Starting A WAR With MY BEST FRIEND In BEETOWN! (Minecraft)

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welcome back to b-town you know it's a minecraft world that i started on my own a long long long time ago how many times am i gonna have to explain this series a long time ago slogo hacked into my game he started trolling me i have another friend called trainer and he's kind of lonely so i said hey crainer build a house in my world a lot has happened since then but now we live in this beautiful town called b-town and that right there is my bee sculpture inside of the beast sculpture lives might be called beanie and ladies and gentlemen he is the mayor of b-town and he has been threatened by trainer which means it's i'm not even kidding war is here crainer has his own pet named floppy look there he is there he is floppy has the biggest aquarium in town but nobody cares because he's literally a fish i see an even bigger aquarium out there in the previous episode i said that if the previous video reached 100 000 likes i would release a beanie t-shirt and well ladies and gentlemen i am here to announce oh yes it's happening oh yes i am here to announce the official [Music] oh my god look how beautiful it's actually amazing look at the little color as well and the tiny little hanger with my logo on it oh don't you think he's so pretty now listen this t-shirt is going to be a limited drop it will be released on the 27th of may at 1pm eastern and it will only be available for the rest of may so if you want a beanie tee and make sure you go to the jelly store at 27th of may 1st pm 1st pm 1pm eastern especially if you think beanie is the best pet okay i personally think he is floppy kind of sucks and well josh is josh speedy merch it's happening let's go tell him let's go tell what's up b in my car we'll join him for the ride i'm not so lucky that's more like it that's more like it be it in my cart oh be in a minecart did you really have to push me back down let's go together nope i'm on my way to a new path to beanie the mayor look at him this is the back side of his sculpture that is overlooking b-town my house is right over here crater's house with floppy inside is there the farm the tower and a mountain josh lives there somewhere mayor beanie beanie beanie i have big news beanie i have giant news i gotta wake him up beanie bippy please wake up do i really have to be mean oh there he is there is beanie the mayor of b-town look at him doing all kinds of hard work here beanie you are getting your own t-shirt yup floppy isn't nope floppy sucks beanie's the best 27th of may 1pm easter beanie's the best oh my god i'm so excited now listen enough chit chat i actually have a plan for today's video yeah and it actually has something to do with beanie because he's the mayor of b-town i ladies and gentlemen drum roll want to invite slogo to come live in b-town yeah he lives in a mountain right now i feel kind of sad for him he doesn't have an awesome bee like me so let's go tell him what's up alright here's the pathway to slogo's home he's got like a lever system here i don't really get it but here it is wait a minute found your lame base jelly he's not been here are you kidding me josh i thought he finally moved to b-town and that he was gonna be like fun what's this oh my god it's a lever whoa no way are you kidding me this is a decoy base and this is slogo's real base oh my god there's a bunch of signs there's a dog woof hello dog bork josh also has a pet what did somebody have told me this this is completely new to me woof yeah i like doggy's pork what else does he have a farm with pigs hello pigs and a form with melons okay let's read these signs hey josh i found your secure base here's the deal blah blah blah okay this is crainer crater already knew about this he's got a fake floppy in here wait a minute oh there he is fake floppy he kind of looks similar equally as ugly pork are you trapped in slo goes home and daddy hasn't been here for a while that's so sad i gotta introduce bork to beanie i gotta do it i'm gonna go get a leash or does josh have a lease does josh have a leash no i have to get a leash i'll be back fork so josh has his own pet too is that what's happening here i'm kind of sad that i didn't know about this i feel a little bit left out beanie is of course still the best pet in this game wait a minute wait a minute there's signs here hi jelly it is officially war i already knew that crainer you blew up floppy statue oh yeah i completely forgot about this i built crainer's statue right over there and i blew it up i even cleaned up your dumb beat i will own you in this merch war wait what floppy merch is better than beanie merch floppy is a dumb name too are you kidding me creator's releasing his own merch too okay i'm getting really distracted here no no no no no no no no no no look at that statue back there yeah yeah look at it look at it real good and now look at the floppy statue huh non-existent it's war i didn't even know krannert was releasing his floppy tee but apparently crainer is releasing a floppy d are you team beanie i am team beanie are you team beanie we spit on floppy merch but we love beanie merch you gotta prove yourself on whose side are you on are you on crainer's side or are you on jelly side i guess you'll have to um vote on the 27th of may at 1 pm eastern i mean it says it on these science look bowser the founder of b-town the greater magnificent beautiful and amazing jelly cool yeah that's what i'm saying anyway i still want to involve bork in this somehow let's go get a leash come with me bro seriously i can't bring a sitting dog there he is pork more like dumb dork he's angry at me now he's literally angry can i feed himself do i get a bone or something do it distraction bones yes he does yes yeah you like that bone come with me then born he doesn't like me i can't bring him because he's sitting down maybe i should tell josh lame dog let's go build him a little house instead like i said i feel like bork is a little lonely in there inside of josh's house because he actually never joins the server so why don't we make a cute little home in beat down for bork just for pork bork is all right all right floppy slam beanie's the best beanie merch 27th of may all right we're gonna need some fences and a couple of signs and some water some food fences should i make a stone wall fence is that a good is that a good thing okay we got some water let's fill this up i mean buckets we need to fill it up with water do we have some food for the dog maybe flowers it's a b town after all you know what i'm saying okay this is going to be borg's home josh is not taking care of him very well and i love dogs i would build josh a little place or he could live so he doesn't have to live in the mountain anymore but josh never joins why all right bork i guess um there's gonna be a little pool right here for a little bork there will never be any stranded pets in b-town b-town is the most peaceful town in the world it's true find any other world where they have as much peace as in b-town impossible if boy gets hungry he can eat the steak if he wants to you know have a little bit of fun he can have the bone if he's thirsty he's got the water and we need a little house for him but that's more complicated i feel like how do we make a dog house i know how i know how okay uh we need a couple of stairs just like that that should be enough we could actually we could use the we could use the wall ah this area is too small we need to make it a little bit wider guys we need to make it a little bit wider i think this will do the trick yo i'm like uh kind of proud of myself here for this one a little slab for the roof yeah dog house look how awesome we'll make it nice and cozy for him and we'll place the water over here then there we go we have a little dog house for josh now how do we make a stone gate wall can we make can we make a gate wall i don't know if that's actually possible we'll just make a wooden one like this i think yeah i'm a big brain yes that actually looks pretty good we'll remove the crafting table and there we go a new pet has made it to beat down and this is actually a pretty nice house for bork josh's dog i don't really care about josh himself but it it's kind of nice in here i really like it let's leave a little sign bork's house and now i guess we gotta tell josh we have a new pet in b-town or i actually have no idea how long bork's been alive for he might not even be new josh might have had him for a long time i seriously have no idea one thing i do know is that floppy sucks and beanie is much better hi josh i made bork a house and play area right across beatdown next to combo lake he deserves a nicer house than this bark i'm sorry buddy your big boss is gonna have to take you there because i unfortunately can't i cannot right click you i cannot make you stand up you're a good dog fork hopefully josh will move you into a nicer area than this ladies and gentlemen i am reminding you look how good b-town looks and especially beanie's beautiful statue the 27th of may at 1pm eastern i'm releasing a beanie tee craner is releasing a floppy tee and clearly beanie is much much better if you agree with me then make sure you purchase a t-shirt now to end this episode i actually um i'm feeling a little bit thirsty i'm not making beanie angry anymore i've learned and i need to place a campfire right underneath the bee this relaxes beanie and now if i'm not mistaken hopefully it's not going to burn here i can peacefully take bee juice delicious speedy you make the best type of peaches look how relaxing look how calm beanie is a good bee and that's exactly where i want to end it 27th of may 1 pm eastern how many times do i have to say it this is the design i think it looks amazing get yourself some merch i hope you enjoyed this video if you did leave a like on it and i'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Jelly
Views: 1,711,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, minecraft, beetown, beenny, funny, castle, minecraft trolling, beetown troll, troll server, jelly, slogo, crainer, Starting A WAR With MY BEST FRIEND In BEETOWN
Id: sWNHxN63_QQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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