten did i just give josh three diamonds for a fake floppy yeah that's not happening buddy we're going straight back there and we are taking back our diamonds i'm coming flubby here it is ow that was actually really dumb i just kind of felt cool i'm taking this back thank you very much and i'm leaving a little message for josh you gave me fake floppy so you don't get my diamonds can't believe you did this to me to be honest there we go all right we'll just give him diorite why not now we really gotta find where josh lives because i bet that floppy is somewhere in his base maybe he's hiding him in a chest maybe he's hiding him somewhere i don't i just gotta find him before i go any further i actually need some more food so here we go we'll just we'll bring some food on our journey and done all right we got food now let's find out where josh is is he down here in this cave sounded a bit empty didn't it well i know we did this last time but i think it's about time we go up to the top of b-town tower and look for any clues i also gotta get rid of my sign real quick there's no reason to have this sign out and about right now hmm should be here soon anyway how's your day going oh he's back okay here we go and thank you very much sir you may keep going yes yes yes okay to the top of b tower we go and see if we can find any clues as to where josh could possibly live all right time to start looking don't see anything i don't see anything here i mean where could he even be [Music] b-town get it b okay it's really far away but is that a crafting table over there on the mountain why would there just be a random i think that is a crafting table all right investigation time oh my god jesus that was actually scary yeah there is a crafting table up there i'm not just imagining things i mean that could be from a bunch of things but at least it's like a little bit of a clue i guess what's happened here dude somebody's definitely been here doing things but i don't know who or what crafting table is that a lever wait wait wait wait wait no way no way no wait no wait no way no no no no no no no i might be off to something here floppy are you here oh that opened something uh why did it open though oh there's another one uh sure okay oh is this josh's base oh we found somebody's base at least wait there's a lead in here i'm taking that i think thank you very much it seems a bit empty though doesn't it nothing in the furnace is this a is this is this it wait there's a lever up here in this little corner okay hello hello hello i'm really creeped out there's another lever here what does that do oh that closes it again we'll leave it open i see some red stuff okay is this where jaws lives fake floppy look this is where he wrote down the coordinates to his evil plan and this is bark is this his dog see if i was evil like your owner is i would have stolen you already but i'm gonna let you be have you seen floppy though perhaps he's he's like a little fish have you seen him three tree borg ah you don't talk a lot do you anything this way where does this go okay how did i not see you floppy you were there all along oh my that is floppy look he's the right color it's not like this fakey you you floppy okay floppy listen i'm gonna break this window i'm gonna pick you up buddy and then we're putting fake floppy ew floppy in there okay take the window okay now put floppy there the fake one you now we take some water um oh oh oh no no no no no okay okay okay we need a water pocket we need a bucket with water in it josh has a water bucket great okay now where is real floppy he's hiding right there in the little bush that's that's fake floppy ew come here give me a real floppy yes we got it back everybody can i get a round of applause oh my god i've missed you so much where have you been what has josh done to you he gave me treats oh that's pretty nice i guess but hey you're back and i'm also gonna leave a little sign here for josh hey josh i found your secret base here's the deal i did not give you three diamonds for fake floppy of course i will keep your base a secret if you promise to keep me safe that also goes for floppy never ever touch him that's pretty fair right i keep his secret a secret and he gets a fake floppy fake floppy i can't wait to put him back okay okay so before we leave we need to make sure that jelly cannot find josh's secret base because we promised josh that we would not let that happen so uh you made it kind of complicated josh but i'll try to remember pull that one and then go down and pull this one yes and now we can finally get floppy inside of his aquarium oh yeah that's right floppy i didn't even tell you i made you the biggest aquarium on this server you thought the aquarium you had at jaws were cool right but check this out that's sick right yeah and floppy welcome home buddy there you go oh he's so beautiful i mean check out how much space he's got for activities right now he's just going up and down he's having fun dude yeah oh man i've really missed floppy hit that like button if you missed him too and while you're at it you should also check out these two videos hey you never know maybe they were just as fun as this one
Channel: Crainer
Views: 1,919,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Funny Moments, Slogoman, Jelly, Crainer, Slogo, Minecraft
Id: IOu3IW3_bf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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